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Healing Their Mate (The Love of a Shifter)

Page 13

by Evans, Bryce

  Jonas laughed. “Yes he is.”

  “Before we leave. I have a question for you both. I was hoping that maybe you would help me…” They could tell that River was scared to ask them something.

  “You can ask us anything, angel,” Reece suggested.

  River smiled. “I was hoping you would say that. Well, I called Mary last night and she is sick. Really sick. She needs to be with someone and I thought that since I can heal that maybe we could go get Mary and bring her here. She can have my bed and I can get a cot to sleep on until I can find us a place to live.”

  “River, don’t say that. She is your friend and we know you love her. She will always have a place to stay in my home with you as well. I know we are taking this slow but we have talked,” Reece said then motioned toward Jonas. “And we want you to live at my house with us. And Mary too.” Reece held his breath. Finally, she smiled.

  “I still want to take this slow, but if you don’t mind if at the moment Mary stays in my room with me here at the Lodge,” said River.

  Jonas smiled because she said at the moment, which was not “no.”

  Reece kissed River on the lips then kissed her on the tip of her nose. “Whatever you want, angel. Let me make some arrangements and we will go and get Mary,” Reece advised.

  “Mm. You see I need to get her tonight.” Reece looked over at Jonas. Who looked over at Jansen Vega.

  “Hold on a minute,” Jonas suggested then walked over to where Jansen was talking to Ash and Pelton.

  River looked back at Reece who was staring at her. “You are always staring at me like you could eat me.”

  Reece chuckled. “If I thought I could get away with it, I would have you on this table and eating you all up.”

  River blushed as she looked down at the floor. She could feel her body as the moisture pooled between her legs. When she looked back up, Reece had his head tilted back and sniffing the air. Shit, she forgot how potent their nose was. He could smell her arousal. River watched as Reece breathed in. His eyes were closed then opened as they looked at her. He didn’t say anything, but he didn’t have to. She could see what he was thinking.

  Jonas walked back over and inhaled deeply. When his eyes looked at her, she could see they were changing to a yellow color. They burned into her. She looked away suddenly, trying to stop herself from coming. These men were potent to her system. She wanted them but now wasn’t the time. She needed to get to Mary.

  “I…we need to get to Mary.” River shivered as she stepped back into Jansen Vega.

  He grabbed her by the arm so she didn’t fall to the ground. Reece and Jonas started to growl when Jansen removed his hand from her arm. “Oh…thank you, Jansen. Sorry, I didn’t know you were behind me.”

  “No problem. Are you ready to go?” asked Jansen.

  River narrowed her eyes. She didn’t understand until Jonas spoke. “Yes we are ready. We will go get the Lodge’s van so Mary can lay down in the back.”

  River smiled at how thoughtful Jonas and Reece were being. Falling in love was what she was feeling and she didn’t know if she wanted to stop it. She knew she probably already loved them. They made it so easy for her to love them.

  “Tomorrow we can go on our date. Let’s get some supplies first then we can head out.” Reece grabbed River by the hand as they started walking out of the room.


  Reece and Jonas had thought of everything. They had a make shift bed in the back with the softest pillows and bedding. Then they had the staff make enough food for the trip up there then for the trip back. As soon as the trip started, the men began to come up with a plan for danger. They would scout the area out first. River didn’t know that more people were following them. She found out that Levi and five more of Reece’s clan was following in another vehicle. They would scout the area out before contact was made with Mary.

  Reece waited patiently while the second group reconned the area. Her hands nervously shook as she thought about Mary getting hurt because of her.

  “She will be okay, angel,” whispered Reece.

  River smiled as she looked over at Reece and Jonas who were staring at her.

  “How are you kin to Mary?” Jansen asked. He sat in the back of the van with his legs stretched out. He looked uncomfortable, but you would never know it. He never said anything or showed any emotions.

  “We're not blood kin, but I do consider her my family. We worked together. You know when you meet someone and you instantly have a connection to them.” River looked over at Jansen. “That was how Mary and I were. Mary has been like a mother to me. She took me into her home when she didn’t even know me. She is the sweetest person I have ever met. I owe her everything.” The van was quiet as they watched River talk about Mary. She raised her eyebrow at how quiet everyone was.

  “Do you have any family nearby?” River asked Jansen, changing the subject.

  “I have family near but none that I claim,” Jansen sadly said without any emotion on his face.

  River put her hand on top of Jansen’s hand. “I’m sorry about that.”

  Jansen looked down at River’s hand. He could see how sweet and innocent she was and that she meant what she said. She was sad for him. How odd, he thought. She didn’t even know him but here she was showing him how sorry she was for his loss. She was a healer and a kind soul. Jansen knew that he would do whatever he had to do to help keep this woman safe.

  “My Prime.” The handheld radio came to life.

  “Go ahead, Levi,” Reece answered as he looked over at River.

  “The coast is clear,” Levi responded.

  Reece watched the smile come on to the love of his life’s face.

  “Going in. Watch our backs.” Jonas drove down the road that Mary lived on and pulled up in the driveway. Before River could jump out of the van and race to the front door, Jonas stopped her. “Let me go first, baby.”

  River looked startled as she looked around for danger. “I thought they said it was clear.”

  “He did but we will need to be careful. Okay? We don’t know about the inside.” Jonas rubbed River’s hand as he placed her behind him then Reece got behind her. They cautiously walked over to the door and knocked. Jonas put his ear to the door and frowned. She watched as his nostrils flared. He pushed River back into Reece’s arms then kicked the door in. He ran into the house going down to the end of the hallway until he came to the bathroom and rushed in. River was right on his tail as she stopped bringing her hand up to her mouth. Mary had fell and was lying in the floor where blood had pooled around her body.

  “Mary?” River yelled as she rushed to her side. Mary’s eyes fluttered open then closed again, passing out when she realized it was River. Relief was evident on her face as she lay in her own blood on the bathroom floor.

  “Let me get her up and into the bedroom, baby.” Jonas motioned for Reece to get River out of the bathroom so he could pick Mary up. Jansen came around River and helped Jonas pick the unconscious Mary up from the floor. Reece pulled River back, allowing the men to pick Mary up. River started to cry as she watched how motionless Mary was. Grasping her mouth so she didn’t break down, River shook as she remembered her past. Mary would be taken from her now. She would have nobody. Fear pulled at River as she watched as they carried her into the bedroom and laid her gently onto the bed.

  Jonas looked over at River who was panicking from all the fear she was feeling. Her eyes widened as she realized Mary was almost dead. Her eyes were filled with tears as she looked at the woman who was once filled with life and now her face was ashen. She had lost a lot of blood. She looked like she was going to die.

  “River, you must get control of yourself if you want to heal her. Let it all go like I taught you. Take deep breaths and clear your mind,” Jansen calmly spoke to River, waiting for her breathing to calm down.

  River blew out her breath as the tears fell from her eyes. She closed her eyes breathing in deeply. Then she crawled up the bed and sat down beside Mar
y. Drawing deep inside her, River calmed her breathing, allowing her body to relax. Breathing in and out, River placed her hand on top of Mary’s lower stomach. Keeping her eyes closed, River concentrated allowing her mind to believe she was going to heal Mary. When she opened her eyes, she could see the cancer inside of Mary’s stomach. It had spread to two other places, wrapping itself around her stomach.

  “Now look at her head. She hit it and it’s bleeding a lot so you need to start there first,” Jansen advised calmly.

  River looked at her head and saw where she had hit her head hard and a huge gash was on the side of it. River put her hands over the gash then concentrated.

  “Remember we want this to close up so think about that,” Jansen advised.

  River closed her eyes and thought about the cut closing like a doctor would perform as he used a needle and thread. When River opened her eyes, the cut started closing. It appeared to be knitting together. River couldn’t believe she was the one doing this. She was actually healing Mary.

  Reece and Jonas walked over to the bed and watched as River healed Mary’s head. Jonas watched fascinated, as River’s hands appeared to glow. It only took River a few minutes to close the gash on Mary’s head, but the cancer would take more time. Pulling her hands back, River breathed out the breath she had been holding. She looked up at Jansen and smiled. For the first time Jansen smiled back at her.

  “Now let’s work on the cancer. Do you see it?” Jansen asked, satisfied that River was a natural at it.

  “Yes, I see it,” River answered.

  “Now this time you will need to remove the cancer then throw it out the window,” Jansen added.

  River placed her hand over the biggest place she could see then tried to pull the cancer out of her stomach just like Jansen explained for her to do. Closing her eyes she allowed her magic to slip into Mary’s stomach. The magic was white as snow as it twirled itself around the first black mass. River watched as the white magic slowly absorbed the black mass. Sweat dripped from River’s face as she poured all of her energy into Mary. As the mass disappeared into the white magic, River inhaled sharply as she grabbed the magic, pulling it out. Reece and Jonas watched as River pulled a white glowing light from Mary’s stomach. Her hands glowed as she pulled the white mass out of Mary. Jansen walked over to the window, opening it up. He pushed the screen out, waiting for River to pull the magic out. River slowly grabbed hold of the white magic then got up and went to the window and threw the magic outside. Flashes of light flew out the window as the black mass dissolved into the ground. Reece and Jonas watched in shock as River turned back around and blinked swaying from the spent energy she just used. Reece and Jonas jumped up holding River as she dropped to her knees gasping in air.

  “Her hands are on fire,” Reece muttered.

  “She will need some food then she needs to come back later and take out the other cancer. It can wait until she has rested more, then Mary will be clean.” Jansen instructed Reece and Jonas to carry River to the living room and feed her. Jonas picked River up and walked out of the bedroom with her.

  The radio crackled, letting Reece know Levi was trying to contact him. “My Prime.” Reece picked up the radio and answered. “Did you see bright lights come out of the back window?”

  Reece smiled. “Yes, it was River. I will tell you later what she did. It was a miracle.”

  Reece looked back at Jansen who was standing beside the bed Mary was laying on.

  “Don’t worry, I will clean her up and watch over her,” said Jansen.

  Reece nodded then walked out of the room. The big man cared a lot about people. He may not smile or show emotions, but his actions spoke loudly for him. He didn't have to talk to let them know he cares. Reece looked back as Jansen took the washcloth and wiped Mary’s forehead with the cool cloth.

  Jonas softly sat River on the couch then kissed her head before he walked over to the refrigerator and opened it. “She has leftover spaghetti in here. I don’t even know if you like spaghetti,” Jonas said as he looked over at River.

  “I love her spaghetti.”

  Jonas grabbed the bowl out and took a plate out and dropped a lot of spaghetti out then placed it in the microwave to warm it.

  Reece came into the room and sat down beside River, picking her up and placing her into his arms. Holding her close to his chest, he rubbed circles on her back as she relaxed in his arms.

  Jonas grabbed the hot plate out and grabbed some silverware then ran with it over to River. “Hear, baby, lift your head up and I will feed it to you.” Jonas could see just how out of it she really was. She had spent a lot of her energy on that first mass.

  River pulled her head up as Jonas blew on the fork full of spaghetti then placed it in her mouth. River chewed the spaghetti then waited for another bite. She could feel her energy level coming back as she ate. Jonas tried to feed her another bite when he finally looked up in her eyes. “Thank you for doing this for me.” She looked back at Reece then smiled. “I can’t repay you both enough for this. I will never forget this. I lov—” River didn’t finish before she heard Mary calling her name out. River jumped up and ran to the bedroom. She swayed as she reached the bed. She got up to quick. Reece caught her before she hit the floor.

  “I got you, baby,” Reece said as he laid her on the bed beside Mary.

  Jansen had a wet washcloth in his hand rubbing the blood off Mary’s hands. He had already washed it off her face. Mary smiled as she allowed Jansen to take care of her.

  River crawled up to Mary, holding her other hand as Jansen lightly rubbed the blood off her hand.

  “Mary, this is Jansen Vega.” River smiled as Mary looked over at Jansen, smiling up at him.

  “Yes, he has been very kind to me,” Mary said with a smile.

  River smiled wider as Jansen’s face blushed from the compliment Mary gave him. “I was so worried about you, Mary. You’re coming home with me.” River wiped the tears that were falling from her eyes. “I took the biggest mass out of your stomach. I need to heal the rest of you tomorrow. Can you believe it, Mary, that I can do that?”

  “Of course, dear. I knew you were special the first time I met you. You can do anything.” River smiled as she rubbed Mary’s hand over her cheek then kissed her hand. Jansen gently placed Mary’s hand on the bed beside her then got up taking the washcloth into the bathroom. Mary watched as Jansen walked to the bathroom carrying the washcloths he had used to wipe the blood from her head and hands. “He was very gentle with me, River. I will need to do something very special for him when I’m better. He needs it.”

  River watched as Mary talked about Jansen as a mother would for her own child. “I think he would like that, Mary,” River replied to Mary who was still watching Jansen wash out the washcloths.

  “I feel much better, River, but don’t you use too much energy. I don’t want you wasting it on me,” Mary insisted.

  River shook her head as she smiled down at the woman. River scooted up toward Mary’s head. “I think your head is much better now that the cut has closed,” River observed.

  Mary reached up to her head and felt where the cut was knitted back together. “Thank you for healing me. Are these your men, dear?”

  River blushed before she lowered her head and whispered, “Yes, ma’am.”

  Mary patted River’s knee. “Good I will need to speak to them later. But they seem to care for you a great deal. It can wait until later.”

  “We do, ma’am.” Mary smiled as Reece and Jonas answered her.

  “I think you have one more cut right above your ear. Can I close it too?” River asked as she examined Mary’s head.

  Go ahead, dear.”

  River blew out her breath then placed her hands on Mary’s head. As she placed it behind her head, Mary gasped from the pain. River jerked her hands back. “I’m sorry, Mary.”

  Jansen ran back into the room looking down at Mary with concern in his eyes.

  Mary whispered, “Don’t stop. It’s
just sore. Go ahead, honey.”

  River hesitantly placed her hands gently on Mary’s head again then closed her eyes. She could feel her hands heat up as the white magic flowed out of her hands. When she opened her eyes, River could see the small bleed in Mary’s head. As the magic flowed to the area, Mary closed her eyes as she allowed the magic to heal her. The white magic closed the area where blood was coming out and then traveled to the back of her head where it began the process of knitting her head back together. River could see how the gash slowly closed as the magic healed Mary. When the hole closed on Mary’s head, the white magic traveled back into River’s hands. River got up and threw the magic out the window. The blood fell onto the ground seeping into the grass and dirt.

  Jonas grabbed hold of River before she could fall to the ground. He picked her up as she snuggled close to his chest. Before he could get her outside, River was asleep.

  Mary watched as Jonas took the girl she thought of as her daughter out of the room. “She seems happier than I have ever seen her. The expression she wore is gone. I guess I have you and the other man to thank for that.” Mary looked up at Reece.

  “We love her and we plan to make her life happier than it has ever been,” Reece answered. Mary nodded her head in thanks.

  “Mary, what do you want me to pack for you?” Reece asked.

  “I packed most of it already. I think that is why I got so dizzy last night and fell, but the suitcases are sitting in my closet. The rest is just stuff and I can get it later.” Reece nodded then opened the closet door taking the five suitcases out.

  “Thank you, young man, for loving my River,” said Mary.

  Reece turned around and smiled at Mary. “She is easy to love.” Mary smiled as Reece walked outside with her suitcases.

  “I’m going to pick you up and carry you to the van.” When Jansen leaned down to pick her up, Mary placed her hand over Jansen’s heart.

  “Thank you.” Mary watched as Jansen smiled at her then gently picked her up. Jansen carried her outside, placing her on the bed that had been made for her in the van.


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