The green points

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The green points Page 2

by Quelli di ZEd

After all you have always been different from them, and who doesn't reenter in certain schemes you/he/she is seen badly, you/he/she is hated, derided or isolated, but this solo because it produces interest. The meaningless people don't recall the attention of anybody, I assure him/it to you."

  "But according to you because people owe for strength to judge the others? I don't understand him/it.

  "Perhaps it is a way to exorcize his/her own failures, the own pochezza.credi that I don't know that in the zone they call me "the pulcioso" only because I bring beard and long hair? They don't know that I wash more often myself of I represent the being that languishes repressed inside of them: I take an interest me of politics, of music, of cinema, of literature, I do me the reeds, change often girl, all things that they would want to do but that they are too much indolent persons, timorous or framed for doing him/it, imprisoned as they are of their preconceptions. And it is then that I/you/he/she become "strange", because normalcy is in the bourgeois stereotypes of the type of society that you/he/she is trying to affirm him in this last period. But we don't owe it stuffed to put in the angle, because we are stronger and intelligent than them; and when the majority of the people will think her/it as us then the world will be better than that that have known till now."

  "Creeds indeed that Age is possible?"

  "If I didn't believe it I would not be here to speak of it, does it seem you? Already here on this bench, in this moment, we are doing something in such sense. The trouble would be if we were now also before to a television instrument tuned in on some commercial channel, to it stuffed lobotomizzare through insipid programs garbage that you/they want to convince us that culture is a forgery value, that the books need to burn them and that the light music exists only. But we must hold tall the watch, Paul, because the capital has a lot of disposition weapons and an elegant solo. It doesn't need too thinking heads: "he/she works, you produce, it consumes and crack", this is our function according to him. Instead we must live, not to vegetate."

  "Beh, the job however is it necessary, don't you believe? I count to succeed in killing something some schemes, that you fully realize me, but not all probably aspire to this. Is it also necessary that someone produces the material goods, no?"

  "You, the slaves! Because the slavery in reality still exists, only that unlike the past is remunerated, but with the necessary minimum to the survival. And people are happy of this, rather you/he/she still thanks who offers him the possibility to be in chains. To the place of the chains to the feet there are today the chains of assemblage, this is the only difference among the slaves of once and those modern. He/she thinks about the absurdity: if you had a million of Liras, here on the fingernail, would you be systematized for the whole life, instead if it suits you a figure of the kind you earn her/it within all of your working life, and when you throw the sums thing you have done us? You have perhaps bought the house, you have changed together a couple of times the furniture but not everybody, you have changed three or four times the car, you have let of his/her children that it turns to them grow you/they must live a similar existence."

  "There is always the possibility of a thirteen to the Football pool, of those that the punishment is worth.

  "Cazzo Paolo, wakened up! Don't those figures ever go to one any people, do we want to still believe in the fables? Do we want to play with the bits of glass as the savage? You have never read Orwell, evidentemente.domani passes soon from me that you 1984; him in the '48 had understood today still things that us we don't want to understand. That is one of the so many methods used to hold to he/she minds the masses, because they represent a threat to the constituted order. And then served eccoti the kick, the TV, the religion, the employee job, the marriage.

  "Also the marriage? Bushels joking.

  "No, I don't joke, because often a duty becomes toward the community and not a thing that he does because you believe it really. A façade of bourgeois perbenismo, that often mask repeated unfaithfulness, repressed homosexuality, prostitutes' frequentazioni, pedofilia.

  "I don't think that is all to condemn, apart who goes with his/her children.

  "Not to misunderstand me Paul, doesn't condemn anybody, simply I say that each should involve him according to what feels to be. You pick me up, for instance: to the moment I don't feel me ready to be tied up to an only woman, therefore as it regards me you/he/she is excluded that can get married me. Then if a day will happen me to meet the correct person I could also change mind, but in that case it will be a thing that I will feel to be able to do, not more a moral obligation."

  "Therefore not from the for discounted that the correct person exists for each of us.

  "Nothing is never given for scontato.poi you know, also matter of fortune: tonight, while you are going homeward, you could go to beat against the woman of your destino.chiss, even the biondina leaned out to the balcony later goes down to bring down the dog.

  "Releases, Age!I tell " him while Evandro laughs at taste "I was speaking seriously."

  "Also me!he " responds keeping on sneering. I recognize that type of laughter induced by the cannabis, therefore I decide to leave to discharge him/it, in the meantime I give fund to the first can of beer and I open the second.

  "From the Paul, not to do the touchy one" Evandro tells while its crisis of laughters has the last winces "thing we were saying?"

  "We spoke of our future, if what has said up to a little while ago it had a logical thread and you/he/she has not gone to air as the leaves of your plant.

  "Calm inexperienced person, recovers immediately it the thread of the discorso.per correct me if I am wrong, I have the impression that you aspire better to something of in comparison to what your social origin would guarantee you, but something brakes yourself. Something that is inside you, that it inhibits you, frightens yourself.

  "You see him/it that you are psychoanalyzing me?"

  "No, I would want to understand, and to help to understand you yourself.

  "Age, does the favor don't smoke more than that stuff of it!"

  "Jokes? Now I do rather another of it!" and says this Evandro it immediately puts on to the work.

  "Then, Paul, does thing think about doing from great? Do you think that you will remain consistent with your actual aspirations?"

  "I don't know him/it, I have a strange feeling; I am afraid the that among not very the world will be very different from as we have known him/it. As if the energy that has pervaded the last two decades him is exhausting, as if the fancy and the creativeness are about to surrender the place to the cold technology and the advantages for the collectivity is about to end to benefit of little. And if you/he/she had to be gone toward an exasperated competition I fear not to be cut for being one of those that you/they are floating. You say that my time I have lost with companies not suited for me, but in a certain way you/he/she has been useful, because I can tell you that also in that small portion of humanity I have seen during the years of the changes that make me fear what I am telling you. It is not encouraging to see some teen-agers become more and more voids and individualists; I imagine them to me between fifteen or twenty years, and I/you/they are terrorized by the idea to have to whether to do with them on the place of employment, or in a public office or in a bank."

  "Yet this beer is not very alcoholic" Evandro interrupts me trying to joke, but immediately after having turned on the second spinello he/she answers to my doubts speaking seriously.

  "I would not want to say, but excessively pessimist seems me; people are not completely stupid, and then you/he/she counts that our country has a history, from the postwar period to today made of technological progress, of social and syndical conquests, of improvements of the way of life. Here you/he/she has taken life a certain type of cinematography, of literature; it comes me difficult to imagine that all of this can be dismantled in name of a culture of the ephemeral one, of a society where dog eats dog. But it is to us to defend everything this, and rather to work with t
he purpose to subsequently leave to the future generations of the conditions of life best. We have the qualities to do him/it, and we must not fall in the traps of whom would want the society as you you were imagining her/it poc'anzi. The appointment never has to come less, even when they are made two chatters on a bench as we are doing us."

  "It seems me that you do her/it too much easy.

  "Easy it is lasciar to go adrift everything"

  "No, I intend to say that you do soon to speak of appointment, of conquests, of art and quant'altro, but I fear that he is already insinuating in the head of the people the conviction that the little that comes to them left both all of this of which you/they really have need. Is it in a hypothetical society of the kind, that role can cut out him one as us?"

  Evandro serves a long pull as his/her spinello, and he takes some time to think continuosly about in silence on how much I have said. It finally tells me:

  "Well we put the case that goes to end as you, do you say, does thing think that you could do? To throw yourself in the river, to adjust you to the situation, or to react and to find one space of yours in which to realize you and to try to preserve some true values? It is important that you know him/it, Paul, is this the phase of your life in which you must

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