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Maniacs in The Fourth Dimension

Page 18

by YT Whitemansson

  ''You keep slapping me with your wings, horse! How does anyone fly on you?!'', complained the rebellious first slave.

  ''Sorry'', I apologized.

  ''What god's blessing and protection do we carry with us?!'', I asked.

  ''All of them!'', answered the hero.

  All gods are with us, we cannot fail! We reached the wall of Hyperboreans and I flew lower, so we could hear their shouts of jealousy for their terrestriality, as we flew around their portal.

  ''Strelyat loshad! Strelyat loshad!'', they shouted.

  I wonder what are they saying? Exclamations of awe, at the sight of me, surely.

  ''Do you understand the language of Hyperboreans?'', I asked my riders.

  ''They're shooting at us!'', screamed the slave.

  ''Fly, fly in, you dumb animal!'', yelled the hero and hit my ribs with his boots, caused me to curvet, and he fell of my back and into the hands of Hyperboreans.

  ''We have to go down for your master, or our quest is doomed!'', I exclaimed.

  ''No! No, just fly!'', shouted the cowardly slave: ''Fly away before they kill us! Fly!!'', and I plunged myself into the portal with two remaining riders on my back.

  Chapter sixty four

  Mother of all fantasies

  ''Jove, no! What are you doing?! Come back! Jove!!!''



  Chapter sixty five


  I don't know which words to use to tell you what just happened. I'm still shaking, and I will never stop. Good God... I saw Marco's bidsprinkhaan. I thought that mountain of rocks is ascending to the sky. Horse flew in front of its head, with Hubert and me on his back, we were a speck that Earth is when it passes in front of the Sun. Jesus... First thing that I managed to discern from this thing that filled the horizon, was its insect eyes, two giant globes that reflected our flight like glass... I will never stop shaking...

  When we finally escaped far enough from it, I turned around and saw in its entirety, a celestial mantis. Marco's bidsprinkhaan. But, it wasn't Marco that got the glory of its destruction, no. Two small specks of light flied around it, like two fireflies, attacking it with lightnings, to no effect. And then, one small human being from the ground started running towards the monster, and all of a sudden, a light beam sprang out of him, hit the bidsprinkhaan, cutting it in two. The upper part of the monster fell to the ground, and he disappeared under it. Bidsprinkhaan is destroyed, and its destroyer with it.

  The horse left us. He flew away. Hubert was screaming on him bitterly during the flight, for not being faster in getting us away from the monster. Insulted, he flew away. We will have to go back to the portal on foot, as soon as we catch air.

  After everything that happened, I can't believe I'm still here, wherever that be.

  See the picture of monstruos bidsprinkhaan's carcass below:

  Chapter sixty six

  Cassius, Brutus, Ceasar, stab! stab!

  ''Stop crying Cleit, and get off you knees, Jove's dead, it's not going to bring him back.''

  ''Jove's death was a good death'', said Emily: ''If he hadn't intervene, the guardian would devour us. Jove somehow turned himself into a conductor for the free energy of the realm, and directed it at the guardian, just like the Sibyl said.''

  ''What?'', muttered Cleit.

  ''You might as well hear the truth now, when all is done'', I said: ''Emily and I saw an oracle, the Sibyl, and asked her what will it take for us to reach the Throne of Glory. She said that whatever we do, whatever quantity of energy we accumulate, we will never make it pass the guardian. But, she said that there is one man that started the journey with us, that is able to defeat the guardian, and remove the last obstacle before us. She said his name, Jove's name. That's why we went to get you, Jove would never follow us without you. And her prophecy came true.''

  ''You.. you motherfuckers! You killed Jove! There never was any Laszlo, was there? Was there, you piece of shit?!''

  ''No. I took his energy long ago.''

  ''You did the same thing to Jove and me, that Abraxas did to us, do you realize that, baby Abraxas?!''

  He hates me now, beyond any hope of reconciliation.

  ''Same way Abraxas fooled us all, you fooled Jove and me.''

  I've never seen his face like this. He scares me.

  ''And that story about killing God... it's what you're after... and you used it on Jove and me...''

  ''Is it really evil to wish to be something more?'', Emily said to him: ''To be something more than miserable creature that I was? Metatron himself was only a human once, why would only he have the right to rule for all eternity?''

  ''I know you don't understand this Cleit, but just try thinking about it. God is only a title that powerfull men were seizing from each other through time. Why not us then? Huh? Why can't we be gods, Cleit?''

  ''You're making my stomach turn... I can't listen to you anymore. I can't believe that you were my friend once... that I thought that we were alike... I wish that you are dead, and Jove is alive, I would trade every memory of you for Jove's return.''

  ''Don't say that, Cleit.''

  ''I would erase every moment of yours, and your whore's existence just to get Jove back!!''

  ''You would see things differently, if you had walked the same path we did...''

  ''Your path ends here! I'm going back to Morse, and I will tell him everything!! And then I'm taking Jove's body, and I'm going home!''

  He turned his back on us, and walked toward the portal.

  ''We can't let him leave'', whispered Emily: ''If he alarms Scaramouche, everything will fail! You have to stop him, Lempo!''

  ''Cleit, stop!''

  ''You can't reason with him, he doesn't want to listen'', she whispered: ''You have to end him, Lempo, and end him now!''

  ''But how can I do this, he was my friend!''

  ''Now, Lempo, do it before he enters the portal, do it, and you will become God! Now, do it, now!''


  Chapter sixty seven

  The last obstacle

  When we reach the portal we'll go through it, and surrender to the Hyperboreans. This place freaks me out. Sound doesn't rezonate right in here. Everything is red. This is hell. I can't stand being in here. We'll tell the truth to Hyperboreans, that we were Engelherz's hostages, and they will hopefully understand our situation and let us go.

  ''Engelherz didn't turn out to be quite the hero you needed for your book, did he, Edwin?''

  ''No. Twist ending. I guess you'll have to be the hero.''

  ''Hahah! I ain't that guy. No heroes in this book, my friend. Let's just try to save our asses.''

  ''Hubert. Those three figures that we saw, from up higher, I think I recognized one of them. I think I saw that cave man lookin' guy from the convention.''

  ''Highly unlikely. Maybe the realm got to your head.''

  We reached the carcass, and went around it to the portal. Two figures are still there. They saw us now. They don't seem to be armed. Strange clothing. They seem human, a male and a female.

  ''Hello! Do you understand English?!''

  ''Hubert!'', said Edwin: ''They're from the convention too, I remember their faces!''

  ''How did you get here?'', he spoke.

  ''By accident. We want to use the portal and go back.''

  ''We saw three of you from the slope'', Edwin said: ''Where is that other guy that was with you?''

  ''He's not here anymore'', he said.

  ''We don't want to get mixed up in whatever is it that your doing here, we just want to leave. Edwin, let's go.''

  ''You can't leave'', he said.

bsp; ''Why?''

  ''I can't let you use the portal. Not now.''

  You can't?! Fuck you!

  ''How will you stop me, bucky?''

  I went for the portal, but some force bent my knees, and pinned me to the ground. That motherfucker. He did this to me.

  ''You don't frighten me, wild boy...''

  Maybe they can hear us on the other side.


  ''Stop shouting and look at your friend.''

  Blood gushed from Edwin's nose, and bloodied his face, his shirt, his poor hands.

  ''Stop! I'm giving up! I'm giving up, don't hurt Edwin anymore! I'll do whatever you want, just don't hurt my friend, please! He's the only thing I got left, don't hurt him, I'll do whatever you want from me!''

  ''I'm okay Hubert, it stopped'', said poor Edwin.

  She approached him.

  ''Throw your head back'', she said: ''It's gonna be okay.''

  She wiped his face with a napkin. He's not bleeding anymore. Thank you God... Thank you...

  Chapter sixty eight


  This Enoch, whose flesh was turned to flame, his veins to fire,

  his eye-lashes to flashes of lightning, his eye-balls to flaming torches,

  and whom God placed on a throne next to the throne of glory,

  received after this heavenly transformation the name Metatron.

  - Third book of Enoch

  Tiny flicker of fire appeared on the ground in front of us. It’s Him! He’s coming! He knows we’re here. I’m not afraid. The oracle predicted this, she said that I will battle Him, and defeat Him. I will become God. I’m ready. The flame grew big and took a shape of a man.

  ''I AM METATRON!'', He thundered: ''HAVE YOU COME TO KILL ME?!''

  ''I... I...''

  ''Hey! Hey, I know you two from Convention-con!''


  ''Them two!''

  Our prisoners?

  ''I took a picture of you with Sacha!''

  ''Yeah... yeah, I remember you, you weren't all on fire then'', said one of them.

  ''I came to convention in my human form. Wow, it was a blast! Sacha was flying around with his dick dangling, I laughed so much that I almost pissed my pants! I had to restrain myself from doing that because I piss kerosene, I didn't want my pants to catch on fire.''

  ''What the fuck are you talking about?!''

  ''Seriously, man, I was on Convention-con, I made this cool selfie with Jesse Eisenberg, I'll show you.''


  He's reaching somewhere with his fiery hand!

  ''I'm only going to take the cell phone out of my pocket to show you my selfie with Jessie Eisenberg.''

  ''No! It's some trick! Emily! Engage!''


  ''I'm holding Him! Strike now Emily! We got Him!''

  ''But you didn't see my selfie...''

  ''Now Emily, what are you waiting f-''


  Chapter sixty nine

  Rosencrantz & Guildenstern take a bow

  Rodeo Drive? Rodeo fuckin' Drive!

  ''I never thought I'll be so happy to see Rodeo Drive! Hubert, we're home!''

  ''How in the saint's name did we get here?''

  I don't know, they attacked the man of fire, and all went black, somebody turned off the lights, and when he turned them back on, we're on Rodeo Drive. Hubert, me, and the girl.

  ''Metatron did this to us'', she stuttered, visibly shocked: ''He stripped me of all my powers... and pushed us back to level one.''

  Yes! Home!

  I stopped one guy in the street, and asked him for time and date. It's early afternoon, on the first day of Convention-con, day when all of this started. She started crying, saying how she lost everything, how she was so close to enter the end-realm.

  ''What if...'', mused Hubert: ''... we did enter the final dimension? Maybe, our world is the last dimension actually?''

  ''That doesn't make any sense'', she said.

  ''Or...'', he continued: ''...dimensions overlap in such manner that forms a circular system? Get it?! The beginning is the end, and end beginning. But, where does that put God then? Because, Gnostics believed that the last heaven, dimension, is the dimension of God. So, where does circular system place him?''

  ''The oracle said that Metatron is God'', she said, but Hubert showed no signs of acknowledging her presence, he stared at the store window, and contemplated.

  ''Bubble universe!'', he clapped his hands: ''God is outside of our bubble universe! And other bubble universes probably also contain three hundred and sixty-five levels, and maybe, they're piled over each other, or they touch in such a way that they form a circle again! I know this sounds bushwack, but story of bubble universes is preached by those same Einsteinheads that preach Big Bangs, and spreadings and shrinkings. Result of rational thinking is complete madness.''

  He turned to her.

  ''What can your oracle do against all this physics? Story is over. We learned nothing.''

  ''I can get us back!'', she said: ''I know where we can get the energy, and cross over again!''

  ''Why?'', I asked.

  ''Because, we have to protect our world from all the threats that are out there, that we didn't even know exist! Okay, so the invisible EM pulse was a lie, but I've seen such things out there that could end our oblivious little world any minute! I can get us back, but you have to help me.''

  She doesn't get it. The only way you can win in this game is by refusing to participate.

  ''There's no point trying. Let's go, Hubert.''

  ''Maybe we should hear her out, man.''

  ''What?! Don't tell me you're actually thinking about going back?! Didn't you just said that it's all complete madness?''

  ''Yeah, but... What if they let Engelherz go, and he pushes the button?''

  ''There will always be some button to fear! The more you know, the more afraid you'll be! That comets will smack into us! That the Sun will run out! That neutrinos will turn against us, and hundred other things, and I'm pretty sure scientists are working on discovering another hundred. You were right from the very start when you said that the whole thing is bullshit, don't let her honeypot you now, we're home, and we're free to live our lives the way we find right.''

  He has that same lost look in his eyes, I saw in Marco's. I'm not reaching him.


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