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Dragon Harem: A Reverse Harem Fantasy Romance

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by Rains, Nina

  Dragon Harem

  A Reverse Harem Fantasy Romance

  Nina Rains


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  Dragon Harem: A Reverse Harem Fantasy Romance

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Also by Nina Rains

  About the Author

  Copyright © 2018 by Nina Rains. All Rights Reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of very brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. This book is intended for adult audiences only. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

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  Dragon Harem: A Reverse Harem Fantasy Romance

  Dragons. A warrior princess. An immortal king and a prophecy set by gods. This paranormal fantasy romance sends you to a magical adventure of passion and love...

  War loomed over the Kingdom of Elastin.

  The devourer of nations, vampire King Apollyeon threatened to attack to feed his hungry ever-growing legions with Elastinian flesh.

  I, Princess Aurora, vowed to stop the demonic ruler.

  Not for the love of my kingdom.

  But to save my beloved sister, Queen Saicin.

  For over two thousand years a legend had been passed down from a generation to generation.

  According to it, a dragon would come and protect Elastin from all evil, living or dead.

  It was all a lie.

  A prophecy foretold that a betrayed dragon would rise from the underworld to take revenge on Elastin.

  Only a woman who could claim the hearts of three dragons could slay this cursed creature and save the kingdom.

  I knew I had to become that woman, against my destiny.

  I would have to rewrite the prophecy set by the mighty gods.

  My only option was to defy the heavens.

  See me, the stars of Cassiopeia.

  Hear me, the valleys of the New East Mountain.

  No god can stop me.

  Dragon Harem is a full-length reverse harem fantasy romance novel with three virile dragon shifters.

  Chapter One

  Saicin, no!” I screamed.

  I jumped down from my black horse and ran towards my sister, the crowned princess, Saicin. I swung my long sword towards the man standing in front of her.

  “Aurora!” Saicin shouted while spreading her arms to shield the man.

  I dropped my sword before it could touch the man. The sword dropped near Saicin’s fingers and wounded her.

  I panicked and quickly grabbed her hands and pressed my hands on the wound. I turned to the man whom my sister tried to protect.

  The man flashed an evil grin. His irises turned red. The color faded as the color of golden fire sprung from his eyes.

  My shoulders shrank in frustration. I looked at my sister. My frustration turned into worry. Saicin had turned pale. The blue and reddish veins on her face had become visible.

  “No,” My voice shook as I spoke. I wanted to cry, but I did not want to cry in front of Prince Minhyeon.

  I reached for my sword and swung it towards the prince again, but stopped just before it would hit his neck. My arms trembled as I struggled to control my urge to kill the prince.

  “Your sister and I are now one, princess,” Minhyeon said with a proud smile. “Kill me and she will die, too.”

  A tear flowed on my cheek. My heart was full of anger and only the death of Prince Minhyeon could appease it. However, love for my sister was even stronger. Saicin’s death would also be my destruction. I pulled away my sword.

  Prince Minhyeon looked at me and Princess Saicin. He laughed haughtily and suddenly, grabbed my neck and strangled me with his hands. I struggled to be free from his grasp. I held my sword tight but hesitated to draw it against the prince.

  “Stop,” Saicin begged while clutching her chest. “Stop, Minhyeon.”

  The prince did not listen. Saicin screamed hard and begged for my life. The prince coughed and grabbed his chest. His heart felt the pain of Saicin’s heart. Saicin ordered him to let go of me. He refused.

  Saicin crawled near us. She grabbed the blade of my sword and pointed it at her heart. “Stop or we both die,” she said to the prince.

  Minhyeon’s eyes were filled with fire again. He glared at me before he loosened his powerful hands from my neck. He bent down and faced Saicin. He touched her cheek and said, “Come, my darling. Come with me. I will protect you from my brother and give you immortality.”

  “No!” I quickly answered for my sister.

  Minhyeon ignored me. He tried to kiss Saicin. I wanted to pull her away, but Saicin pushed him away.

  “Everything is clear to me now,” Saicin answered while crying. She looked at me with apologizing eyes and smiled. She then added, “I should end this now.”

  “No!” Prince Minhyeon and I shouted in unison as Saicin tried to pierce the tip of the sword into her chest.

  Minhyeon grabbed the hilt of the sword, without considering the princess’s fingers. I panicked and looked at him with rage. I kicked Minhyeon on the face without hesitation. He released the hilt of the sword.

  I looked at Saicin. She looked at me and said, “Kill him after I ...”

  I hit the back of Saicin’s neck with the side of my hand. She fainted before she could thrust the sword into her heart.

  “You thought that you have found someone who can keep you alive? You only created someone who can kill you,” I told Prince Minhyeon while looking at him angrily.

  The prince wiped the blood from his nose and lips. He smirked proudly at me and replied, “We both know, I would not remain human for long.”

  “King Apollyeon will only use you,” I told the prince.

  For a moment, I felt sorry for him. However, when I looked at my sister, my hatred erased the pity I felt for him.

  “It is better than being killed,” Prince Minhyeon answered. He looked at Saicin for the last time and ran away.

  I watched the prince vanish into the darkness of the night. Saicin regained her consciousness and held my hand.

  “Saicin,” I called softly.

  Worry covered me when I noticed the blood flowing from Saicin’s hand. I tore a strip from my cloak and pushed it hard on her wounded hand.

  I checked the color of Saicin’s blood. It was pale and plain. It had lost the tint of gold it once had. Saicin’s blood had a tint of gold since she received the heart of the dragon from the queen. The gold tint was supposed to protect and heal her. Her blood did not have the power anymore.

  “Saicin,” I called once more.

  That bastard! How can I kill him now? I thought angrily.

  Prince Minhyeon was the p
rince of Kingdom Plaedis. The kingdom was placed under the rule of King Apollyeon by force.

  The king was the younger brother of the prince, but he got the crown when he sold his soul to a demon. The demon turned him into an immortal being, a vampire.

  Apollyeon used his gift to lure people to have the same immortality as him. He turned men into vampires. He turned women into men’s slaves. The vampires would ravage the women until they were useless and devour them as if they were nothing.

  Many kingdoms had joined him after only half a decade of reign. However, his plan was not perfect. Soon, his empire starved, as his soldiers devoured all the women and children.

  King Apollyeon wanted to seize the Kingdom of Elastin, a kingdom ruled by women. He wanted to turn the kingdom into his farm. He would let the women bear children, and use them to feed his hungry soldiers.

  The king’s attempts failed numerous times. Other kings, who swore allegiance to him, were afraid to join him in his battle. All because of the legend of dragons.

  The legend told about the founder of Elastin, who fell in love with a dragon. The dragon gave his heart to the first queen before he vanished to his secret nest as a poor human.

  The heart can be used to summon the fearless dragon and its brothers. When the first queen died, the heart was given to her heir and to the latter’s heir before her death.

  For almost two thousand years, Elastin had remained peaceful and undisturbed because of that legend. The heart had been transferred from one heir to another for twenty and four times.

  The legend was also passed on from one generation to another. The kings of the other kingdoms continued to believe that dragons still protected the Kingdom of Elastin.

  However, King Apollyeon was cunning. He sent his brother, Prince Minhyeon to find out the truth.

  The prince was handsome and could woo any woman. His eyes were a mix of blue and green, like the color of the deep ocean. His hair was as light as snow. Most women became weak with his innocent smile – including Princess Saicin.

  Minhyeon used his deceiving innocent appearance to make the princess fall in love with him. His mission was only to discover the truth, but he deviated from the mission when he found out the truth.

  The prince discovered that Saicin received the heart of the dragon from the previous queen. He filled Saicin’s hopeless romantic fantasies and won her heart. Then, he used his brother as the reason to make Saicin give him her heart.

  Minhyeon claimed that King Apollyeon wanted him dead. To stop his brother, he needed more power. He asked that Saicin would share the dragon’s power to him, so he could call upon the dragons. Saicin refused. However, Minhyeon told her that he would leave her to hide far from his brother. Saicin could not bear to lose him.

  I discovered the plan and exposed it to Saicin.

  My sister refused to listen. She trusted that Minhyeon’s love was real - that he was after her heart and not the heart of the dragon.

  * * *

  I watched as the high priestess placed the shining crown on Saicin’s head. The palace echoed with claps and praises to the new queen’s name. Saicin forced a smile to hide the pain and loneliness in her eyes. I could still see through it. Her eyes had wept for Minhyeon for days.

  No one knew the truth about what happened to Saicin. I ordered the servants to hide the incident with Minhyeon or I would behead them. The kingdom would end in a revolution if anyone found out that Saicin had given half of the dragon’s heart to Minhyeon. The kingdom would fall and Apollyeon would triumph.

  I did not care about that. All I cared about was my sister. The people would demand Saicin’s death if the truth was known. I would not let it happen. I vowed to kill anyone who would harm my sister, even if it would burn the kingdom into ashes.

  “Hail to our new queen!” The high priestess declared again.

  A resounding cheer covered the halls of the palace. However, it suddenly died down when the new queen trembled while sitting on her throne and fainted.

  “Saicin!” I screamed as I ran to the throne.

  The murmurs of the people echoed. The servants panicked to call for the doctor.

  I held Saicin’s chest and called her softly.

  Saicin slowly opened her eyes and grabbed my hands tight. Her eyes turned red and into sparks of fire. She trembled harder.

  I placed my hand over Saicin’s hands and waited until she stopped trembling.

  It was not the first time it happened. Saicin had those moments since she got the heart from the previous queen. Her eyes showed her frightening visions and she trembled with fear. However, she had never fainted before. She had been strong enough to face her fears. The divided heart, however, was too weak for the new vision.

  “The village of Harmony,” Saicin whispered to me. “They need our help.”

  I laid Saicin gently on her throne and stood up. I ordered the servants to take Saicin to her quarters. I gave a sign to Amara, my trusted assistant, and a loyal friend, to come closer.

  “Order our warriors to head to the village of Harmony,” I whispered. “Get the people out of the village. I will follow you there.”

  Amara nodded. She bowed and walked hastily out of the throne room. Some of my elite warriors followed her.

  The high priestess looked at me. I gave her an assuring look and turned to the people. “We have a new queen. So, let’s continue to rejoice. Our queen will join us again in a while.”

  The people clapped and rejoiced. I turned to the band and ordered them to play a jolly song. The people danced and sang the Elastinian’s favorite song. They forgot about their new queen’s condition, who was suffering with her heart.

  I turned to the high priestess and said, “Let more people come to the palace. Keep them here until I return.”

  “What did the queen see?” The high priestess asked.

  “Something that will never come true,” I assured her with a smile. “Because I will never let it come true.”

  * * *

  “Where are the people?” I asked as I approached the village.

  The village of Harmony was in a blaze. The Elastinian soldiers stood behind the burning borders, ready to strike anyone who would come out.

  I tried to look through the fire. My eyes widened in shock when I saw that there were people trapped inside the blazing village. I jumped from my horse and ran towards the burning border.

  Amara and the other soldiers ran after me. The soldiers at the front spread their arms to block me from reaching the borders.

  “What are you doing?” I asked. “Can’t you see? There are people trapped inside.”

  “They are no longer human, your highness,” Amara answered. I looked at Amara, confused. Amara sighed and explained, “They are Plaedisian soldiers. We could not get all the villagers out.”

  “How is that possible? I ordered you to come here as soon as Saicin had the vision,” I questioned Amara. “What took you so long to come here?”

  Amara pressed her lips tight.

  I could tell that my friend tried to hide the truth. I ordered her to speak, but she still refused. I drew my sword and pointed it at Amara. “Speak,” I ordered in a more serious tone.

  “The vision came late,” Amara answered hesitantly.

  I glared at Amara with anger and pushed the blade near her neck. She did not flinch. She only looked at me with her loyal eyes.

  I withdrew my sword. I looked at the villagers, who were screaming inside the burning village.

  “How did it happen?” I asked in full disbelief. “We always have ample time to prepare after Saicin or the former queen had a vision.”

  “Can I speak as the queen’s and as your friend?” Amara asked. I smiled softly and nodded. “I think Saicin’s heart has become weaker and so have her senses.”

  Minhyeon! I thought instantly. Saicin and Minhyeon’s senses were connected. Each of them could trick each other’s senses. The new young queen had a weaker heart and Minhyeon easily controlled her vision. Can some
one tell me how I can kill him? I thought to myself.

  I watched, as the fire slowed down and listened as the screams toned down. My eyes twitched as I refused to shed a tear. A part of me regretted a decision I once made.

  The old queen offered the heart of the dragon to me before it was given to Saicin. I had a stronger heart than my sister did. The old queen and the high priestess believed that I would save the kingdom from its fall.

  The old queen wanted to train me to be the next queen. I refused and insisted to train as the head warrior, instead.

  The last thing I wanted was to hurt my sister. Saicin had always believed that she would be the next queen. I wanted my sister to have that dream come true.

  I vowed to become the greatest warrior of Elastin and protect my sister from anyone who would harm her. Saicin would be a great queen. I wanted to help her become one.

  Would it have become like this if…? I refused to finish my own question. Nothing would change even if I regretted my decision. I looked at the stars of Cassiopeia, where Elastinians believed that the soul of the first queen resided. I will do everything to stop King Apollyeon and his brother. I vowed after I gathered all my courage.

  * * *

  I slammed my hands on the sides of my chair. I looked at the seven elders of the kingdom and stood up with angry eyes. The anger in my eyes was as sharp as a knife, enough to make a person know that I was ready to kill.

  The other elders became scared of me, except for the high priestess.

  “No one touches my sister,” I emphasized in a voice filled with rage.


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