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The Dragon's Flame (The Chronicles of Terah # 2)

Page 55

by Morgan, Mackenzie

  “And why not?”

  “It’s a purely human thing. A human stole the lamp and pendants from humans. Only humans have been killed. I can’t just pass it off to Glendymere. What would that say about humans? That we can’t handle our own problems?”

  “And what does it say about you that you’d be willing to risk a magic war just to prove you can handle this on your own?”

  Kevin shook his head. “I’m not going to risk a magic war. I won’t make any move at all until after there’s a plan in place for naming a new Master Sorcerer. That should happen at the next council meeting, and that’s only two weeks away. And besides, I might not have all the details worked out yet, but I do plan to survive the encounter.”

  “Have you talked this over with Glendymere? He may have some objections to you handling what he sees as his business. After all, the opals are his, as is the lamp.”

  “No, I haven’t mentioned it to him yet, and I don’t want you to either,” Kevin said adamantly. “I’ll tell him what I’m planning to do when the time is right

  Chris started to argue, but he hesitated and looked at Kevin. Then he slowly nodded. “Okay, but I want to be there when you tell him.”

  “All right,” Kevin said as he stood up and stretched. “Now, if there’s nothing else, I’m going to get some sleep.”

  Chapter 40

  Glendymere’s News

  Tuesday morning, after Kevin and Glendymere had drilled with energy bolts for an hour and a half, they stopped to take a break. While they were resting, Glendymere said, “I’m supposed to tell you to stop by Rainbow Valley when we’re done. Theresa and Hayley want to go back to Milhaven today.”

  Kevin nodded. “Have you met Hayley yet?”

  Glendymere shook his head and mentally chuckled. “Theresa’s been over a couple of times, but she said that Hayley hasn’t worked up the courage to meet a dragon yet. She told Theresa that meeting the giants had used up at least a month’s worth.”

  Kevin grinned. “That sounds just like her, but she’s braver than she acts.”

  Glendymere nodded. “Theresa told me a bit about some of their adventures.”

  “Did she mention that she met King Merdin, and even saved the life of Prince Jaron?”

  Glendymere’s eyes widened a little. “No. She mentioned that she had met some gnomes, but she didn’t tell me who, much less that she had saved someone’s life.”

  Kevin nodded. “King Merdin was so grateful that he gave her a set of chimes.”

  “I don’t think that’s ever happened before. A human with chimes to call the gnomes. Well. Seems like she left out a few details.”

  “And you didn’t fish around in her mind to pick them out?”

  “No, I just do that in special cases, like yours.”

  Kevin crinkled his nose and then asked, “Was there anything else you needed to tell me?”

  “Actually, yes. What are you doing Friday afternoon?”

  “I have no idea. Why?”

  “You’re apprentice is arriving, and I think it would be a good idea if you were here to greet her.”


  Glendymere frowned. “How many apprentices do you have?”

  “Just one.”

  “Then I think it would be safe to assume I’m talking about Landis.”

  “Who else is coming?”

  “The last I heard, she’s bringing her half brother and Hayden’s youngest daughter.”

  Kevin groaned to himself. So the girls had managed to talk Hayden into letting Rhianna come. Rhianna. Here. In Willow Canyon. “Which one will be her assistant? Taelor?”

  Glendymere shook his head. “From what Hayden said, I gathered that the elf will be.”

  Kevin nodded. It was inevitable. Murphy’s Law. Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. “And what is Taelor going to do for the next year or so?”

  Glendymere looked a little surprised. “I have no idea. I hadn’t even thought about that. Do you have any suggestions?”

  “Actually, I might. Taelor worked in a chapel for several years before Tsareth died. He helped Theresa while he was with us. Maybe he could help Sari with the herb beds while he’s here.”

  “With Theresa’s guidance, of course.” Glendymere nodded with a definite twinkle in his eye.

  Kevin laughed. “Yeah, that’s what I was thinking. The two of them seemed to hit it off pretty well.”

  “Well, back to your apprentice. I think you should be here when Landis gets here, and I think you should be the one to introduce us.”

  “She’s never met you?”

  “No, and neither has the elf.”

  “Okay. When do you want to meet them?”

  “Saturday morning will be soon enough. Are you going to spend the night at Blalick’s?”

  “No. I’ll come Friday afternoon and probably stay through dinner, but I’ll go home afterwards. I’ll come back early Saturday. Do you want me to lead them through the tunnels?”

  Glendymere thought about it for a minute, and then said, “I don’t think so. Not yet anyway. They can come down the path from Blalick’s house for now. Later, before the snow starts, you can show them the way through the tunnels.”

  “What about when it’s raining?”

  Glendymere pursed his eyebrows together and gave Kevin a sideways look. “You’re expecting the woman to become a sorcerer and you’re concerned that she might get wet?”

  Kevin laughed. “You’re right. A little rain should be the least of her worries.”

  “Besides, she’ll have the elf with her. If the rain gets too bad, the elf can ease it off.”

  “I didn’t think about that,” Kevin said as a slight blush crept up his cheeks. He was trying very hard not to think about that elf. “Should I bring Taelor down at the same time?”

  “No, I don’t see any reason for you to bring him. I’ll probably meet him sometime, but there’s no hurry. He won’t be involved in her training.”

  Kevin nodded. “What are we going to do about our practice sessions once she gets here?”

  “I’ve been thinking about that. Maybe it would be best if we met somewhere else for a while. I don’t really want her distracted by your presence.”

  Kevin laughed. “She’s going to be studying with a dragon and you’re worried that I might be a distraction?”


  Actually, Kevin was far more concerned about the distraction that Rhianna would be to him. She was already creeping into his thoughts every time he turned around. He could just picture himself being fried to a crisp as his eyes lingered on the lovely elf.

  Glendymere had picked up on Kevin’s reactions whenever the elf was mentioned, and he almost asked Kevin about it, but he decided to leave it alone. When Kevin was ready to talk about it, he would. “I thought we could meet out at the canyon lands.”

  “Where we worked with the tornadoes?”

  Glendymere nodded. “Now, let’s get back to work. You need to keep those reflexes sharp if you’re going to survive long enough to take over Landis’s training.”

  ~ ~ ~ ~

  After Kevin and Glendymere called it quits for the day, Kevin flew over to Rainbow Valley and walked through the tunnel to the large common room. He found Theresa, Hayley, and Sari sitting around the dining room table.

  “Here, have a seat,” Theresa said as she pulled out the chair beside her for Kevin to sit down.

  Sari got up and got another mug from the cabinet. She poured Kevin a mug of scog and handed it to him.

  “Thanks,” Kevin said as he took a big swallow. “That hits the spot.”

  Sari smiled and sat back down.

  “We’ll be ready to go as soon as we finish our drinks,” Theresa said. “We brought our bags out here this morning.”

  “Is Marcus still at the castle? Or is he working somewhere else?” Hayley asked as a blush crept up her cheeks.

  Kevin started to tease her, but then he remembered the way he’d felt every time Glendymere had
brought up Rhianna. “No, he’s at the castle, or at least he was when I left. I’ll let him know you’re home when I get back. I’m sure he’ll find some reason to go into Milhaven this afternoon.”

  Hayley’s blush deepened. “Surely he won’t make a special trip into town just because of that.”

  “Of course he will,” Theresa said with a laugh. “You’d strangle him if he didn’t!”

  “No I wouldn’t!” Hayley argued, her cheeks a deep red now.

  Kevin laughed and finished his mug of scog. “Sari, I’ll be back out Friday. Would you tell your mother that I’ll be here and that I’m planning to stay for dinner?”

  “Because Landis is coming?”

  Kevin nodded. “Glendymere wants me to be here when she arrives. I’ll come back Saturday morning and go with her down to the canyon to meet him.”

  “Mother said that they are going to be staying with us for about a year. I do not think we have ever had anyone stay with us that long before.”

  “I imagine my father did, but that was before you were born,” Kevin said. “You’ll like them, and one of them, Taelor, knows a lot about herbs. He can help you with the beds.”

  Sari’s eyes lit up. “Really?”

  Theresa nodded. “He used to work in a chapel. He knows more about herbs than I do.”

  “Do you think he would be willing to teach me?”

  “I’m sure he’d love to,” Theresa said. “Would you like for me to ask him?”

  Sari’s eyes sparkled and she nodded enthusiastically.

  “I’ll talk to him the next time I come out.” Theresa finished her mug of scog. “All right then. Hayley, are you ready to go?”

  Hayley nodded and drained the last bit of scog out of her mug.

  “Then let’s go,” Theresa said as she stood up. She walked around the table and hugged Sari. “I’ll be back before long. Keep the rooms just like they are. Hayley and I’ll stay down here the next time we come, just like we did this time.”

  Sari nodded.

  Hayley hugged Sari too, and thanked her for letting her stay. “I really like your caves. My room here was the best room I’ve ever had.”

  Sari’s eyes glowed with pleasure. “I will tell my mother. She will appreciate that. And please come again, any time.”

  Theresa and Hayley picked up their bags, put their hands on Kevin’s arms, and the three of them left.

  Chapter 41

  Landis Arrives at Wildcat Mountain

  Kevin arrived at Blalick’s house shortly after lunch Friday afternoon. When he knocked on the door, Ashni opened it with a big smile on her face. When she saw Kevin, the smiled faded a little.

  Kevin laughed. “I take it I’m not the one you were expecting.”

  “No, not exactly,” Ashni said with an embarrassed grin, “but you are welcome, too.”

  Kevin stepped into the large sitting room. The giants had rearranged their living room and added a couch, two easy chairs, and a couple of lamp tables that were small enough for humans. Kevin nodded to Blalick and asked, “Are any of them here yet?”

  Blalick shook his head. “We are expecting them any minute though.”

  “How are they getting here? Xantha?”

  “That is my understanding.”

  “I wonder who he’ll bring first. Or will he try to bring them all at one time?”

  “No, that would be too dangerous. He will bring them one at a time. Only the elf is accustomed to flying.”

  Kevin nodded. “What about their luggage? Is he going to have to bring it too?”

  “As far as I know.”

  “Maybe I should go get it.”

  “I imagine he would appreciate that,” Blalick said with approval.

  Kevin took out his key, turned it, and left Wildcat Mountain. He arrived a few minutes later in Hayden’s backyard at Crinsor Run. He stepped up to the back door and gently knocked on the doorframe.

  A few minutes later, Hayden opened the door and stepped back in surprise. “Myron! Come on in,” he said as he held the door open for Kevin. “We weren’t expecting you to come by today.” Hayden tried to sound chipper, but there was a catch in his voice. “You do know that Landis, Rhianna, and Taelor are moving to Wildcat Mountain today, don’t you?”

  Kevin nodded. “I came to help with the luggage.”

  “I’m sure Xantha will appreciate that.”

  “How’s Gwynn taking all of this?” Kevin asked quietly.

  Hayden’s smile was tight and lines of tension showed around his eyes. “Better than I expected. Better than me.”

  Kevin chuckled softly. “And they call women the weaker sex.”

  “Right. Anyway, the luggage is in the sitting room with the girls. Shall we go in?”

  Kevin followed Hayden around the kitchen counters into the sitting area. The stacks of boxes in the middle of the floor were nearly as tall as Kevin, and there were bags piled up beside the boxes. Kevin looked at all the luggage and shook his head. There was more luggage piled up on the floor than the Tellurians had carried in their wagons when they were traveling across Calandra. “Is all of this going?”

  Gwynn chuckled. “We never knew they had so much until they started packing.”

  Kevin turned to Landis and said, “You could leave some of it here, you know. It’s not like you’ll never be back.”

  Landis’s face was pale and her eyes were teary. She reached out for Gwynn’s hand. “It’s a long way from here to Wildcat Mountain.”

  As tears began to gather in Gwynn’s eyes too, Kevin said, “Not so far when you have one of these.” He held up his key to Terah. “I can bring you back to visit a couple of times a month if you like.”

  Landis’s eyes brightened a little, but a couple of tears spilled over the sides of her eyelids and made their way slowly down her cheeks.

  Gwynn patted Landis’s hand and said, “See? Things have a way of working out.”

  Landis wiped away the tears and tried to smile.

  Rhianna frowned. “Mother, don’t expect us to take Myron up on his offer very often. After all, her studies must come first. Glendymere might not want her running back home all the time.”

  Landis looked at Rhianna and started to argue with her, but Hayden interrupted. “Are you really going to take all of this stuff with you?”

  Rhianna nodded.

  “How do you want to do this, Myron? Are you going to try to get it all in one trip?” Hayden asked.

  Kevin shook his head. “No, I’ll make a couple of trips.” He walked over to the stack of luggage and then he turned to Landis. “Which boxes and bags are yours? I’ll take those first and put them in your room at Blalick’s house.”

  Landis pointed to her stuff, nearly half the pile. Kevin nodded, scooped them up in his outstretched hand, turned his key, and he and the luggage vanished.

  As soon as Kevin was gone, Rhianna turned to Hayden and said, “Why can’t he just take us the same way he’s taking the luggage? Why do we have to wait for Xantha? That’s a long flight! We could be there in a couple of minutes with him.”

  Gwynn shook her head and said, “Rhianna, dear, he’s the Master Sorcerer of Terah, not your personal transportation service. It would be rather presumptuous to ask him to do that.”

  Rhianna blushed at the mild rebuke. He didn’t seem like the Master Sorcerer to her.

  “He might offer to take you,” Hayden said to take the sting out of Gwynn’s words. “You never know. Let’s just wait and see.”

  ~ ~ ~ ~

  Meanwhile, Kevin materialized in Blalick’s front yard, figuring it would be safer than trying to pop into the living room with all of that luggage. He set it down on the ground and knocked on the door. When Blalick opened it, Kevin motioned towards the pile of boxes and bags. “This is Landis’s stuff. I thought I’d put it in her room if you’ll show me which one is hers.”

  Blalick’s eyes widened as he took in the pile. “All of that is hers?”

  Kevin nodded.

slowly shook his head. “We may have to put some of it in one of the spare rooms. I am not sure her room is big enough to store all of that.”

  “Maybe they should have stayed in the caves. There’s plenty of room down there.”

  Sari heard Kevin’s remark and spoke up. “No, the caves are for Theresa and Hayley. At least the rooms near the workroom are. But you can use my room if you need to father. I can live in the caves.”

  Blalick shook his head. “That will not be necessary, Sari, but thank you for offering. We will manage, someway.” Blalick looked at the stack again. “Does the other girl have as much?”

  “I think so,” Kevin said. “I doubt Taelor does though. When we knew him, he had the clothes he was wearing, and for a while, they were my extra ones. I doubt he has much at all.”

  “All right. Let us get this in the house. Macin, come out here,” Blalick called back into the house. When Macin stepped outside, Blalick pointed to the luggage. “Grab some boxes. Here, Sari, get some of these bags.” Then Blalick picked up most of what was left, and Kevin got the few remaining pieces and followed them into the house.

  The kitchen and dining room were on the right, the living room on the left, and the hall led through the rest of the house, with bedrooms on each side. Kevin had never been past the kitchen before, and as they walked down the hall, he counted doors. There were six rooms on the left and five on the right. “Blalick, how many bedrooms do you have?”

  “Eleven. We are using four of them, and we need to keep three of them ready for Glendymere’s overnight guests. That is why we had to put all of you up in the caves. We just did not have enough rooms.” Blalick stopped at the fifth door on the left and opened it. “This will be Landis’s room. The elf can use the next room, and the half brother can use the room across the hall from the elf. We put them down here so they would have a little privacy.”

  Kevin nodded.

  After all of Landis’s boxes and bags had been piled against the far wall and everyone was out of the room, Blalick pulled the door shut.

  Kevin walked on to the next room, opened the door and turned to Blalick. “Rhianna’s?”


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