The Crimson Z

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The Crimson Z Page 5

by Robert Cloud, Lee Rush, Richard Savage

  She winked up at him as she said the last and leaned against him, her fingers sliding up his chest and unfastening his shirt. He pulled the shirt over his head and threw it down, grabbing at the top of his pants, pulling the tie until it came loose and then pushing them down. His eyes were locked to hers as she stepped back to give him room to move. He was almost naked and then he tugged at his britches to loosen them and let them fall to the floor. He kicked off his shoes and shoved the chausses down until he could kick them off as well. When the pants fell, his shaft stood out from his body, dark pink and suffused with the blood of his lust.

  Saucy though she was, yet she was a virgin and gasped at the sight of him, throbbing and bobbing before her.

  "Woman, you enflame my very soul. On the bed with ya. I'll wait no longer."

  She trembled as she climbed up onto the high bed and lay back, watching every move he made. She wanted him, needed him ... and feared him as she had no other. He would take what she had kept all her life and though she gave it willingly, she knew the pain it would cause ... she had heard from her friends.

  He almost fell on top of her in his haste to take her, not thinking of her virginity or her pleasure ... only his own need. Without as much as a kiss, he thrust himself into her and plunged deep, ignoring her cry of pain.

  She turned her head as he thrust into her, pressing her mouth against his arm as she screamed. She had heard of the pain, but was quite unprepared for this onslaught. Her teeth were buried in her lower lip and a tiny droplet of blood seeped from her sharp tooth, the metallic taste of blood filling her mouth. She lay there under him, suffering and telling herself it would be different next time ... he would be gentle next time.

  Looking up into his face, she could see that his eyes were closed tightly as he concentrated on his pleasure. Five thrusts ... six ... seven ... and then a loud groan as he tensed over her, spilling the seed of his loins into her virgin belly. She was weeping under him as he collapsed on top of her, gasping for breath as his shaft continued to empty itself into her.

  He lay atop her for several minutes as he regained his senses, feeling her treasure twitching around him and feeling something else ... something strange. He lifted his head, opened his eyes to gaze down at her.

  "Bloody Hell!!"

  Cara looked up at him, tears still streaming down her face and was stricken with fear as she saw the look on his face as he leaped from the bed.

  "Explain yourself!! Witch!! You ARE a witch!! Naught else could explain this!"

  "I don't understand my lord. Explain what? What's wrong?"

  She lifted her hand to him questioningly and then she saw her hand and screamed, fainting dead away.

  He stood there in shock.

  There was a sudden pounding at the door.

  "What? Who dares to knock upon this door in such a manner?"

  He jerked the door open and stood towering over an old woman dressed in black from head to toe, completely unfazed by his angry shout. Her body was slight and leaned forward, half supported by a walking stick. Her face was a mass of wrinkles. What hair he could see peeked out from under the shawl that completed her black covering. It was stringy and gray and there was a smirk on her face as she stared at him. Her eyes moved from his face down his body and she chuckled softly as he stood there naked with his shaft limp and damp. Then she seemed to gather herself and glared up at him before she spoke. Her voice was a mixture of rasping and the croaking of an old frog as she made her pronouncement.

  "'Tis the Witch of Wolstad and if ye don't want me here, I'll go and be damned with yer questions!"

  She turned slowly and began to walk away. She didn't get very far before he grabbed hold of her arm and pulled her into the room, almost jerking her off her feet. Once the door was closed again, he put her down quite unceremoniously. He was seething with anger at what he viewed as a huge joke ... and at his expense! Who would dare to embarrass him like this?

  "You surly pup! Dare ye not to lay hand on me again, else ye repent in sorrow."

  He stood back and looked at her, his mouth fairly hanging open.

  "Sorrow? I already have the sorrow, crone! Look at my wife!"

  Sense stolen from him by his shock, his hand shaking, he pointed at the bed.

  The old woman turned slowly, for it was the only way she could move, and gazed at the bed. She began to laugh aloud, finally holding her belly and braying like a donkey.

  "You!! ‘Tis you the great one fooled! Aye, this will be a good story around a campfire on a cold night."

  William's hand snaked out to grab the old woman again. Before his fingers could close around her skinny arm, he felt a force slam against him and found himself flat on his ass, sprawled across the floor, the noise of his bare ass slapping the wood as intense as the pain it produced.

  "Warned ye ... dinna touch me again."

  "What the hell IS that? Where is the woman I married?"

  She stepped closer to the huge bed, looking down at the creature laying there in a faint.

  "That is your wife? Aye, ‘twould be, wouldn't it?"

  "I said it was, dammit! Now what the hell is wrong with her? Do something, you witch!"

  He felt as if everything he had ever believed was falling in ruins around him. This was not something that was supposed to happen! Especially not to him! He was the lord of the realm, dammit and these things did not happen to the lord of the realm! He wanted his wife back and he would have her!

  She stepped closer to the bed as he got to his feet again, his hands twitching to throttle the answers from her. The witch looked as though she were muttering the words of a curse as she leaned over the creature on the bed to see better. She was nodding her head and there was a crooked set to her mouth as she turned to speak.

  "Well ... you've run afoul of the dragon from North Pambleton. ‘Tis a shame, it is. I read the leaves for this one and it was truly foretold that she would bear you many sons. P'raps at the time of the reading she had not yet been cursed."

  "Cursed? Bloody hell, woman ... undo the curse then!"

  She craned her neck to look up at him as he stepped closer to her, careful not to touch her again. She looked at him as though he were a dolt and needed everything explained to him.

  "Can't be undone except by him who put it there. Not a likely thing to happen, Lord William. He wanted her for himself and when he couldn't have her ... he cursed her."

  It was more than he could bear and he turned from her, pacing a few steps away and then back, his fists clenched tightly at his sides.

  "What the hell are you talking about? Who wanted her? Who cursed her like this? What is she supposed to be, any way!!??"

  "'Tis what they call an anthrofox, me lord. Looks kinda human, don't she?"

  William looked at the bed again, this time with a different eye. Still shocked at what had happened, he now began to see the fox like features that had replaced the freckled sunlit face he had kissed repeatedly. Her face was almost human but her skin was now covered by a fine pelt of reddish fur. Her ears were the most fox like thing about her ... pointed and tipped with black. Her body still looked human, though smaller than it had but it too was covered with that pelt of fur. Then he spotted her tail ... tail?? Before he even realized it, his hand was pressed to his forehead as if to stave off pain and he was shaking his head. His wife had a tail ... his wife ... a tail.

  "I heard tell the curse would begin when ye spurted yer seed inta her. And I can see from the disarray that the deed has been done. Foxy she is and foxy she will stay. ‘Tis naught to be done.

  "As for who it was ... I said it oncet, didn't ya hear me? ‘Twas the dragon from North Pambleton what done it. Fancies himself a ladies’ man, that one."

  Not able to believe the words from the witch's mouth, William stumbled back a few steps and fell awkwardly into a chair set against the wall, oblivious to his nakedness.

  "A dragon? A dragon put a curse on her? Because he wanted her for himself? What kind of thing have I wed

  "'Twas not her fault, me lord ... she believed the leaves and came to ye."


  The flabbergasted lord and the wizened old witch turned to the bed just as her eyes fluttered open.

  She raised her hand and looked at it, hoping that what she had seen before was an illusion of some sort, then her gaze fell lower and she saw the rest of her body.

  "No ... what is this? What has happened?"

  She gasped loudly and gripped the bedcovers tight to steady herself with a bit of reality. Her eyes were wide open as she turned her gaze to him.

  "My lord, what have you done to me? Why would you do this to me on our wedding day?"

  "I?” he roared. “I had naught to do with it, wench. Yon witch says ‘twas a dragon that did it."

  Cara stood up beside the bed on shaky legs and looked at herself in the large mirror across from the bed. She wasn't as tall as she was before. There was a fine layer of red fur covering her skin. Quite a pretty creature ... if ... it hadn't been her looking into the mirror. Her ears were pointed where they poked out from her long hair, the black tips twitching from side to side. She turned, watching in the mirror, hoping that it was an illusion and when she realized it was not, she crumpled to the floor in tears.

  "My lord ... I don't understand. The dragon did this? But ... why? I have done naught to the dragon."

  Despair and confusion filled her mind as she wept for what had happened. Cara was crumpled into a weeping ball of fur on the floor and felt his heavy tread in the boards under her. She peeked up to see him towering over her, glaring his anger at the diminutive witch.

  "Do something, witch! Fix this! Make her my woman again instead of this quivering ball of fur!"

  The witch craned her neck and looked up at him.

  "Did ye not understand me words? I can do nothing. ‘Tis the dragon that must remove the spell. ‘Tis the dragon that must give ye back your woman and I doubt it will happen in this lifetime. What he wants ... he takes, by hook or by crook."

  William stood there with clenched fists, glaring at the witch, then at her and back again. His gaze burned into her as she sensed his anger building. She trembled as she watched his face turning redder by the moment.

  "Call the physician then. Perhaps he can..."

  "He can do naught. ‘Tis the dragon only can remove it."

  His arm swept across the top of a nearby table, sweeping aside the vase of fresh flowers brought for the wedding and a tray laden with spirits and goblets. Broken glass spun upwards as it hit the floor, almost striking her and making her cry out.

  "I'll have my woman back!"

  "Nay, Lord William ... you will not. He will not permit it and there is naught you can do to change that."

  Terrified at what he might do next, Cara gained her feet and backed away from her angry husband as tears streaked down her furry face. Her heart longed for his arms around her to soothe away her fears but the look of disgust mingled with anger on his face kept her from leaping into his arms.

  His great stature seemed to melt away before her eyes as he understood. She would not be his woman again ... but would stay as this ... creature that stood trembling before him. She sobbed as he shook his head, not wanting to accept the facts.

  "Get out, woman. Seek out this dragon and find out what he will take to return my woman to me."

  "Stubborn man. Are your ears filled with beans, then? He will not release her. He wants her for his own."

  The despair showed on his face as he gazed at Cara. The look of great sadness that took the place of the anger almost broke her heart. Fresh tears streaked down her face as she saw the disbelief in his eyes ... the betrayal as tears filled his eyes.

  "This cannot be,” he whispered.

  "My lord ... can we not continue? Would it be so difficult for you to have me thus?"

  Her voice held a pleading note as she gazed up him, drawing closer to him in her desire to somehow make this work ... to somehow make him accept her as she now was. The foretold future was not the only thing that had brought her to him in the village square. She had often admired him from afar and been drawn to him, relishing the strength she had seen in everything he did.

  He stood taller and snorted at her suggestion.

  "I am a lord of the realm, woman. Would you have me shamed before the king?"

  A stab if pain shot through her heart as if he had struck her. Cara stumbled backward, only catching her balance as she was pressed against the side of the great bed ... the one she had hoped to always share with him. Shamed? She would shame him? All she had wanted to do since the first time she saw him was be with him, the fortune she had been told was only an added bonus and now he was throwing away everything that could have been. The children she had hoped to bear him would be lost. The love she felt in her heart was dying more with each of his actions and with each word of betrayal. As she stared at him in shock, her dignity was assailed and she reached for the clothes piled at her feet. Grasping the heavy dress, she pulled it up and held it against her furry breast.

  "A shame for you? I would be a shame?"

  She was shaking from head to toe as the meaning of his words sunk into her. She pulled the ill fitting dress around her as best she could, covering herself from his gaze.

  "I would not think to shame you. Would that I could undo what has been done and also undo the pain in my heart."

  She stepped closer to him and she saw him wrinkle his nose, as though he had smelled something bad. Then she stepped even closer and leaned into him.

  "You don't seem to like the scent of me now, William. You couldn't get enough of it this morning at the well."

  She smirked at the look on his face ... at least he had the decency to appear abashed at his actions. He stood his ground and at least didn't step back from her, though his nose did stay wrinkled in distaste.

  "You know, William ... there are other magical creatures to be found in this kingdom and I daresay they have not been shunned as you have shunned me. Your ears have a bit of a point at the tips, William ... have you never noticed that? Perhaps there is even some magical creature in your past. But then again ... if there were, mayhap you wouldn't be so upset about my appearance now."

  His nose twitched again and he stepped back, giving her further cause for anger.

  "I did not cause this, my lord. Nor did I choose it, but I do choose this."

  The anger and betrayal were evident in her voice as she spat the words at him.

  "Your line dies here, my lord. You will live your life alone and it will die here, for you are sending away the truest love of your life."

  She gathered what was left of her dignity and walked to the door, opening it slowly, facing the courtiers waiting in the hall. Amidst the gasps of surprise, she pushed her way through them and walked away.

  William was aghast at the way things had happened and he could only stand there and watch her leave. Then he glared at the courtiers in the hallway and slammed the door as they gaped at him.

  His footsteps were heavy as he stamped back and forth across his rooms. He had been so taken with her at the well ... so desirous of her that he had changed all his future plans for the kingdom, just to take her to his bed. If there was anything he could do to change her back! If only there were magic spells that could be cast to bring her back to him the way she had been! He stared down at the witch as he came to a stop in front of her ... he was so angry at the turn of events that he found it difficult to speak.

  "There is nothing to be done? Nothing that can bring back the woman that stole my heart with her sauciness?"

  "I've told ye true, my lord. There is naught to be done lest the dragon do it and he will not. He wants her fer himself and ‘tis all it will be. His magic is more potent than any these old eyes have seen afore."

  "Witch ... I would almost give the kingdom for that to be done. Would he not take the kingdom and give her back?"

  Hope at the thought caught his breath in his throat and then das
hed it again as she shook her head.

  "He wouldn't take it all? I would give it gladly to have that silky skin against me again. She enflamed me body and soul and naught will be the same again for me. I want her back!"

  Heart pounding in his chest, he turned away from her and stepped to the window. Looking out, he saw the furry little creature walking through the courtyard with her head held high. She still held the large dress against her, leaving a wide trail through the dust as it dragged behind her. When she reached the gate, she stopped suddenly and turned back to the castle, looking up. The rapid beating of his heart skipped as he saw her face and the glint of tears as the sunlight kissed her once again. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath to staunch the tears that suddenly filled his eyes. When they opened again, dry as befitted the lord of the kingdom ... she was gone and the dress lay in a pile in the dirt.

  "Gods!! Why? What have I done that this should come to pass?!

  The witch's voice was soft behind him and he turned to look down at her again. His body was trembling with anger and despair as she spoke.

  "Methinks your line lives on, Lord William, but it will never be quite the same again."

  The words penetrated his muddled senses and he fell back against the window sill, eyes closed as he contemplated her meaning.

  "What are you saying, woman? She is gone ... how can there be..."

  The words were barely out of his mouth, his questions still forming and the witch was gone. She didn't walk through the door or down the hall ... she was just ... gone.

  Chapter Three

  "Adrian? What happened to them? Don't stop now. You have to tell me what happened next."

  He smiled softly down at her and hugged her to him again. He took the hand that held the pendant and drew it to his lips, kissing each finger as it curled around the delicate chain.

  "My mother told me very little of the next few months of her life, Crys. Only that it was a difficult time for her. She had so many adjustments to make in her life and the way she lived it. I think there were days that she simply cried from dawn to dusk. She was heartbroken at the way William had treated her and I think she held to the hope that he would change his mind and come for her."


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