The Crimson Z

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The Crimson Z Page 6

by Robert Cloud, Lee Rush, Richard Savage

  "But ... but Adrian ... surely she told you more. You wouldn't have begun this story without an ending. You wouldn't do that to me. Would you?"

  The look on her face as she gazed up at him touched him as only she could. So trusting in everything he did and said to her, she was almost childlike in her love for him. The love that she had gifted him filled his heart with joy ... and clutched at it with a bit of sorrow as well.

  He chuckled softly and hugged her to him as he kissed her forehead.

  "You know me better than that, sweet woman. I would never think to disappoint you."

  * * * *

  Cara heard the crackle of a broken branch outside her little cave and she hurried to the entrance, with a smile on her face. She was expecting the Witch of Wolstad. The witch had shown herself to be a good friend.

  When she looked outside the entrance to her new home, there was no one there. She frowned and turned to go back inside, her foot bumping against something that hadn't been there before. As long as she had been in the little cave, she had come to know the area surrounding the entrance, quite well. She had labored there often enough, planting and tending the tiny flowers from the woods. As she knelt down to pick up the package, she smiled at the tiny white bells that hung from the glossy pointed leaves and gathered some to scent her pillows.

  As she entered the cave, she dropped the package on the table and proceeded to her bed, scattering the little bells amongst the fragrant pine boughs. A soft smile curled her lips as the mingled scents wafted up. Unable to help herself, she drew her hands to her nose and inhaled deeply. The white bells had always been her favorite flower and she loved bringing them in where she could smell them all day.

  When she had sniffed to her delight, she rose and went back to the entrance, looking for the witch. Then she remembered the package and turned to the table. The paper was decorative and appeared to be well made with a silky feel to it. Her heart skipped a beat as she realized the cost of something as fine as this paper. William! He had sent her this package! Perhaps he had changed his mind at last!

  She laughed as she ripped open the shiny paper and found a piece of folded parchment inside. As she unfolded it, something slipped out and fell to the ground. Before picking it up, she read the words inscribed on the parchment.

  'Please wear this always, to know your true love.'

  It was signed ... ‘One who has always loved you'.

  It was from William! She clutched the parchment to her chest and danced around the cave, a sudden song on her lips. She laughed and danced for several moments before she remembered that something had fallen from the parchment. She hurried back to the table and dropped to her knees to search for it.

  It sparkled in the light from the cave entrance and when she held it up to examine it, she gasped with delight. It was a pendant dangling on a fine golden chain. She blew on it gently to banish the dust and watched it sway in her fingers. She smiled at the rose pendant, admiring the delicate cuts that gave it the appearance of a real rose. There was even a tiny drop of dew on one of the petals ... and a Z cut into one of the leaves that swirled around the rose. The entire pendant was wrapped lightly in threadlike strands of gold ... almost like a golden spider web.

  Cara smiled softly and slipped the chain over her head, her fingers clasped over the pendant as it fell between her little furry breasts.

  "What is it ye have there, lass? A pretty?"

  She looked up and there stood the Witch, smiling down at her, a large tote bag at her feet.

  "Aye, it is, it must be from William. Who else could have left it here? But he didn't sign the note that came with it."

  The Witch stepped forward, leaned to look closer at the pendant and smiled.

  "Aye ... ‘Tis a pretty indeed. One that cost a ransom as well, I'll wager."

  "I knew it was from William. He has had a change of heart then? Have you seen him? Or spoken to him? When will he be coming for me?"

  She was so excited, her face almost ached from the broad smile and her heart was leaping in her chest. She clasped the witch's hands in hers and tried to pull her into another dance around the cave, but she was puzzled when the witch didn't join in her joy.

  The Witch was shaking her head, a sad expression on her face.

  "I know ‘tis what you would wish, lass, but I dinna think it's from the lord."

  Cara felt the tears stinging her eyes as the witch's words sank in. She was right, of course ... William didn't even know where she was living. She sank slowly onto the chair at the side of the table as the tears slipped down her face.

  "I ... I guess you're right. How would he find me here? But if it wasn't William, then who could have left it here? Who would give me such a thing of beauty?"

  "I know not what to say to ye, lass. ‘Tis a lovely thing indeed and ye deserve such loveliness but as to who left it ... I've no words for ye about that."

  Lifting the heavy bag and looking closely at Cara, the Witch ran her hand across the girl's forehead.

  "Sick are ye, lass? Yer a mite pale this day."

  "Well, the stomach has been giving me a bit of a problem this morning, but I feel fine other than that. And now, my head is aching as well. Must be from the upset about William and his stubbornness."

  "Aye, must be then."

  Days passed and the Witch's visits were frequent, but there came a time when she needed to travel away from the area and Cara fell into the despair of loneliness. Leaving her little cave, she wandered through the woods, just to be out and about ... just to feel the sun on her furry little body. Stepping into a clearing near her favorite pool, she came up short, gasping her surprise.

  There in the wood was a man ... tall; handsome beyond belief, naked and dripping with water as though he had just stepped from the pool. He turned toward her at the sound of her gasp and looked surprised for a moment. Then a bright smile lit up his face and he bowed toward her.

  "Good morning, little fox. I hope your travels are happy ones."

  "Good morning, kind sir. Thank you. I didn't mean to intrude."

  She stepped back into the bushes, intending to leave but wanting to stay. Something about this man drew her attention as no other had done, but she didn't know him and...

  "Nay, please wait."

  He reached down, turned his back to her and pulled his pants on. When he was done with the pants, he turned back to her. She had watched every movement he made and it brought a heat to her face she hadn't felt in quite a long time. The grace in the way he moved ... the smile on his face ... something about him drew her attention and stayed her feet.

  "Now ... a more proper visage for you, my lady."

  She chuckled softly and stood her ground.

  "I thank you Sir ... but ‘twas not necessary for my benefit. I saw nothing wrong with your appearance."

  She couldn't believe she was saying such things to a complete stranger, but there was something about him that she hadn't felt before ... even with William.

  "Are you new to the area, Sir?"

  "Well, not really. I've been hereabouts a time or two over the last few years. And you, lass? Are you new here?"

  "I used to live in the village downstream, Sir, but..."

  Her words faltered as she thought of her transformation and her reason for being in the woods. She felt the heat in her face again and her head dropped. She wasn't ashamed of what she had become but it was difficult for her to voice the explanation.

  "But? It sounds as though there's a story to be told, lass. Sit and tell me while we eat.” He nodded towards the base of a tall willow tree and she saw a picnic lunch spread out on the thick grass.

  She smiled at the thought of dining with this handsome man, forgetting for a moment that she would have to share her tale of woe.

  "Thank you, kind sir. It would be my pleasure."

  She crossed to the base of the tree while he dressed and settled herself to her knees, then noticed a bit of discomfort in her back and resettled herself. When she looke
d up again, he was taking a seat beside her and reaching for a loaf of bread.

  "Then tell me your tale, lovely lass. You lived in the village and now you don't?"

  He watched her as she sighed heavily and her head drooped as she began to speak, softly, hesitantly.

  "The Witch of Wolstad read my fortune, Sir and it was foretold that I would wed the lord of this realm and bear him many sons. So, if truth be told, I threw myself at him as if I were a hussy. I teased him unmercifully and he took me to the castle, wed me and then bed me. When he was done and I opened my eyes again, all I saw was a shock of surprise on his face. Then he jumped from the bed and backed away from me."

  When she paused to catch her breath, it was like she was coming up for air. She had hurried through the words so quickly that it took him a moment to understand them. A wave of regret moved through him as the words sank in and he saw the tears in her eyes. She might look different but she had deep feelings of loss and was one of the most delicate creatures he had ever encountered. To think that a lord would behave in such a manner was an affront to his sensibilities.

  He searched the pockets on his doublet, found a handkerchief and held it out to her as her story continued. Her little hand took the proffered cloth and swiped at her cheeks.

  "When the Witch came, she told the tale. There is a dragon here, Sir and she said he cursed me. When the seed of the lord filled my body, I was changed to this. He was afraid and shocked and ... and disgusted. He bade me leave and never return."

  "Ah, lovely lass ... ‘Tis a sad tale indeed. A lord of the realm acting in such a manner against such a sweet thing as you is a dishonor to his position and name."

  Her voice broke on the last words and she was shaking as deep sobs wracked her body. When her voice first faltered on the word disgusted, he leaned closer but when she broke down completely, he scooted over and slid his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close.

  "Then he was a fool, little fox and you are well rid of him. A lovelier creature I doubt I have ever seen or ever will see again."

  His scent filled her head and his gentle touches of comfort filled the hole left by the lord's absence.

  "Truly, Sir? I'm not something to run from? Or be disgusted by?"

  "Aye, it's most definitely true. What is your name, little fox? Although I don't mind calling you little fox, I would dearly love to know your name."

  "My name is Cara. I have no last name other than the lord's and I doubt he would want me to use it now."

  "It doesn't matter, little one. Cara is enough and it's a lovely name. I am called Zaven and I am pleased to have met you."

  He took up the kerchief from her lap and wiped the tears from her face, smiling softly as he did.

  "No more tears, Cara. Now take this and eat. You look pale and sweet fruit is always good no matter if it is for fur or skin."

  He chuckled and leaned toward her, kissing her forehead as gently as possible.

  She gasped at the tiny shock from the kiss and then smiled up at him, feeling the pleasure she had dreamed of feeling with William.

  They passed the remainder of the day with food and talk, each telling tales of remembered times, though he had many more tales to tell than she did. The food dishes always seemed to be filled at least half way, the wine flagon was never empty but she was so wrapped up in listening to him tell of his exploits that she didn't pay attention to those details. When she yawned, he laughed out loud.

  "Poor Cara ... I've kept you all this day with nattering about stories of old and you are so tired you can barely keep your eyes open. Rest now. Close your eyes and rest while I pack up the lunch and then I will take you home."

  "I don't know why I'm so tired all of a sudden. Surely you must believe it was not the company, Sir."

  "Sir? Is it now Sir again?"

  "No, Zaven. It is Zaven, for sure. It must be the tiredness taking my senses."

  He chuckled and stood up to clear the lunch as she closed her eyes and leaned back against the tree. The soft sounds of his movements added to her sense of relaxation and she peeked up at him for a moment before sighing deeply and closing her eyes again.

  It seemed only a moment had passed when she felt herself being scooped up and held against his chest. She was almost giddy from the closeness and was of two minds. She wanted to snuggle against him but what sense of propriety she had left dictated otherwise.

  "Zaven! I can walk, you know. It's not far."

  "But you are light as a feather, dear Cara and there is no reason for you to walk when I can carry you quite easily. Now ... which way do we go?"

  Cara gave up the argument and snuggled against him. The scent of him as she nestled under his chin filled her again and she could only point the way to her little cave, not quite trusting herself to speak. Then she was asleep again, smiling in his arms. The next thing she knew, he was leaning over her, putting her in her little bed.

  "Mmmm, Zaven. How can I thank you? You gave me such a wonderful day."

  "There is no need for thanks, little one, other than to let me see you again for more delightful conversation."

  She stifled another yawn as she nodded up at him.

  "What is this, Cara?” His fingers caressed the golden rose hanging from her neck.

  "Isn't it lovely? It was left outside the cave as a gift to me, but I know not who sent it."

  "It is quite beautiful. Whoever sent it to you must love you very much. Perhaps I should simply leave you be ... I wouldn't want to anger your lover."

  "But Zaven ... I don't know who sent it."

  "Well ... whoever he is, maybe he won't mind a bit of conversation and a little food and drink between friends."

  "If he shows himself, Zaven ... I will tell him that I choose my friends and will talk and dine with them as I choose."

  He laughed loudly, leaned down and kissed her forehead again and then stood up beside the bed.

  "Take care, sweet little fox. I will be back to see you again."

  Chapter Four

  Adrian looked down just as Crys looked up, pouting at his pause. He smiled down at her and ran the tip of his finger across her pouting lower lip, the barely exposed claw teasing the pout into a smile. Once again, simply her presence touched his heart that she gave of her heart and love so deeply. He had met her and thought it was just another conquest when it started, but she had found a place in his heart that would never cease to amaze him. The love for her had grown faster and more deeply than any he had experienced in his long life and he had experienced love many times in his past. Then he leaned down and kissed her softly, nibbling teasingly at her lower lip.

  "Only a momentary break, sweet Crys. I just couldn't bear another moment without kissing you."

  He felt the immediate increase in warmth in her skin and knew he had caused her to blush yet again. He loved the way she responded to him ... to his touch and words. It was a part of him now, his love for her. He was so very tired of his long existence. Living for such a long time might be the fantasy of some, but they had never lived it. Too often he had come to care for someone, only to lose them as they aged and he did not. Too many times the pain was deep and almost crippling as he tried to go on with his existence. This time he was determined to keep what he loved.

  His clawed fingers traced lightly down her throat and he leaned to kiss the pulse point, his tongue flicking across the heat of it.

  "Do you hunger, Adrian?"

  "Of course, my love. I always hunger for a taste of you, but not yet ... first the story and then a sweet taste. A reward for a story well told."

  She chuckled softly and leaned her head back, exposing her throat completely, teasing him and offering the promise once again. She shivered against him and moaned softly as his tongue whipped against her neck again. Then he tightened his arm around her a bit more and continued in the soft, deep voice that was so sexy it thrilled her to the very core of her being.

  * * * *

  Cara squatted by her little hearth, stirring
the stew she had made when she heard a scraping noise outside her cave entrance and turned to find Zaven standing there, apparently trying to figure out how to knock at a door that didn't exist. Her heart pounded in excitement and happiness. She giggled as she rose to her feet, then gasped and put a hand to her back. She sighed inwardly, thinking that the dampness of living in the cave must be having an effect on her.

  "Good day, Zaven. Please come in."

  She watched as he ducked down so he didn't bump his head on the entrance. He was smiling broadly and carrying a small package with him.

  "It's lovely to see you again, little one. I hope you are feeling rested."

  She felt a momentary heat in her face at the pleasing words and ducked her head a bit to hide it before raising her head again, a bright smile on her face.

  "Aye, that I am. Please sit down. Have you eaten? It isn't much but I have a stew cooking and you are welcome to join me."

  "It smells delicious, little Cara and I would enjoy that. It will go well with what I have brought."

  He smiled broadly as he handed her the package. When she opened it, she found a bottle of fine wine and a small cake from the local baker's shop.

  "You didn't have to do this, Zaven. I don't expect you to bring gifts and I do have a few things from the village here. The Witch brings me things that I need."

  "I know I don't need to bring gifts, but it pleases me to do so. You wouldn't deprive me of my happiness, would you Cara?"

  She smiled up at him and shook her head.

  "I wouldn't think of it, Zaven."

  He chuckled softly, and stood there for a moment, glancing around.

  "There is one thing I would like to bring here, Cara. If you wouldn't mind that is. If it wouldn't cause problems with your lover."

  "Zaven ... I've told you. There is no lover. Truly, I don't know who sent the necklace."

  "Well, Cara ... it's just that ... with my size ... well, I don't mind sitting on the floor to spend time with you, but..."


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