The Crimson Z

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The Crimson Z Page 16

by Robert Cloud, Lee Rush, Richard Savage

  He might phone unexpectedly in the afternoon and might suggest additional elements, like having her insert a butt plug for her car ride home. This was guaranteed to make her feel every bump in the road home. It would have the additional benefit of having her ready if he wanted to use her that way later in the evening.

  The daily ritual continued at home in the evening with her cooking his evening meal. She had always said how much she loved to cook for him. In return, he was very appreciative of the care he was given, often bringing her little tokens of affection. He remembered one particular occasion when he had brought home a rose, Evelyn was over the moon and she had served him his evening meal wearing only a smile.

  Regardless of the sex they'd had that night, and sex was always on the cards, Peter always insisted that her last duty of the day was to kiss his penis goodnight.

  He had always got the impression from her response she loved the rituals too; this was borne out by her increased enthusiasm for the tasks.

  One day he asked her and she had said she took as much pleasure in her submission, as he did. He was delighted every time she told him that. She also told him that the routine showed that he cared about her seven days a week twenty-four hours a day. He smiled when she told him that, because with all his heart, he did.

  It had been the proudest moments in his life when she had accepted his collar. He remembered his fingers trembling as he buckled the clasp. It always brought a smile to his lips to remember, that after the collar had fastened tight, she had taken his member between her lips. In that climax, he knew he had found the one.

  The collaring ceremony had been the culmination of years Peter had spent looking for the right lady. It had been like looking for a needle in a haystack and in finding Evelyn; he felt he had found his own personal holy grail. As he thought back, he remembered her gasps of pleasure as he teased her body, stimulating but withholding release. He remembered that she had been nervous at first, especially with the introduction of corporal punishment, but once she freely gave her control to him, he felt that she had taken to it like a duck to water.

  It was clear that she was enjoying the discovery and he in turn delighted at leading her down the path of enlightenment. A path that lead to a different way of loving. A deeper way of loving.

  Each step brought them closer together. The rose and trellis, the two entwined and inseparable. Peter as the trellis providing the framework that the rose of Evelyn could climb and thrive.

  Evelyn shifted drawing his mind back to the present, “It has been a long time my pet."

  Evelyn wiped a tear of joy and replied, “Yes, my Master, it has. I have missed you."

  Stroking her hair, Peter smiled and said, “I have missed you too, oh so very much."

  They embraced, holding each other tightly as they kissed passionately again.

  Evelyn drew back and looked into Peter's eyes. She smiled and whispered, “I know,” acknowledging that she knew he wanted more tender time too. They were both aware that time was pressing and as much as they both wanted to linger in the moment, time was not a luxury they could afford.

  "Are you ready to serve my pet?” Peter stroked her cheek.

  "I am Sir. I live to serve.” Her smile showed the genuine warmth of her love for him.

  "Thank you my pet.” Peter took a step back and continued, “If you would be so good my dear, as to reveal to me the clothes with which you honor me."

  All his words were so familiar the years folded back, as she remembered her training. She remembered his kindness and patience as he showed her how he liked her to dress. The way he shopped with her, guiding her in the shops. She remembered being slightly embarrassed as he asked the shopping assistant details about the clothing. Men were not supposed to be that confident, especially about women's clothing. They were not supposed to be that into shopping either.

  She remembered the shopping assistant was embarrassed too when he lifted the hem of Evelyn's skirt and asked the assistant if she had four more pairs of identical panties. The assistant blushed and went to get the panties. Evelyn smiled at the memory of the incident too. It had not been the fact that Peter had exposed her panties that had embarrassed her, but the fact that her clit hood had been freshly pierced. As Peter had said this had been its first outing.

  She reveled in the distance she had come since the first time she had submitted to him, in no greater way than in her own confidence in body. She remembered the first time she had stood naked in front of him. She had been blind with terror, scared to death of being judged by a new lover. It was the very fact that he had never judged her body, but had accepted her just as she was that allowed her to stand here now. Confident and ready to serve in whatever way Peter wanted.

  "Yes Sir,” she said confidently, as she undid the tiny pearl buttons of her blouse to reveal her naked breasts and their adorning jewelry.

  Peter was delighted to see her naked and proud. He felt that her strength and confidence were the greatest gift he had ever given her.

  Once more, he remembered when he'd had her pierced as a present for their first wedding anniversary. The piercings had been discussed for a while before doing them. It had rained all week, but this Saturday, the day the deed would be done was bright and sunny, it was like a message from above, a celestial approval.

  The car journey was quiet. He could feel how nervous she was by her quietness. She was usually not that quiet. He patted her thigh reassuringly and they shared a smile. Yet, there was the tension of anticipation.

  In the piercing parlor, it all looked clinical, very much like a doctor's examination room, with all the sterilized instruments on hand. When they had booked the appointment, they had booked for both breasts. The gold rings were there, just waiting to be fitted. Peter eyed the man that was to do the piercing with suspicion. He was heavily tattooed and looked to have more in common with a coven of Hell's Angels than the world of clinical practitioners. Yet, he seemed friendly and certainly seemed to know his business. He asked for Evelyn's breasts to be exposed and he marked the spots on each side of both nipples making sure that the piercings would be both straight and level. He remembered that Evelyn didn't say a word. She had looked at him with pleading puppy eyes. It had been a joint decision to have this done. He knew it was just last minute nerves.

  He looked down at Evelyn as she sat in the chair. He held her hand.

  "Are you going to give her a local anesthetic?” Peter asked.

  "We don't as standard,” replied the piercing specialist. “Do you really feel you want one?"

  There was something in his voice that would have made Peter feel like a coward if he has said yes, so he simply said “No ... We will be fine doing it like this.” He had half a twinge of guilt as Evelyn was not going to get a vote on this.

  He remembered how Evelyn had sat patiently waiting and how he had felt her grip his hand as the piercing needles had penetrated the flesh of her nipples. He remembered that he had carried her fingernail marks in his hand for the best part of the following week though she had not made one sound through the ordeal.

  He smiled. She had worn the gold rings in her nipples ever since. Even now, here in the hotel room he was proud of her. Peter stood and admired the gold chain that joined the two rings. This had been a present on there second anniversary.

  He remembered the nail marks in his hand when he had her pierced for the third time the following year. That time her nails had drawn blood.

  He had nothing but love and pride in his lady. He had never felt so deeply for another. In the years that followed, he had visited the jeweler again and had the additional three smaller amulets made. These were identical in design to the pendants that hung at their necks. Peter's intention for the three new medallions was to adorn both nipple rings and her clitoral ring. There was another aspect to the design of the three new amulets; each had a tiny clasp so each could be detached. The reason for this was so Peter could decide where and when the amulets were worn.

er watched intently, as she put the blouse on the back of a chair. He was pleased when she paused and slowly turned for him, so he could see her better. He praised her with a simple, “Good girl."

  When she had turned full circle, she stood quietly awaiting his next command. All Peter had to do was nod and Evelyn promptly undid and shimmied from her skirt, which in turn was neatly folded on top of the blouse. He was pleased again, when she stood still and then slowly turned for his pleasure.

  Peter was aware of his erection straining against his pants; there was that familiar distraction of it being slightly out of place, his hand flicked momentarily to his groin to reposition his phallus. Touching his penis, even momentarily through his clothing, connected him to his more base instincts. The cave man in him wanted to throw her to the floor and simply pin her down and fuck her. However, he knew how unfulfilling such a brief explosion of desire could be. He had waited all year for this. This would be a meal he would take his time over. Yet tethered, the animal inside remained.

  As he looked at her body, he began to visualize all the things he wanted to do with her and to her. Lurid mental images of rope and lash, the kaleidoscope included sounds and smells, a heady mix of carnal desires. As he looked, the tip of his tongue moistened his lips in anticipation. He felt his palms sweat and he wiped them on his suit trousers. He wrestled mentally the conflict between base desire and control. There really was no contest; years of self-discipline would win without a doubt.

  Control had structured his life, from a very early age. It went back to his father, who had been a man of sometimes brutal army discipline. As a child, Peter had hated the rigid confines, but as an adult, he had come to see the beauty of control and order. His life was based on those very principles so that everything he did was considered and measured. Restraint had been the key to all he did. Yet again, his thoughts turned to the beast and hard mental images of brutal, passionate sex, washed over his mind. The control was there, always there. Despite his hunger, he would make love to his girl slowly, totally consuming her, as he always had done.

  Despite her confidence she trembled, nervously awaiting his reaction. She stood vulnerable, wearing only her jewelry, stockings, garter belt and heels for her Master to see. Evelyn took a deep breath and drew her shoulders back pushing her breasts forward. Proudly displaying the chain about her waist, which was made with slightly thicker links than the chain that joined her two nipple rings. It had been the last gift he had bought her. The waist chain fastened at the front with a gold padlock that had her Master's initial P on one side and the maker's Z on the reverse. It was more than a simple belt it had a second element to it. From a larger forged ring at the back of the belt hung a second piece of chain, which was intended to pass between her buttocks, divide her labia and rejoin the belt at the golden padlock at the front.

  Evelyn loved this piece of jewelry. When she wore it, she felt secure and safe in the knowledge she was held by her Master. It was also a very erotic item to wear, as the chain rubbed her clitoris and the action of walking kept her in a state of permanent arousal, as was evident by the nectar moistening her inner thigh.

  Peter sat back in an armchair. Evelyn stood before him, her shoulders back, her long blonde hair trailing down her back, her skin perfect. She stood tall and straight, proud to be his. For Peter's part, he was as proud as ever, to call her his property, to care for and to nurture.

  "My pet, please come to me."

  "Yes Sir,” Evelyn stepped towards her seated Master.

  Peter made himself comfortable, as he stroked the amulet that hung from her clit ring.

  He contented himself that this gave his pet pleasure, as Evelyn slowly let out a succession of sighs. He felt totally in power. It was a feeling he truly lived for, and it was nectar to die for. To have that control over another, the power to give or withhold was intoxicating.

  He knew she would cum, there and then, if he was to give her the word of permission. He could see in her face the look of contentment. He continued to toy with the pendent and stimulate her fully erect clitoris. Peter looked up at Evelyn; her eyes were now closed in concentration, trying to control her body's reaction to the stimulation. She knew she was not allowed to cum until she was given permission. He could see her teeth gripping her lower lip, concentration on her face.

  This aroused him even more and he felt his penis whispering its own demands, as he softly stroked it. He admired her control. She seemed to have shifted to a higher plane, where she could be in command of her own body's impulses.

  Quite deliberately, he increased the level of stimulation and delighted at the changes he saw, her breath now coming in short gasps. He found himself somehow mirroring her breathing. Empathizing with her body, feeling his own body respond. His own loins feeling the same excruciating tension. Picturing how this exquisite torture would feel if it were applied to him. A little more pressure and a lower moan passed her lips. Peter moistened his own lips again, as he imagined how the pressure would feel. In turn, he could see Evelyn's reactions and the tension on her face showed her need.

  He watched her as her head started to draw back, pushing her breasts further forward. Peter also noticed the muscles in her legs and buttocks clenching, controlling, holding back the climax. Peter was proud of his lady's restraint. His own excitement was undeniable, his erection strained against he pants. His own needs made their demands, yet he would be every bit as controlled as Evelyn.

  Peter felt it was now time to consume the cake so long waited for. It would be consumed slowly and completely.

  Peter smiled and released the pendent and said, “The time has come to serve my physical needs. Stand straight for me now my pet, I wish to look at you."

  Evelyn stood proudly before her Master.

  Peter admired Evelyn's body. He could see her pride as she showed her body, a marked contrast to the woman he had first met many years ago. He loved the full roundness of her breasts, the curve of her hip, the swell of her bottom, her glorious legs and beautiful ankles. His love went beyond the physical. He loved the beautiful lady she was, her personality, her willingness to serve. She was all that he could ever want in a woman and he knew that there would never be another in his life that meant so much to him. All that he was now, lived for this annual meeting. Without it and his contact with the lady he loved, there would be no point in his existence.

  Peter stood and led Evelyn to the bed by the amulets that adorned her clit ring. They knew each other so well her movements anticipated his and she moved smoothly to the bed. He removed the little chain that went around her waist and between her legs. There was no need of it now, the token chastity belt would only hinder the session that was about to follow.

  He released his light hold on the jewel, “I wish you to sit."

  Without a word she did.

  Peter looked at Evelyn, as she sat on the edge of the bed. She looked calm and relaxed. He softly stroked her hair, “I wish to use you now my pet."

  He smiled and looked down lovingly into her eyes, “You know the words I need to hear."

  "Yes Sir.” Joyously she returned his smile and kept full eye contact. She felt exultant, as she spoke the words which marked the commencement of service. The words she had said so many times before, “My Master, I love and trust you, all that I am, is for you to command. I freely give you my body for your pleasure. You may use me in any way you see fit; in any way that gives you pleasure.” Her words came easily. She loved these rituals; they gave structure and order to her life. By following the rituals she could feel Peter's love and care. She had come to depend on these structures; they were to her like air and water.

  Peter ran his fingers through her hair, “Thank you my pet, I have missed you serving me."

  With the grace of a dancer, he removed his clothing. It was something he had always enjoyed since Evelyn had said how much it turned her on to watch him strip.

  First his tie, then he removed the jacket of his suit. He looked down as she sat on the bed.
Her erect nipples showed him the tease of the strip was having the desired affect. Shoes and socks were removed. He smiled to himself, nothing more ridiculous than a man naked except for his socks. The shirt next, carefully unbuttoned and the cufflinks removed. He saw her lick her lips in anticipation and her legs began to part immodestly. Each item was carefully removed and laid out on the dresser as if laid out as an exhibit in a museum. The pace of this strip tease was marked, no hurry, yet he didn't want to waste precious time. The trousers and underpants followed. It was an elegant procedure and now completed, Peter stood before his minion, his body muscular and taught, his penis erect. He walked slowly to where she sat. She needed no further instruction. Evelyn lifted her head and took the dome of his phallus into her warm receptive mouth.

  There they stayed momentarily. He felt as if the warmth of her mouth was nourishing his very soul. Many years ago, he had taught her how to take the whole of his penis into her mouth and as he inched forward he filled her again. He could feel her breath on his shaved pubis, as she breathed through her nose. His balls rested on her chin as he stroked her hair. He felt her head push back responding to the strokes, like a small kitten, thanking her owner for affection. The small sighs also showed her contentment and told him how right it all was.

  As he looked down, he looked into her eyes. She looked back adoringly. He could see in her eyes the bond they still shared.

  Peter's word fell like cool summer rain, “my pet, I want you to feel the size and shape of my penis.” He looked into her eyes. He felt her mouth contract on his member as if she were mapping his shaft with her lips and tongue. “I want you remember my cock as it fills your mouth, so when I fuck your pussy you will visualize its length and thickness.” He stroked her soft blond hair as he told her, “I want you to remember how it feels in your mouth now, so when I possess your anus you will know just how deep you have been penetrated."


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