The Crimson Z

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The Crimson Z Page 17

by Robert Cloud, Lee Rush, Richard Savage

  As he looked down, he could see she was smiling as best she could, and he knew she understood his intentions. He wanted her to focus on the details to enrich both their experiences, building the tension with words, as well as actions.

  "Tonight my pet, I will have every inch of you. Tonight you will be totally mine again, body and soul."

  Slowly he withdrew his phallus from her mouth. He looked down on his glistening member and then at his beloved Evelyn. She sat quiet and composed awaiting his instruction. Her body had a trace of perspiration; her whole body seemed to have a glow. He could see her eager to please and for his part he wanted her, needed her urgently. His eyes flicked along her body to her parted legs, her most lips told him she was ripe for the taking. His hunger was biting. Peter laid her back on the bed, the scene ahead firmly in his mind. He'd had a year to plan and he knew every bit of it by heart.

  Evelyn allowed herself to be moved into the position he desired. Her years with Peter had brought with it total trust and confidence. She lay flaccid, his to do with as he pleased. She loved the freedom to just let go, to submit to his will. Giving the power to him freely was an aphrodisiac. She loved the feel of his strong arms on her body, molding her. She knew that he had her best interests in mind and in submitting to him completely, the pleasure he would give her would take her close to heaven.

  He lifted her arms above her head and tied them together with a black silk scarf. The end of the scarf was attached at a central point at the head of the bed. She loved the feeling of constraint and the silk felt sensual against her flesh. A second scarf covered her eyes. She loved sight depravation too. It allowed her to surrender not only to her Master but also to all her senses. She had always felt once she could no longer see, the senses of smell, touch, and taste became more acute as if to compensate for the loss of the visual.

  She could feel the warmth of his hands on her body and she loved the feel of him. She was aware of his aftershave and could smell him as he wafted around her. His hands were on her legs, she could feel him stroke her skin. Once his hands had left her momentarily she moved her legs, to discover they were left untethered, she supposed for greater access. Without the aid of sight, she could only wonder what would be next. The suspense was delicious.

  She felt the nectar of love seep from her, moistening her thighs. Her body tingled with anticipation. She had waited a whole year for this meeting and she embraced the constriction, in the way a thirsty man drinks cool water. Her bonds made her feel held by her lover and so very wanted. She was hungry for whatever experience Peter wished her to have, as she knew this would be for their pleasure.

  Evelyn retreated to her inner space, when she could no longer sense where he was in the room. All her senses were acutely awake. She could smell him, she felt the luxuriance of the silken fabric on her face, and wrists, the fresh sent of clean linen sheets, and even her own scent. Though few people would admit it, even to themselves, she was excited by her own scents and tastes.

  Abruptly, she was brought back to the outside world. She felt the firm masculine hardness of his hands, as they traced the lines of her body. She felt his hands holding her ample breast, cupping her, while tender lips grazed a painfully hardened nipple. She loved him, and the way he effortlessly made her senses sing. He never hurried in the bedroom and she knew that she would be totally consumed. She longed for the conflagration of climax.

  He treated her body as if it was a temple and she was the high priestess. In her minds eye she pictured him paying homage to her temple of Venus. She bit her lip, as the tender dance of tease and denial was played on her skin. It felt like electricity running through her body. She could feel his lips and tongue on her nipple. The tender lips became more insistent and from them she felt the soft grip of teeth. She slowly sucked in breath over her teeth as the pressure was applied. She craved the grip and longed for that mild discomfort. The heady mix of pleasure and discomfort. Then all too soon, she felt the nipple released and all that remained was an ache as it began to throb just a little. She lay, breathing deep, anticipating what was to come.

  Peter stepped back to look at his lady, he loved the sound she made when he put her under pressure, a sound he would hear many times before the evening was out. Having teased her nipple hot it was time for a contrast. He had spent many hours in preparation for this night, as his minion would discover.

  Evelyn relaxed in delicious anticipation, the waiting painfully exquisite. She had always felt the anticipation was an essential part of any love making session and had come to realize she could never predict what Peter would do next. In all the time they had been together, they had never fallen into the trap of the regular predictable sex her vanilla friends complained about.

  She was brought back to reality abruptly by an intense sensation. So intense in fact that she was not sure at first whether it was hot or cold.

  A moment to become accustomed and she felt the wetness and cold ache of ice. She felt it first on her nipple, a stark contrast to her Master's hot lips. She felt the trickle of the water on hot skin. She could not contain a shiver, as the ice was moved from nipple to nipple. She caught her breath, as she felt the water puddling between her breasts and then running in a rivulet to her neck. The ice was traced between her breasts again then southward coming to rest in her bellybutton. She felt no pressure so she assumed it had been abandoned there to melt. This was confirmed by a new piece of ice and its cold touch on her nipple. This too eventually made its way to her navel and a third icy finger touched her skin.

  This time it started at her tummy and headed south, she said nothing, but the contrast in temperature between her hot pubis and the ice made her draw her breath slowly over pursed lips. She loved being Peter's plaything. She loved that he was in total control. It gave her permission to abandon thought in favor of sensation and she reveled in that sensory overload.

  The ice played across her pubis, the melting water trickling down into the delta. She felt her legs being parted and the ice being guided along her inner lips. The cold on hot flesh, made her tingle. Against her hot excited skin the ice didn't last long. She felt the last sliver of the cube disappearing into her vagina before the next was introduced to her pubis. She could feel the ice trace every inch of the delta, between her legs and around her lips. This time a much larger piece of ice slipped inside her pussy. Peter's hands left her briefly, and for that moment, she felt alone, left to feel the melting water seeping from her pussy, the rivulet trickling across the hot rose bud of her anus. She lay, tied and helpless. The moment Peter was away felt a lifetime. The next thing she felt was his hot lips on her clit. She felt him lick and suck teasing the little corner of flesh. She felt her engorged morsel throb, aching for release, as his lips and tongue coaxed her ripe clitoris. She knew from old, he would not let her surrender to her first orgasm so easily.

  Her teeth nipped her lip with frustration. She must have broken the skin, as she was aware of the coppery taste of her own blood. She didn't care. She felt that ache deep inside her wanting her to let go and surrender to her body's instinct. She felt her emotions torn between her Master's will and her own gratification. Evelyn moaned and sweat dripped off her brow. She knew how close it was, it took every ounce of self-control to hold back her climax. She clenched her fists, as she felt herself on the very brink, hoping and praying that Master would give her the permission, to let her over the edge, yet without that consent she knew she would be punished.

  She involuntarily let out a low moan, as she felt him working on her dilated clit. A sigh passed her lips, followed by a gasp, as his hot mouth was replaced by ice. The flames of passion were lowered momentarily. The ice circled on her clit then traveled down her slit. For a moment she thought it was going to enter her pussy, but it went lower and stroked her perineum. It lingered there a while, before passing around the tight flesh of her anus. She knew to relax, but even so caught her breath as she felt him apply a light pressure to the cube and it slipped easily inside her tight o

  Her Master's reassuring words, “Savor the cool my pet; I will be warming you up there later."

  The game of hot and cold continued as his hot lips returned to her clit and he played with her clit ring with his tongue. Every nerve ending in her body was alive. She was aware of every part of her being. Her clit felt huge, wild imagery flooded her mind, her clit the size of a penis and Peter fellating it. The ice in her rectum was a second phallus; two of Peter's digits in her vagina were yet another hard rampant cock, stretching her, fucking her.

  A cascade of sensory overload. It was all too much. Moaning, gritting her teeth and clenching her fists, she surrendered to a shuddering climax. The waves washed over her, uncontrollably. She was lost in time and space. Her body tensed rigid as sparks of electricity arced everywhere throughout her body. Trembling, she was totally lost to sensation. Somewhere deep in the back of her mind she knew there would be a price to pay, but right here and now, she truly did not give a shit. She gushed and the world went quiet. All she could feel were the echoing ripples of her orgasm.

  When the world returned to her and she was calm once more, she heard his voice. “My pet?"

  "Yes Sir ... I am sorry Sir ... I wanted you ... needed you so much."

  "I know my pet.” His words were soft as summer rain. “I understand ... and yet you know the rule."

  "Yes Sir ... I know I am not to come with out your permission.” She had transgressed and she was calm. She knew there would need to be a payment made. She simply didn't know which form it would take. “I am ready to accept any correction you wish, Sir."

  "Thank you my pet."

  In their many years together, he had disciplined her in many ways and she was used to his methods. She felt his warm hand on her pubis, still cool and damp from the ice. As soon as his hand lifted, she knew what to expect. Hands clenched and she sucked in air and braced herself. No time to be scared. No time to think.

  Crack! The hand slapped down; through gritted teeth she hissed more from surprise than pain. The sound of hand on skin echoed around the room, followed swiftly by a second. She loved this bittersweet sensation, the mild discomfort was more than compensated for by the pleasure it gave her. In past pubic spankings, she had even achieved orgasm. A third and a fourth. With the sixth strike still ringing in her ears she was close to cumming. Her pubis burnt and all was silent for a few minutes. Her pubis throbbed and the next sensation she felt was her Master's lips bathing the area with tender kisses. She was so proud that, beyond the light gasp as each blow struck, she had remained silent. She was grateful to him for his correction. She felt nothing but warmth and affection for her Master.

  "Thank you, Sir for my correction ... I feel stronger for it.” Her words were a not rehearsed speech. The genuine tone of her voice showed him that she truly meant it.

  "My pet, I am proud of you,” his words were as sweet as nectar. She felt more connected to him now than ever and she loved him with all her heart.

  "That was correction. This will be for my pleasure and hopefully yours."

  "What pleases you, Sir pleases me.” Although she could not see what he was about to do, her words were sincere. She truly wanted nothing more than to please her Master.

  Evelyn lay there tied and quiet while she listened to the sounds of Peter moving about. She heard muffled footsteps on the carpet, the rattle of what she guessed were toys being taken from a wooden box. Each sound prompted a question, what was that?

  Evelyn knew the suspense was a big element of the game. Each delay felt like an eternity and she was yearning to know what was in his mind.

  She was much more curious than worried. She trusted Peter implicitly. She could smell leather, faintly at first, but it became more distinct. She felt a tap on the nose. She smiled as she recognized the toy, the end of a riding crop. She felt the end of the crop slide from her nose onto her upper lip and down onto her chin. She felt him trail the leather end of the crop across her chest and onto her breasts. She felt it slide lower along her tummy and onto her pubis. It lingered there for a moment before descending to the moistness of her sex. She felt the crop probe, before being withdrawn. There was silence and she waited in quiet anticipation. The leather smell again accompanied this time by her own familiar smell.

  "Kiss the crop please my pet,” he said as the crop grazed her lips.

  She could taste herself now on the crop as she first kissed the leather then took it into her mouth, she knew, from past sessions with the crop that Peter liked the leather wet. The crop slid from her lips.

  Peter looked at the glistening wet leather. It pleased him to know that they were still exactly in tune with each other.

  "Speak again the words my pet.” He had always made her repeat her statement of submission and compliance. The statement reassured him of her consent and filled him with the knowledge that whatever happened Evelyn freely entered into it. He knew that Evelyn was more confident in the scene because she was given the option to opt out, though in all these years she had never used it.

  "My Master, I love and trust you, all that I am is for you to command. I freely give you my body for your pleasure. You may use me in any way you see fit; in any way that gives you pleasure."

  "Thank you my pet. These bee stings will renew our bonds to each other. It will not last long but it will give you something physical to comfort you over the next week."

  "Thank you, Sir.” Her voice was steady.

  Peter swished the crop through the air, allowing himself the feel of the tool. A few quick slices through the air and he was ready. He knew this preparation built tension. He felt exhilarated. The power of pain and pleasure was indeed intoxicating. He had developed his skills with crops, paddles, and whips over the years. He considered himself experienced at administering corporal punishment. He took a pride in his ability.

  He heard Evelyn gasp loudly as with a crack, the crop stung her lower belly. He had harbored reservations in the early days of his discovery of the BDSM lifestyle. He had worried about inflicting pain. The question haunted him. Was it right to hurt the one you love? However, as he traveled the path, he became aware that the recipient craved the discomfort, asked for the discomfort, needed it. He in return craved the power and aphrodisiac qualities that inflicting the discomfort gave him. It had been he that had introduced Evelyn to the bittersweet delights of the crop, the cane, the paddle and the whip. She had needed no persuading to try any of them and she responded warmly to all the toys. It was more than just wanting to please him. Peter had the feeling that she craved the very physical nature of corporal punishment.

  He loved the sound of her light moans, as he quite deliberately landed the crop on her pubis. He arranged the strikes to form a cross, the last of the strikes just above her clit.

  "Only four more to go my pet."

  "Thank you Sir, I am here for your pleasure."

  "Thank you pet,” he said respectfully.

  Evelyn sucked in air as the last four stings struck her breasts on either side of the nipple rings that held the amulets.

  "I am very proud of you my pet."

  He could see her warm smile as she replied, “Thank you Sir. I am proud to serve you."

  Peter removed her blindfold to allow her the chance to see her darkening welts and to allow him the chance to see her sparkling blue eyes.

  "Now for pleasure my pet,” Peter's voice was low and gravelly and the way he said it, Evelyn could tell there was nothing but love and lust on his mind. “How are you feeling?"

  "I feel fine, Sir,” though in truth her arms ached a bit and the spanking and crop had made her sore. However, it was a wonderful feeling to be this used again after the long year, and she wasn't going to be weak enough as to complain before her Master.

  Evelyn allowed Peter to move her into a new position. Without untying her, he turned her over so she was face down. The sheets felt cool against her hot skin. She was very aware of the stings that had been laid on her flesh as they came in contact with
the smooth sheets. Each had its own little fire, each called out, in its own way.

  She felt his warm firm hands lift her hips and position a pillow beneath her, to raise her bottom a little higher. She moaned as he slipped a finger into her hungry pussy, its presence was so very welcome. She was oh so very ready. A second finger entered her channel of Venus, and she pushed back to take it deeper.

  She felt a smart smack on her bottom and Peter's playful rebuke, “At my pace my pet. The pleasure is mine to give, not yours to take."

  "Yes Sir. Sorry Sir"

  In her position, she could see very little, but she felt oh so very much. She felt his fingers continuing to explore. A new sensation of fingers from his other hand toying with her labia and along her slit. She felt his fingers playing with the ring and medallion, which hung from it. All the while, the two digits inside her pussy explored her. She could feel the pressure on the front wall of her vagina, massaging her G-spot. After he had played there for a while, he pushed back and she could feel the whole of her love passage being stimulated. She yearned to be fucked. Hard. She knew of old, that was not Peter's way, not yet. First the tease.

  His stimulation held out the carrot of release, yet it was just out of reach. She felt the tension grow within her. That long nagging ache started from deep within her loins. It started low and built to a mighty crescendo.

  She was not to orgasm without permission, yet she yearned to. Her breath came in short hot gasps. The howl of nature's call filled her mind. Again, her hands gripped tight trying to fight the urge to cum.

  He removed his fingers and moved back. Peter's voice rasped with emotion, “Onto your knees my pet."

  Evelyn's only reply was to move into position for him, giving him better access to her. She was rewarded with the soft caress of his tongue. He was skilled in his oral ministrations. He ran the tip of his tongue along her slit to her vaginal opening and then slowly back to her engorged clit. He licked and nuzzled at the extended flesh before licking his way further south where he played and teased along her extended labia lips. He was not in any hurry, the time spent teasing here he regarded as one of the most essential parts of lovemaking. Her thighs were wet and her lips glistened with her ambrosia of love. He savored the sight the smell and taste. For Peter it was the very sensation of life itself.


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