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The Crimson Z

Page 28

by Robert Cloud, Lee Rush, Richard Savage

  Their hands linked, Anne and Jason moved off the bed. Reluctantly, Anne led him toward the alcove with their clothes, promising to bring him back soon. This had been the best afternoon she'd ever had.

  "I really don't want to leave,” Anne said as they took their clothes from the shelf. “But I want to help Virginia if I can."

  "Soon, I'll take you to the Inner Sanctum and we can play with their toys,” he promised, cupping her face with his hand. He leaned over and kissed her.

  "Come on,” Anne said when he lifted his head. “Or Virginia will be up here to drag us down to the shower."

  "True, but I'd rather spend the afternoon after our shower napping in bed with you."

  "Me, too, but I'd rather not risk Virginia's vengeance.” Anne laughed feeling happier and more alive than she ever had before. They returned to her bedroom then hurried to the en suite where Virginia had already started the shower.

  "I'll do your back if you do mine,” Jason offered his smile, a splash of white against his tanned cheeks. He climbed into the shower and drew her along with him.

  Anne picked up a facecloth hanging over the shower doors and lathered it up with soap. “I was thinking of starting lower."

  "And I'm thinking you might get something started you'll have to finish."

  "If I could only be so lucky,” Anne quipped then laughed, knowing she would get lucky from the glint in Jason's dark eyes.

  Half an hour later, when they came down the stairs, the kitchen was spotless.

  Jason turned, surveying the room. “Wow, would you like to rent Virginia out? I could use someone to go through my place."

  "I heard that!” Virginia said as she appeared. “I had to do something while you two were busy playing with my toys."

  "Virginia would love to,” Anne said with a grin, still feeling playful and light.

  "Very funny,” she drawled. With ghostly fingers, she lifted the chain and dangled it toward Jason who slid his first two fingers around the chain. “Why don't we make a three way connection and try and figure out where to start looking for my killer?"

  The trio sat at the table.

  "Why couldn't we just take what we know to the police and let them figure out who killed you?” Jason asked. “I don't like putting Anne in danger."

  Virginia grinned. “I don't either. That's why you're here."

  "Thanks,” he returned.

  "I've already talked to the detective on the case,” Anne interjected. “I mentioned that the body could be Virginia Marshall's. He investigated then told me in no uncertain terms that she's still alive and I should have realized that since I bought the house from her."

  "I guess, first, we should track down Virginia Marshall, the impostor.” Jason exhaled thoughtfully. “I know a fellow who could nose around—discretely. We don't want to tip off the impostor, possibly the murderer, we are onto her."

  "In the meantime, we should talk to the people who were closest to Virginia at that time,” Anne added. “To be able to take over her life so completely, they had to know a lot about her."

  "Who were you closest to Virginia?” Jason looked at the spirit's glistening form. “Who knew you well enough to step into your life?"

  Her forehead puckered, and she pinched her lips together, then she named a half a dozen people.

  "What about Clay Montgomery?” Jason mentioned, watching her intently.

  "What about him?” Lavender spread through the sparkling mist surrounding her.

  "It's too much of a coincidence that your Attic Club and his Inner Sanctum are identical."

  She shrugged. “We were lovers. He proposed. I accepted, and before the day ended. I was dead. End of story."

  "Wait a minute,” Jason said. “You accepted his proposal, then disappeared, and Clay didn't file a missing person's report? Didn't look for you? That doesn't sound like the Clay Montgomery I know."

  "You know him?” Anne sat forward in her seat.

  "Very well, and he's not the type to just sit back and do nothing if his fiancée disappeared."

  "That's what I thought too, but obviously I was mistaken.” The purple hue of her aura deepened.

  Bands of compassion closed painfully around Anne's chest. Perhaps finding the murderer wasn't the only reason Virginia's spirit couldn't rest. Perhaps it had as much to do with a broken heart.

  Chapter Nine

  "I'll see you tomorrow,” Jason said an hour later when he prepared to leave her home. He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her deeply, dipping and tasting, stroking her tongue. “Though I'd much rather stay and make love to you again ... and again ... and again.” Each pause was filled with a kiss. “I have a teleconference to attend."

  Her breasts growing hard with need, Anne leaned against him. “When?” she murmured.

  "An hour,” he returned. “The executive is having a supper meeting then we'll be going to the teleconference, which will probably run late."

  "Then, you have just enough time to have a snack before you leave.” Fluid from her sex soaked the crotch of her underwear. She reached behind her, under her shirt and released the hooks of her bra. She grasped the hem of her top and pulled it quickly over her head, dropping it on the ceramic tile floor of the foyer before she shrugged off her bra.

  A sensual chuckle rumbled in his chest and his eyebrows arched.

  "If there's one thing I learned today,” Anne said as she reached for his belt buckle and started undoing it. “It's that what we have today could be gone tomorrow. Look at Virginia and Clay. They were in love and going to get married. The next minute, she was gone. From now on, I'm going to live every day and not just go through the motions. If I want to make love to you, then I'm going to do it."

  "You won't hear me complaining.” Jason curled his hands around her breasts, massaging them in a sensual, circular motion, grazing the nipples until they wrinkled invitingly.

  Anne undid his pants and quickly pushed them over his hips. They slid down his hips to his ankles. While she pushed her skirt and panties off, he stepped out of his pants. She reached for his thick erection, drawing her hand along the rigid shaft, loving the softness of the skin. Gripping his organ, she drew him into the living room, her sex aching and empty. “I want you in me now."

  "Yes, ma'am. Your wish is my command.” He eased her onto the couch, covering her body with his. His mouth closed on her nipple, sucking and laving while his hand traveled to her clit, teasing the bud until it stood erect.

  Her legs fell open wider and her hips lifted, pushing herself against him until the tip slid inside. In a quick thrust, he was inside her, pumping in and out. A breathtaking satisfaction gripped her body. Anne dug her nails into his back, and closed her legs around him holding him tight as an orgasm burst through her body. There weren't any lingering caresses. It was just tumultuous sex.

  His cry of satisfaction came at a powerful thrust, then he slowly relaxed, raining kisses over her breasts, licking the still taut nipples. “I hate to bang and run, but this is a meeting I can't miss."

  Anne combed her fingers through his hair, sated. “I know. Go."

  He withdrew his semi-flaccid penis, then dressed. Anne watched his efficient movements, making no attempt to cover her nakedness. Instead of embarrassment, she relished the feelings his hungry gaze traveling over her body evoked. He dropped a kiss on her lips, then nipped each breast. She followed him to the door, then stepped back, watching him through a crack in the curtains.

  He strode toward his sporty vehicle—sleek and powerful—like him, then climbed in. Even before his car disappeared from view, she missed him. A part of her wanted to deny this feeling could be love blossoming. A cautious part of her that argued this was too soon to call whatever she was feeling love. It was probably just a mix of infatuation and lust. That was proving to be a heady combination.

  The phone rang rescuing her from the internal tug of war.

  "Am I interrupting anything?” Deb asked.

  "Not a thing.” Anne grinned. �
�But if you'd call five minutes earlier...” She let her voice trail away heavy with suggestion. “Well, let's just say, I would have let the answering machine pick up.

  "Tall, wavy brown hair, and a body to die for?"

  "One in the same.” She wondered what Deb would think of the adult playroom in her attic. One day, she might tell her, but not today. She wanted a chance to investigate all of the nooks and crannies with Jason before she invited anyone else.

  "Okay, I want all the details. How about coffee?"

  "Sounds like a great idea,” Virginia said, appearing at her elbow. “Can I come? I haven't been downtown in thirty years. I imagine it's changed a lot."

  Anne put a fingertip to her lips. “The Coffee Stop?"

  "In twenty?"

  "I think I can manage it. I need to get dressed."

  "Please tell me you're naked and dripping."

  Anne laughed at Deb's lewd comment. “Yes, to both,” she said with a laugh.

  "You know I'll expect details."

  Anne laughed feeling more light-hearted that she had felt in years. “See you soon."


  Returning the receiver to its cradle, Anne turned to Virginia. “You can come, but you have to behave or next time I'll leave the necklace here."

  Transparent fingertips traced a cross over an equally see-through chest.

  A grin surfaced and stayed there while she snatched her clothes from the floor and dressed. She brushed her hair then headed for the door.

  Anne picked up her purse from the semi-circular table in the foyer, then dug her keys out. “Let's go."

  As she walked along the stone path toward her car, Anne noticed the stern, middle-aged woman watching her over the fence. The same woman who had been watching her house yesterday. She turned and walked toward the hedge separating their homes.

  "Sandra Steers won't help you,” Virginia said.

  "You can't know that,” Anne whispered under her breath, then stepped up to the hedge.

  "She used to be one of my closest friends, but we ... we had a falling out just before I was murdered."

  "Hi!” Anne offered, unsettled by the woman's cool grey stare. Maybe Virginia was right. Maybe she wouldn't help.

  "Hello.” The tone was neutral, offering neither welcome nor rebuke.

  "I'm Anne Kemper. You're new neighbor.” She extended her hand across the hedge. The lady paused before she took it, her gaze piercing. “I guess you noticed the police cars were here on the weekend...” Anne left the sentence hanging, hoping to start a dialogue with her prickly neighbor. Regardless of what Virginia said. If she'd lived here thirty years ago and had watched her house as diligently then as she did now, perhaps she had seen the murderer leave the house without even knowing it. “I found a body in the basement. It had been there quite a while ... decades. I ... they think it was the previous owner. Did you know her?"

  The lady touched her fingertips to the gold cross hanging against the lace of her blouse. Her lips pulled together in a tight line. “No, and I didn't want to. She was evil—a demon.” Color stained the wrinkled cheeks. “They had orgies and worshipped the devil."

  "Orgies,” Virginia snorted and rolled her eyes. “Devil worship. If that's the case, then she was his number one disciple. Her cunt was insatiable."

  Fighting to keep her expression neutral, Anne tossed a quick glance in Virginia's direction at the spirited spirit's choice of words, then she looked back at the wizened woman, unable to imagine her doing anything but watching neighbors, disapproval wrinkling her face. “How did you know this?"

  "I wouldn't step foot in there, and you should leave while you still have your soul."

  Anne withheld a sigh. The woman was obviously a religious fanatic. “Then, how do you know they had ... orgies?"

  "Because she used to be the first one to strip, Virginia interjected. “And the last one to leave. At least, she was until she got religion and wanted to sermonize more that she wanted to get screwed. She's used every toy in the attic and brought a few of her own to share."

  Anne pressed her lips together to fight the grin trying to emerge. It really was difficult to imagine this nosy, sanctimonious shrew visiting the attic playroom.

  The woman pointed a wrinkled hand toward the windows in the attic. “Bold as brass she strutted around naked, having rutting with any male who'd have her."

  "She's describing herself. I was a little more discerning. I actually had to like the man I screwed. Quantity was all she cared about. The more men the better, usually two at a time.” Virginia floated around behind the woman, ghostly arms reached around; her hands skimming over the front of the woman's chest until they cupped her breasts, then sank beneath her clothing.

  "Enjoying sex doesn't make them demonic.” Anne pulled her gaze away from the woman's chest. If that's the case, then she would soon be sprouting horns and a tail. She definitely enjoyed sex.

  "There we go,” Virginia said with a grin. “Tight little tits."

  The woman shifted, then tugged on the hem of her shirt, and Anne pressed her lips together to stop from scolding Virginia at the woman's obvious discomfort. Ghostly hands moved lower, and Anne gave an imperceptible shake of her head.

  Virginia grinned. “I'm enjoying this too much to stop now."

  "Think what you like,” the woman said, a rosy flush rising to her cheeks. The older woman pressed her thighs together, her face pinching. “Virginia Marshall was evil incarnate."

  "Hypocrite!” Virginia snorted. “The man she set her sights on loved me, and she couldn't handle it. The day after he rejected her, she got religion and condemned us all to hell."

  "I can't believe that.” Even if only half of what Virginia said was true, Anne had had enough of this woman and her moralizing. Anne took a step back from the hedge.

  "That's because you never met her. If you want proof, just check out the attic."

  At the sight of Virginia's forehead puckered in a frown with pinpricks of light exploding around her, Anne decided it would be a good idea to retreat before Virginia did something they'd all regret. “If you remember anything about that time period that might help the police figure out who the body is or who might have killed her?"

  Anne turned away, not waiting for or expecting an answer or information that would help her solve the mystery of Virginia's murder, and walked quickly toward her car. It was probably best not to tell her that she'd visited the playroom and intended to drag Jason up there again at the first opportunity.

  As she slid behind the wheel, Virginia slid through the passenger side. Anne let her mutter about her hypocritical neighbor during the ten-minute drive to the Coffee Stop. She had just sat down when Deb strolled into the shop.

  "Wow!” Virginia exclaimed. “Has this place ever changed! I came here all the time when I was in high school. Lost my virginity here, you know."

  "Here?” Anne whispered behind her hand, looking at the menu. “In this shop"

  "Yes, siree.” Virginia floated into a chair. “In fact, the stud is serving up drinks as we speak."

  Anne looked at the stocky owner of the café, Greg Mason, trying to imagine the balding, middle-aged, family man as a stud. His love for his wife and family was common knowledge.

  "Okay, spill!” Deb demanded, dropping into the seat across the table. “I couldn't believe it when I saw you were hanging out with Mark's bud at the party."

  "I couldn't either at first. Let's just say, he's not like Mark.” He wasn't even the Jason MacIsaac she thought she had known.

  "As good as, Sam?"

  "Better,” Anne quipped. Sex with Sam had been great. But it had only been sex. With Jason it was so much more.

  "Hm ... maybe ... I should sample. He sounds delish."

  "No.” Anne wasn't ready to share him, now or ever. The immediate and predatory response surprised her.

  Deb laughed. “That good?"


  "Sam's nothing to sneeze at."

  Anne blinked, then laug
hed softly. “You've laid him already?"

  "You bet,” Deb returned. “Now, there is amazing."

  "A girl after my own heart. Sampling is great.” Virginia inserted with a grin.

  "In fact,” she continued. “I'll be heading over to Sam's from here. He's having a few friends over for drinks and whatever strikes their fancy. Why don't you come over? Be neighborly?"

  "Go on, Annie. Sample a bit, if only to be sure Jason is the one for you."

  "Maybe another time.” She and Jason might not officially be a couple, but she didn't feel like sampling. She just wanted to figure out how she felt about him without confusing the issue with gratuitous sexual encounters.

  Greg strolled over to the table. “Are you ladies ready to order?"

  "One quickie,” Virginia said with a laugh. “He's got the most amazing dick. His wife is a lucky lady. I hope she truly appreciates him."

  Anne battled the urge to look at his crotch. “Peppermint Mocha."

  "The same,” Deb answered.

  "I didn't love him, but he was good at popping cherries.” Virginia grinned. “Highly recommended. And he definitely lived up to the rave reviews."

  Anne tried to ignore Virginia, but her comments echoed in her head, and her gaze dropped to his crotch.

  "Look, there's Jen and Leigh.” Deb waved them over.

  They pulled over more chairs and sat down. Anne was more than glad to let the conversation flow around her. Virginia was a distraction, and after her comments, she would be hard pressed not to inspect his family jewels each time she visited this cafe.

  "I chose the night to lose my virginity ... exactly one month after my sixteenth birthday. I'd been on the pill long enough not to get knocked up. He helped his father out then. I'm sure his pop knew what was going on. No one could help but notice the number of gals who wanted to help him clean up the shop at the end of the day. His old man probably would have done the same at that age. They both sowed a load of wild oats before they settled down ... but once they did, they didn't stray. A shame really."

  Anne looked at Virginia and gave a slight shake of her head. As provocative as her tale might be, she couldn't keep up with both conversations. As soon as she could escape, she made her excuses.


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