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The Crimson Z

Page 35

by Robert Cloud, Lee Rush, Richard Savage

  Yet in a way he prayed something did happen to change her purity for he was afraid that she would agree to Lilith taking her. He would rather die than have that happen, and he knew he would die if Melanie said no. Lilith had left the images in his mind that she and Melanie would share Melanie's body, that Lilith would only be able to use her body at night and even then not every night. For the most part Melanie would be in control of her body.

  Zachariah knew Lilith too well and he knew that there were many things that she was not telling him. The images that she left in his mind were filled with darkness and it felt like they were covered in a red mist. Besides the last few times he had spoken with her he could tell she was blocking a part of her mind, even more than she normally did. She had always kept things from him, but now it was like she was only letting the tiniest of fragments out the hatred she felt for Melanie scared the shit out of him. He knew she would not harm Melanie because she was Lilith's only chance for freedom, yet he did not trust Lilith to tell him even the slightest bit of truth unless it benefited her.

  He looked at Melanie and smiled, his heart was warmed by her confession but he had waited too long to respond to her for he could see tears beginning to form in her eyes. He reached out and took her hands and pulled her close to him and looked her directly in the eyes so she could see that his words came from his heart, “Precious girl, listen, this body before you is over a hundred years old. I may not live until tomorrow let alone any length of time after that. You should not waste your love on me, but seek out someone your own age."

  Melanie lowered her eyes, “Papa Zach, please don't reject me. I know the difference in our ages, and it is not like I want sex with you. I am not ready for sex at all. Yet I love being with you, and I would rather be with you than anyone else in the whole world. If you only live the one day let me spend it with you, yet if you live twenty more years I want to spend those twenty years being with you."

  "Honey, I am not rejecting you, I am just being realistic."

  Melanie dropped to her knees and laid her head upon his thigh, “Yes Papa Zach, you are rejecting me. What does realism have to do with love? Love is in the heart.

  "I have been thinking about this. I was surprised about my feelings for you. I too thought of the age difference and then I realized that love does not discern age. Your heart chooses who you love, and I love you.” Her body began to shake as she began to cry.

  "I know you may think I am a drama queen, or that I am given to emotional outburst. Papa Zach, I have never loved anyone before. I have never had a boyfriend. It was nice to be asked to the dance but I did not want the boy to be my boyfriend because I do not feel anything for him. I don't get emotionally attached to people easily. Yet there is something between you and me. I feel drawn to you. I felt it the very day I was walking by outside the store. It was why I stopped. Looking up at your sign and seeing it was backwards was only an excuse to talk to you. I felt a pull. I wanted to talk to you.

  "I want to be here. I want to hold you. I want to cuddle with you. I want to kiss you. When you touch me I tingle deep inside. Your words make me quiver. Your stories fill my heart with joy.” Melanie raised her face and looked to his face as he looked at her. He could see the tears rolling down her cheeks and he wanted to lift her into his arms. He could see from the frightened look in her eyes that she was worried he was going to send her home and that he would not let her come back. “The boys my age are only boys, they do not look at me for me, they look at me as someone that they can have sex with. If I gave in to them every boy in school would be asking me out. Since I don't they tease me and play tricks on me and call me names."

  Melanie smiled. Zachariah offered his hand and she took it as he helped her to her feet. She leaned over him and kissed his cheek, his forehead, his nose, and his lips, then added, “Thank you for not sending me away immediately and for letting me explain at least. I know I am young and inexperienced. However, I know what I feel too.

  "Papa Zach, what I feel for you is not lust, but deeper. I do not see you as a hundred year old man. I see you as a man that cares for me and that reached out to me to make me feel special when no one else has ever done that.

  "Papa Zach, please do not refuse my love.” Melanie held her hands together as if pleading, almost praying with him, “I would serve you in any way I can. Please do not think that my love for you is less than it is."

  Zachariah looked at her. He knew there was no way he could send her away, he took her hands into his and pulled her back onto his lap. “Melanie, I feel that the age difference may not make as much difference soon as it does now. No, I will not send you away."

  For a long time they held each other then Melanie returned to her decorating and Zachariah to his work of setting the last of the stones.

  An hour later Melanie returned and announced that the decorations were done. She then sat down beside Zach, but on the floor, resting her head upon his knee. “Papa Zach, I can see you are shuffling through stones trying to find another set of matching stones. Since we spent some nice time in each others arms I do not mind if we forego the story tonight if you need to work. I know tomorrow night is the dance, and I do not want you staying up all night. It is not good for you."

  He paused and looked down at her, smiling. “Actually I was going to say something similar.” Tenderly he ran his fingers through her hair and she lifted her head and moaned. It almost sounded like a purr, and a thought struck him now how much she reminded him of a cat. Her steps were so light that he barely heard her, and there were many times she was right beside him before he knew she had even been approaching. Slowly and gracefully she rose to her feet and leaned in to kiss him. He was surprised that she was so eager and not repulsed at kissing a man his age in such a manner but he was thankful as he savored her kiss.

  * * * *

  Melanie felt warm in her heart. She had not meant to confess her feelings to him. Truth was until she had said it aloud she was not fully sure she was in love with Papa Zach, but once she had said it she knew it was true. It felt so right. When he looked at her she could feel the warmth from his heart coming from him even from the day they had first met. Maybe it was that sixth sense of hers, but it always guided her in the right direction. Even though he was much older than she was somehow she knew that she would be with him a very long time.

  When he stroked her hair it had been almost like he had petted her as if she was his pet. She had suddenly felt like a cat sitting upon his lap and she had wanted to purr, for she felt so at peace and soothed when she felt his tender caress. For a moment she had even wondered what his touch would feel like when they were married but quickly she had put that thought out of her mind. Yet somehow she knew the day would come when she would be his bride and that filled her with even more joy for she knew that with Papa Zach she would be able to be the type of housewife she had always wanted to be. He would not be the type of husband that expected her to go find a job at a grocery store or convenience mart just to get a few extra dollars so he could have his beer. No, Papa Zach would want her to take care of their home.

  She rose from his lap and leaned in to kiss him. It was a sweet kiss. Once again a brief thought of passion entered her mind. She wanted to love him more and deeper but it was too soon and she was not yet eighteen. Yes, it was legal in New York but even she felt odd not being eighteen. So she rose and smiled at him, savoring the moisture that was left on her lips instead. As she turned she ran her tongue over her lips and tasted his. It was nice. Maybe sometime she could share more passionate kiss with him. She turned back around and looked at the man that had so quickly entered her heart and said, “I know I should probably call you something other than Papa Zach, since you know I love you, but that just feels so right. If you really do not mind me calling you that I would like to still do it?"

  He laughed out loud, nearly falling out of his chair as he did, but caught himself, “When you first began calling me Papa Zach my heart swelled because it felt right too. My m
other used to call my father Papa. She did so all the days that she lived. So if you have no problem with it I do not mind."

  Melanie could feel her eyes get really big at his news; she'd had no idea, “Your mother called your dad ‘Papa’ all the time?"

  "Yes, from my earliest memories."

  She smiled, “Well maybe if we are together for a long time I will someday call you just Papa in their honor."

  He smiled at her, “That would be nice."

  Melanie could not help but smile broadly. She leaned down and kissed him once more and then said, “Well, Papa Zach, I have to be going but I will see you tomorrow just before the dance. I will dress up for you here so you can see how I look and then head to the dance."

  Melanie's eyes suddenly teared.

  "What is wrong, Melanie, sweetheart?"

  "Well, now I wish I was not going to the dance. I would rather be here."

  "No! Dear, you need to go. Have fun, and then come back after the dance, and tell me all that happened."

  She smiled. “Oh, you want me to come here after the dance? It could be late."

  "Yes come back. If it is okay with your mother, come and tell me all that happened."

  Melanie nearly danced about, “I am certain my mother will not mind. I will be here."

  Then Melanie danced out the door she was so happy that Papa Zach wanted her to come back after the dance that she swirled about and danced all the way home.

  Zachariah smiled as he watched her leave, then he went back to sorting the stones, his heart singing a song so loudly that his mind did not catch the whispering and muttering that he would have normally heard had he been paying attention.

  Lilith was fuming. The glass of the mirror was blood red. She would have pretended everything was okay had Zachariah asked her, but her anger was boiling beyond anything she had ever felt before. When I get into that body of hers I am going to eat her soul, but before I do I am going to make her suffer. I am going to make her watch me turn Zachariah into a monster just like me and then when he awakes as a beast ands sees what I have done and knows that I have betrayed him I will tell him I am about to destroy her soul. Then I will let her see him struggle against the power of my mind, unable to move as I devour her. That fucking cunt, how dare she fall for my husband! How dare she kiss him in front of me! And that fucking fool of a husband ... how dare he allow her to do that in front of me!

  Once I am free of here I will take him and kill her entire family. I will make Zachariah feed upon them. I will make him know what it is like to feel the hunger and to be betrayed like he has betrayed me.

  * * * *

  An hour before Melanie was due to arrive; Zachariah finished setting the last of the diamonds. As he bent over the last tine that would hold the stone in place the entire piece glowed brilliantly and filled the room with a soothing warm red hue. It was complete and the magic was set and ready for Melanie. He laid the tiara on the counter and walked upstairs to his room to get the dress he had chosen for the night. It was an elegant black evening dress that plunged nearly to the waist in the back. The skirt portion was three layers of lace, the inner most dark, but all three were not dark enough to completely obscure the view of her legs. They would hint at them in a hidden glance. The front was black velvet that would come up and cup her breast, accenting them nicely but not too provocatively. Two black velvet laces would come from the outside edge of the cups and wrap over each shoulder then cross in the back and fasten to the black velvet corset just below her shoulder blades.

  Melanie would look stunning in the dress, and with the tiara she would look like a queen. Zachariah had no doubt the dress would fit her too. Something had told him that this dress would be a perfect fit, and the magic was never wrong. As he walked down the stairs with the dress draped over his arm he heard the door chime. Looking at his watch he saw it was only 3:30 but he had no doubt it was Melanie, and as he rounded the corner and saw her lifting the tiara he was not surprised to see her eyes sparkling even brighter than the gemstones of the tiara.

  He snuck up behind her and said, “So how do you like it?"

  Quickly she sat it down and spun about, placing her arms about his neck and kissing his lips then pulling back, “It is perfect, Papa Zach."

  It was only then that she saw the dress in his outstretched arm. Her jaw nearly dropped to the floor as she took it in. Slowly she lifted it. “Papa Zach!” She said her face turning beet red with embarrassment. “I cannot wear this. I would feel like I was wearing nothing."

  "Melanie, you need a dress fit for a queen. This is perfect, and yes you can wear it."

  Melanie looked up at him, and smiled. Then she ran back to the door and turned the latch locking the door. Then she turned the bar on the blinds closing them and hiding the shop from the outside world. Then turning back to Zachariah she said, “Papa Zach that is the most beautiful dress I have ever seen, but I have never worn anything that sensual. I am not certain I can. I will be so embarrassed."

  "Sweetheart, there is nothing to be embarrassed about, you are a beautiful girl, and you are not going there to seduce anyone. You are just going in a costume. Think of it like you are going to be in a play.” Zachariah said.

  Melanie smiled as she took the dress from him and held it up, “A play? I think I can do that.

  "Now where can I go to put this on?"

  "You can use my room upstairs,” Zachariah said. “But why did you lock the door and pull the blinds?"

  Melanie blushed, “When I put this on I want you to be the first one to see me. With the door locked and the blinds closed I know no one can come in or look in the window. I would be so embarrassed."

  Quickly she took the dress and ran upstairs. Zachariah waited for a while then he heard her yelling down the stairs, “Papa Zach, I need your help."

  Up the stairs he went. At the top of the stairs he knocked on his bedroom door. She answered, “I am not decent, Papa Zach, but I can't get this dress on. I don't know how to put on one like this."

  "Okay, now this is a problem, I had not thought about that. I have other dresses you can wear,” he said.

  He could hear her sniffle and she said, “No, Papa Zach you chose this one special for me, I really want to wear this one."

  "Well can you tell me what the problem is?"

  "I don't have any idea as to how to put it on."

  "Honey, what can I do to help?"

  "Do you know how they go on?"

  Zachariah felt like it would be better if he lied but he had already told her too many lies that he'd had no choice about. He could not tell her one now, “Yes, precious, I do."

  Melanie whimpered and then said softly, “Will you help me?"

  "Melanie, are you sure?"

  "If you were my grandfather and I needed help to get dressed would there be a problem with you helping me?"

  "No, not really."

  "Then will you help me?"

  Slowly Zachariah opened the door. His heart almost stopped when he saw her sitting on the side of his bed wearing only a mini slip and a bra. He was certain she wore her panties under the slip but thankfully that was hidden. Actually he breathed a sigh of relief for she was more covered than most girls he had seen on television shows that took place on the beach.

  Melanie's face was blotched with tears and red with embarrassment, “Papa Zach, no man has seen this much of me since I was born. I have always had female doctors."

  "It is okay Melanie; I can handle seeing you this way. Now let's get you dressed and end your embarrassment.” He helped her put the dress on. Since it would require her to remove her bra he had her leave it on until the very last moment and only when he was standing behind her did he have her remove her bra so that he could help her with the straps.

  Her dignity had indeed been preserved even if she felt it had been soiled. He assured her it had not and before she left the room she was smiling again.

  As the last touch he had a pair of black low healed shoes for her. Finally she
was ready and as she turned about he smiled. He walked around her and took her hair out of the braid that she always wore it in. Then he took the tiara and placed it upon her head. As an added bonus from the jewelry counter of standard pieces he took a large sapphire pendent and placed it around her neck.

  Slowly she turned for him and he smiled. Melanie was the most startlingly beautiful woman he had ever seen. She surpassed even Lilith, and not by a little bit but by leaps and bounds for not only her physical beauty surpassed Lilith but the beauty of her soul shown through as well. The magic of the tiara had already begun, and he could see Melanie for all that she was, the true beauty of her heart was visible for all to see.

  The dance did not begin for another hour yet, and Zachariah could not resist. He walked over to his old record player and set an old waltz onto the turntable then he returned to her and said. “I may not be able to be at the dance, but if I may, I can have the first dance with you this night."

  Melanie smiled. There had been one regret she'd had and that was that she would not be able to dance with the one person she cared most about. Almost as if he had read her mind he had wiped away her regret and made her night into a true dream. She reached out with both her heart and her hand and took the hand he offered as he led her into a waltz.

  From the smile upon his face she could see he was surprised that someone her age knew how to waltz. If it would not have ruined the moment she would have told him that the housekeeper that had spent a lot of time with her had taken dance lessons and Melanie had been her practice partner. Melanie knew how to lead better than she did how to follow but she had always watched the housekeeper closely so when the day came that she had the chance to dance she would know what to do. Her heart sang along with the music as that day had finally come to her.

  After a few moments of waltzing she looked up at the man she loved and smiled at him saying, “Papa Zach, can we just slow dance. I want you to hold me for the rest of the song."


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