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The Crimson Z

Page 44

by Robert Cloud, Lee Rush, Richard Savage

  As she stood in the middle of the Garden Lilith felt no shame, for she did not know that what she was doing was anything to be ashamed of. She was in complete innocence yet there was a hunger in her that was not so innocent and a fire burning that was full of self pride and selfish desire. She felt no shame not only because she did not know what sex was but she would not have cared even if she had.

  Her hands traveled hungrily over her body, delivering pleasure to every location where she felt any sensation or tingle of excitement. Though the juncture between her legs was calling to her hands she denied it for she also enjoyed the building hunger that was growing there. Soon she knew she would have to feed the flames or be consumed by them, yet once more she paused to tweak the nubs of the swellings and make that tingle between her legs grow even more intense.

  A moan escaped from her lips as she closed her eyes and teasingly slid one hand along the muscles of her taut belly past her navel and to the mound of hair just above the juncture of her legs. She twirled her fingers within the course hair and then pushed them further down discovering the beginning of the folds of flesh there and a moisture that she had thought she had noticed but her fingers now confirmed. Pushing apart the folds her fingers probed and found a hard nub at the very top. As she gently touched that new hardened nub she could not hold back the scream that began deep within her and exploded out of her lungs.

  She bent over and rocked, her hand rubbing that nub harder. Then she began doing to the nub the same things she had done to the hard nubs upon the swellings of her chest. Her breathing became rapid, her heartbeat sped and she moaned. She grew hungry for more of this pleasure. The memory of the male beast upon the back of the female resurfaced and she raised her eyes toward Adam. It was time that he did what he had been made to do. It was time for him to give her pleasure.

  She raised her eyes in search of Adam and saw him standing not far from her. It was quickly apparent that he was watching her and that what she was doing was having some effect upon him. For at the juncture of his legs, where she had the sweet and wonderful folds that were beckoning more attention, he had grown a rod that was standing out from his mound of hair. Adam looked confused as his gaze traveled from her down to his rod and his hand that was sliding back and forth along that rod of flesh.

  Lilith knew he had been in the Garden longer than she had and she was sure that he had seen the male beast with the female beast. She had no doubt that Adam knew what to do with that rod of his, so she lifted a hand beckoning him toward her.

  Little persuasion was needed for as soon as her hand began to rise in his direction the look of confusion in Adam's eyes was replaced with one of determination. With four large strides he was beside her. He quickly guided her to her knees and like the beast she had seen in the field he climbed behind her and she could feel the tip of his rod as it touched her folds of flesh.

  Adam thrust hard, and his rod slid under her along her folds. It caressed her very sensitive nub and caused her to moan but it was not where the hunger was calling from. She slid her hand under her and pushed his rod back and upward and the next time he pushed she felt him slide into some mysterious opening that she had not known existed. She gasped and her breath caught as his rod filled the opening. Muscles that she was unaware that she possessed clenched about the rod as if they did not want to let it go and then she felt him sliding back out. She nearly screamed out as she was afraid he would pull the rod out of her but once again he thrust it into her. Yes, she thought, he had watched the beasts. She began to push her hips back against him as he thrust into her.

  His thrusts were slow at first, but she began to grind against him more urgently and he responded in kind, building speed, faster and harder he thrust. She heard him moan but she did not care if he was getting pleasure from what he was doing, he had been made to pleasure her.

  She bucked her hips against him driving his rod into her even harder and faster. She tightened her muscles about the shaft to savor its presence every fraction of a second it was within her and sliding along her inner flesh.

  Then she felt an amazing feeling as his rod pulsed and grew even larger within her as he slammed into her hard. Then his rod spasmed and a warm spray of fluid erupted from his shaft and filled her. Adam relaxed and let his rod slide out of her.

  Lilith was furious, she was at the height of her need, what he had just done had only inflamed her more, he could not stop now. She looked down at him as he lay upon his back and watched as the hard rod began to loose its firmness and fall to the side. This man-thing was not perfect and she would have to speak to its maker about fixing it, but for now she needed more. She had to make the man-thing's rod solid again.

  She knelt on the ground beside him and looked at it. She remembered how he had run his hand along it before he had come to her so she put her hand upon it. It was covered in a sticky slime. She wondered if that was the way it always was, though maybe it was because of the fluids from within her and those he had sprayed into her. Either way she needed him hard. So she began to slide her hand along the now limp rod.

  Adam just looked up at her and then laid his head back down. She was not getting the rod to come back to life and she was getting angrier by the moment. In frustration she looked at him and absent mindedly raised her hand to her lips to lick the stickiness away. At first she turned her lips away in disgust, the smell was not pleasant, but then there was something about the taste that excited her even more. Before long she was hungrily licking it off her hand and had cleaned every drop of it away. Yet the scent of it was still heavy in the air.

  She looked down at Adam's rod. The rod was still coated in the sticky fluid. Lilith lowered her head and began licking the fluid away from the rod. To her surprise and delight the rod soon began to come back to life. Within only a few moments it was as hard as it had ever been as she licked and kissed all the fluids off of it. There was still a little of the fluid at the tip so she slid her mouth over the tip of the rod and found she liked the sensation of having it there because Adam moaned when she did it and it brought her pleasure to tease him. He had teased her, now it was her turn. She would get revenge.

  She pushed her mouth down upon the rod until his rod was almost all the way in her mouth. Adam raised his head up and looked at her. His eyes were wide with shock, he started to say something but she sucked upon his shaft and slid her mouth back up to its tip and all he could do was drop his head back and moan. Lilith was in complete control and she was relishing the power she had over him. However it was time for him to fulfill her need as once again she felt the fires within her begin to ignite. She lifted her head from his shaft and Adam started to rise but she pushed him back to the ground. He tried to protest that this was not the way he had seen the beasts do it as she lifted her leg to straddle him. Her response was blunt and cold. She told him that they were not beasts but were better and therefore could think of better ways to fulfill her pleasure. Then she looked at him and said; “Besides you failed to please me, as you were made to do. So now I am going to make certain that you do not fail a second time."

  She took his rod in her hand and guided it to the opening he had penetrated before and rammed her hips down upon him. Adam lowered his head back to the ground; the words she had said had already slipped from his mind as she began to grind her hips against his. This time she guided the pace, she controlled everything, and when Adam sprayed his fluid into her she tightened those inner muscles and worked him inside her until he had gone from the slightly loosened state to the hard as a rock state again.

  Lilith took Adam's hands and placed them to her breasts, “You watched me as I was rubbing these swellings. Do as I did to them."

  Without a thought Adam obeyed her. He even smiled and she realized as she looked at him that he was finding pleasure in touching her. Her mind soared with the power she had over him. The idea that what she was doing turned him into a mindless beast filled her and she realized that with that power she could make him do almost anything.
She would have to test her theory at a future time but for now something was beginning to happen and she could not concentrate very easily. Deep within her it was as if the ocean had receded and a massive wave was about to hit the shore and transverse over her every nerve and fiber. It had been building, this fire within her, but it was reaching a peak and now the walls were about to give way, she could feel something new was about to happen.

  Then it did. It erupted. Her mind exploded. Her body ignited. The wave coursed over her. Every fiber became alive. She screamed out loud, wailing unto the heavens. Her back arched, and her muscles tightened as her body quivered from the very crown of her head to the tip of her toes. Then she leaned forward over Adam as a second wave crashed down on her and another scream burst from her lungs. At that moment Adam's shaft sprayed its fluid within her and ignited yet a third wave. She rocked against him as the waves receded and withdrew slowly.

  Whatever had just happened to her she now knew that that was truly why Adam had been made and that there really was no other purpose for his creation than to bring her that pleasure. Slowly she climbed off of Adam and let his shrinking rod slide out of her. She knelt down and licked the fluids away from the rod for she truly did love the taste of them but she was also glad to see that he was weakened and that his rod did not grow hard again for she did not desire to please him, she wanted only the taste of their mingled fluids.

  Once he was clean of the fluids she went walking about the Garden and left him lying there asleep. Lilith thought about what they had just done and wondered why it was that Adam got pleasure from it as well if he had been created to give her pleasure. She decided it had to be a way that she could manipulate him and get him to do other things for her.

  That evening she returned to Adam and again she made him do to her what the beasts did, and this time she tried something new. Before she would let him enter her she asked Adam if she could help him name the beasts as it had been given to him to do and not to her. At first he was reluctant, but when he saw that she was not going to allow him to penetrate her he agreed and she smiled for she had proven her theory. Indeed she could manipulate Adam and get what she wanted. Together the two howled into the night as they coupled like the beasts several times and only finished when Lilith was satisfied and Adam lay panting and exhausted.

  When the sun rose Adam and Lilith again did as the beasts and afterwards went into the fields to begin naming the beasts of the Garden. As Adam began to name the first beast he called the one with the large mane a Lion, but Lilith looked at him and frowned. He asked her what was wrong and she said that she did not like that name. It sounded as if someone was lying. She wanted to think of another name. Adam was not happy. He told her that God had given him the responsibility to name the beasts and creatures of the Garden not her.

  Lilith bursts into tears; it was something new she was going to try. She did not really feel like crying, but the moment the tears began she saw how Adam reacted and she let them flow even faster. Adam put his arm around her and asked her what she had in mind to name the beast. Lilith started to say something and then held off and said no she wanted to think of an even better name so she sat down and began to think. When the sun was high in the sky and half the day had gone by Lilith still had not decided upon a name. Adam looked at her, and she looked up at him, she could see the total frustration upon his face.

  "Lilith, at this rate we will never get all the beasts named."

  She stood up and leaned close to him, her hand reaching down to his rod. She began to stroke it softly but Adam turned from her suddenly and then looked back at her. “Listen, Lilith, this game you play is fun, and I enjoy it, but I was commanded to name the beasts, and I cannot play the game all the time neither can I wait an entire day for you to make up your mind on the name of one beast.

  "This beast is named. We will call it a Lion. I know you can think of many names better.” Lilith looked at him in fury. How dare he deny her pleasure and then change his mind and name the beast after saying she could. She started to say something but Adam held up his hand and she held her tongue, something inside her told her that his anger with her was dangerous at this moment. “Now as far as you helping me name the beasts. You can stay here and name the rests of the beasts around this area. I have seen the beasts here so I will go to the other side of the Garden and name the beasts that I have not seen here."

  Lilith watched as Adam turned and walked away from her. However she had not had her say so she decided to follow him but stay hidden so she could see what he was doing. She followed, keeping a good distance behind as he crossed half the Garden. When he came to a clearing he paused and rested beneath a tree. She decided it would be best to stay under the cover of the tree line and wait for him to move on. However while he waited, God came down from the Heavens and stood in front of him. The first thing that God did was ask Adam where Lilith was. When Lilith heard this she ducked down behind some bushes and pulled some brush over her. As angry as Adam was she surely did not want the wrath of God upon her as well.

  Lilith heard Adam explaining to God about the problems he was having with her. She was getting more furious by the second. She had thought God had made Adam for her, now she was learning that she had been wrong, that she had been made for Adam. That was something she just did not care for at all. Then when God asked Adam how the naming of the animals was going Adam responded.

  "My Lord,” Adam said reverently, “the woman that Thou made for me has no respect of me. She doth ridicule the names that I come up with, saying that they are but foolish names and that she doth have better names. Then she spent half the day trying to decide upon one name for an animal I had already named. Finally I told her she could name the animals on that side of the Garden and I came this way to name the animals on this side.

  "My Lord, in earnest, I suspect that when I name all the animals on this side she will still not have decided on a name for more than one or two."

  Then Adam looked about the Garden and pointed to the Lion and said to God, “My Lord, the female of that beast, the one I named the Lion, she doth submit to the male. She seeks the male for protection and guidance. Why doth not the woman that Thou hath created for me treat me as such?"

  God looked at Adam and answered, “When I created the Lion I knew there would be times that the male would have to fight other males for the right to keep his female so I made her to submit to him. To make her that way I made her from one of his ribs.

  "When I made Lilith, I did not wish that thou would have to fight to keep thy female so I made her stronger and more like thee. I made her as I made thee, from the very same dust as I made thee."

  Lilith overheard every word, and she needed to hear no more. She knew that Adam would ask God to create for him another female and if God did that then there would be no place for her in the Garden.

  Yet she was afraid to move, afraid that if God heard her he would call her out. She did not believe God would unmake her, but wondered what he would he do? Would he force her to be subservient to Adam? Why had she not paid attention to the fact that Adam was God's favored? Instead she had taken pride in herself that she was God's perfection and Adam had been only a flawed first attempt.

  God looked upon Adam and said that He would speak with Lilith, but just in case Adam saw her before He did He wanted Adam to let her know that He had placed two trees in the middle of the Garden that day, they were the Trees of Knowledge and of Life, and that neither Adam nor Lilith were to eat of their fruit.

  Adam shook his head and said, “My Lord, if I tell that to Lilith, that is as sure as guaranteeing that she will eat from those trees."

  "Then I will tell her, Adam,” the Lord said, and He turned and vanished from sight.

  Lilith did not want the Lord to find her before she got to those trees. Maybe if she got to the trees they would give her the knowledge of how to make Adam happy and still maintain her control and self respect. She could not see herself being a servant to Adam. Maybe the Tre
e of Knowledge would give her the knowledge to solve her dilemma. Since she was going to eat from one tree she might as well eat from both. If she got to the trees before the Lord told her she was not to eat from them then she was not disobeying Him.

  She was not that far from the center of the Garden, so quickly she rose and darted out from under the trees. She saw Adam waving at her but she ignored him and ran straight toward the center of the Garden.

  She did not have any time to waste. There in front of her, surrounded by a shallow mote of crystal blue water, were two trees in full bloom and bearing fruit. The mote's waters were narrow and at her speed she was easily able to leap across the waters and she grabbed a single fruit from each tree and then dashed back off the island and toward another tree line not very far from the other side of the mote. No sooner had she gotten under the trees than she began to hear the melodic voice of God calling for her. She knew her time was limited. So as fast as she possibly could she devoured both fruit and then buried their cores in the dust at her feet. Just as she was standing and wiping the dust from her hands God was before her.

  "Lilith, what are thou doing?"

  "I am planting some seeds so that they will grow,” she responded quickly.

  God looked at her, “But Lilith, I have not yet taught thou about seeds, how doth thou know about seeds?"

  Lilith looked about and saw a bird fly overhead and she thought quickly, “I saw a bird drop some after eating a piece of fruit and I figured out what they must be."


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