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The Crimson Z

Page 56

by Robert Cloud, Lee Rush, Richard Savage

  "My jewel,” she responded. “Please play with my jewel."

  He blew one more time upon on it then he licked it with his tongue. It tasted like a mixture of tastes and yet like nothing he had ever tasted before. It was sweet and yet bitter, tangy, and yet had a slight smell and taste that he thought urine might have but it did not bother him. It was wonderful to watch his wife squirm as he licked it again as her moans beckoned even more attention.

  He knew how much she loved it when he suckled upon her nipples, and in some ways this jewel was hardened like them but very different too. He decided to see how she would react, so he lowered his lips over it and sucked hard upon it. Lilith bucked her hips up, and wrapped her fingers into his hair pushing his head against her even harder. The moan that escaped from her lips was loud enough that even had his parents been in their own house they would have heard her. He nibbled lightly upon it and Lilith bucked again, her scream of ecstasy filling the whole house. He could hear his parents laughing in the front room but he was lost in the moment. This was something that was too precious and wonderful to stop.

  As he suckled on her jewel again he slid a finger into the hole where his manhood would penetrate and began sliding it in and out. Lilith squirmed against him and rolled her head to the side biting a pillow to try to muffle anymore screams. Her hips bucked and ground against his face and hand. Soon he could feel a fluid running around his finger and he pulled away to see a heavy white cream running from the canal that was the sheath his cock usually filled. He could not resist and lowering his head he began to lap at it, his tongue running along the folds and occasionally entering into her opening. Lilith continued to squirm each time his tongue touched her then she finally spit the pillow out and sat up.

  She pulled him into her arms and kissed his lips, tasting her own fluids upon his and pulled him on top of her. Her hands were already unfastening his straps and pushing aside his breach cloth. She did not care that he was still mostly clothed. She had to have him inside her. When he was freed from his loin cloth she guided his cock to her opening and pushed her hips upward impaling herself upon his shaft. Even though Zachariah was on top of her, Lilith was grinding and rocking her hips against him so fast he barely had to move, her hunger for him was so great. Yet his hunger was as great for her and he began to meet her moves. They began to thrust against each other, pounding hard. Their lips locked to each others, their tongues locked in a grinding fuck of their own.

  They were two people so in love that they did not care that the world watched them as they rode each other to that pinnacle of pleasure. Lilith threw her head back as the wave hit her and she clamped her mouth shut holding in the scream but the moan was deep and her body shivered. Zachariah felt the muscles inside her clamp onto his shaft and that was all it took he had reached his peak and his seed burst within her, pumping and spasming as it filled her. She buried her head into his shoulder and held onto him. Together they cried in their bliss, then they rolled over and held onto each other.

  After a few minutes a voice came from the front room. It was his father. “Son, I don't know what you did to her, but you are going to have to tell me because I have never gotten a reaction like that from your mother and I sure would like to try."

  "Papa!” Then there was the sound of a slap as Rachel hit Zakarias on the shoulder.

  Lilith and Zachariah looked at each other and burst into laughter. He did not know if he could tell his father, or even if he could explain how the idea had come to him, but the worst part was he knew his father well enough to know he would not let it go and Zachariah would be hounded until he finally broke down and told him.

  The two lovers fell asleep in each others arms.

  Chapter Thirteen

  "Ahem!” Then there was a sharp crack as wood slammed against wood.

  Quickly Zachariah sat up and stared at the old woman standing at the end of his bed.

  "If you do not mind covering up, I have seen enough of those in my life I really do not care to see anymore.” she said.

  He looked down and he was completely uncovered. He grabbed a blanket and threw one over Lilith as she began to wake and try to cover herself and he pulled a pillow to cover his groin.

  The old woman sat down on a stool and said, “It is getting late, the sun will be up soon and there is a lot to do."

  Zachariah looked at her and said, “You mean the sun is not even up yet and you say it is getting late?"

  "Of course!” She said matter-of-factly, “There is a lot to do today. You have two large stones to move out of the shop and another to get onto its pedestal before nightfall.

  "So we need to get to it. I have already woken your parents, they are getting breakfast ready so the two of you should get dressed and come join us.” Then she turned then walked out of the bedroom.

  Lilith looked at Zachariah and said, “I should have warned you. She has been bossy every since we picked her up. I do not know if it is her age, or the fact she has God's ear, but she seems to really take control."

  He turned and kissed her, “Well truth is, I do not mind too much. It was her idea that I go to bed early and make love to you. Though she did not tell me what to do, that was my own idea.” He smiled wickedly.

  "And it was a deliciously sweet idea, my husband,” Lilith said before wrapping her arms around him and kissing him with a passion so deep it threatened to reignite the fires of the night before.

  Zachariah took a deep breath and looked at her when she released him, “I do not think the prophetess will give us time to do that again.” He gave her a quick kiss, “I sure wish she would though,” he added with a laugh then he rose and gathered his clothing and got dressed.

  Lilith found herself another dress and put it on then whispered to Zachariah, “You need to give me more money for clothing if you are going to rip them off of me like that."

  They both were laughing as they entered the main room but the looks and smiles that met them from his parents made them both blush brilliantly. Zachariah knew even before his father opened his mouth what he was going to say, “So when are you going to tell me what you did to Lilith. Those screams from her were absolutely amazing."

  "Papa!” Rachel smacked his shoulder again and he rubbed it.

  "Rachel, you are going to bruise that arm if you keep that up. Besides last night you asked me to ask.” Suddenly Rachel was turning brilliant red as she hid her face against Zakarias’ shoulder while he let out a guffaw that almost shook the thatch of the roof.

  After breakfast the two men and the prophetess left to go work on the table.

  * * * *

  Zachariah paused for a moment and looked at Melanie. “I know this is a long story precious, but we are getting near the end."

  "You really did love her, didn't you?” Melanie asked.

  "I loved what I thought she was, and what I thought she was going to be, but in a little bit you will see I found out more than I could handle.

  "I stopped for a moment though to tell you that as you may have guessed some of the things I have told you were told to me later, but this next part that happened was told to me by my mother a little more than a month after it happened.” Zachariah wiped away a tear, “It is hard for me to tell this, but I think it is best it is told in the timeline properly now."

  * * * *

  Rachel and Lilith began to clean the house after they had left but it was not more than a few moments after the men had left that Lilith ran to the back door and began vomiting. Rachel was right beside her, holding her. Then she went inside and got a cloth and wet it with water and came to Lilith and wiped her brow.

  Rachel asked Lilith, “How long since you last had your moon cycle, sweetie?"

  Rachel was surprised to see the strange look upon Lilith's face, “You know the monthly visit when a woman bleeds from her female parts."

  Lilith shook her head and said, “I have never had one."

  "Never?” Rachel could not believe her ears.

  "No, not o
nce. I have heard of other woman having them but I have never had one and did not know what they were for or why."

  Rachel looked at her and said, “Normally a woman begins to have them when she is somewhere between eleven and fourteen years old, sometimes younger, sometimes older. It is a cleansing in a way. Every month the woman's body prepares a place for a baby, but if a man's seed does not plant itself then the place needs to be cleansed and that is what the monthly flow does. It cleanses the place of the baby.

  "That flow usually only stops at one of two times. When a woman has grown too old to bear children, or when a woman is with child. I have no clue why you have never had one. You are well past the age you should have started.” Then Rachel took her hand and looked at her.

  "But there are other signs that a woman may be with child. One of them is what you just did, morning vomiting. Also I have noticed your breasts have grown a little larger. It is usually not this early that a woman's breasts grow larger but it can happen.

  "And last night, did Zachariah do something new or were you more sensitive?"

  Lilith blushed, “He did something new, but to be honest I was more sensitive too."

  Rachel smiled and hugged Lilith tight, “Then Lilith, my daughter, I would say from all my years of experience that you are with child."

  Lilith's eyes grew very wide as she looked at Rachel. She shook her head and said, “That is impossible, that just cannot be!"

  "Sweetie, you have been married for almost a year and you and my son have a healthy sex life it most certainly could happen."

  Lilith stood and shook her head, “You do not understand! I can't have children!"

  She turned and ran out the door. Rachel ran after her but by the time she got to the door Lilith was no where to be seen. Rachel went to the shop and tried to speak to Zachariah but the prophetess only told her through the door that Lilith was fine and would return in a few days.

  For several days Rachel frantically paced the house of her daughter-in-law, waiting. At night she would cry to Zakarias saying that she had not meant to upset Lilith so badly and truly did not know what she had done. All her husband could do was hold his wife and comfort her for he too was worried about the wife of his son. If she did not return he did not know how he would tell his son what had happened.

  Then on the fifth day Lilith entered the house. She was carrying a basket of flowers and singing a song that sounded something like a lullaby. Rachel started to ask her where she had been and Lilith replied, “I remembered a part of my past, a child I had seen long ago who was killed unjustly.

  "I had to go visit her grave.

  "Once I did, I realized that maybe having a child of my own was not a bad thing.” She smiled at Rachel, “Maybe it is a sign I am being forgiven."

  Rachel hugged her tight, “You could not have done anything so horrid that you needed a sign this great to prove you were forgiven. My daughter, you are a blessing to this house."

  Lilith hugged her back, “Time will tell.” Then she turned to Zakarias and asked, “Did the prophetess say how long she and my husband would be in the shop?"

  He came up behind the two women and held both of them, “She only said it would be a very long time. I am afraid that since she told you she would be here for a month that that is how long they will be in there."

  Lilith's face darkened and she looked towards the shop, “So I have almost a month to think of a way to tell my husband about his child and everything else he should know."

  The parents of Zachariah looked at each other and then at Lilith, “Everything else he should know?"

  "It is something the prophetess told me, and only for his ears.” Lilith looked at them and then hugged them both, “Please trust me. It is for him alone."

  They returned her hug and together they said, “We trust you."

  Chapter Fourteen

  It took most of the day to get what had been the bottom of the stone outside and lying on the ground. The men set the round edge on the ground and the flat surface up for they decided that would be the best and safest place to lay the slab. It was Zachariah that pointed out that laying the slab upon the ground or leaning it against something could cause a stress fracture to form and cause it to crack or shatter. Most of the men did not believe him but it was better to listen to him than argue with him, besides these men had not been there the first time and they wanted to get rings like the first crew had gotten so it was best to listen to the boss.

  They laid the slab on top of the other piece and Zachariah felt secure that it would not be broken. He then gave each of them a ring similar to the ones he had given out before. Zachariah's name was being spread around as a generous boss but also that his work was exceptional and with each ring he passed out he knew that it would bring in ten customers or even more.

  The final thing was to lift the last stone up and set it on the pedestal that the blacksmith had made and all the men stayed to help with that. It was heavy work but with more than twenty men circling the stone it was not as difficult as it had been when the stone had been larger. The pedestal was slid under it and positioned where Zachariah wanted the table to be for once it was set there was no way his father and he would be able to move it by themselves.

  With the moving of the slabs completed and the table set the sun was on the horizon and beginning to slip beneath it just as the prophetess had said it would be. She pushed in a wheelbarrow of bread then she shooed everyone out except Zachariah. The shop was the only building on the property that had doors made of wood. The prophetess closed the door and tied each one shut. Then turned to Zachariah and said, “We will be in here for a long time, my boy. There is plenty of bread and water.” Then she threw down a sack, “and I have plenty of dried meat so we will not go hungry, but the truth is, I will have to nearly force you to eat.

  "Once the trance takes you it will be hard to get you to stop to eat and drink anything, it will be a real effort on my part to keep you alive but I have seen that I will and you will get the work done."

  Zachariah looked at her and asked, “Just how will I go into a trance that deep. I don't drink wine and I cannot imagine it happening."

  The prophetess took out one of the sets of carving tools and handed them to Zachariah then said, “Climb on the stone and just scratch at it. Think of your symbol, imagine it and try to recapture the feelings you had when you were working with the clay."

  He took the set from her and followed her instructions. Once on top, the stone was hard and rough. The saw blade had cut it level but not smooth; he would need to polish it. He took out one of the tools and began to scrape a small ‘Z’ shape into the stone.

  "No!” The woman said, “Bigger, fill the stone. The stone is the ‘Z’ it is the foundation of your family."

  Zachariah reached out and took the tool and first drew a rough circle around the edge of the stone.

  "That is it, fill the stone."

  "Listen,” Zachariah said, “if you want me to do this be quiet and let me think. Your talking is only breaking my concentration and I am getting nowhere."

  She quieted down and went to sit on a stool while he began to try to imagine the ‘Z’ filling the entire stone. He wanted to make his father proud, he wanted a symbol that would let people know that this was from the hands of someone that truly cared about the work that they did. Slowly he began to trace out a giant ‘Z’ upon the stone and as he worked his mind filled with images of his father and all the love of his family.

  He saw his grandfather coming to visit and how he showed so much love to his mother, Rachel. It was unlike other fathers showed their daughters. Then he was saddened because he had never gotten to meet his grandmother. She had died three years after Rachel was born in an accident by a river. A branch had suddenly fallen out of a tree and knocked her into the river, she was a good swimmer but the branch had knocked her unconscious. Rachel had seen everything but she was too small to save her mother and by the time she had gotten her father to the river it w
as too late.

  They pulled her mother's body out of the river about a mile further down and had buried her that night. The village had mourned for a long time because she was so well loved, and because a man should not have to raise a daughter alone. But his grandfather could love no other and had never married again, he had also done a wonderful job in raising his mother.

  "Zachariah, it is done. You can wake now."


  The old woman was standing above him. He was lying on the floor of the shop. “It is done, you have finished and you have done wonderfully, my boy."

  He looked up at her. There was no way he could be done. Even if he had gone into a trance all he remembered was a very short dream, it was not possible enough time had passed during that dream for him to have completed the stone. But as he tried to move pain tore through his arms and legs. It was like they had been in a bent position for too long and now did not want to straighten out.

  It took every ounce of his willpower to force his muscles to obey but slowly he got to his feet. He rose with his back to the table finding that he was more than a little afraid to look at it. All he could remember was the dream of his grandfather, and that dream did not seem to take long enough to allow him to do all the work the prophetess had told him he would do.

  He turned and his eyes could not believe what he saw.

  The table was polished smooth as glass, and carved into it in relief was what looked like a tree but it was shaped like a ‘Z'. The roots were twisted and gnarled from the right to the left and then the trunk began.

  The trunk was the form of a woman, naked, her legs crossed at the knees, one arm lay along her side and the other held up beside her head. The limbs that were the upper part of her arm and her hair twisted around each other.


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