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The Last Stand of Daronwy

Page 29

by Clint Talbert

  Jeremy rolled his shoulders, trying to find some relief from the burning pain as he followed the beckoning call—so like the one he remembered from when he was a kid. A few more steps through the tangled underbrush and he was standing at the edge of a small clearing where a young oak sapling was growing. The tree was about sixteen feet tall, its trunk about a half-foot in diameter. It had already shed most of its leaves in preparation for autumn, but a few dry leaves and acorn clusters still clung tenaciously to the slender, twisting branches. As he stared at the tree, Jeremy’s mouth dropped open. This is the tree I planted—the tree from the acorn!

  Another feverish gust of cold, sweet wind swept through the clearing, roaring around the tree in a circle. Jeremy flinched, then ducked as something dropped and bounced off the trunk of the tree, rolling across the ground towards his shoe. It was a new, fist-sized acorn. Slowly, Jeremy looked up at the tree, following the path the acorn had traced.

  “So, you didn’t die,” he said out loud to the silent, ethereal presence he sensed before him. His breath smoked in the frosty air of the clearing, but no answer came.

  As Jeremy reached down to pick up the acorn, the hair on the back of his neck stood on end. His scars burned and his breath caught in his throat as a familiar Irish voice spoke behind him.

  “You must stand up for what is right, laddie—especially when no one else will.”

  Jeremy whirled around, but he could see no one else in the grove. A single tear pooled at the corner of his eye; how he had longed to hear that voice again, for so many years! He stared at the acorn in one hand, and Schneider’s business card in the other.

  “I will!” said Jeremy.

  He was going to study environmental law; he’d find some way to pay for it. And he knew exactly where to plant this acorn; there was an endangered park in Austin that he and a few other students were trying to save from development. But first, he needed to find out just what Windmere Development had done with that tar pit.

  This was only the beginning.

  The End


  This novel has been a rich and incredible adventure. I owe a debt of thanks to many I’ve met along the way, and I only have space to catch a few of you here. First, to those who plowed through revision after revision: Aaron Capps, Mina Mauldin, Christina Johnson-Sullivan, Mom, Dad, Allison Maglothin, Bob Finch, Jayden Gonzales, and Rose Snyder.

  In the midst of any grand journey is a darkness shrouded in doubt, and these incredible writers are friends and mentors that kept me on the path: Gabrielle Faust, Jen Mahon, Mary Hershey, Heidi Kling, and the entire Taxicab Crew: RaeLynn Fry, Dave DiGrazie, and Beth Albright.

  And lastly, this book would not be what it is today without two excellent editors: Gabrielle Harbowy and Miranda Rabuck.

  I am grateful to all of you. Thank you so very much.

  Clint Talbert

  Clint Talbert Biography

  CLINT TALBERT started writing at a very young age, after reading all the King Arthur stories he could find in his backwoods Texas library. He figured the world needed more Camelot, but fortunately, his next door neighbor loaned him Tolkien, which really got him going. Talbert has now completed four novels and several short stories. The Last Stand of Daronwy is his first published novel. Clint lives on the ocean in California with a very cute Boxer puppy. You can follow his progress at his website, You can also find him on Twitter and Facebook.

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