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Blind Encounter

Page 10

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  Sue then raised her lips to his and tenderly kissed still tasting a little like salt her sweet lips. Ron mentally judged the time before the arson investigator came and kissed her deeper. He took the response that she was on the way back. At once he knew she was stronger than he thought. What he didn’t know was she was drawing on his strength, but wasn’t that what he was placed in her life for? Sue blocked out everything except sucking on his tongue while she felt her panties getting wet. She raised a leg rubbing his crotch feeling it grow. Heart beats increasing with passion Sue sat up and took her top off revealing his lovely perky breasts that drove him almost crazy with desire like he was a twenty year old again; only this time it was love and not lust. Now he knew the definition of love; but asks him to define it and he would just shrug his shoulders.

  Riding him she placed her breasts over his head and let him have his fill as she reached back with one hand releasing his member from tight quarters. He had to help a little but finally it stood straight to the ceiling. He gobbled her breasts one at time while she stroked his hard penis. Suddenly she broke away and took off her pants and panties while he too discarded his pants and shorts. Sue climbed back on top and they drowned in love until their bodies shook from orgasm. Sue lay on top panting and then moved down to take his flaccid penis in her mouth for a cleaning. Ron was so turned on by her tender mouth a feeling of returning juice flowing into his member. A few minutes later, he came again and she moaned with desire and love. He lay there while she felt her way to the bathroom where he heard the shower running while he cat napped.

  He woke with a start and heard Sue still in the bathroom and he hurried to the room to find her humming to herself and combing out her long wet blonde hair. “There’s a blow dryer if you want one,” he said while climbing into the shower.

  “Yes, in a moment I will dry my hair to look presentable for the investigator. I feel better now and we need to redecorate our house. I want it all done inside and out, but if the roof is ok, leave it. What about a motor home while we wait for the finished house,” she said over the noise of the shower. Ron heard every word and was so happy she was back in the groove.

  He answered by saying, “Honey whatever turns you on. I like that idea and we could tie the house and garage together making a dark room for my photos and a guest room. We need a place for your father’s work and maybe something can be designed into the project for his space in our lives.” Ron was soaking under the shower noticing when he washed his penis it rose to a semi-hardness. My god he thought, where is this coming from. Talk about rising to the occasion. An ache in his stomach for hunger, not sex made him say, “I’m hungry as hell and how about you?”

  “Yes, can we order room service as I would like to just stay here for the night?”

  “Of course my love, what are you hungry for, besides hot dogs?” She laughed and told him that was desert. Later he read the menu to her and they decided on steaks with a green salad and the usual baked potato. Just before they finished a knock on the door produced the investigator. Introductions made, coffee served, the investigator Gary Chapman without notes began his statement.

  “Ms. Lyons and Ron, as you told me to call you, here is the current situation. We’ve located a Beatrice Bendix in Phoenix, Arizona at the Sun Rise Condominiums. An extradition request is in process. My counterpart in Phoenix talked to her and she denied any evolvement but also denied being there at all. He believed she was not telling the truth and we put out an arrest warrant. As you know it is hard to prove arson, but a witness places her at the scene just prior to the fire. She’s a cagey old bird an refuses to answer any more questions without her lawyer here in Seattle she named as one Sam Shipley. Now if she is guilty one of about three things can happen. One is malice; two is willful destruction of property; and the last one is intention to do the owner physical harm. Somewhere she falls into those three. There may well be extenuating circumstances surrounding this act and that is yet to be discovered. Now if you will tell me your last movements since yesterday I will take my leave.” Ron gave him highlights of the trip and produced credit card receipts even a copy of their state park camping permit. Satisfied, he said while standing up to leave. “I’ll call you when we talk to your aunt Ms. Lyons and keep you informed. Thanks you.”

  Ron saw him to the door and looked at Sue at the round table with a troubled look on her lovely face. “Ron,” she said, “Why would my aunt burn my house?”

  “I can only speculate honey. I think jealousy over me or a burning hate that might have money behind it; or just a warning of what is coming if I don’t leave. I didn’t tell you but the other day she offered my five thousand to leave town. I laughed at her telling her how rich my father was and she stormed back to her car and left. I thought that was the end of it, but obviously not. To tell you the truth I think money is behind this façade she pretends to put on about me. She’s scared of something and I’m sure in the next few days it will all become clear. Now how about we go over some highlights and I’ll send the film out for development?”

  Sue agreed and opened up her laptop and Ron with his note book filled in the gaps of his photos and locations noting times and places. An hour later a knock at the door by a messenger guy with photos in hand. Actually they turned out better than he expected and on the backs numbered each one referencing to his notes. Sue listened carefully once in awhile asking a question, but mostly storing to memory his descriptions to place, color and scenery. Ron had never seen anyone type so fast and she could keep up with his talking with no problem. At ten pm they decided to call it a night and went to bed.

  It would seem they just couldn’t get enough of each other. She with a man less past making up for lost time and he with ten years of misery both mind and body found their place in life together. They shared a secret no one could fathom that love could take on such dimensions.

  Once again they made passionate love with Ron devouring her body with his hands and mouth targeting her sensitive parts, and sending his lady to new heights beyond time and space, where she felt her mind floating in a weightless existence in her dark sightless world. When her lover buried his tongue in her anus she cried out not in pain, but in pain of pleasure and fulfillment. For fully two minutes her body shook uncontrolled while he held her tightly telling her words of love special to her only.

  Chapter XI

  Early the next morning after room service they made a plan for the day. Ron had searched the yellow pages for an architect. Picking the one with the largest ad he waited till eight to call them. At precisely eight a professional voice answered identifying the firm. Ron used money as no object accelerated the request and agreed to meet at the property at ten o’clock. Next he yellowed paged the RV section seeing many located just north of Seattle. He decided after the architect they would head up old 99 and look at some motor homes. Absently he flipped on the tube for early morning news. The traffic was typical for a day of rain forecasted with mild temperatures.

  Sue was listening and then the newscaster told them a prominent banker had committed suicide. He said, “A John Peters of Cascade National at the age of sixty six killed himself in his home last night. A note was found saying ‘I have sinned’ and his family made a statement saying he’d been depressed lately and feeling remorseful. And now to the national news………..”

  “Jesus that is the guy we saw at your bank. He’s your banker and now he killed himself. Wow, why I wonder. This is a very strange turn of events.”

  Sue sat stunned and said, “Maybe he had cancer or something like that. A few months ago he told me he was going to retire at the end of the year and do some traveling. Something serious must have made him do this terrible thing.”

  Ron turned off the tube and out the door they went to meet the architect. On the way out Ron gave the desk clerk a hundred dollar bill to all the staff who were courteous, but especially the nice girl who took Amy for her walk and cleaned up after her. Smiles showing white teeth looked at the backs of the nice
couple leaving waiting for their van to be brought around.

  Sam Shipley sat in his office watching the same news telling him of his friend’s death. Only he knew the reason of his death. However he didn’t have the courage to follow suit. I wonder how long it will be before they put two and two together he thought. His phone light blinked from his secretary. He picked up the phone and listened to her say a lawyer from New York was on the phone asking to talk to him if he had time. Sam told her put him through and answered tell him who he was to the caller. The lawyer gave his name and firm shocking Sam speechless. The lawyer asked him to verify he represented Sue Lyons and when Sam confirmed it the lawyer said, “I represent Ronald Filbert Sr. from Florida and we are requesting any and all documents pertaining to her case from time zero. We now have power of attorney and represent Sue Lyons in any and all matters. A courier will be in your office before noon your time to pick up the documents. Make sure they are complete and no documents left out. I caution you Mr. Shipley to fulfill my request.”

  Sam’s mouth hung open and if he had a gun he might have stuck it in his mouth at that moment. With a squeaky voice he said he would comply and have all documents ready before noon and hung up. Sam sat there head dizzy and seeing his life slip away like a thief in the night. He felt a pain in his chest and thought he was having a heart attack, but it was only anxiety at the notion if exposed his firm and life would be forever lost down the river of previous success. He reflected on the phone call and if there was ever a doubt that money was power, it was clear to him that was in fact the case. My family, he thought. His wife at the country club playing bridge with other social luminaries and his grown kids, one a lawyer in this office and the other one a very responsible banker in his own right. Lucky not affiliated with Peter’s bank, he thought. Mentally he went through his assets and how much the courts would fine him. Would I do jail time? Good question.

  While Sam was contemplating his destruction the New York lawyer made a similar call to the bank where the former John Peter used to sit in the president's office. It was now vacant when the call came in for him with a voice on the other end crying told the lawyer her boss and friend John Peter’s was dead of self inflicted wounds. The lawyer undeterred asked to speak the next in authority with a voice not to deny the request. He was connected to a vice president and stated his case. The vice president didn’t know from Adam who this lawyer was, but when he found out he held power of attorney with Sue Lyons account he sat up and took notice. The vice president told the lawyer he would have all financial records ready when the courier arrived.

  Two seconds later he was on the phone to the manager of the bank barking orders to provide any records going back twenty years or when the age old documents were purged. As it turned out, this vice president was privy to the scheme his boss John Peter’s was involved in. He’d discovered it quite by accident a few years ago when John dropped a file on his desk that was not intended for his eyes. Secretly he found a way to copy it and place the original back on his desk. At the time it was insurance against any idea of replacing him.


  Pulling up to the house Ron and Sue, well at least Ron did, saw a security car sitting on the curb in front of the house. Ron told Sue and she smiled a little still nervous from being back home where her house stood empty and damaged like a scar that will always remind you of the accident that caused so much pain. Ron saw a man dressed to the nines standing talking to the security guard. Ron waved and asked him to come down to the van where Sue could hear their conversation. The architect didn’t know Sue was blind till he saw her cane standing up between her legs resting over her shoulder. Amy was another dead giveaway as Ron held out his hand introducing both he and Sue.

  Ron went right to business tell him what they wanted. Ron started at the foundation and ended at the roof. Then he told him about the plans for the garage as Slim Stafford, aptly named due his height at over six feet, wrote in his notebook. After that they took a walk to the backyard and Ron gave him some ideas for storage for the sculptors in the garage and connecting the house to the garage. Also he told Slim he wanted an area to park a thirty plus motor home while construction was in progress. The last thing he told Slim was he had a free hand to make the outside the same as it was, if possible, and the inside of natural wood except a carpeted living room with big overstuffed furniture. Keep the fireplace, but maybe a new chimney was necessary. He told him Sue Lyons had lived here for her whole life and keep the inside the same so she can roam freely in a familiar setting.

  Slim asked a few questions and he was satisfied with the answers. Ron asked if they could finish by Christmas and Slim said give him today to answer that question. Ron shook his hand telling him the name of his bank and who to contact for billing. Slim had told him his firm worked with the best contractors in town and Ron gave him the go ahead.

  Back in the van Ron in detail told Sue what transpired when they looked at the garage and back yard. Sue was smiling and told him to drive north to look at some RV’s.

  Aunt Bee sat in an interrogation room with her mouth shut. The police had hauled her in and now it was nine am and her so called friend and attorney Sam Shipley refused to take her call. Her interviewer asked one more time, “Ms. Bee, don’t fight it. They are taking you to Seattle whether you like it or not. It’s your home town and once there you can hire an attorney to represent you. We can’t let you go because of our fear you would flee the state. We are bound by law to keep you here until someone arrives from Seattle to pick you up. The latest word we have is someone will be here about noon and we have scheduled a return flight for two pm. Now we are going to place you in a holding cell where you will wait until such time to leave the state.”

  Bee sat outwardly defiant, but inwardly in total fear. What had she done to her niece? Greed had overpowered reality and now she was about to pay the piper in full. She could kiss her condo good bye and most likely spend the rest of her life in jail for arson, forgery, swindling and who knows what else they might come up with. While they moved her to a holding cell she thought of what they might find in her house not so far away from Sue’s house. A new car sat in the garage as she always, when going to her niece’s house drove the old one, so Sue would not suspect anything but her being frugal. Inside her house was completely modern with new furniture and a kitchen fit for a French chef. Her own bank account totaled over two hundred thousand in time deposits. Well, she thought I will need that money to fight the charges. She never gave a thought that someone could freeze her account because it would be part of the evidence against her.

  Bee sat down on the cold stainless bench and looked at the likewise steel toilet without privacy. Never minds she thought, I can hold it. No way was she going to raise her dress and sit on toilet without a seat or toilet paper. The hours slowly moved forward and her bladder was crying out for relief and she tried not to move. Additionally she had to do a big job and how would she wipe. She looked longingly at the many officers and recent brought in criminals to catch a lady officer eye for toilet paper. Finally she couldn’t take it any longer and hollered out for someone to bring her some toilet paper. Two officers looked at the orange hair sitting like a bonnet above a face that would scare a homeless person. She was dressed in a Hawaiian sun dress revealing breasts the size of pumpkins and then returned to what they were doing before aunt Bee hollered for toilet paper. Two minutes later she hurried too late to the toilet making a stinking mess sending fumes out to the processing room.

  Now aunt Bee broke down and sobbed sitting on the toilet with excrement all down her legs and on the floor. In three minutes a maintenance worker had the cell open dragging a fire hose. She told bee to strip down and stand still while she hosed her down. After a complete car wash she was handed a pair of large coveralls with the same color as her hair. Aunt Bee her new sun dress lying on the floor along with her plus size pink panties tried not to cry, but she was unable to recover from the embarrassment. Later in Seattle she told her court app
ointed lawyer the story and that she wanted to sue the Phoenix police department. Her lawyer told her to shut up that she was in a lot more trouble than she realized after reading the list of charges filed by the Seattle police. Aunt Bee closed her mouth and remembered flying to Seattle with a pair of orange coveralls with an “Inmate” stenciled on the back. When aunt Bee found out she couldn’t post bail she resigned the fact she was going to spend time in county jail.

  Back north of their home in a town called Lynnwood, they shopped for a motor home. It was as kids might say, a yucky day. The weather, with a low ceiling of clouds drizzling rain was typical of a Washington day in the fall. Pulling into the parking lot where the van was dwarfed by huge motor homes, Ron got a little nervous wondering if he could drive one of these large moving houses down the road. Then he thought of how many he’d seen on the road just lately since they talked about buying one. Now the hard decision was what to buy. How long and what was good and bad inside. He was regretting not brushing up on popular brands. Now as they sat in front of the office with the wipers running Sue asked, “Are we here? I hear the wipers and is it raining hard or soft?”

  Yes, we are here and no it’s not raining hard at all. I just don’t know what we are looking for and I’m sure the salesperson will sell us the most expensive and one that has probably been sitting here for months. Well, here we go as I see a slick salesman coming with his golf umbrella. Ron and Sue got out with Amy at her side. She took both Ron’s arm and Amy’s walking handle and while they slowly walked along the row of motor home the salesman introduced himself as Jimmy Talbot and asked what were they looking for?

  Ron never tried to pretend he knew anything and told the guy something in the range of twenty five feet to begin with. As smooth as silk Jimmy had a door open and inviting them in for a look see. Amy waited outside as Ron led Sue up and into a gleaming new motor home. Sitting down around a small table Jimmy ran off at the mouth about length, width, size of motor, fuel mileage, capacities of closets to the refrigerator, to holding tank to water supply storage. Both Ron and Sue were baffled and it was time to leave and do some research on motor homes. Ron apologized and told him they wanted all the brochures he had and they would be back when they boned up on the different models and stuff like that. Jimmy obliged by running ahead of them to the office and came back with an arm load of brochures that each one had his business card stapled to.


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