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Blind Encounter

Page 17

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  First when they walked out the front double door to the circle drive Ron began his description of what he saw. He told her the circle drive was paved and inside the circle stood a giant tree with long branches reaching out over the driveway on both sides. As they walked to the road he told her that two sliding gates with two security guards on duty all the time making sure the bad guys stayed out. Bordering the circle drive plants and flowers of various designs with colors of yellow, off yellow, deep reds and white lined the drive and behind them many fruit trees such as oranges and lemons stood just tall enough for the gardeners to mow the stiff Bermuda grass. As they strolled down the road, Ron didn’t mention the two body guards following them and two in front, talked about the many palm trees and green bushes intermixed with yellow and red flowers ran along the road. Lastly he told her it was very verdant green everywhere as tropical as the US can be.

  Mabel fidgeted wanting to ask Sue a question and finally built up the nerve to ask, “Sue, I’m sorry to break in, but I’ve never read any of your stories or articles on this kind of setting. I’m wondering why, but if you don’t want to say that’s ok too.”

  Sue was holding onto Ron and her cane checking for any obstacles from past experience never to rely completely on someone else for sight. Sue said, “I’ve never been to a place like this before. In Seattle for example, houses like these are behind gates or large evergreen trees block the view. I suppose I could've asked my agent, but I’m happy with more of the settings that bring back old America. That is not to say this isn’t America, but programs like The Rich and Famous, or magazines with pictures of houses out of most peoples reach, doesn’t appeal to me, or maybe my readers too. People first and setting second is what I believe is right for me.”

  While his mother contemplated what Sue said, Ron looked at her for the first time realizing she was getting old looking despite the weekly trips to the hair dresser and maybe a tuck her and there had been preformed over the last few years. To him she was still beautiful. She had thick hair like his only now it was silver and the real color, only her hairdresser knew. Big blue eyes under a high brow always looked up at you due to her short stature; they were warm and friendly with always a twinkle there. A nose on the stubby side and Ron had got lucky with his between his father’s long nose and mother’s short one. Her lips were full like her son’s and a strong chin topped a slim neck like her body. Unlike Ron’s white body, she was tanned and Ron wondered how many tons of skin lotion she used to keep it from looking weathered. No doubt she was a nice looking woman and they were in love with both showing it through little jokes or feels along through the day.

  Ron returned with his dialogue giving Sue that this neighbor hood which was extremely exclusive and didn’t have many homes along the way. Sue asked how far they were from the ocean to get her bearings. Ron told her only about a half hour drive is all and in the center of the large area a country club where some professional golfers lived.

  They had made a full circle of the immediate area and a few minutes later arrived back home where the conversation returned to the wedding in three days time. Not long after that, about dark they hit the pool and to Ron’s surprise mother and father joined them. Once more the little guy had a ball riding around in his tube with his soon to be step mother hanging on while grandfather pulled. An hour later all were tired and retired for the night.

  For Ron the old street dreams never surfaced as he had a dreamless sleep waking up to Sue playing with his member making it reach for the ceiling, as she often said. Ron made quick trip to the bathroom, brushed his teeth and returned to where they left off. Neither one of them could get enough of each other; an hour later they arrived at the breakfast table starving. Ron told Sue it was a nice day as the sliding kitchen door stood open and a slight breeze off the ocean found its way inside to mix the scent of fruit trees and freshly mowed grass with bacon frying. Ron said to his mother, “What's father up to this morning?”

  She said, “He's making arrangements to take the boat out and to listen to him it's quite a chore.” She laughed and said, “Must be hard to make a few phone calls and then we drive down and board while the crew does all the work.”

  Now Sue’s curiosity was up and she asked, “How big a crew is needed and how big is this boat or maybe it is a ship?” Ron almost spilled his fresh ground coffee his was drinking and laughed so hard he started coughing. He waved them away and recovered and he told her it had a crew of six with a captain. It was over fifty feet long and anything that big should have a qualified man at the wheel.

  He went on to say, “If I remember right there are a cook, engine man, and two stewards and a head man who follows father around,” and he laughed again. Mother chipped in and told them that were about right, but now father wanted the nanny to go along with Lisa who would pout if she did accompany Sue. Also he is making arrangements for a crew on another boat to go to a cove we know and set up an area for our staying there for a day. It’s really nice and the property next to the cove is owned by a friend of his. They have a home nearby with a view, but are rarely home as they like Europe for skiing in the winter time. Now let’s eat as I too am a little hungry after the swim last night.”

  After breakfast Sue wanted to enter some thoughts on a computer. Ron had simply forgotten about her job and told her he would make a phone call to get a sightless computer system here right away. Ron hurried to the study and father told he would take care of it and meanwhile did he and Sue want to take a ride to the boat and have lunch at the club. Ron told him he would ask Sue and be right back. Sue, when he found her playing with Ronny said, “Sure I would love to go and you can give me something to think about when we leave after the reception.” Ron felt like a yo-yo and hurried back to the study.

  The computer ordered, all left including mother to the yacht club. Because of his position as president he had the best berth close to shore. Walking down to the dock Sue took a deep breath and said, “I like the smell of the ocean and the sounds of birds mixed with the slapping of water against something. Also I hear a creaking sound. Is that from the boats rubbing the tie up place?”

  Ron told her she was exactly right and then he said, “Hold on tight as the going is not easy. Earlier he told her to wear her Nikes and now she understood why. Approaching the gangway, a twenty foot climb, but not so steep with handrails for support, Ron told her to follow him with one hand on the rail and the other holding on to his shirt or pants. Once on board she felt a slight rocking as some large yachts cruised by leaving a wake felt and heard by Sue as the creaking got louder and the rocking a little more pronounced. Father went to see the captain and Ron took Sue aft to lean on the side rail while he pointed out some things around the area. He said, “I’d guess a hundred or more yachts are docked here and I see maybe five slowly heading out to sea. It’s a sunny day as you can feel, but many high billowy clouds are floating slowly by. This is the off season for hurricanes and we are mostly safe from any bad weather. Besides we are just going to cruise the coast line on this trip. However, this boat can sail the open sea without any problems. It’s fully equipped with navigation and radio, radar and all things required to sail anywhere in the world.”

  “Ron is this boat like the one you pointed out in Seattle.”

  “Yes, but only much bigger and I know my comments then are the same now. My father has a foundation that gives millions to the needy and because of that I can justify this opulence in my mind.”

  “You know honey,” with the wind blowing her lovely hair making the colors change as the sun sent its long rays through it giving off highlights of yellow and gold, I think your parents aren't like most of the really rich as they seem to care for other people, unlike what we hear of crotchety old people with money looking down on the lesser of us. I hear your mother working in the kitchen and cooking on the stove, I think?”

  “Yes she does,” looking now at her smooth facial skin that was inviting his lips, “I remember when I was a little guy she was our
only cook and my father I rarely saw he worked so much. How father made his money was he had an opportunity to buy out a large trucking company so he mortgaged our house and borrowed what he could and signed his life away. The rest is history as we say. He took a risk and saw it through to the end so to speak. He still runs the company, but really others do most of it. He doesn’t do the day to day stuff, but he knows what is going on. I know he wants me to take over the company as that was my education at Harvard, but at the time of graduation, I wanted to make my own mark. Well, I failed in that life and now have a new life and where it leads, who knows, but as long as it's with you I could care less about anything else. Some years ago my father set up a trust for me with no stipulations or demands. I have no idea how much is in there but I would guess millions. Why didn’t I take some, you might ask, well I didn’t earn it and for some reason now, with you and our baby coming it feels all right to me to use what we need.” At that he stared out to sea watching a large yacht plowing its way to shore and mostly likely to have lunch at the club.

  Sue was quiet thinking about what he said and just held tight to his arm. For Ron pressure was mounting and he didn’t much like it. He knew his father wanted them living close to them and he couldn’t blame him at all. Grandchildren to spoil and family gatherings, who wouldn’t want that life; but now his belly was churning from mounting stress. What would they do after Christmas? Go home to Seattle with the baby and leave them alone. Continue the motor home trip? That didn’t seem feasible with a one year old or having a nanny along. I must come up with something, he thought as Sue jabbed him in the arm saying, “What are you thinking about my husband to be?”

  “What to do after Christmas my love. We go home to Seattle, or stay here and what about your writing and on and on.”

  “Honey slows down. We need not panic. I like it here and it is so nice and warm. Maybe we split the year up or something like that. Your parent’s house is so big we don’t lack for privacy. If it is all right with you, I’d like to take a stab at writing what your mother talked about on our walk the other night.” Ron smiled and the pressure and stress eased a bit. Father came up telling them it was time for lunch. Ron’s mother had been in the club the whole time gabbing with her friends. However, this time no one bothered them while they had lunch.

  Back home the computer guys were just finishing up and gave Sue a run down on the latest in sightless computers. Father had told them that she was a writer and used mostly word processing. For her convenience her mouse, click left set up new document; click right voice telling her what to do next. Headphones were to search the internet and then once a site located, double click and right click for contents with voice. The technicians were very helpful and told them new user friendly stuff was coming out everyday. Call them if help is needed and they packed up and left.

  Sue was very happy sitting down and becoming familiar with her new computer. She didn’t come out until dinner time when Lisa knocked on the door telling her dinner was ready.

  Sue had lost herself in the writing and almost forgot it was only two days till they were married. Really there was nothing much for her to do as Mabel took care of everything. Saturday the staff was busy setting up tables outside and all of the cooking was done in house. No caterers, but a bartender was hired to mix drinks. Lisa would be her maid of honor and father was Ron’s best man. Saturday night all of the family sat around outside enjoying a warm evening with an almost full moon struggling to shine through the lights of the city. Only a few stars could be seen, but Ron’s star sat by him looking ravishing in a new summer dress. Shadows and light danced across her skin from the pool lights making him weak at the knees. That night he went head to foot with his bride who tomorrow would be his wife and mother of their baby in about eight months.

  They slept bound like prisoners for the night and tomorrow bound forever as man and wife.

  Chapter XIX

  “Talk about gorgeous,” Father said to Mabel. “Makes we wish I was thirty years younger,” he joked to his wife who punched him in the stomach.

  “Let me show you our wedding picture and I’ll show you gorgeous,” she said with a stern voice half serious and half joking. Ron had been dressed for quite awhile and he and father sat at the poolside talking about the boat ride coming. At around noon, with the scheduled wedding at one pm just after church, Sue came out dressed ready to go with Lisa trailing along holding the train from dragging on the lawn.

  Sue choice of colors of course was white; refrigerator white or as pure a white as possible just slightly whiter than her skin. The only contrast was her honey colored hair and make up. A professional make up person had done her face and a hairdresser tended the long blonde hair. Just a touch of a fawn color to the cheeks with a hint of burnt orange with lipstick to match set off the former Sue Lyons and the soon to be Sue Lyons Filbert.

  When Ron saw her his mouth dropped open and his father noticed and told him the fly in the mouth cliché. The hired photographer, who Ron earlier had been talking to, had a professional camera snapping a roll of pictures every three minutes. The photographer told Ron later he had never photographed a more beautiful woman in his life. Ron just beamed and stuck out his chest thanking the guy, but tipping him a hundred on the spot. Sue had perfect white teeth smile from start to finish. She’d woken with a little morning sickness, but fought it off. She said nothing to anyone and a little fear of the boat ride might make it worse. At noon they rode to the church in mostly silence. Lisa rode with them to make sure her bridal gown didn’t get soiled. Amy sat near Ron and she was the only one not nervous thinking she was just going for another ride.

  At the church, the congregation was just leaving, but stopped when the long limo pulled up to the front of the church. Waiting outside were the small group of invited guests all dressed to the nines. Sue hadn’t the time to visit yet with her agent or photographer, but told Ron, after they were introduced, to tell them they would have lots of time at the reception to visit. While the guests entered the church Sue and Ron waited for the minister to motion them in. Ron went first and Sue waited for the music to start and a little uncharacteristic, Ron father walked her down the aisle. After entering the church the congregation slipped in to see who the beautiful couple were and to join the ceremony. Nobody cared and it made the church more warm and cozy with the added guests.

  For Sue all she remembered was repeating the vows and saying I do. Naturally she remembered the seal the deal kiss and back home they went like nothing had really changed, but in Sue’s mind she was now married in a church and hoped her mother could see from high above. She flashed on aunt Bee and said a prayer for her. In the car, Ron asked, “Honey you all right. You've alligator tears flowing down your cheeks making your makeup run.”

  “I have never been married before and this is a strange feeling. Maybe right now I would like to see each and everyone here and I guess I’m just feeling a little sorry my parents aren’t here to witness their daughter getting married.”

  “Honey if there's a God He will make sure the news gets to them. We have no control over the hereafter, but we have control over our future. My plan is to throw you in the pool,” he joked to break the tension. It must have worked as father cracked up and fell into a fit of coughing. Amy gave off a little yelp and snuggled up to her master. Sue stopped crying and held out her hand looking at the double ring. She couldn’t see it but felt it.

  Back at the house, Sue changed into casual wear after the pictures with the wedding cake. Sue took her agent, Kimberly Nugent to her bedroom to talk while she changed. Ron took the opportunity to seek out the photographer and spent a long time picking his brain. Both Kimberly and Mickey Glazer were from New York City where the majority of agents and publishers were located.

  Sue was asking what Kimberly thought of a story about this area where her in laws lived. Kimberly said, “Sue you could write about cows in a zoo and readers would eat it up with a spoon.”

  Sue laughed and said, “Well
tell me what color this dress is and if it looks okay for a reception.” Kimberly told her like the cows she could wear anything because she was so lovely it really didn’t matter. Finally Sue chose a bright yellow sun dress and put on her pearls to go with it. Her make up lady came in and redid her make up for more pictures coming.

  When she came out the patio poolside she was greeted by a round of applause that totally embarrassed her. She was on the arm of Kimberly and Ron hurried to her side for support. She took his arm and he led her to a table under a large umbrella. Sitting down not knowing who was near her, she visibly relaxed. Ron brought her a glass of champagne and offered a toast to the most beautiful woman in Florida. A round of here – here, and glasses breaking against the outdoor BBQ pit scared Sue to death. Ron quickly told her not to worry and the persistent photographer asked for more pictures with the whole family against the house. It was a perfect setting as a bed of flowers stretch around the entire house with a rainbow of colors.

  While the pictures were being taken Ron who was so happy failed to realize he had been drinking champagne and lost track how many. He was feeling a little high and warning bells were ringing in his head. A struggle occurred and he decided a swim in the pool would sober him up. Nobody noticed he was slightly tipsy, but his mother had been keeping an eye on him. She took him by the arm and had a little talk with him. Gently she said, “Ron are aware you are a slightly slurring your words?”

  “Yes, mother I am. In the excitement of the doings I got a little carried away. Now I’m going for a swim and sober up and drink only coffee as that is my drink of choice anyway. I don’t like this feeling and thanks for your concern,” and with that, tux on he ran for the pool making a big splash thrilling the onlookers. Sue asked someone what happened and then cracked up when she heard her husband clothes and all went into the pool.


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