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Assignment: Code of Love [Hawt Men In and Out of Uniform 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 2

by Honor James

  “Copy that,” Timmons said. Spinning his chair around, he flicked a quick look at his tracker program working furiously in the background. Only at ten percent of what it needed to go over. It was going to be a damn long day.

  Slipping the key into a port, he opened the folder and dumped the files onto his desktop. Once it was all there, he removed the key and tossed it back to Harker. “It’s a lot easier when I don’t have people hovering at my back, you know.”

  If not for the glare from the windows, he’d have his desk turned around so he’d see them coming. But until the blackout curtains arrived, he was stuck with them sneaking up behind him all the time. Thankfully he was naturally suspicious and just assumed they were always trying to peer over his shoulder, so he never had anything much up on his monitors. Plus whatever he did have up there was always in computer code, which not a one of them could read.

  Harker and Markham left the office. Yoshi dawdled a little. “You’ll call me if you need help with anything right?”

  Knowing his friend wasn’t referring to the various background checks and research he’d been tasked with, Timmons nodded. “Always. You’re my go-to guy. After all, you’ve always watched my back and I couldn’t trust anyone more to continue to do so.”

  Yoshi threw a look over his shoulder before coming two steps closer. “Do you have anything on this person?”

  “A shadow, nothing more,” Timmons admitted. Looking up at the Asian-American features of his best friend, he shrugged. “I’m on my last resort for digging up the identity. I have a gut feeling about who it is, but I could be wrong. If I’m wrong, then I’d rather know ahead of time instead of barreling into the life she’s built and fucking it up. If I’m right, then I’m putting her over my fucking knee and spanking her ass until she can’t sit for a year.”

  Yoshi’s lips twitched, but he didn’t grin. There was amusement in his eyes though. “I’m almost hoping it is this person so I can bear witness. That and meet the person who actually gets such a rise out of you.”

  There really was only one person in the world that could make him that hot under the collar, and with only a flick of her fingers. If it was the little brat, then he’d definitely be tanning her sweet little ass, and not in any way she’d be enjoying. “Go away,” he said to his friend. “I have work to do while I wait for the program to do its thing.”

  Chuckling softly, Yoshi backed out of the office. “Call me if anything pops,” he said. “I need two minutes warning so I can grab my camera.”

  Picking up the first thing that came to hand, Timmons threw it. Sadly, it was his stress ball, so it bounced off the spot of wall where Yoshi had been but quickly vacated.

  Slowly turning his chair back around, he took a quick look at the program’s visible meter. He really wanted it to be her, and yet he didn’t because she’d chosen her own path in the world like he’d chosen his. While he did often wonder what Clara Smith had gotten up to, Timmons knew better than to ever peek into that life. It would only make him want that which he couldn’t have.

  Chapter Two

  Clara hesitated. She knew that she had been tracked. She had actually allowed it to happen. She didn’t know why she was letting it happen but she was. Sitting at home with a glass of wine in her hand she watched the tablet and then took a deep breath and a plunge.

  Opening a chat box to Elliott, she typed in, How have you been, Elliott? Since you have backtracked me, I know that you know who this is.

  Now just to wait and see what he had to say. She didn’t know if he was going to be angry with her or not, but she had done what she had done all through the years. She had kept an eye on him from afar and ensured that information that he and his team needed always seemed to make its way to him. She had been a bad girl and if the government caught her she would be in jail, but they hadn’t because she was just that good and knew it.

  It took a long time before the screen indicated he was typing back to her. There was a pause, and then the message finally appeared. You let me track you down, I know you well enough to know that. What I don’t know is why you’d allow it. Care to share?

  I’ve been watching over you for a number of years, she admitted on the screen and took another sip of her wine. She missed him. Plain and simple. She had fallen for him so long ago but it was more than that visceral hormonal reaction, it was the friendship that they had forged as well. I’m honestly not sure why I let you track me. There, at least she was being honest, a little. I’ve missed your laugh. She hit enter instead of hitting delete as she had intended to do. “Crap. That’s so not what I meant to do,” she spoke aloud and now watched the cursor as it blinked its condemnation at her.

  Another long pause before the screen once again indicated he was typing. I’ve missed you, too, Clara. It’s been much too long since I saw you last. This definitely wasn’t how I wanted to contact you again, not this way. But I suppose it will have to do. Oh, I’d put the glass down if I were you, and go answer your door. A knock sounded as soon as she’d finished reading the words on her screen. Clara knew that living within five miles of Elliott was dangerous, but she hadn’t been able to help herself.

  Clara jumped. Holy balls she hadn’t expected that knock. She put the wineglass and then the tablet down. Once that was done, she rose to her feet and brushed her hands down her fuzzy pants. Walking to the door, she opened it for him. “Elliott.” She felt shivers moving up and down her body at the sight of him. The pictures that she had pirated over the years did nothing for him. He was utterly amazing. “You look good,” she whispered and leaned against the door. “Crap, you can come in. Sorry.” She realized that they were just standing there looking at each other.

  His gaze ran down her body. “Nice pants,” he said, moving past her. He stopped a couple feet from her, waiting for her as she shut the door behind him. “Want to tell me why you decided to poke around my system?” he asked, getting right to the point.

  She shrugged and watched him. Moving to the kitchen, she pulled down another wineglass. “Want a drink?” she asked. “As for why.” She poured him a drink when he nodded and passed the glass off to him. “I have been in your team’s systems since you got with this team.” Time to be completely honest. If this meant jail, then so be it. “I’m the source that’s been sending you information from time to time along the years. When you were in Uzbekistan I’m the one who ensured that you got your team the hell out of there before the RPG hit your area.”

  “You do realize that if I report this, it will be a military court that rules on where you end up, and how deep you get buried right? They also don’t tend to be overly generous when it comes to folks poking into their systems. Words like treason tend to pop up rather quickly, Clara.” He stepped in closer to her, staring down into her eyes. “Why would you risk life in Leavenworth for the team?”

  “Because it wasn’t just any team,” she said honestly, watching him as she did so. “It was your team. It was you,” she whispered. “I couldn’t let you be harmed. You’ve always meant far too much to me for me to allow anything to happen to you.” Which was the truth. “And you won’t turn me in, we both know it. You are too much of a protector and you wouldn’t allow me to come to harm.”

  “Doesn’t mean you’re going to get off easy either,” he told her. “I’m still debating with myself the wisdom of tanning your ass so you can’t sit for a year for the stunts you’ve pulled. Given the new information, I might do it hard enough to ensure you can’t sit for two years. Good grief, Clara. What if you’d been caught? Did you ever think of the consequences of your actions even once? What it would have done to me to find out because you were helping me out you got a life sentence?”

  “I wouldn’t have been caught,” she said without even blinking. “And even if I were you never would have known. I would have given them all false information on my identity. You are the one who taught me that, remember?” She was still thinking of him talking about tanning her ass, spanking her. “But let’s say th
at all failed and the worst would have happened. If you will recall, you are the one that left me, so why would it have caused you any trouble at all?” There was that hurt she had buried so long ago.

  “I joined the Marines, Clara. I didn’t leave you because I had a choice. It was the corps or one long ass prison term because of what I did. What we did,” he said. “I was lucky and got a judge that gave me a choice. I found my place in life because of that decision I was forced to make, found a good group of guys to work with, and who became friends to me. But that doesn’t mean I didn’t stop thinking about you, wondering how you were, where you were, and if you were okay. I didn’t get the option of calling you up to tell you what was going on. They were pressuring me to reveal who helped me, but I stayed silent. So I didn’t call because there was no fucking way I’d lead them back to you, ever.”

  “Because of us saving those kids from that monster of a father that they had?” She hadn’t realized. Why hadn’t she realized that was what happened to him? “The only thing that we did was ensure that his buddies couldn’t change the information again and get him free.” They had hacked the police records and arranged for them to go to the FBI in order to ensure that the man in question received the punishment that he deserved instead of being let go once again with his records mysteriously lost.

  “Yes, but it was a crime to break into the police records, Clara. Since it was my computer, my login information, and my online identity, I was the one taken to prison. Apparently they’d suspected a hacker was getting into their system, and hired their own hacker to keep watch. They tagged us when we were in there, then all they had to do was backtrack once we got out of the system, and come arrest me. The hacker they had working for them said there were two people using the same system. He recognized our unique signatures as two individuals, but the judge didn’t care as long as there was one person they could nail. I just made sure it was me. Thankfully you got better at hiding your tracks after that,” he muttered. Taking a drink, he moved to the window to stare out into the night.

  “Elliott, I’m so sorry.” She moved so that she could touch his back, standing at his side. “I didn’t know.” If she had, she would have done everything possible in order to assure that he was removed from harm. “I’m happy that you found the crew that you did, the family that you had been missing for so long, but I am so sorry that you took the blame for what I did.” She had been adamant about saving the kids and he had been a bit more wary of it. “Forgive me?”

  “I forgave you a long time ago,” he said. Turning finally, he looked down at her again. “I’ll always forgive you, Clara. Hell, you don’t even have to ask for it.” He stared at her for a time before stepping in and enfolding her in his arms. “I’ve missed you,” he whispered against her hair.

  Being folded into his embrace was like coming home. Clara rested her cheek against his chest and closed her eyes. Her arms were wrapped around his waist and she simply clung to him. Finally she spoke. “I’ve missed you as well, Elliott.” For him she would give up anything and everything. For him she would give up her desires in what she wanted in a relationship. All he had to do was ask. “Watching over you was a bit like heaven and hell.” Which was the truth. She needed him to know that. “I’ve missed you.” Again she repeated.

  He gave her a squeeze and rocked her side to side slowly. “I’m glad I didn’t know it was you,” he said. “I’d have wanted to tan your hide then, which likely would have distracted me. Not a good thing, to say the least. But I’m glad I know now even though it pisses me off, and makes me so damn proud of you in equal amounts.” Rubbing his hand up and down her back, he leaned away a little. “Tell me what you’ve been up to since you already know everything I’ve been doing for the last several years.”

  “I’ve became one of those hacktavists that will spread the truth worldwide,” she admitted. “Come, let’s have a seat shall we?” She led him to the couch and they settled in at each other’s sides. “I also work at a magazine as well as write a love advice column, which I hate by the way,” she blurted. “And I’ve watched over you. My love life has not been the best or the greatest because it’s not what I’ve wanted, truly wanted.” Him, she had wanted him. “I’ve led a fairly boring life truth be told.”

  “You write love advice?” he asked. At her nod, he tipped his head back to laugh. “Holy shit,” he muttered, shaking his head. “Damn that sounds interesting. You’ll have to tell me what magazine so I can find the back issues and read all the columns. This is much too good,” he said with a smile.

  “Trust me, it’s not that spectacular. I’ve had to tamp down my natural instincts. I’ve had to trim back the truth of what I felt a true relationship could be.” She shrugged and sighed. “It’s hard to tell someone that being attracted to two men at once is a bad thing and they had to choose when I don’t feel that way.”

  He shifted closer to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. “Care to expand on that?” he asked softly. Resting his head against hers, he rubbed a hand up and down her arm lightly, his rough fingertips causing chills to raise on her skin.

  “It means that I don’t feel that a woman should be limited to being in love with and in a relationship with one man. I feel that as long as all people in the relationship are happy then why shouldn’t they all be allowed to love in a triangle?” She knew just how he would feel about that, they had grown up in a small town after all. “Like I said, as long as there is communication, I suppose that no love should be taboo, right?”

  “Very open-minded of you,” he said. “Progressive even. You’d also be completely correct. A few of the team are in relationships like that. They tend to tone things down when out in public, but around the office or in the freedom of their own homes it’s whatever they want goes. Kind of nice to see, even if one of them is Markham. Scary fellow, yet completely wrapped around his woman’s finger.”

  “Your sniper at that time, right?” she asked and when he nodded she smiled. “I am glad that some of them are able to find that kind of relationship. I wish that I could find someone that was that open-minded and progressive.” Him, god help her but she still wanted him. Even after all of these years, being held by him and talking to him once more only awakened that need inside of her. “I’ve read the files on Markham. The man is ice-cold deadly isn’t he?” She was talking in circles and knew it.

  “Very,” he said. “He can stare at you, unblinking, for what seems like hours at a time. First time I saw him do it I thought he’d fallen asleep with his eyes open, but when I went to steal his cookie he slapped my fingers. It’s quite creepy actually. He does it all the time and he does it to make you nervous enough that you’ll blurt out anything and everything going through your head. He uses it as an interrogation technique, a very effective one, truthfully.” Shaking his head slightly, he lifted his glass to his lips to take a drink. “So who are you interested in having a progressive relationship with that’s not on board with your plans?”

  “There is no one in my life,” she stated softly to him. “I hate to admit that but there it is. I have no one on my life, as much as I wish that I did.” She wanted to know if Elliott would be willing to be part of a relationship with her but had no idea who else to be in a relationship with. “I guess that I will simply be the crazy cat lady.”

  He snorted at that. “You are not the sort to be a crazy cat lady. Besides, you’re allergic to cat hair if I remember correctly, so that won’t work. Now you must have thought this through a little at least. Besides, I need to know if there’s someone I need to beat up because he’s not playing ball with you.” Elliott shot her a considering look. “Or if I can actually steal you away to have myself.”

  “Yes, I’m allergic to cat hair,” she said with a shrug. “And if you wanted to you could steal me away. You’re the only one that ever could. Only you.” He had been in her heart since they were children. She just wished that she wasn’t feeling as if she were looking for that third person. Part of her wishe
d she could be content with just one male, with Elliott, but she knew that she wouldn’t be. Not really.

  “Good to know. It’s also beneficial to know you’re not opposed to having a dynamic relationship. Especially since Yoshi and I tend to tag team our women. Not always, but occasionally. Though I might have to have words with him in regards to you. I have always been slightly possessive of you. You, my dear Clara, may be very hard to share.”

  She pulled back to look at him. That had shocked her. A lot. “Wait, you are into relationships like that as well?” she asked with wide eyes. “I.” She didn’t know what to say about that. She couldn’t think of anything at that moment except the fact that the man she had always had a deep love for was into the same sorts of relationships that she was into.

  “Didn’t I just say that?” Hugging her close, he pressed a kiss to her temple. “Give it a second to sink in, sweetheart. Don’t want you to hurt yourself as you spin your wheels. Take a couple nice deep breaths, and then try speaking again when everything clears up a bit.”

  “You are interested in a relationship with me?” It was time to put it down there. “You and your friend, Yoshi, are interested in a relationship with me? I don’t understand. He doesn’t know me, what makes you think that he would be interested in anything with me?”

  “He knows a bit about you, quite a bit actually. Some of it is even absolute fact. Some of it may be slight exaggeration, but relatively mild. And really those stories don’t count because they were mainly the ones where you were trying to kill me. They sounded much better blown out of proportion. You can set him straight when you two finally meet. What he does know about you intrigues him, he’s told me as much several times. But it’s up to you, Clara. Always will be, sweetheart.”

  “And what do you think about this? You’ve just met me again for the first time in a great many years. What makes you think that you would want to be in a relationship with me?” She wanted to be with him, but she had since she had first met him so long ago.


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