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Page 3

by Ingrid Walsh

  - I roll my eyes. - Men ... You will not miss the precious jewels of the Crown to show your feelings. Mio fratello ri more. - We have a reputation to protect, principessa. - rebate, its tone is playful, making me snort. I watch for a moment. Despite the relaxed this morning, Dam has been weird lately. Sullen, irritable. I suspect it has to do with a certain doctor. Something happened between them in that jungle, I'm pretty sure. - What's the matter with you, Dam? - I ask softly. His brow furrows, showing confusion, then add: - Something happened between you and Dr. Moretti while they were alone in the jungle? His face closes. Black eyes shine hard with the mention of Isadora. - Nothing happened. - he kind of growls. - What makes you think that? - Uh, because that has treated with hostility every time to find? - point out, raising a challenging eyebrow. He sighs, stunted. - The doctor is a frivolous woman. A vad ... - cuts the offense and gets up, picking up the dishes and taking them to the sink. - I will not talk about it with my little sister, Ella. Um, so something happened indeed. My brother does not offend women as well. Not in front of me, at least. She has a boyfriend. - I say the obvious. Dam emits a small snarl turning to me and leaning against the bench. - Si. It is a pity that the good doctor does not know how lying is his future wife. - spits in disgust. - But that's not my problem. - says and forces a smile, his voice softening. - And you, sorella? You do not think you have to be thinking of marriage is somewhat precipitate? - According to our father, no. - answer with a smile playing on his mouth. - And Mike was excited ... He wants us to get married in within two months. Dam laughs, humor filling her dark eyes. - The old man was not going to ease, we knew that already. - the two laughed. - It's good to take good care of Mike mia principessa, or I'll kick his ass that arrogant. I get up, bypassing the counter and going to him. Dam pulls me, wrapping his strong arms around me. I feel protected in the arms of my older brother. Grazie, but you will not need. - I say, raising his face to look at him. - He loves me. - Si, the idiot just needed to take a shake to act on his feelings. - grumbles and it makes me laugh. He is serious. - I knew that visited the family of Celina. It was beautiful and thoughtful of you. I would not expect less from you. - his voice is gentle and affectionate when whispers.

  - A princess from head to toe. I'm so proud to be tuo fratello. My eyes marejam with the care of my brother. It seems he has no ceremony to be corny to me, as it has with Max. So sexist, but I melt, enjoying the moment. - Si, his family is modest. They need support not only financial, but knowing that someone cares, we regret the sad demise of his daughter. Dam swallows and nods. - This is a risk that all employees take when they accept to serve us, Ella. Unfortunately, people have died and will continue dying in the name of royalty. It's so unfair, Dam -. Whimper. I know it's true, but it still bothers that royalty is placed above the common people. - Si, very expensive. Very unfair, but it has been so since the world began. All we can do is honor them with our postures, as it is doing to support the family of his maid. I stare, amazed at how much has matured. - It will be a great king one day, mio principi. - I say with emotion in his voice. His hand up to my face in a gentle brotherly touch. - If I am only half the king who our father is, I'm already satisfied. - says solemnly and he never looked so much like our father like this. - It will be. I'm sure. around the state. - I'm going to last in Max's room to say goodbye. - I kiss on the cheek and pull away, grabbing my purse on the counter. - If you do not see us before their departure, have a safe flight, fratello. I am proud of you. A bright smile makes her face and he kisses me softly on the forehead. - Grazie, very expensive. - it stretches, reaching your cell phone on the counter and adjusts his suit well cut. - I have a boring meeting with the doctors of the foundation until ten. - a muscle beats in his jaw. I want to ask if Isadora will be there, but not necessary. By their posture, I imagine the find. Both she and the groom. I would like to dig more about it, though, Dam is very reserved in his personal affairs. - After boarding Max, back to lunch with you and our old. - announces. - See you at lunch, So. - nod as the two left, leaving the kitchen. My parents also travel today after lunch. They are leaving on a diplomatic trip to Istanbul. A frisson of excitement as more wanton and shameless slide down my spine, through the stomach and settles further down in the middle of my thighs, with the knowledge that we will be just Mike and I, alone in the palace. For a whole week. Dio mio ... step hardly wait. For a whole week. Dio mio ... step hardly wait. For a whole week. Dio mio ... step hardly wait.



  I look at the facade of the museum when Lorenzo, my security, the limo pulls into the underground parking. The works are in full swing and will certainly be completed before the deadline, as is Mike mark. I returned to work in the same building. The biggest reason I have gone to the neighboring building was my tantrum with Mike. There are empty rooms near his makeshift office that will not be touched by the dust and other particles that can damage restoration. So, I set up my laboratory in the next room to his since returning last week. The positive point is that I will see my beautiful and sexy badass engineer all the time. The negative is that also will see the sly bitch face, Beelzebub brunette, as Anna and I are calling affectionately. River, up the stairs at the back of the building, which lead straight to my room. I learned the lesson not move carelessly in the middle of a great work. Mike ordered me, that's right, ordered not to wander over from the front, where workers are at a frenetic pace. I enter the room, my two assistants are already there. They bend in a respectful and give me good morning. I welcome the going to keep my purse in one of the lockers and started the work. The morning passes quickly, we are restoring one of the frames of Cavichioli, a darker violet is what we have. This was painted after the misfortune of lovers. She is dressed in black, his face is the most sad, heartbreaking even. I have the urge to change the colors and bring the beauty of the first paintings in which the artist depicted his muse in love, but I can not. The restoration can not change the essence of the works, a pity that case. I return to the palace about eleven and a half for lunch with my parents and Dam. Our lunch is quiet at the Royal Hall. My brother tells our father about the meeting with the doctors of the foundation. The king and queen unfold in praise of Dr. Moretti, to the discomfort of Dam, only respectfully nods his jaw tense. My mother asks me how is the restoration and I will update. After dessert, mio papà invites me to go to his office for a chat. He is still on the back foot about my relationship with Mike, I can feel for your posture and the way has watched me like a hawk this week. What he does not know is that my love for my cousin is infinite. Will never end. Mike feels the same way, I know. He was slow to give way, but now it's forever. That's what your eyes tell me every time are fixed on mine. Every passionate touch of his hands and mouth on my skin. Every time possessed me with their dominance and intensity in London. What we feel is very strong, overpowering, will never end. We need to show this to our family and to the rest of the world. When we entered the room, my guide me father to the large Victorian sofas few steps down the huge room where we settled. - Piccola. - mutters, taking my hand in hers. We need to talk. I turn slightly on the couch, getting kind of facing him. - Si, papà? - Do not talk alone about this whole situation ... - resumes, his dark eyes holding mine. Marriage ... You're okay with that, principessa mia? - Si, papa. - I say firmly. - I love Mike. There has never been another man for me. He searches me. - And the Duke of Montessola? Have you been involved with it for a while. - points. I nearly snort at the mention of Paolo. My father still thinks my feelings and Mike can change. - It was just a pathetic attempt to forget Mike. We have never had anything, huh, deeper ... My father nods, looking a little uncomfortable. - When mia bambina grew? - I smile, his face filling with nostalgia. - It was so fast. It seems like yesterday I was looking at her emerald eyes for the first time, and now, you are passionate about and the way to get married. - pauses and his face takes on seriousness. - I just want to be happy, figlia. Your happiness and your brothers are above the mine. Thus from the moment I got each of the
arms for the first time. - nod, my eyes getting teary. - I know, papà. - I murmur. - There is no better father than you. - my voice embarga while I lean and kiss on the cheek. Dad smiled. The laughter that fills the office reminds me of my childhood, when the surprise here in the middle of the work and he stopped everything I was doing to play with me. - You always knew how to bring down tuo papà. - Middle grumbling, making me smile too. He sighs with resignation before adding: The news has been fully worked out, but Mike needs to decide on the marriage. He has placed an order? I hold the urge to roll my eyes at the old-fashioned ways of my father. We are no longer in the nineteenth century, you know that, right? - he raises an eyebrow monarch who does not like to be thwarted. - Mike will not marry me because the king decreed. You will do it because you love me. We love each other very, accept it and soon we will avoid unnecessary conflicts. He raises his hand, touching my face, his eyes very bright. - So like your womb. - murmurs almost to himself, looking at me with love. - No matter what century we're in, bambina. Parents will always want to protect their children. My chest softens with your love words. - I know, papà. - I say, excited, going to sit on his lap. Her face lights up to have your little girl like that. His loving arms around me in a protective cocoon. - Just let Mike and I decide about marriage, okay? - it does not seem very happy, but nods. - Let's do it our way, per favore. - Since it does not take too long. said with displeasure in his tone. - Mike crossed the line, he disrespected taking their purity before marriage. Dio mio! I feel my face in shame flames. My father is even as oldfashioned. - Per Dio! What if it was one of my brothers leading the purity of a girl? ironizo. - You would force them to get married? He makes a disgusted sound, frowning. Do not talk to tuo papà. - he scolds me. - Is different. They are men. I snort. - This is pure gender bias and knows it. - dare talk back. He laughed, giving me a conciliatory kiss on the forehead. I laugh and snuggle in his strong chest. - Va bene, tesoro. - grants, rubbing my back soothingly. - I'll try to keep me out and let you and Mike decide. I laugh, knowing he will not really fulfill that promise. My father is naturally controller with your family. However, I appreciate that you are at least trying to give us space. - Grazie average reverse.

  - whisper. - Be careful with your media exposure, however. Your safety will be enhanced. Your face turns serious and he repeats the speech that my brothers and I heard from adolescence: - Fame for ordinary people is something temporary, unless you really do memorable things. - his hand holds my chin and continues: - You know we do not have the privilege of being forgotten by the press, Piccola. No matter what we do, we will always be exposed to the public eye because of who we are. The royalty, principessa mia. And that's forever. Everything passes, but the royalty, this is eternal. - complete with his proud tone and king of ceremonious. - I know. I will never embarrass our house, nor our name, papà. I assure you the same reverencioso tone. He nods, kissing me on the temple. We parted a few minutes later. He still had some business to attend to before taking the jet and I needed to freshen up and kiss my mother before returning to the museum. The later evolved more slowly, as if the clock had a secret plot to keep me separate the man I love. I managed to complete the Cavichioli framework and dismissed my assistants just now. I want to leave early and get ready for Mike. I will not greet you at the airport as usual. He wants me waiting in his room. Naked. Ah, Dio. A river runaway excitement fills my vagina when I think that in two hours he will be on the Island. In the palace. Inside of me. I groan, taking my bag, ready to close of business for today, but a knock on the room door makes me staking halfway out. - In between. - I say with a slight impatience in tone. The handle rotates and my mood is tested when Vivian appears in the doorway. My brow furrows, internally wondering what this woman might want me. - Your Highness. - greets a polite bow, when bowing enters. I slightly nod his head in acknowledgment. She did not forget that revoguei your permission to address me by my name. Smart girl. - You can give me a few minutes, please? Cáspita. What does she want? Around to wonder. - I am outgoing as you can see. - I confer the watch on my wrist. I know it's rude, but the novelty is that I do not mind rude opinion. Not for her. - If you do not take too long ... It seems oddly uncomfortable. I analyze with the same care and concern that MMA fighters do not require an opponent before combat. - Do not dare take your time, Princess. - says in a very subservient voice. - I just wanted to say once again that I am very sorry how things have changed since we were presented. - his face falters a little and I close my eyes, trying to figure out where you're going with this spiel. - And that ... Well, I wish Your Highness could give me another chance to redeem myself. - I frown in confusion and Vivian continues, its a little more confident tone: - I am an experienced submissive, as I mentioned ... - And? - I pull away a bit, looking at the puzzled way. - I put myself at your disposal for whatever you need to know about our world, Your Highness. - her brown eyes shine with hope and I start to think she's crazy. - I can train her to be an unbeatable submissive. - my blood begins to boil over low heat. Who does this bitch think she is? Alright I need some tips, but not her cáspita! Never this cow! I snort. - Listen, do not take it personally what I say, but I know everyone's Master Mike. That's enough. Smoke comes out through my ears as the fuzilo with my eyes. I approach slowly, stopping in front of him. She remains in place. It is courageous, I give you this. - You are so helpful ... - I say down. No need to shout. No. I do not need descabelar me to give my message and that puttana will welcome you. Now. - Or maybe it's just too stupid. - spit on harder tone. - A sub unbeatable, you're saying? - arqueio a contemptuous snort and eyebrow. - I think it's time to accept that you should not be much of a sub, man. - his eyes widen and complete surprise print your face. You could not hold it even with all this knowledge of his tastes. Here's some advice you should follow: stop embarrassing herself. You're being ridiculous. - Princess, please, I did not want to offend her. - mumbles, turning away a step back. - As I'm more experienced, I thought just clear the air between us, helping her. I feel I owe you after ... after ... a person is possible to have such chutzpah? Apparently it. - Once caught you about to fuck my man.

  - I spit. - Because no matter if we were not together in fact, Mike has always been mine. and I say love it when your face loses a bit of color. - If you are more experienced than me, of course. - and because I want to be a total bitch now I started, I ask with mock innocence:

  - After all, how many have, thirty-four? Thirty-five? - I see a flash of anger in his eyes. Come on, show your face. His true face, bitch! - Thirty-one. Mike and I are the same age. there is a note of satisfaction in his tone when he gives me the replica. - Really? - River ironically. - Well, I'd bet it was much older. I can say I hit a nerve by the way his jaw clenches and she takes a sharp breath. Let's go darling. Come on, attack me and give me a legitimate reason to train boxing that your face bitch. I defiant eye. But Vivian is smarter than that. She is not coming. Do not fall into my trap. With a great sigh, He says with a voice controlled all again. - I do not want to offend her, Highness. As I said, I just thought that, by the time I was regular sub Mike, could help her cope with our surroundings ... Santo cielo! I swear, I will give some slaps that disguised. I can not believe it's so clueless to propose me something. Oh really? What woman would accept advice from a former lover of her man? Only a fool would do that and I'm no fool. - You must find me very naive, are you, Vivian? Silly even, I would say. - I say, still trying to control my temper. But let me tell you something that should not know, otherwise, it would make me such an absurd proposal. - she looks at me intently. - You and all the whores that Mike ate the last five years were just poor substitute because it was me he wanted when he was with each of you. - say it is bittersweet. I hate that he has been with so many puttanas. But at the same time, I love to know that it was me who thought all the time. - He confessed to me that he enjoyed calling my name in thought. It was me he wanted. It's me he wants. It's me who will always want. So you can take your offer and shove in his knowledgeable guy ass. - I'm practicall
y growling in his face. This makes choke a little. Great. - You are a pathetic woman. - use the same flawless tone of my father and Dam when do not want to be harassed. - Let me. Now. A smile crosses his face of mockery, as if enjoyed confrontation, but she holds. - Well, then, if you're so sure you can take care of your man, there's nothing to worry about, Princess. - his tone is low, moderate, returning to bow forged with that started this conversation. - I bet I know how to keep my Mike satisfied. - growl this time. You're the only naive if you think you do not know what to do in bed. No need to be a bitch round to meet a man. He does not tire of telling me how much I enjoy tasty. - she is surprised at my language and I rejoice. Toma. - The difference between us, man, is that I am not a paltry sub he will fuck and set aside. I am the woman he loves. Always loved. Always will love. She pulls a quick intake of breath and nods. - Right. Forgive me if I was ill-timed, Highness. - bows and begins to leave but turns back. Christ. - Oh, before I go. - I roll my eyes. Madonna mia, what it takes to get rid of that back? - When he bring to the club, be attentive. There are some who were regular subs him and that, well, they can become spiteful. Like you? Snort sarcastically. Hang on. What? Club? Mike will take me to your club? I swallow, not keeping my eyes widen in surprise. He never told me anything about take me to this place. I do not know how I feel about it. Vivian seems pleased with my reaction and I stiffen the spine. Not forgetting to look her in the eyes, lift up my hands before his face. - Look at these hands seemingly delicate? - smiled coldly. - They can give excellent hooks, man. - she looks at me suspiciously. - Again, do not underestimate me by my title. I can get off the jump and forget my tiara if necessary. My blood is Italian hot mixture with Brazil and be sure I will not run because the old subs are my boyfriend ... - I snort jokingly. - As you said? Spiteful? - river, shrugging, minimizing them. - Personally, I'm going to rip the eyes of any one who dares to come close to my man. Is that clear enough for you? Something happens in her brown eyes. It is a grim expression, it gives me chills. - There is a sub in particular. - resumes, it seemed that same scared. - Be careful with that, princess. She ... The touch of your phone interrupts and I thank mentally to who is calling. The woman is not lame. - I'm sorry, I have to meet. I'm sorry again for taking your time. - she looks at me in a strange and intense. - Take care, Princess. I know you hate me, but I'm not a threat. - with more reverence, she finally goes. Sigh of relief and snort then now upset with Mike. What the hell was that? He'll have to send this Beelzebub away. Who does she think she is to trap me that way? Fuck! She will leave tomorrow! Enough of playing the comprehensive girlfriend. With sick or no father, Vivian will fall out. March out of the room, really angry. It is pathetic. This whole conversation was pathetic. I'll start the Mike balls for keeping this puttana the company even after all. Then ... Damn. Then I'll kiss him to my lips numb. I'm dying of dominatore mio miss. Mike really angry. It is pathetic. This whole conversation was pathetic. I'll start the Mike balls for keeping this puttana the company even after all. Then ... Damn. Then I'll kiss him to my lips numb. I'm dying of dominatore mio miss. Mike really angry. It is pathetic. This whole conversation was pathetic. I'll start the Mike balls for keeping this puttana the company even after all. Then ... Damn. Then I'll kiss him to my lips numb. I'm dying of dominatore mio miss. Mike I take a sip of my beer and I check my Rolex gold, so it must be the thousandth time dede I came to Luke and Samuel. When we closed the hours, I decided to accompany them for a quick drink in a pub on the way to my new address. But my mind is not here. I'm counting the minutes to take flight toward my girl. - Man, you can at least pretend you're enjoying our company? - Luke's mocking comment makes me look next to my brother seated on the seat to my right. Samuel laughed at my left. The bartender is at the other end of the counter, serving newcomers girls and this gives us some privacy to talk. - Sorry, brother. - twist his lips into a small smile. - I can not wait to get on that jet. Luke rolls his eyes and Samuel laughed, both having fun at my expense. Brats. - And all this talk of not demonstrate, under any circumstances, that the girl has power over you, brothers, or be fucked, who always played upon us since our adolescence? - Samuel raises an eyebrow, his smile widening to know who took his older brother in this. I shrug. - Forget that crap. - a small snort detractor escapes me. - This clearly does not work when your heart was totally and completely enraptured. This makes the booing, whistling down. Damn, I sound like a little woman. Man, I did not know you had this poetic vein happening. - Luke mocked. I do my best to ignore the clear fun kid in tone. He finishes his beer, gesturing to the bartender to bring another. - Stop bugging me, fuck. - my voice is a mix of growl and laugh, finishing my beer too. The barman provides another round. - Why do not deal with the girls there singing, brothers? - indicate to the chin group of three girls, who are now looking at us, raising their Martini glasses and a clear invitation in his eyes. - Or are they losing my touch? Samuel puffs, followed by twin. His lips curl into grins. - We're off today. We took an older girl yesterday and ... - Lucas laughs like the Cheshire cat. His voice is lower when complete: Damn, she knows fuck, but Samu and I took a weariness that delicious thing. Cum. These boys still continue with their practice of making women sandwich, apparently. I thought it was a thing of teenage hormones and the thing to live an ocean away from our old when they went to university in Boston. But it seems that even the perverts like to fuck a girl at the same time. I kind of snort at the thought. Who am I to attack puritanical when I have my own perversions? Who has glass ceiling ... If my brothers are so happy to continue. However, I can still make fun with them. After all, that's what brothers do. - You guys are perverts fuck. They snort in unison. - Look who's talking ... The guy who likes to handcuff and whip your girls. - Samuel mocked quietly, after all, we are in public and nobody needs to know the royal perversions. - Shit, I still can not associate all the delicate image of Ella with your preferences in the bedroom, brother. It's my turn to open a malicious and arrogant smile. If they knew how Princess enjoys my perverted vein. Damn, just thinking about our last session makes me hard as steel. She was perfect, taking everything I gave you ... I can still feel her pussy and her ass around my dick, tight, delicious, milking me beyond insanity. Shit. I set me quietly, holding a groan. They are staring at me with cheeky smiles, realizing that my mind conjured memories unseemly. Closing the face, making it clear that I will not go into that topic with them. My relationship with my doll is not to be discussed. Not even with my brothers. - Uh, man you are monumentally fucked. - Lucas teases, understanding my frown. - When a guy refuses to go into detail about the girl he's fod ... - I grit my teeth, daring him to continue. He smiled. Christ, my brother is so stupid. - Huh, dating, it's because it got too serious. - Are you tired of knowing that Ella is different, idiot.


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