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Hexed Page 27

by Ingrid Walsh

  - My pleasure, little doll. Let's take a shower and then I'll feed my greedy girl. - says rolling over me with a naughty face. Contrary to his words, he just kisses me the next few minutes, devouring my mouth slowly and passionately. - I love you I love you I love you. He murmurs and my heart swells, my eyes marejando. - Ti amo, ti amo, ti amo. - I whisper back between kisses. - amato average. We kissed for what seem like hours, until my stomach protest again. He chuckled against my mouth. - Let's go. I stop being selfish and feed my princess now. I laugh like a fool when you stand up, juggling with me on his lap. You're not selfish. - Yes, I am, doll. - it borders on sensuous mouth on mine. - I do not want to stop kissing you. Never. Secure your shoulders as we leave the gym. - Then, I am also selfish. - whisper, pulling her lower lip between her teeth. - extremely selfish, mio principi. The beautiful and arrogant eyebrow rises and he laughs all satisfied. - Yes? - Si -. Purr when we cross our room headed straight for the bathroom. - I also want you all to myself. I'm just your doll. Ever. - ensures putting me down. - Si? - I tease all seductive, loving when his deep laugh fills the room. - Yes. - he whispers, turning the shower, pulling me under the jet. We smile and we cling again, once again leaving the food into the background ... Mike - purr when we cross our room headed straight for the bathroom. - I also want you all to myself. - I'm just your doll. Ever. - ensures putting me down. - Si? - I tease all seductive, loving when his deep laugh fills the room. - Yes. - he whispers, turning the shower, pulling me under the jet. We smile and we cling again, once again leaving the food into the background ... Mike - purr when we cross our room headed straight for the bathroom. - I also want you all to myself. - I'm just your doll. Ever. - ensures putting me down. - Si? - I tease all seductive, loving when his deep laugh fills the room. - Yes. - he whispers, turning the shower, pulling me under the jet. We smile and we cling again, once again leaving the food into the background ... Mike

  Sensual music fills our ears as we pass by security guards at the entrance to the central hall of the club. My arm wraps more tightly around the waist Ella as we move through sophisticated environment. After Daniel took over the board, things have become quieter and less common here. Under normal nights this hall pass for a nightclub like so many others in London. Dating partners if knead, but not fuck openly. However, on the nights of performances, like this, the picture changes and everything, and I mean all the same, it can happen. Here it becomes a Babylon. I've thoroughly enjoyed nights like this. Not today, though. I can feel the tension leaving Ella's body when we stopped at the bar, which is a kind of island in the middle of the room. Side has two large, ostentatious stage where demonstrations take place. There are corridors leading to the elevators and these lead to private rooms and to the dungeons. The old house was recently renovated and its decor shows that only the cream of the crop can be associated, which leaves every peaceful partner. Everything that happens here is top secret. No comments on this place in our social circles. Compliance with some acquaintances with a nod and help settling in one of the high stools. She is beautiful in a pale green dress one shoulder, a golden belt marking the waist. The hairs are trapped in a braid that hangs over his shoulder bare right. And, of course, is using the collar diamond with an emerald in the center. Beautiful, submissive, but at the same time haughty, like the princess she is. After our fight, I did not want to come today, but my doll is stubborn and put his foot down, wanting to come check out first-hand how the club really works. I decided I'm going to slow things down, though. I am no longer so eager to introduce it in this space. I'm tense, something that I do not know what it is, is bothering me since we passed the entrance. Moreover, if that count bowl half appear not answer for me. His nose is screaming to talk with my fist and I'll be more than happy to answer the call. - Master Mike, good to have you back. - the bartender greets me with a broad smile. -. Good night, Tim's good to be back too. - I return to friendly greeting, holding out my hand for the counter. It secure a firm grip. - this is my bride, the princess Antonella. Tim opens wide mouth, unable to hide the admiration to see a close princess, I restrain a smile by apatetada reaction redhead young. Then closes his mouth, realizing his youthful and clean reaction to the throat. - It's an honor to meet you, Your Highness. makes a clumsy bow. Ella toasting with one of his charming smiles princess and the poor Tim blushing like a teenager. I would be jealous, but the boy is not a potential threat. No, he's just amazed how everyone gets when they see my close girl. The eye and smile slightly, myself drooling over her. Yes, I understand perfectly. -. Grazie, Tim My pleasure.

  - says amiably. I put behind his bench, standing on guard, undermining the chances of anyone even touching her. The cheeky smile kinda gives me realize my strategy. I lean, depositing a soft kiss on her mouth. - I should have introduced myself as guided me? whispers against my lips. The stare. - No, baby. - mumble, tracing his face with his forefinger. - I decided to slow down with his training. Ella frowns in surprise. - Because? inquires. - Because I realized I was going in a hurry, Ella. - I say quietly. - we have time. We will have a lifetime and I was like always being selfish, just wanting to have all of you.

  - she opens her mouth to object, but I put my finger on his lips. - everything will be in due time, princess. I will not run over things, I promise. His green eyes probing me for a moment. - Are you happy with this decision, Mike? - question seriously. - I do not want to force you to be who you are not, amore mio. - Exactly, doll. - retort between soft kisses on her lips. - I do not want to force her to be who is not. His face softens and then a teasing smile plays on her mouth. - I am your submissive. He never forced me, my lord. - purrs and I growl, biting her lower lip, dragging it between his teeth. - Yes you are. - grind. - Now behave yourself, princess. Today we just watch the show. She laughs again, the raucous sound of her laughter going straight on my dick, thickening it. - Are you happy with this decision? - question, with emerald eyes twinkling at me. I laugh, rubbing our noses, kissing, biting his mouth, delicate and sensual. - There is no happier man than me, doll. murmur, an arm wrapping around his waist. - in the world. - pull a little backwards to look her in the eye. - in the entire universe fucking. Ella laughed softly, raising his hand and grabs my face, stroking my beard trimmed. Our eyes are locked full of will, of necessity one another, then plunges his mouth on mine. It causes me licking my tongue and sucking it then. I groan, taking charge, holding his neck and step to suck your tongue firmly. She whimpers in my mouth and I laugh, slowing down, licking her pretty tasty. The buzz continues around us, but we do not care, lost in our warm and passionate kiss. When they finally stopped kissing, Tim is serving other customers. We smile accomplices and he comes before us again, smiling awkwardly. - Ready to order? - A cosmopolitan for me, per favore. - Ella adds. He seems surprised that I, a Master respected here, let my partner take the lead, but wisely keep a neutral face. - Ella enjoys only a small dose of Vodka and please, add lime juice Persia, Tim. - I say to the boy, making clear in subtle ways that my relationship with her is different. He nods noting the changes in the famous drink. - and I just pure whiskey. Tim nods again and turns to glass shelves, located in the middle of the island, starting to prepare our drinks. Ella runs scanned the room, where black and red leather sofas are scattered in small niches, designed for the comfort of the partners. Nothing in the decoration of this hall suggests BDSM activity. It's all in good taste and refinement as in any other establishment of evening entertainment. Ella pants, making choking sound and I follow his gaze. Cum, shit just warm. A beautiful blonde is naked, bent over, sucking the cock of one of the Domes sitting in upholstered a few meters from us. What really shocked my princess is the other guy holding the waist of the girl and eating her from behind. The angle, he's fucking under the tail. I growl, hating the scene. The Master is the one sitting on the couch like a king while dividing his sub with another man. I abhor this kind of practice. I never ate the sub anyone. Always I took those who were free, like me. I think a tremendous disrespect for sub collared. Unfortunately this has h
appened too often among us. - Ready. - Tim put our drinks on the counter. - Thanks man. - I thank you not only for drinks but to divert the attention of Ella scene. I hand him his cup and both sipped. In pole dance to our right, a brunette dancer is just dancing with a wire between the legs and flashy boots, huge breasts bouncing every move you make. - Are you alright? - ask me and I realize that he was frowning. - Yes, you? - return, looking into her eyes. She probe me. - There is something bothering you? You do not look at ease as I thought it would be in your club. - says with a hint of petulance. I kind of growl. - Not being the way I imagined. and confess her forehead wrinkling slightly. - here it is unworthy of you, doll. - secure your pretty face, still bearing some traces of innocence and can not avoid a twinge of guilt for having brought her to this place. - I should not have brought her here. Not yet. - loud sigh. let's rethink this issue of the club, princess. We can continue partners and come sporadically, but not as active members. Total surprise takes his face. - Wow! Why this change so suddenly? - questions and takes another sip of his drink. - I thought I was anxious to bring me here. - I was, I admit. - grumbling. - but actively live the club is no longer in my priorities. It raises that haughty and insolent eyebrow princess. - The real reason, Mike. - asks suspiciously. - The real reason? - I make me dumb. She rolls her eyes and I smile, enjoying teasing her. - Morro jealous of you. - growl in her ear, sucking the lobe then. - I go crazy knowing that every motherfucker in this hall would die to have a chance, a tiny chance with my wife. - Your woman? - she mocks, with a sassy grin. Dou slapped their butt deviation and mouth, down his neck where suck, making it shudder and groan. - My wife. - growl, nibbling your skin. - but I'm serious about better discuss our involvement in the club. - Finally, the lovebirds! - Daniel's voice makes me look aside, seeing him standing, bringing Elise on his arm. The scene intrigues me. He always said that this sub is kind of upset. They are together now? Disengages the dark and gives me a brief hug, sideways. - Mike, good to have you back, buddy. - genuinely smiles and faces Ella. Antonella princess, be very welcome in our club. My friend here will introduce smoothly, I am absolutely certain. - it full and I feel uncomfortable again. Suddenly everything around seems grotesque, decadent and unworthy of my princess and I have no idea what is causing it. I lived it here since I was eighteen. What has changed now? Why am I with a great desire to get my girl by the arm and give out of here? How strange is this feeling? - Good evening, Daniel. - Ella gives you a smile that does not quite reach his eyes. - grazie. Master Mike, it's an honor to have you back with us. - Elise says lowering his head and look. - welcome Princess. - Complete and I do not know which of us is bowing now. Ella and I thank almost together. Daniel asks for a drink and Elise also does the same. I feel for the upright posture of Ella that the presence of an old sub my not pleased. Damn it. Why Daniel is with this sub in particular? - Changed your mind about the demonstration, friend?

  - he asks getting your whiskey and sipping, sitting in the next seat. - No -. I say tersely. He chuckled lightly, his gaze flicking by Ella. - Be honest Mike, is not missing any little part of things here at the club? I narrow my gaze on it, feeling the tension vibrating in Ella's body. - No, I do not feel, Daniel. - rebato a little dry for your comment after hours. I do not want Ella feel belittled by his inexperience. - being really honest, I think it will not resume activities immediately as we talked. Him to the glass the way to the mouth. His eyes sparkle with something that does not identify because it is a quick thrill. - What?! Say you're playing with your old friend, Mike. - he smiles, thinking I'm joking. -. No I'm serious, man.

  - I repeat. - I found that I have other priorities. His forehead wrinkles, understanding falling on his face. - You're leaving? - question below and loaded tone. - Giving a time. - evasively divo, Ella pulling over to my side. - You just take a break. - the voice felt through Elise makes me look at her. She opens her eyes wide to have entered into our conversation and lowers her head in shame. - I'm sorry, Master. I do not know what came over me. - Know your place, sub. - Daniel growls coldly. Fuck. The eye. He's really upset that I was not actually resuming my activities at the club? It seems so. Fuck! I never did anything just to please someone. Well, only when the person concerned is my doll. - Get out of my sight before one of us decides to give him a corrective. - intima and hear Ella hold their breath for rough way he is treating the woman, by the way, had reached his arm. Elise gasps, tears flooding her eyes and tilts his head to us, quickly moving out toward the bathrooms. - Well, that was unnecessary if I may say. - Ella kind of growls at Daniel. He seems surprised by her defense and also for its boldness. - With all due respect princess, this is our world and there are things that obviously are not yet familiar. She snorts. - There are things that I will never get familiar, like being treated done shit in front of an audience, for example. Cum. I hold a smile for his petulance. Daniel is stunned at first, then throws her head back, smiling with ease. - I'll see if Elise is well, amore mio. - Ella says, shooting daggers at Daniel. - Go on, love. - kiss her temple to calm his temper. - do not delay, however. - say lower only to your ears: - we will not take us much here. Ella nods and down the bank, going in the same direction of Elise. Daniel is looking to distance themselves when I go back to look at him. I can see why the princess held by the balls, friend. - he says with good humor. - every man likes a good challenge. His statement bothers me. - Ella is not a challenge for me, Daniel. rebato finishing my whiskey. - is the woman I love, with whom I will spend the rest of my life. He twists his nose. - Where did his sense of humor, man? - complains. I mumble: - I never had one and you well know it, you bastard. His face is serious and leans against the bar counter. - Joking apart, You know you can count on me if you want to keep giving this time that you mentioned. - I know. Thank you friend. - I say, feeling lighter. - Ella is not ready for this kind of environment and realized that I too rushed things. He snorts. - Well, you're getting married in a month, right? - mocked. - it speaks for itself. - Maybe I should get a sponsor who at least believe in the institution of marriage. - retort. Daniel laughs and raises his free hand. - It's ok. This godfather here will not speak ill of this blessed institution called marriage. - says with a touch of irony. - You could not stop being an idiot, it's in your DNA. - alfineto it. He growls, but before giving me the replica, a person approaches us, I see the peripheral vision. Me turning to give the newcomer, I almost growl to come face to face with the son of a bitch Earl and none other than Vivian on his arm. - Good night friends. - the pompous tilts his head in greeting. I resist the urge to say I'm not your friend, but I remain silent. - Prince Mike, what a pleasure to see you again. And where's your lovely bride? - asks glancing around the neighborhood. I Crispus my fists, turning fully to face him squarely. - Well, the reverse is not true. - I say coolly. The abused raising eyebrows and then smiling playful manner. - All right, just as well, all in the open. Perhaps this is the appropriate time to say I want his princess. He says and my blood gets hot, boiling boiling. - What the fuck just say? - I advance, getting nose to nose with the fucked.

  - Thomas, keep some composure fucking. - Daniel says with disgust. - you know you can not go after a sub collared. - Something tells me that the princess will be free soon. - Buster has the audacity to say, looking at me without hesitation. - and I'll show her how to be taken by a true Master. A man knows when it's matched and Princess definitely find me attractive. Just look at that cute little face and it's all there. - his tone low with obvious contempt: - you will always be garbage from the streets. It can not even be considered a bastard like your old man. It is also garbage, but garbage with blue blood pe ... Do not let him complete the offense. Growling animalistic way, move the head forward, giving a head butt in the face of the unfortunate. The man shrieks of pain, unbalancing and going down with an ugly, clumsy thud. The horror exclamations of those nearby are high above the music. - Mike! No friend! Do not enter it, man. - I hear the voice of Daniel upset while trying to pull my arm. - you want to be banned, fuck? - growls at Thomas, but
I'm out of me now. This fucked exceeded all limits, taking in my first guy who wants my wife, and then daring to speak ill of my father. I will grind your bones punching! Now! Leap over the count with an absurd anger, distributing hard punches on his aristocratic face fucking. Daniel tries to pull me in vain. I'm much bigger and stronger than him. - Mike, oh Dio mio! Stop it, per favore! Ella's horrified cry pierces my haze of anger and then large arms and very hard are tearing me up bastard. Falcone agent. I growl, It is dominating and dragged away from the earl. Your face is all bloody. He did not hit me a punch even the stupid loudmouth. - Damn, Your Highness, calm down! - Falconi range, holding me tight through.

  - You're finished, motherfucker! - I spit toward the asshole being collected from the ground by Daniel. - Cool down amore mio. - Ella stands in front of me, resting his hands on my chest, pleading green eyes. - get out of here, okay? - asks, sliding his hands to my neck and face, holding on both sides. - He disrespected you disrespected my father, damn it! - I grit my teeth, still crazy starched anger. - We must leave now, sir. - Falconi says low and serious. Nod grudgingly and eye for chickenshit the Count again. He's smiling. Your face is all bloody and the idiot is laughing? What the fuck? - You should think about what I told you, Prince. - spits blood on the floor and get rid of the grip of Daniel, icy eyes upon me. you see I'm right. Sooner than you think. - Stop this shit, Thomas! - Daniel range, but the jerk just snorts, adjusting his suit. - Do not cross my path again, Earl. - growl, pulling Ella to my side. - Is this a threat? - question between teeth and opens his arms, looking at the cluster of people around us. - you are seeing this, partner? Mike Prince is threatening me openly. It is unfortunate that the level of the partners has fallen this club, gentlemen. Cum! The murmurs increase, while all look at me with recriminations on their faces. Fuck that shit! That night did not start well. - Thomas, you're crossing the line. What the hell has gotten into you, my friend? - Daniel intervenes, coming to my side. - I'm sorry, but you will have to withdraw. - What?! - Buster's eyes widen in shock. - face, he left on me like crazy and you're kicking me out? I feel some of my wrath being appeased by Daniel posture. Extruding not. - Daniel remains firm. - however, it will not be allowed in this club if you do a retraction for Mike. I do not think I did not realize that it has been extremely awkward since they were presented. Thomas snorts, sticking his nose, which is the size of a potato. Pulls out a handkerchief from his pocket and puts on the blood dripping into the mouth. Okay, I'm leaving. I do not need you or this fucking club. - disdain for Daniel and leaves, people making way for man snob. - Damn, I'm sorry for bringing this immature for us, friend. - Daniel looks at me with his shoulders slumped. - but we will not let this incident derail our night. The demonstrations will start soon. I hold Ella's waist, holding her close to me. - The fault was not his. - I force my most natural tone. - but the night is over for me. We shall speak about my performance in the future club, pal. And then I go out, feeling my heart lighter by taking Ella from there. - The fault was not his. - I force my most natural tone. - but the night is over for me. We shall speak about my performance in the future club, pal. And then I go out, feeling my heart lighter by taking Ella from there. - The fault was not his. - I force my most natural tone. - but the night is over for me. We shall speak about my performance in the future club, pal. And then I go out, feeling my heart lighter by taking Ella from there.


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