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Hexed Page 28

by Ingrid Walsh



  I enter the Carl cell. Bufo ironically, the luxurious room never would fit the definition of cell. The man has everything you want in here. Everything except his freedom and it became somewhat embittered. Well, today is your lucky day. Last week he signed the documents, finally naming me his legal representative and today I am here to put an end to their suffering. Let's face it, I'm doing a favor to the old lunatic. No one deserves to be locked up so long. He needs a rest and I'm more than happy to give you this. Carl Turner has lost the use to me and my plans. Our partnership ends. He is confusing the balls, thinking that this is his revenge against the elder King. No, this is my revenge, fuck! It's time to take the reins and go up that son of a bitch Mike once and for all. Carl welcomes me with an almost genuine smile. I dare say that the old developed some paternal feelings for me for as long as we live. Pathetic. A melancholy song as hell is playing inside the large room, divided into living, dining and bedroom. - Come on, I look forward to hearing about the progress of the plans, kid. - he says, following in front of me, limping horribly. - It's time to be a little more aggressive. Oh yeah. He will never know how much I agree with those words. Rio internally, while the follow for the well-set with our dinner table. He's completely unaware that this will be his last meal. I have done these kind shit for the old fool over time. I send you food from your favorite restaurant at least once a week. Your favorite whiskey, albums of your favorite singer. Even send many of my girls to dirty old man, I sent. Most would come home and fucked all had to get rid of them. Carl is an extremely sadistic ruler. He loves to inflict pain on their subs. I learned that from him, the art of domination, subjugation a bitch and use it hard not caring whether it will survive or not. In short, all the smarmy shit I did. I got more perks to him paying the guards out. He understood it as a show of feelings from me, just like I wanted. Now I have everything that he had. For a smart guy, the old completely let his guard down with me. Big mistake. Everyone who let their guard me end badly. Very bad. We settled in and serve us, talking about amenities like English football league, for example. The old man is very relaxed, almost cheerful tonight. I feel some remorse if he knew what that word means, of course. After taste the dessert, I prontifico me to serve us two doses of whiskey and it will innocently to the couch, getting back to me, which comes in handy. I finish and I walk up to him, handing his glass and sit down in the chair opposite him. He takes a long drink and I do the same, watching him closely. - Promise me you will destroy them both to me. - his gray eyes pierce into mine. - I need you to promise me you will destroy Jay. - his voice is tense, angry. - I do not care about the rest, just destroy the bastard. Well, I care about the fucking rest. Much. But of course only give what the old man wants to hear right now. Promise. - I say firmly. - It will be destroyed along with the street bandidinho who welcomed. He laughed grimly, taking another sip. - You are the son I never had. - says in a moment corny as hell and I have to keep myself from bursting into laughter and ruin everything. - You taught me a lot. - I say the same maudlin tone he used and it lights up her face. We fall into a silence. Comfortable for him, but expectations for me. Every sip giving my satisfaction increases. - So it's all right for we take the princess? - inquires and makes a choking sound, then coughing. Finally! I thought the shit poison was not going to act more fucking! - Yes, all right. We made good use of a personalized bracelet that the princess realized not being taken from his arm in the melee that her fiance heated starred in the club two weeks ago. I say normally, as I watch her face turn red and he further choke the air starting to miss you. It is a scene that I appreciate. My sister offered to come with me and bleed the unfortunate. I could not accept. No, it would be wide open. This way is much smoother and the report will say only: natural death. The poor guy died peacefully in his sleep. - I'm running out of air. - grumbles, the glass falling from his hand and pouring the rest of the drink on the white carpet. - W-what is acont-weaving? - takes both hands to his throat. His lips are purple almost black, foaming at the corners. Yes. A beautiful image. I keep quiet, taking my drink and watching him writhing. - You are also like the father I never had. - I say jokingly. Carl is an ugly sound, his eyes widening locked on mine and understanding little by little down on his face. He looks at the glass with spilled drink and inflate their nostrils, pure hate taking his expression. I laugh. - V-me you trrrraiu son of putcha. - his tongue is already rolling. Ah, nothing like the power of a good poison. - No offense, but our partnership had validity, Carl. - I get up, eating the rest of my glass and picked up my coat on one of the couches. - You were so blinded by hatred for King engineer and yet so pathetically needy when he met me, he did not realize that all I wanted all along was their money. - go forward me and look from above, he is lying on the couch, eyes bulging, just panting. The dose used was horses. I am surprised that it took this long to act. - This is my revenge, old. - growl on your face. - You had your chance and failed with the King father. I will not fail the King son. He gasps, making horrible sounds. Blood is coming out through the nasal cavities, mouth and even the eyes. What a beautiful thing. I look at him, seeing the life drain slowly from his old body. Her eyes are with a sinisterlooking, open, dilated vessels covering the color before gray. Since my coat and walk to the exit. - Goodbye, Dad. - disdain. One of the guards who paid waving at me as I leave the depressing place, so I hope it's the last time. I do not make mistakes like that unfortunate who died there. No, I'm much smarter, I have all orchestrated. When I walk in the limo, go up the partition and call my girl. She is still in testing, but has proven its value both in bed and out of it. It's a delicious sub, loves fucking hard, hold everything I give you without complaint. I'm not the sissy kind that loses his head because of cunt, however, I appreciate that particular dog. - My Lord. - she replied in subdued voice hardening my cock. - Hi sweetie. - I say gently. I want you willing to help me with the new shipment of girls. What can I say, I am a very ... eclectic entrepreneur. Trafficking of beautiful girls is my greatest source of income. Once the old Turner heritage. That God has. I make the sign of the cross wryly. My sister thinks it's too early to introduce my girl in our illegal activities, should I observe and investigate further. Already did that. It is clean and I love to eat her pussy, ass and mouth. History end. - Go to my house. We need to go over all the steps and get ready to grab the princess. Mike will get the special package this afternoon ... She is silent for a moment. I interpret this as one of their silly statements of jealousy. My sister wasted no time telling you that I intend to fuck doll Mike to satiate me and my girl did not like it. - I'm coming, my Master. - says sweetly and my smile opens wide. Life is starting to get good. Can not wait to see my old friend desperate to lose their precious little girl. Rio, anticipating, already feeling the taste of victory. And I'll be right beside you, giving you all my support, my shoulder to cry on, after all, that's what you expect from a good and loyal friend. ***********


  Ella adjusts the knot of my tie and I look with a silly smile playing on my face. I love when you wake up early and help me get dressed to go to work. Not always, because my doll is not a morning person. Today I decided to swim some laps in the heated pool instead of training at the academy. She surprised me when she appeared naked and joined me. Before long she was held against the tiles, her legs wrapped around my hip and my balls buried deep in her pussy. We fucked slow and tasty, taking advantage of the warm water. We came together and were clinging, dating as if I had not scheduled appointments this morning. We left then and went naked to shower in the room. We had coffee and then she followed me back with the promise to help me dress. - What is that smile, my love? - she asks softly, stroking my suit that ends with a tie. Such a homely scene, but that softens my heart. I want this for the rest of our lives. - I love having my wife taking care of me. - I mutter, pulling the little waist. That provocative smile plays on his fleshy mouth and she holds me by the neck. - No more than I love taking care of my man. - purr
s, sticking to my luscious body. Rosno and his smile broadens as it approaches the mouth of the mine. Go down a hand waist and grab her ass in full. - Yes? - I tease her. - You really took good care of her man by the pool, little doll ... - smile slapping his firm buttock. Whimpers. Everything to please my owner. - says the guy with the dirty little bitch makes me horny. I'll spend the day watching my mentor teacher on the last day of the event in Oxford, but I promise that I will see him in the late afternoon. - she has been involved with such a teacher since man arrived earlier this week. Clever and intelligent as it is, my doll is already digging your way to a Master. - How about that, mio amato Maestro? I serve my Lord in your office? Cum. I growl, my cock already hard and ready to sink into her tight body again. Holy Mother, my hunger, need for her, not decreases. No matter how many times I've had the past two months. I'm always crazy about her. - Always so eager to be used by its owner. - I say indulgent. - My girl wants to fuck in the office, right? She moans, shuddering. I laugh evil and secure his neck, plunging into her mouth, kissing her hard, possessive. When I separate our lips, we are panting. We laughed because we like that our shameless game. - I'll wait for you, doll. - I say, giving small kisses on his mouth. A beautiful smile lights up her face. - I love you. - mutters with those beautiful eyes worshiping me. - Have a good day's work, my sexy brunette. My heart melts chest. - Love you too. - whisper back. - Have a nice day too, my princess. - Give me one more kiss. asks coyly. - How my little girl want. - my tone is definitely softened before plunging into his mouth again. When I separate our mouths, grumbling: - Now I really have to go out if you want to arrive on time for the first meeting, love. She makes no attempt to release me, still hanging on me and I'll never complain about it. Only trace your face gently with your finger, looking at her with all the love in my heart overflows. - You're the boss, you can afford to be late at least once. - whispers against my mouth, sucking my lip seductively. Yes, I'm the boss, doll, and that's exactly why I have to set an example. - grumbling, making her smile with his princess of insolence. - When we get married will have to make more flexible schedules. - she bites my chin. - I love to wake up next to my love. Coffee together. - opens a mischievous smile. - Flirt tasty without worrying about the time. - That's a Royal Decree, princess? - smile softly, causing it. His giggle vibrates against my skin and a lustful moan is your answer. - Damn, consider the arrangements made, doll. Anything to please Mrs. King Di Castellani. - rub your thumb on her red lips. She kisses him, eyes glinting on mine. - I love the sound of that. - moans hoarsely. - I'm counting the days, every minute to be officially his wife, mio Principi. - Me too my love. - whisper and unable to resist, I kiss again. In devour unhurried. We laughed, knowing that we are postponing the inevitable. To go to work. - I really have to go now, baby. But tomorrow I will close early hours to take her to a place. His eyes shine like gems. - Where? - asks his euphoric tone. Before you answer, your phone starts playing on the bed. It is Anna, I see on the screen. I'll take you to see something you want to buy for us. - a swift peck and she lets me go, going to get your device. - I'm leaving. - Take care, amore mio. - says softly and answers the phone. - You too, little doll. - I say, turning to leave. When I get to the door, I turn around, something clicking in my chest, an emergency strange kind and I look furtively. His fun laughter sounds in the room. Anna is being irreverent as ever. I can not explain what makes me suddenly, but I just feel an overwhelming desire not to close out of it, not to leave alone. She lifts her head and catches me in the act admiring her with my passionate look. The beautiful and bright smile that opens on your face is worth any delay. I love you. He says just moving his mouth soundlessly. Feeling the bastard luckiest in the world, I blink at her before leaving the room. A few minutes later, in traffic on the way the company below the dividing of the limo. The Falconi agent is driving today. Harry and Lorenzo are taking care of Ella. Since arriving, the agent has been fully embedded in our security scheme. He kind of resisted the invitation at first suspicious of the reason why I called for my personal safety. I have drawn the most effective argument, saying that his princess would need their services. No agent Ardócia Secret Service refuse to act in the direct care of a prince, and in our case, two. This ensured that Falconi had no escape. - Thomas York is apparently clean, Highness. - he says, without taking the traffic's attention. Asked to investigate the as the Count after the beating I gave at the unsuspecting club. I tried to make him treat me informally, but he refused vehemently, claiming that his superior would not allow such disrespect to the Royal family. I spent the first few days after the beating he gave the unhappy at the club, mulling the daring son of a bitch. He told the truth? Does my doll finds it attractive? Give me disgust thinking, just think shit like that. No. He lied. Just wanted to annoy me, to make me lose my head and got his goal. There is no other man to Ella, just as there is no other woman for me. I'm being foolish leaving the insane jealousy that princess feel misplaced plant ideas in my mind. - Apparently? - looking at the question aside. He looks at me a glance and turns his attention to the direction. - I do not like the responses appear almost magically when we look for it. - snorts. I restrain a smile. Falconi is a son of a moody bitch. - It's like everything made, you know? I gather eyebrows, watchful. - Do not like the bastard. - growl. - No matter if it is clean or not. I wanted to have broken more than her fucking nose. Falcone ri. In fact, it comes out more like a growl.

  - And Daniel Slatam? - question. His apparently casual tone. - What about Daniel? - rebato, looking at him, but is concentrated in many vehicles ahead. Shrugs. - You should know that I'm checking your friend too. - says quietly. - As well, you are checking it too? - retort. - I do not remember having asked it, agent. My tone is not very friendly and he looks at me finally. It does not seem intimidated, however. - Why did you call me to London, Prince Mike? - asks, raising an eyebrow arrogant middle. I do not like that motherfucker. It's ok. I kind of like this your fuck it attitude, I'm good at what I do. I shrug, relaxing a little. Instinct, I guess. - answer. - Exactly. - he says. - And it is in the name of instinct that I am investigating the Slatam. It would be helpful if you could provide me information, like when, where and under what circumstances they met. I snort. - you will not find anything Daniel. He's a good guy. - I defend my friend. Falconi is a moment in silence. - Great. Still I'll keep checking. - says almost defiantly. - In my line of work, we never rule out any source. It's my turn to be silent. A suspicion beginning to invade me. Why the agent is so obsessed with checking people around me? Only I ordered to investigate the so Thomas. I want to find some rotten and use to remove him from my social circle. - You do not believe Montessola Paolo is the culprit. - my tone is not the question. Only now I realize that. He has not yet put down this bone, though the Secret Service has already given the case closed.

  -. No, he just said and we were silent for a while. - They are just precautionary measures, Highness. - Falconi explained when we enter the underground parking lot of the King's. Let me take care of it. Do not worry. - complements. He escorts me on the way up the private elevator, which gives direct the offices of president and vice president. Step morning in and out of meetings and videoconferences. Lunch with my parents in a restaurant close to the company and return to the stop, as the two go out for coffee with an old Scottish client, who is probing them to sign the reform of his summer residence in the Highlands region . In the afternoon, I make a visit to Lucas and Samuel site as it had promised. They are completing the work by the end of this week and euphoric by adding another great job curricula. See his almost boyish enthusiasm reminded me of my first projects as newly formed. Return to King's close to four in the afternoon, eager to see my doll. The day was so rushed that we speak only for messages, and were short. I'm getting ahead all I can to be able to take a month off for our honeymoon. Sign the engineer of the contract which entered the Vivian wave and then me refreshment in the adjoining bathroom to my room. Change the shirt and comb my hair, whistling like a teenager going out to find the girl of
your dreams. When I finish spraying the preferred perfume Ella, Lucy tells the intercom that the post office left a package addressed to me. Weird. I puzzled. My personal correspondence go straight to cover. Here the company is only about business. She comes seconds later carrying a large manila envelope and leaves on my desk. - Thank you, Miss Carson. - walk up to the table to check what it is. - Ella should already be coming to see me ... - I'll let you go immediately and do not pass any connection. - Lucy says as an old sentence color recited. I laugh, waving. These have been my orders to her since the princess grew up and began to show up to see me alone. Ella always loved me make these little surprises when he was in town. - That's right. Thank you. - I appreciate it and sit down, taking the envelope. She excuses herself, leaving me alone. I inspect the envelope and my eyebrows together, even more intrigued when I do not see the sender, only my address. What it is? I wonder, shaking the package. It's thick. Caught the opener and tear the top of the envelope without much finesse, reaching into, retreat the sheaf of papers. A pen drive falls on the tabletop, making noise. Increasingly intrigued, I picked up the papers and spray it and then my heart when I see that there are pictures in the middle. Photos of Ella. I gasp, ice seeping into my veins because it is not alone. Are pictures of her with the unfortunate Earl of York, damn it! I see the dates on the bottom and are the beginning of this week. What. Cum. IT IS. That? Fury starts to take me. They are in a bistro, talking animatedly, drinking coffee or whatever the fuck it is. I remember that day. That dress, the personalized bracelet I gave you on the anniversary of twenty years. There is only this worldwide. It was made exclusively for her. I continue through the pictures, my heart aching, crazy jealousy making me angry. Cum! She said she would meet with your mentor teacher who had come from Boston to an art event at Oxford University. The next photo is like a sharp blade piercing my heart in a hard, deep cut. Oh my God. My breathing failure on what I see and thrown in my face. They are kissing in a dirty alley, the dress skirt wrapped around her waist and tucked it between her thighs, the nasty ass fucking is half off. I sharply breathe, my eyes burning, everything in me aching with reality this photo. Ella betrayed me. My brain is trying to process, find anything, any tiny clue that is not my girl in these pictures, but there is no denying it. It's her. My hands shake when caught on photo photo, showing another man, a man who warned her not to get close, fucking her against a dirty wall, staining it, killing me. With gritted teeth, I put the flash drive in my laptop and open. There are two files. A film titled: me and my dog, and another that open immediately. Are messages exchanged between them. I stroke the table, my fingers aching horribly and my heart sinking. Ella says it was a mistake, it was just curiosity on his part and that he had no plans to leave me. He insists to have at least one parting and after reluctant, she accepted. My whole body is trembling in shock, disappointment, anger, when I click to see the content of the film, even already having no idea what I will see. Bile comes to my throat as the scene of a games room appears. And the knife is twisted in my chest when I see mastered, blindfolded, with tied wrists to the headboard as he penetrates behind. Hear the groans, growls and degenerated words that the damn is saying in his ear makes me sob, the first tear rolling down my face. - Doll ... Why, doll? - groan in agony and stand up, no longer able to see anything. I can not anymore. I get up and with a growl like a wounded beast, dragging all that is on the table, sending straight to the ground. Papers, notebook, mobile phone, picture frames, everything shatters on the floor. With trembling fingers, grip the intercom. - Call the princess and say I had an emergency and left. - growl to Lucy. She makes a sound surprised and clean the throat a bit. - Is there a problem, sir? - asks hesitantly. -. Do not just give my message, okay? - reply dryly. - Of course sir. Desculp me ... I hang up, cutting her off. I walk to the bar in the corner and serve me a double shot of whiskey. I take a big gulp, liquid burning down to. The second tear rolls down my face, another and another. I do not think I've ever felt a pain so excruciating, debilitating as this lacerating my chest, shattering my dreams. Ended. All I thought about the future no longer exists. There is no future. I'll have to leave it. And I will die because I can not live without it. Antonella Desculp me ... I hang up, cutting her off. I walk to the bar in the corner and serve me a double shot of whiskey. I take a big gulp, liquid burning down to. The second tear rolls down my face, another and another. I do not think I've ever felt a pain so excruciating, debilitating as this lacerating my chest, shattering my dreams. Ended. All I thought about the future no longer exists. There is no future. I'll have to leave it. And I will die because I can not live without it. Antonella Desculp me ... I hang up, cutting her off. I walk to the bar in the corner and serve me a double shot of whiskey. I take a big gulp, liquid burning down to. The second tear rolls down my face, another and another. I do not think I've ever felt a pain so excruciating, debilitating as this lacerating my chest, shattering my dreams. Ended. All I thought about the future no longer exists. There is no future. I'll have to leave it. And I will die because I can not live without it. Antonella All I thought about the future no longer exists. There is no future. I'll have to leave it. And I will die because I can not live without it. Antonella All I thought about the future no longer exists. There is no future. I'll have to leave it. And I will die because I can not live without it. Antonella


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