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Page 31

by Ingrid Walsh

  - What? - inquiro under his eyes much like Lucy. - What do you mean? "Much like" There are charges there when he announces with absolute conviction: - There is the princess in these pictures and video, Your Highness. My blood freezes completely. My breathing stopped. What. Cum. IT IS. That? - I saw it all, agent. Do not try ... - Obviously your jealousy took over the reins. - growls and gestures for me to join him. - See, I downloaded the program that the Secret Service has with the data of the entire royal family. - points to the screen when I reach. - We need this to prevent problems by false claims, as the material sent to you, for example. When you received it? You should have called me immediately. he censure me and my heart starts beating so loud I think I'll see a heart attack while you click on the action of the hands of Ella, the real, and compare with the photo. They do not fit. The photo of the fingers are thinner and a little longer. Do the same with the perfectly asymmetrical proportions Ella's face and takes you to the photo's face and again does not match. The photo is more pronounced chin and slightly higher cheekbones. My hands are sweating and trembling when he finally compares the eye color. The girl's are a darker and I close my eyes, my heart to explode by another kind of pain. Oh God! Is it really possible to have fooled me so much? - It's not the princess. - he says, turning his eyes now hard for me. - prepared a trap for you. I point the screen, swallowing hard. - This bracelet. There is only one in the world. - I say with pain and hope warring within me. - The princess lost the bracelet. - said with clear distaste for my suspicion. - She did not say anything because they do not want you to know. But he asked for security to remain attentive if met. He told us it was a special gift because you gave her. Oh, my Holy Mother of God! I groan in agony. My whole body trembles by the finding. I was cheated. I let my jealousy blind me and punish my girl unjustly. My eyes are burning and I blink, ashamed and disgusted with myself taking me. - Ella ... Oh, my God ... - babble with despair and desolation. Doll ... What have I done to you, my love? I distressed. I have to go after her. Now! I press the intercom button with the intention of calling Lucy and ordered to provide the preparation of the jet at the same time my phone rings on the table top. Harry's name flashing on the screen. I gesture to meet Falconi step while talking haphazardly with my secretary. The girl is smiling when off, promising to take care of it as quickly as possible. Stare at the agent when I close the call and he's frowning, hard eyes, leaving angry sparks in my direction. Si, accompany him to the hospital. - says with palpable anger. - We're on the way. I'm on alert at the mention of the word hospital. - Who's going to the hospital? - inquiro with a strange cold seeping inside me, as the harbinger of something bad. He stands up, adjusting his suit, giving the gun in its holster and stares at me with an openly accusatory expression.

  - Lorenzo. He was shot in his garage around an hour or so. - What?! - I get scared, backing off a bit. He keeps staring at me with prosecution eyes and my heart gives a jolt, real fear invading my nervous system. - Ella ... - my voice is just a hoarse wire. - Where is she? His jaw tightens and I think if he could, he would give me a punch now. - The princess was taken. According to Harry, there were clear signs of a struggle on the ground when they arrived and also ... - And what? Contact fuck! - I cry, shoving his hands in my hair and pulling him with despair. - One of her shoe was left behind. - spits, clenched his fists and continues in an icy voice. - Congratulations, Prince Mike! In one fell swoop you left the princess being kidnapped and his security may be dead. Harry said he had not Lorenzo hopes come alive to the hospital after bleeding there in the garage alone for so long. - he is livid and rightly so. - How long have you known the princess? How fucking long have you known this girl? God! His words are much more effective than punches. Since the age of two. That's the answer. I know her inside out, every detail of it know by heart and yet I let myself blinded by jealousy and did not see anything. I saw just what the damn person who prepared it knew would see a forged betrayal to separate from her. I gasp, my breathing failing. burning tears in my eyes. tears of remorse. Of shame. I made it. My insanely jealous, my total lack of common sense has jeopardized my girl. Ella was abducted. I took my doll my fault. My fucking! - Yes I did it. - my voice trembles while stare at him steadily, as man, taking my sins. - I'm to blame. I was dumb enough to deliver the woman I love more than anything in this life in the hand of some bandit. My image should reflect the desolation of my words, because his face softens a little. Falconi long sighs, running his hands over his face. - Your enemy has shown that it is intelligent, Highness. - says seriously. - He's acting on its frankness. - exhale again. - But there is no perfect crime. There are always loose ends and I'll find them. It's a promise that I am making it. - looking me in the eye, his tone is less hard when he adds: - I'm sorry to have missed him with respect. You may report this to my superior. -. Do not Fuck it. - snort. - I doubted Ella and this left her vulnerable fucking. - my voice cracks. He shakes again jaw. - I just want to find my little girl. Promise me you will help me on this. I can not even imagine what it must be terrified now. - and how was sad for me cruelly I treated these two days, I add myself. He nods. - Let's go. I need to call the parents of Ella and would appreciate if you could trigger the Secret Service while I do it. The sooner we start the search, the more chances we have. Falconi headed cracks as a pilot, cutting all who were before us. Harry warned meanwhile that Lorenzo was between life and death on the operating table. It seems it took a strong blow to the head and shot in the back. The bullet lodged right near the heart and he lost too much blood to be found. At least, he came alive to the hospital and it eased a tiny spark of my remorse. Having the man's death on my back was tormenting me. I called my parents and then for the parents of Ella. They were crazed, saying that would take the jet immediately. Dam is in Milan, I called too, which in turn, promised to call Max. Two of my bodyguards are talking to two policemen when I go down in my car private garage. There insulating tapes. The sedan car that Lorenzo must have leased to escape with Ella is with the open trunk full of bags. My chest hurts so much to see that she was really leaving me. I can not even think of how it should be disappointed in me. Recalling the cold way I treated her in the past forty-eight, I got angry and ashamed of myself. There's blood over the leather and then on the floor, a puddle getting almost black by the time you're here. One of the agents are taking pictures, collecting other things here and there and playing within insulating bags. So my view is drawn to the letters on the opposite wall and my blood freezes. Spray-painted in bold letters are the phrases, the sentence that makes the bile rise in my throat: YOU MUST HAVE BETTER CARE OF YOUR PRINCESS, OLD FRIEND. SHE IS MY NOW.

  - Oh my God! - High gasp, sheer horror flooding me. Falconi's right, my enemy decided to attack and this time was for the jugular. I spend trembling hands over his face, cursing myself endlessly. - No, God ... - Good afternoon, Mr. King. - I turn my head, seeing that the two police officers who were talking to my security are beside me now. - I'm Detective Lionel Jacobson and this is my partner, Mathew Golden. Could you give us your version of the facts, for example, where the princess was going with so many bags? I latch the jaw. Cum. - She was going to spend a few days with his parents in Ardócia. - lie with a bitter taste in the mouth. Jacobson nods, writing on his pad. - It was all right between you and your fiancée, sir? - Golden enters the Sabbath. - Yes, all right. - I say in tight tone. - There is something that you like unusual, out of the routine of you in the last days? - Jacobson merges. Yes, damn it. I was a bigger fool brand with the woman of my life and she was kidnapped by a lunatic who seems to have an unhealthy obsession for me. Exhale deeply and open the game. I count everything, including that of Paolo Montessola are stuck in Ardócia, accused of being such a stalker. I changed when I conclude the story and feel a big hand on my shoulder, and around me I have to keep myself from falling in tears here, in front of everyone. They are my parents and they are strangely silent, looking at me. His serious looks. They are not happy with me and it hurts me even more. - Father mother. My voice has al
l the weight of guilt. My mother comes to my other side, but no one says anything. Just stay there, comforting me, however, making it clear that they are not proud of me. - Good afternoon sirs. - the voice of Falconi diverts attention from the police. Agent Manuel Falconi, the Secret Service Ardócia. - he has stretched out his hand. The two detectives accept compliance. - A large team is flying here now, but we need to work together with the London police. - the two waves. - I was talking to the man in charge of monitoring the garage cameras and he informed me that yesterday received a visit from a third party to repair a supposed problem in cameras only that part of the building. Supposed? - Jacobson asks with interest. - Si, according to the boy, there was no problem with these cameras. They were working perfectly. - Falconi explained, turning our gaze to me. - they manipulated the cameras so they could come and go freely without being caught.

  - Cum. - my father growls. Yes. Damn! I close my eyes briefly, remorse eating me up inside. Forgive me, doll. Please, God, do not let anything bad happen to her. Look for my girl and guide us the right way to bring it back. - It was a meticulously planned action. - he says, still staring at me. - We need to check the address that the staff provided for the boy. Immediately. - I'll get reinforcements to the center. - Jacobson announced, pulling your vest pocket radio and departs a little from us. Your partner follows. - Oh my God! - my mother murmurs horrified and I follow his gaze. Only now realized the sinister graffiti on the wall.

  - Holy Mother of God! - my father endorses. - What the fuck is going on here, Mike? - It seems that Paolo Montessola is not the person who is behind it all, Dad. - I say, tense. He snorts. - I hope that Leon requires explanations of the Secret Service. They did a shitty job.

  - he frowns at Falconi. - No offense. The agent just nods, his jaw tightening. - Justice is not always punctual, Prince Jayden. - says respectfully. - I told to my superior that there was rainfall in giving the case is closed, if it's any consolation. My father looks at him steadily. My son has much confidence in you, of course, agent. I hope to have my goddaughter back home as soon as possible. Something intense set in his face, then he shakes his head. - The princess will be found, I promise, my lord. - says solemnly. An uncomfortable cold runs me because his tone hinted that complete the sentence with alive or dead. No. God, no. I will not think bad things. Command me without a lot of success, however. Without contain the excitement and sense of helplessness, communicate adamantly: - I'll go with you, Falconi agent. He stares at me, narrowing his eyes a little. - It is not advisable, Your Highness. says in a strained voice. - I need to be aware of everything that leads us to the princess, I'll be very focused to protect it. I snort. - I've been in the military service Ardócia. - growl and dad knocks on my shoulders in an attempt to calm my outburst. - I know you almost as much on defense and offense. - I dare you. His face is hard. - Well, almost makes all the difference in this case, Prince Mike. - says seriously. - This is not a walk in the park. I can not protect him and dedicate myself to the pursuit of the princess at the same time. - Well, deal with it, agent. - grind back. - I'll get my girl and no one will stop me. He nods grudgingly and spent the next few minutes checking everything, bringing together security. My father had driven Isaac, who released his best men to help. I put a vest, that Falconi agent insists I use. He is still frowned upon for me. I think I will be dead weight on his back. I will show you that I know a thing or two about military training. Nimbly handling my Glock, fitting the comb and shove in my back. I caught my pet knife, the only reminder of the street that saved time, and hide in the half. My old wanted to go too, but was persuaded by my mother to stay and wait for my uncles and Dam, that are already flying here. A few minutes later we arrived at the alleged company address. Logo at the gate we learned that there is no company with the name entered by the employee's my building. A horrible anguish loomed inside me. Even though we were walking blindly, I urged the team to walk the city. Falconi asked the incompetent Secret Service information on clandestine airstrips and visited most of them, noting that there were no signs of movement this afternoon. We drove by and around London for so long that I lost track of time. When we checked the last one, I had to acknowledge and accept that we had no idea what we were doing or where we were going. When we got back and up the private elevator to my floor with Falconi and Harry, I'm like a pressure cooker about to explode. And there's my uncles and Dam, which must be faced. Cum. How will I face them and say that Ella was abducted because I, from the top of my irrational jealousy, I left it vulnerable? I feel it's not a pleasant meeting. How about it? My parents are in the room with the twins when we left the elevator. There is no sign of my uncles and Dam yet. Exhale a weary sigh, because I'm exhausted right now. I need a shower and return to chart new routes with Falconi agent. My father stares at me with a question in his eyes. I shake my head and his jaw clenches. He's pissed off and disappointed me. Just spoke to me since I arrived and it kills me. - Man, how did this happen? - Lucas comes forward, come to meet me in the middle of the room. Samuel is behind him. - How can you be bold enough to take our cousin? - Our uncle must be crazy sometime. - Samuel added. - Not to mention Dam also not far behind. Shame once again descends upon me and I put them on top of everything that happened between Ella and I in recent days. See their expressions closing with disapproval. - Damn, what I was thinking, Mike? - Luke exclaims with a frown. - Yeah, man, what possessed you to doubt the loyalty of Ella? - Samuel scowls at me too. Cum. - I was stupid and too blind, brothers.

  - say down and look at my parents. They are not saying anything to me in that sense. It hurts to see disappointment stamped on their faces. - Believe me, there is no punishment worse than the pain I'm feeling right now. Knowing that Ella was taken as the left alone. Remorse is the worst punishment. - No, son. - my father says, taking a little whiskey in your glass. - Your worst punishment will face the parents and siblings of Ella. - there is sadness in her dark eyes. - They believed that you would protect. We all believed it. His words, the expression and disappointed tone hit me in the face, rip me in half. - I'm sorry, Dad. - babbling, feeling small. So small, fuck. My mother comes to me and kisses me on the cheek, making it clear that even disappointed, I have their support. - I made dinner, darling. Go take a shower while warm up and place the table. - informs with his sad eyes on mine. - Thanks, Mom, but I'm not hungry. - I say, returning his kiss and already pushing me into the hall. I walk into our room and the smell of jasmine fills my nostrils immediately. I walk to the bathroom, tearing my clothes in the way. I take a quick shower, on autopilot, and go out to the closet. I wear a Black jeans and gray shirt. Do not bother to comb his hair, grabbing my phone back to the room. I run your eyes across the room. A cool breeze is coming through the terrace doors, walk toward the bed and stop seeing the flash of something on the nightstand. My heart takes a shot when I get closer and see who is the Ella engagement ring. Gasp, my eyes flooding with tears guilty. She was really leaving me. I picked up the ring and the eye with blurred vision, the night images that asked her to marry back in my fucking mind. Her beautiful face, touched, bathed in tears. How could I doubt his love and loyalty? How the fuck? - Ella Ella ... My ... - I am crying, my whole body giving bumps and I fall to my knees on the carpet, remorse busting me inside. - Please forgive me, doll. I was such a fool, Princess. - loud sob into the empty room. - Do not be afraid, my love, I'll get it, I swear by all that's holy. - tightening the ring on my fist and curl up, guilt bending my shoulders. I sit on the floor, leaning against the bed, and look the phone, opening the messages that I refused to see these two days. Doll: I do not know what happened, but, per favore, let's talk, amore mio. Doll: You love so much, remember this and go home. Doll: I woke up today looking for you in our bed and my heart ached so much I cried. Per favore, I'm begging you to come back. I stop a little choppy breathing, my chest pill for the pain I caused you. Little doll: This song just played on the radio and once again could not hold back the tears. Why am I being punished, mio amato? Tell me and I will redeem myself. I'll
do anything for you to come back to me. This was his last message. It was eight o'clock today. - Cum! Cum! Cum! - I punch the carpeted floor hard, not caring with joint pain. I open the file sent attached and the plaintive music of Adele begins, Do not You Remember. Each verse is a punch in my heart. Breathe breathless and crying uncontrollably. When I go to see you again? - I punch the carpeted floor hard, not caring with joint pain. I open the file sent attached and the plaintive music of Adele begins, Do not You Remember. Each verse is a punch in my heart. Breathe breathless and crying uncontrollably. When I go to see you again? - I punch the carpeted floor hard, not caring with joint pain. I open the file sent attached and the plaintive music of Adele begins, Do not You Remember. Each verse is a punch in my heart. Breathe breathless and crying uncontrollably. When I go to see you again?

  You left without saying goodbye, not a word was said even

  No final kiss to seal any sin

  I had no idea where we were

  I know I have a fickle heart and bitterness

  And a wandering eye, and a weight on my head

  But you do not remember?

  Do not you remember?

  The reason loved me before?

  Love, please remember me once more

  When was the last time you thought of me?


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