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Page 35

by Ingrid Walsh

  - around the question. It looks very amateur. -. Not Our man is much smarter than that, sir. The boys are just to mislead the preference for girls. - the agent looks at me seriously. - It organizes files and passes these beautiful girls to watch their lives, their contacts, their families. It is so detailed that it sometimes takes more than six months to strike and kidnap victim. Cum. We are dealing with a silent and treacherous snake. But as Dam once told me, his tracks were discovered. It's time to cut the head of the serpent once and for all! - How can you let this woman get closer to such a monster, agent? She's not a cop. This is not against the law or some shit? - Dam makes manifest. Cassidy swallows, looking uncomfortable. - She is determined to find his sister and would do with or without my consent, sir. - says in tight tone. - But, going to the point, this woman sent me a very unusual message, I'd say. The body of a man was found in a trash can in the suburbs this afternoon. - Yes, I heard something on the news about it. - It was one of the henchmen Slatam, I recognized him. The man had cut his wrists and neck. Cum. I can not believe I got involved with that sick fucking vampire! - What horror movie fuck is this, brothers? Uncle Dom fires and only now I see that my father and uncles followed us. - The message.

  - I ask, my voice low. - A woman wrote a distress call addressed to me in the shirt of the deceased. He asked to tell her that the princess is there, underground. As the dead was closed jacket over, Slatam and sister found nothing. The police officer who escorted the body to the morgue saw the message and contacted me. - Wow. Very intelligent. - Max whistles softly. Lipe agrees and soon everyone is endorsing it was a roll of the fucking master. I shove my hands through his hair, sighing loudly and thanking her for sending your damn clever message. I will thank her for ever. - We must act! - I say, my voice trembling. I'm far from being able to control myself at that time. - Let's go! - I wear a heavy jacket over my arms. - We will give you cover, sir. I have a team prepared to act. We were waiting for the right moment to catch the criminal. - let's invade today. On Mondays the place is not open to the public, we do not run the risk of harming innocent people in the crossfire. I exhale heavily. I've been many times in this club downtown, including once with Ella. I'm coming, my love. I'm on my way. Please hold on a little longer. - How to get in? - I question it. He wrinkles his nose. - The good news is that studied the plan of the building in recent months planning this apprehension. - sighs in exasperation. - The bad news is that the underground is full of small compartments. It is there that probably hides the girls before you trade them. I gasp, feeling sick to imagine the scene. My girl trapped like a caged animal. Growls and curses are issued. All appalled by the audacity of the unfortunate. - Why he never caught up in possession of so much information? - question, gritting his teeth. Had he acted sooner, Ella would not have been carried fucking. Cassidy wrinkles her face. - It's not easy to get a big shot of the caliber of Slatam, sir. The guy donates millions and millions to charity. Apparently a good citizen. - pauses. - However, the real reason is that it has much of the high-ranking London police on his payroll. I received many top warnings to stop investigating the man. So it took so long. I dedicated myself to gather irrefutable evidence. No court acquit the face of what I have. No agent, he will not go to court. I will be your judge, prosecutor and executioner.

  Approximately fifty minutes later, Falconi for SUV rented two above the nightclub building streets. The weak movement and low light working in our favor. It is a commercial area, so no passers-by at this time of night. Draw a deep breath and look at the network intrusion specialist work all focused on his laptop. He ensured that could interfere with the transmission of the building cameras. We are all ready, waiting for the complete action. Federal agents are already in the area, sneaking, waiting for our signal too. A black limousine just entered the building. We suspect that this is the Sultan. Impatience takes me. Every second lost distresses me. My Ella's in there and I just want to have any strategy to fuck and get through the door behind her. Pull one breath, forcing me to maintain control. You need planning, or I may die before seeing her again. Acute pain invades my chest when I think of her beautiful face. A week that looks more like an eternity. I look Dam. The same fear I'm feeling see plastered on his face. He swallows audibly. - If I ... - my voice cracks. - If I die before I find her, tell her that there will never be a greater love than mine on this fucking earth. - latch teeth, painful tears flooding my eyes. - Tell her that I regret so much to leave it alone ... - I'm not your houseboy, cousin! - Dam growls, his eyes bright. He is using his bad mood to hide emotions. - Try to survive and say that the mia sorella yourself, damn it! grumpy bastard! However, this is their way of giving me strength. I growl back, and I turn to Falconi. - You make the Dam protection agent. Harry will come with me. Dam mutters who was also in Ardócia Military Academy and does not need babysitting. I promised my uncles who take care of him and I intend to fulfill the promise, since I failed her daughter. - They are the king's orders, sir. - Falconi adds. - The king did not raise me to be a coward, agent. - rebate, pulling his cap down on his head. - It's my sister in there and I will be damned if get behind the damn line of fire because I'm worried about my ass first. The agent opens his mouth, but does not say anything, just look at your future king with latent admiration. - You're right, my prince. - respectfully says and looks at me a glance, making it clear that will not let discovered. - Ready! - the other agent raises the keyboard view, vivid eyes staring at me from behind glasses background bottle. - I'll only be able to hold the transmission in real-time for about thirty minutes. I'm sorry, Your Highness, I will try to hold as much as possible, but this guy is very cautious about your safety. I inhale hard. Cum. It will not be enough. But I'll get there. My heart is beating like a drum when I regard Dam. - The first to find the princess warns others immediately. Understood, Your Highness? - Falconi guides and nod. It tests our communicators, consisting of a small microphone stuck in our jackets and headphones. Noting that are in working order, Harry jumps out of the car and I follow. Dam comes out along with Falconi agent and each pair takes different directions. We followed sneaking in through the walls of nearby buildings and stopped at the club the corner, pointing only the heads to check the perimeter. There are two security guards at the corner of underground garage. Cassidy agent was very useful in passing all points where Daniel's men stand guard and the plant underground. That's where we're going. Taking advantage of the lull, the two start talking, laughing loudly. Harry does not even notice me, jumps on top of the two, giving the boat, striking aimed blows at their necks. Men fall heavily, knocked out. Adrenaline runs through my veins, while I help handcuff and hide both behind a black van. We empunhamos our weapons and esquadrinhamos place. A cold slips into my spine as we move through the deserted garage. It seems horror movie scenario and I am waiting at any time some ghostly figure jump on us. - Stay back, Mike. - Harry growls down only to my ears. - No way, fuck.

  - grumbling quietly too. The cameras are transmitting more images, but even so, take care not to be framed for directly by any as we head into the corridor which, as the plant will lead us to a ladder. I spot a thug near the stairs, you are distracted looking down at your phone. Before one of us attack, two Secret Service agents emerge at the other end of the corridor, attracting their attention. He comes to pull the gun but is shot down so fast gasp with the rawness of the scene. I was in the military, but, damn, it was all an act. See someone being targeted is a strong scene fucking. The body collapses on the floor. They do signal to pass, which will guard. I nod to the agents and step over the unfortunate bleeding, lying on the stairs. Harry continues beeping in my ear for me to keep behind him, but do not hear. Go down quickly and stop, frowning before a fork. What the fuck? I wonder again and horror movie images invade my mind without my consent. - We have to split up, Harry. - I whisper, holding my Glock at gunpoint. He shakes his head vehemently. - We will win time so fucking. Ella is somewhere here, in this place stinky shit. Every second we discussed could mean your life. This argume
nt breaks. Waves, pressing the jaw did not agree, but giving. I pick up the corridor to the right and follow the horrifying feeling growing on me as twice the corner. It is a damp place, reeking of mold, the first port arises and I kick, hitting my boot hard on the latch. The material gives way and I gasp when I see a half-naked body on the bed. It is such a small place that the air I miss when I go. It's a brunette girl. By the looks hardly have eighteen. Asco makes me growl. It's all true, fuck. The unfortunate sells girls! I approach and look at the girl's face. She just flashes slowly, barely registering my presence. It is drugged, for sure. Panic fills me when I think that Ella is this way. Step quick and hit message to anyone who can help to come down here and get out of the cubicle. Do the same thing with every door that meeting and the scene is repeated: a girl is stoned on the bed. Despair begins to take me the more advance and no Ella signal. Where are you, my love? Where, doll? Arrombo the last door and stumble into a body lying on the floor. The room is dimly lit and I esquadrinho around, seeing nothing. I get down and ragged breath when I see who's there. There is blood everywhere and a bullet wound in his abdomen. Vivian. She surprised me fucking sending the distress call. A choking sound makes me realize that is still alive. I caught her, lifting her torso in my arms and call in the communicator again. - Cum! Call an ambulance! There are a seriously injured woman here! His cold hand up and hold my face. His eyes are bulging, life fading away gradually. She babbles, choking. - P-please find it for me .... p - makes an ugly blood Sound from the nose. - M-my sister ... Find it ... - cough, peppering me with blood. Cum! A bad feeling remorse for the many times that I did wrong me erodes. - I- I took care of his princess ... I- I took care ... - Mike ?! Oh, Dio ... - mourned the voice makes my heart stop and lift up my head, looking and seeing only the shape of the bed. - You came for me, amore mio? - his voice is more urgent. - Ella! Oh my God! My Ella ... - answer the same urgent tone and look down. Vivian is with his eyes closed. She's gone. I kiss your hair, apologizing silently and gently lay on the floor. So I walk blindly, tears contributing to hinder my vision, and my eyes finally land her on the bed. Oh, God, she's alive! My precious girl! Even with all the scary shit, My heart is filled with relief. - Doll ... - I choke and break into tears when I see clearly. It is handcuffed to the bed steel headboard. - I'm sorry, Princess. Forgive me, please forgive me, my love. His green eyes are shining like jewels in the dark. - Si, si, Amato mio ... - she cries more. - Now, get me out of here, fast! It will not ... Before you finish the sentence, the terrifying sound of a gun being cocked sounds very close and the pipe slope in my head from behind. My Holy Mother of God! I freeze, my heart stopping, then running to a tachycardia rhythm. - See if it is not my old friend coming to visit uninvited ... - the voice I developed all kinds of negative sentiment these days mocks behind me. - Raise your hands or I'll blow your brains out, damn it! - I choke and break into tears when I see clearly. It is handcuffed to the bed steel headboard. I'm sorry, Princess. Forgive me, please forgive me, my love. His green eyes are shining like jewels in the dark. - Si, si, Amato mio ... - she cries more. - Now, get me out of here, fast! It will not ... Before you finish the sentence, the terrifying sound of a gun being cocked sounds very close and the pipe slope in my head from behind. My Holy Mother of God! I freeze, my heart stopping, then running to a tachycardia rhythm. - See if it is not my old friend coming to visit uninvited ... - the voice I developed all kinds of negative sentiment these days mocks behind me. - Raise your hands or I'll blow your brains out, damn it! - I choke and break into tears when I see clearly. It is handcuffed to the bed steel headboard. I'm sorry, Princess. Forgive me, please forgive me, my love. His green eyes are shining like jewels in the dark. - Si, si, Amato mio ... - she cries more. - Now, get me out of here, fast! It will not ... Before you finish the sentence, the terrifying sound of a gun being cocked sounds very close and the pipe slope in my head from behind. My Holy Mother of God! I freeze, my heart stopping, then running to a tachycardia rhythm. - See if it is not my old friend coming to visit uninvited ... - the voice I developed all kinds of negative sentiment these days mocks behind me. - Raise your hands or I'll blow your brains out, damn it! It is handcuffed to the bed steel headboard. - I'm sorry, Princess. Forgive me, please forgive me, my love. His green eyes are shining like jewels in the dark. - Si, si, Amato mio ... - she cries more. - Now, get me out of here, fast! It will not ... Before you finish the sentence, the terrifying sound of a gun being cocked sounds very close and the pipe slope in my head from behind. My Holy Mother of God! I freeze, my heart stopping, then running to a tachycardia rhythm. - See if it is not my old friend coming to visit uninvited ... - the voice I developed all kinds of negative sentiment these days mocks behind me. - Raise your hands or I'll blow your brains out, damn it! It is handcuffed to the bed steel headboard. - I'm sorry, Princess. Forgive me, please forgive me, my love. His green eyes are shining like jewels in the dark. - Si, si, Amato mio ... - she cries more. - Now, get me out of here, fast! It will not ... Before you finish the sentence, the terrifying sound of a gun being cocked sounds very close and the pipe slope in my head from behind. My Holy Mother of God! I freeze, my heart stopping, then running to a tachycardia rhythm. - See if it is not my old friend coming to visit uninvited ... - the voice I developed all kinds of negative sentiment these days mocks behind me. - Raise your hands or I'll blow your brains out, damn it! His green eyes are shining like jewels in the dark. - Si, si, Amato mio ... - she cries more. - Now, get me out of here, fast! It will not ... Before you finish the sentence, the terrifying sound of a gun being cocked sounds very close and the pipe slope in my head from behind. My Holy Mother of God! I freeze, my heart stopping, then running to a tachycardia rhythm. - See if it is not my old friend coming to visit uninvited ... - the voice I developed all kinds of negative sentiment these days mocks behind me. - Raise your hands or I'll blow your brains out, damn it! His green eyes are shining like jewels in the dark. - Si, si, Amato mio ... - she cries more. - Now, get me out of here, fast! It will not ... Before you finish the sentence, the terrifying sound of a gun being cocked sounds very close and the pipe slope in my head from behind. My Holy Mother of God! I freeze, my heart stopping, then running to a tachycardia rhythm. - See if it is not my old friend coming to visit uninvited ... - the voice I developed all kinds of negative sentiment these days mocks behind me. - Raise your hands or I'll blow your brains out, damn it! my heart stopping, then running to a tachycardia rhythm. - See if it is not my old friend coming to visit uninvited ... - the voice I developed all kinds of negative sentiment these days mocks behind me. - Raise your hands or I'll blow your brains out, damn it! my heart stopping, then running to a tachycardia rhythm. - See if it is not my old friend coming to visit uninvited ... - the voice I developed all kinds of negative sentiment these days mocks behind me. - Raise your hands or I'll blow your brains out, damn it!



  - finally showed his true and hideous face, you son of a bitch! - I trovejo, clenching my fists, hand Glock closing angry on the weapon. My whole body is throbbing with adrenaline and pure hatred. I want to turn around and put a bullet in the middle of his face, but need to calculate my movements well from here. Unable to contain myself, I shout: - I'll kill you! The sound of his jocular laughter makes me gnash their teeth. - I do not think so, buddy. - snarls, pushing the barrel roughly on my neck. - you're fucked! Completely fucked up, motherfucker! After years I'm exactly where I want. Now, raise your hands, damn it! Oh, average Dio! - Ella cries, running terrified in his words. - do what he's told, amore mio! I can not lose you! The unfortunate laughs and growls below: - You've lost it, you little bitch. You two have been lost! Do they really think will get out walking with your own legs in the end? Snip, snip, snip. - clicks her tongue. - I'll kill them both, something that should have done long ago! But the old Turner insisted on waiting and waiting forever, damn it! Old loose fucking! I sob loudly and raise my hands, lamenting for having put us in this situation. He starts the Glock from my
hand. I look at my girl, stamped fear in her beautiful face and have to accept there is a great possibility of the two die here. - I'm sorry, doll. I love you so much. - Oh, you are moving. I'll end up crying, man. - mocks and laughs, the sound horrendous. I breathe, trying to make my mind work. God, where are the others? How can I make time for someone to come help us? Think fast, Mike! Think fast, damn it! I command, scared. - I have to give you credit. - force my voice flat and giving the illusion of confidence, start with the basics in situations like this. Talk with the aggressor to possibly distract it is the first statement. - I never suspected you or your sister over the years that came to me again. - The Old Turner served me very well in this matter. - the sound of your laughter is full of arrogance. A peacock spreading its feathers. - My dear father. ridicules the other bandit. - I had to delete the old, however. Was finding that vengeance was his. No, he had his chance and failed. - inhale, trying to calm where it has not. Damn, where are the fucking agents that damn operation? - it's my turn and do not intend to fail. Why so much hate? What have I done to you? - I try to stretch the conversation all the time keeping my eyes fixed on Ella. - were just kids, teenagers when we live. It has both time cum. He snorts, knocking the barrel of the gun damned painfully digging my scalp. Latch teeth holding the pain. - Have you ever been an abused little shit, Mike. Always with their delusions of grandeur. Finding ourselves too clean for the activities of the gang. - disdains.


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