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Page 40

by Ingrid Walsh

  - I agree, you are really ugly cousin. Mia sorella deserve better. - mood Dam acid makes me look where you're leaning against the doorframe. - When will you learn to hit, future king?

  - alfineto it back past him, returning to the room. Following towards the minibar. - shares a drink, cousin? Her laugh sounds behind me. - Nervous, Mike? - condescending question. Let out a grunt and fill two glasses with small doses, just to balance the nerves, because yes, fuck, I'm nervous! Ando back, handing his glass. - It would also be if you were just a time to marry the woman of his life. Correction: the woman who is your life. His face softens considerably and touches his glass in my. - I do not want to experience that thrill anytime soon. - twist the nose and take a sip of whiskey. - but I am very happy for you and my sister, cousin. - I take a welcome drink and appreciate the warmth and burning down in my stomach. - you will make each other happy. - Thanks man. - I say and fell into a comfortable silence. The eye, noting that there is a certain tension in him today. - a problem, cousin? Your head up and stares at me. - Is nothing. One issue in the foundation, but I asked my advisor to take care of it. - shrugs as if it was nothing important. - And what is it? - insist. Take the rest of his drink in one gulp. - The Dr. Moretti and groom are leaving. - he practically spits it. - said they will integrate with Doctors Without Borders. [15] - Wow. This is remarkable, huh? - I say with admiration. Dam snorts. - Si, noted fucking. - growls. - will have afternoon fucking. Uh. Apparently my cousin is not liking this situation. I'm about to dig in when my room is invaded again, this time for my parents. My old man opens the most satisfied smile and come hug me. My mother is radiant, beautiful in a long navy blue. - I think I need not ask how is this heart. - my old comments to see the glass in my hand. I laugh, taking the rest of the drink and the glass deposit on the next sideboard. - I'm nervous as hell, Dad. - admit. My mother smiled softly. - how can she choose me? - debocho myself. - I am not worthy to wash their feet. - You are right, cousin. There is no reasonable explanation for this ... - Dam ... - my father looks, warning his nephew. - Sorry, Uncle Jay. - the idiot smiles, shrugging. - I could not resist. My father holds my shoulders and shakes subtly, his gaze turning serious. He is visibly moved and it makes me even more moved. - Ella saw your heart, son. - says with shaky voice. - she always saw her heart. Try to take care of that girl and make her happy. Choking, my eyes burning. I'm a nervous wreck. I did not know it was going to act like a little woman on the big day. Control yourself, Mike. Control yourself, damn it! - I promise, father. - I say embargoed. He hugs me tight, knocking on my back. My mother is wiping her eyes when I turn to her. - You are so beautiful, dear. - touches my uniform, fingering the currency on the shoulders and adjust my tie, fresh tears springing up in the beautiful blue eyes. - a real prince. - mutters with sweet and secure voice my face. - you and Ella will be very happy, I'm sure. A love like yours can not go wrong. And there will I melt me even more. My vision is blurry, while my mother kisses me softly on the cheek. I kiss his forehead, pulling a welcome breath. - Thank you mom. - I turn to my old. - thanks Dad. For everything. For making me the man I am today, and especially for bringing me to Ella. I can not imagine loving another woman. - That's good, figlio mio. - the voice of the king startled me. Eye on my father's shoulders and he is there, along with Uncle Don, who is holding a smile. Cum. I swallow hard, a little surprised that he was here. We did not talk much after the terrible situation in which methyl his daughter. I feel he has forgiven me for the way I treated since then, however, never called me for a conversation, as I waited to do. Well, it seems that the time has come. He approaches his king of formal attire. My father, uncle Don and my cousins are also with his official robes. - Uncle Leon, Uncle Don. - greet. The king comes close and my parents away, giving you room. His face is solemn, has a serenity which I consider a good sign. He did not choose that moment to kick my ass. God likes me. - I should have talked to you after we spent. - his voice is firm. - but I'm an old turrão ... - Jura, brother? - Uncle Dom snorts and uncle turns head fuming brother. - Dom, keep your fucking mouth shut, brother. - my father growls. He raises his hands and laughs of his relaxed way. Then make the popular gesture of passing a zipper in the mouth. Secure a smile. Uncle Don is a real character. - As I was saying before the idiot there stop me ... resumes Leon uncle, dark eyes and astute back to me. - it took me to accept that bambina mia has grown and is now leaving. - and for the first time his voice has a slight tremor, showing his emotion. - as a parent, I will always want the best for mia piccola. - nod, a cake beginning to form in my throat. I think this is the time in which he says that I am indeed worthy of his princess. - see, it took me a lot to reach this conclusion, because when I was appeased, you were there and made a colossal shit, Mike. Dam hear laughing this time. Bastard. - I know, uncle, and believe me, I will spend the rest of his life regretting it. - I tell him holding his sovereign pointed look. He's intimidating. - I know. - his face softens a little. - we've all seen how devastated you were the consequences. Dam told me how he found that the captive ... - raises a hand to my shoulder and holds it tightly. - you would die with mia bambina. I never heard anything so sad and so beautiful at the same time. Swallows, his Adam's apple moving. - if I have to hand it to another man, it is for the man who loves her that way so deeply and unconditionally. - with a small smile, he pulls me into a hug awkwardly at first, then I hug back, sheer relief washing over me. - welcome, as figlio mio. Cum! I stay silent for a few moments just listening to fungados my mother and my father sigh of relief. - Thanks Uncle. Thank you very much. - exhale, hitting his back amicably. In yet we moved away awkwardly. - approval and forgiveness mean a lot to me. I promise you solemnly that take care of Ella with my life if need be. He nods and another brotherly slap on my shoulders, departs. - Hey, nephew. - Uncle Dom comes close and hold me. His embrace is tighter and relaxed, Uncle Leon without ceremony. - to be happy and make our little princess happy too. - departs to look me in the eyes. - and most importantly, live! Live every second like it was my last. I agree. He's damn right. Life is very fragile, I learned that lesson the hard way. Uncle Don is momentarily serious and complete: - The experience is sometimes a painful process, but it makes us stronger, Mike. - Now yes, brother, is acting in accordance with their age. - my father and uncle causes Leon laughed down. - Thanks Uncle. - smile, thanking him. He smiles back and gives me a wink indicating teasing up the brothers. - It's time, son. - my father says checking the clock and my heart about to jump wildly. My old man laughed, seeing my excitement. - I will go to Ella's quarters now, dear. - my mother announced. She still has that melted and look thrilled. You smile. - Tell her I'm looking forward to seeing it. - she smiles widely. - and I love her too much. Too much. I hear a snort I identify as Dam. - Come on, Shakespeare in Love. - ri, followed by the other. - hurry up, because the way my sister is also anxious, he is able to reach the first cathedral than you. That makes me throw open the most arrogant smile on my face. - Let's go. - growl, moving me to the door, opening it. My uncles go, my father and my mother then. - I hope you see this same situation soon, cousin. - alfineto Dam, it passes too. He goes out into the hallway, making a face. - I'm too young for that, man! - retorts vehemently. - I'm not the slightest hurry to tie me, cousin. I can have any woman I want, why would give up such freedom? - When a woman appears, you will not do this questioning, Dam -. I tell you seriously, pairing with him toward the elevator. He rolls his eyes. - I hope that such a woman takes to appear, because I'm not willing to give up my freedom for the next ... Uh, five, ten, maybe. - mocked. I laugh, hitting it. - Love does not follow schedules or pre-established rules, cousin. He comes and devastates everything when less notice is already four. He laughs this time. - Cáspita! No, Mike. I have very sensitive knees, grazie. - Kids. - now stop that shit, do not make me regret to be his best man, cousin. I just river, giving it a truce. We entered the elevator and my chest tightens when I remember my other godfather, Sheik Amihaj. We maintain good relations of friendship since I took care reform his palace in th
e desert. Will not come to the wedding, a tragedy befell him three days ago. The plane in which his wife traveled to the capital of a small and prosperous country, fell on the border with Qatar. His queen died along with the entourage of officials that accompanied it. I grieved when I learned. They have a beautiful girl just two years, fuck. I knew for a while the pain of size about losing the woman he loves. The last image I have of them is of a happy family. May God give him strength to go on with his daughter. Met with Lucas and Samuel, they will also be my godparents, I forgot to mention. The boys were overjoyed when invited. We take an open car and followed the procession to the San Domingo cathedral. It is there that every prince and princess of the island is home. The crowd ovaciona with the passage of the groom. I'm still absorbing all this madness that has formed around me and Ella when everything was clear and Ardócia had his princess practically raised from the dead by the version of the Secret Service. The amount of materials about us and marriage is obscene. The world press is aware in today's day of coverage. In fact, they began to chase when camped in front of my building two weeks ago. When we flew here last week, they followed us and are camping since then near the palace, eager for a glimpse of our, or any member of Di Castellani. When we arrived at the destination, leave immediately. Dam and my brothers on each side, as we climb the stairs, we bow our heads and politely waved to the press and other curious so many crowding the square. The interior is already packed with the cream of the cream of European nobility, some more influential businessmen and politicians and renowned artists are on the guest list. I take my place at the altar, sweating despite the air conditioning to be cold. nervous energy stirring within me. Fuck. I think and recrimino me immediately for blaspheming the holy house. I pull my collar a bit, it seems suddenly too tight. Lucas, Samuel Dam and take their places as well. Max and Lipe are on the altar too, although they are not sponsors, is tradition. I catch sight of the maternal grandparents of Ella in the front row. The compliance and I return the greeting. I have a lot of intimacy with them. Laura and Philip are not the most effusive grandparents, however, They are present in the lives of grandchildren as far as possible. I take a deep breath. I digress, looking for any detail that makes me distract from the fact that in a few minutes my girl come through that door and show the world that chose me. I close my eyes and think about yesterday. Our last romantic dinner as singles. I smile slightly, spreading love in every cell of my body. She pajamas and slippers because he had to dribble Anna and escape to my room. Her big green eyes twinkling at me as we danced under the stars on my balcony. I did not try to seduce her to sex. No, I just wanted to do something special for her, for us. It was like the old days when we dared not talk about our desires, but we needed to be together and we were lying on the chaise longue, admiring the sky and talking about everything and nothing. She slept in my arms as he had done countless times. I stalled take it back to your room. I spent hours just watching her sleep and thanking God for allowing us to live this love so deep. Greater than ourselves. Larger than life. The rumor of the guests, the sound of doors opening take me from my flight and lift my head. And all for. Ella is there, stop at the king's hand, beautiful. Absolutely beautiful! My heart gives a jolt, missing jump out and rolled to his feet. Inhale hard, my eyes blurring. Emotion without size shakes my whole body. I blink, swallowing off when I see the necklace / collar around his neck. God, I've never seen anything more perfect in all my life. A princess submitting to me. My precious girl. Gasp loudly. I feel a hand squeezing my shoulder. I know it's Dam by peripheral vision, my eyes refuse to leave it. Despite the distance, our eyes and caught hold a silent and emotional conversation. Then the violins sound starting the wedding march and she takes the first step. A shaky smile opens in my mouth. Yes, my love, come to me. We do not deviate from the eyes of each other the whole way. She's crying, I can see the tearful eyes spilling over the sides here. The enchantment exclamations of guests each row forward makes me proud and possessive. Feelings fierce strike me as drink its delicate, ethereal beauty. The immense love I feel for her overflowing into my eyes, which are increasingly blurred. When it finally arrives in front of me, It is a struggle not to take the arms and hold it for the rest of the ceremony. However, the protocol does not allow. My uncle gives me a firm handshake and hands me my girl. - Doll ... - whisper breathing ragged. Anna takes care of the bouquet and goes to his place of bridesmaid, followed by the twins. Lift her veil and clean her tears gently with your thumbs. I feel my descend too. Her trembling and cold hands touch my face doing the same affection. - you is beyond beautiful, princess. I'm sure he humbled the other brides who have gone through here. - I tell him quietly and take her delicate hands in mine, lifting them to deposit a reverent kiss on each. - this picture will be in my mind until the day I give my last breath. She smiles amid the tears. So beautiful. When I think we got so close to die without ever consecrate our union, my chest hurts. But we won. - And its me, mio amato ... - mutters softly, the pink beautiful face of emotion. you're perfetto. Mio bello principi. - embarga again. Your eyes tell me you're thinking the same thing, which narrowly missed arrive here. I put my forehead against his and breathe my air. tears falling abundantly in our faces. No one rushes in, realizing our level of excitement obviously. - I love you so much, little doll. I want to live and die by your side. I murmur. - Me too, amore mio. - sobbing loudly and heard murmurs. To pull the waist and delicate embrace. No one interrupts us and even still, I can hear some fungados the room. Draw a deep breath, taking for myself the task to soothe her. - Breathe, Ella. - whisper to him, never averting my eyes from hers. It inspires shakily. - that, my love. It's time to be happy, my princess. - I smile encouragingly. The incredibly green eyes light up and she nods. - comes, my life. We fought and won the right to live that love. It's time. A little excited smile comes across his face. I take her by the hand through the altar steps, where the Archbishop awaits us with an expression of empathy. He collects himself and begins the ceremony: - We are gathered here to celebrate the love of Michael and Antonella ... The eye side. She sighs, an expression of pure joy down in her face. The Archbishop continues his sermon about love and the sacred union between a man and a woman through marriage and I keep drinking it thirsty, passionate. A small smile plays at full mouth making me smile too. She knows that I am watching, mesmerized and enjoying, giving a glimpse of my naughty princess. Then turns his head, teary emerald eyes, shining beautifully, finding mine. - Not many waters can quench love; rivers can not take it on the current ... - the Archbishop continues. - if someone offered all the riches of his house to get love, it would be totally despised ... The person you love decides to love because they want to love ... Love is a powerful decision ... Yes, love is a powerful decision . Smile more, agreeing, emotional tears, now of joy down by our faces incessantly and remain staring us to become one ... ********* A few hours later. Bufo. Too late for my taste, I walk into my room with my wife in his arms. Kick the door shut, causing a treat chuckle in Ella. Hold it against the door, my big body trying to feel her under the princess dress layers. I had another costume for the reception but did not allow one changes. I want to have the pleasure of undressing her. The reception was in the hall official balls of the palace. The expression on Ella's face when we entered and were greeted by none other than your favorite band on stage there, put me on my knees. The I contacted as soon as the date has been set and kept secret. The way smiled and then immediately cried when each of them down the steps, coming to greet her. And the way I looked then, tenderly, full of pure love, made it worth bringing the big guys. What's it? My jealousy remains. What will change is the irrational way to express this shit. A dampening is that rock stars are all out of the market. Thank God! We danced close together to the sound of Miracles Coldplay and then the Irresistible DragonFly. It was perfect. Celebrate with our family for nearly three hours, I think. The means to the end, my answers were just grunts. When the king and queen were dancing, I used to run off with my girl. I approach my face and his smile. In
fact, it comes out more like a growl as I push my hard cock, grinding, forcing her to open up her thighs. Snorts, licking his lips, the little bitch naughty expression that makes me crazy taking her angelic princess face. Rosno more because I love this mix it. My mouth is salivating and my hard cock whole damn week, waiting, anticipating this moment. I raise a hand, my fingers closing on her delicate neck ahead. She gasps, gorgeous eyes, getting muddy, swollen with lust in the dim lighting of the room. My doll never disappoints. Loves being dominated much as I love dominate it. Slide the nose down his face, smelling it as a male to her female in heat. - How are you, doll? How is my wife? - whisper harshly in his ear. She pushes the pelvis in mine, pulling me a wicked grin. Cavo his free hand through the tissues, picking up his ass, bringing it to me, all the time our prisoners, hot, horny eyes, a will so deep that it hurts. Love, lust, fierce emotions battle within me. - my beautiful girl. - gently suck her ear and down to the neck, then growl when my mouth touches the collar. - my obedient dog. - I say in a soft, condescending voice. She shudders over, reacting to my game domination. Tightening your neck slightly. - I will tell how to belong to me. - Amore mio ... - whimpers. - it is wonderful to be his wife. It is wonderful to belong to you, mio maestro. My chest heats and I growl more, smelling it, licking it, sucking his neck almost desperately. I go up to the face and look at it while I rub my cock in its center without respite. - Want to know how I feel, doll?

  - I ask quietly and bite the apple of the perfect face. It emits a crying groan. Depraved smile, that always makes her crazy horny, dripping for me. - on top of the world princess. You stuck me in the fucking top of the world when he accepted me as his official man and definitely. - Si, my man. - shaky gasps. - my owner. My only master. Grind, digging my free hand between her thighs, taking her pussy in full through the fabric. - I will undress my beautiful woman now. I want just the heels, tiara and the collar who used to stoke his master. - my tone out rude close his mouth. His sweet breath mixed with champagne intoxicates me. - then I'll eat my good little bitch, my bitch right here, standing against the door. Any objections? - nibble his lower lip with a little pressure, not stopping massage on her pussy through the clothes. Pants, heavy eyes fierce, raw desire, resembling mine. Two identical halves. - No, mio marito. - croaks and my dick drool pants with his sexy accent calling me my husband. - I am yours, my lord. Use me how and where you want. Cum. She knocks me. - My good girl ... - I say against his mouth before plunging between her lips. The kiss hungry and I am met with the same pleasure. Our tongues are intertwined and, licking up in a erotic provocation. She moans, I growl and devour more and more. - doll ... hoarse babble, sucking his tongue hard. Raise her skirt and without wasting time trawling the panties to the side, putting two fingers between her slick folds. She screams in my mouth and I eat it with hard knocks and funds, lubricating wetting my hand, facilitating the entry. Rub your Durinho button, swollen and kiss harder, more voracious. Before long is shaking and boasting in my fingers, her yelps being eaten by my mouth. I suck, lick, bite your lips and I will deepen the kiss, drinking your pleasure. So I force myself to separate our mouths. She opens her eyes and smiles, half-drugged, panting. Push the fingers deep one last time and pull, bringing them straight to my mouth. - delicious my wife. Now, turn around and put your hands on the door. Whimpers with my dominant tone and turns, obeying beautifully at my command. I pull the veil aside and hold your waist, nibbling her bare neck. Arfa, pasting side of the face at the door expectantly. I smile and start to open the buttons, I'm sure, they were preached here for the king's order to hinder my access to his daughter. Cum. I open one by one and up hands to her delicate shoulders, removing the kind of thin lace jacket you're wearing. I shove hands the dress the body and push down, groaning when she felt her bare, warm, soft skin like silk. I do not restrain myself and lick her back, crossing the line of graceful column. Push the voluminous skirt down and helps me Ella, leaving the tissue island. I kick everything aside and open my zipper, pulling my hard cock out, looking like a man who has never had sex in life. Fuck. In my defense, it excites me too to be fully dressed and she bare serving me where and the way I want. As punishment, I delay things, climb the hands at the sides of the perfect body, the thin little waist and I'm ahead of holding the breasts full, perky. The tender meat, durinhos makes me even more out of me. Kneading meat, after rolling the nozzles. - Per favore, per favore ... his hoarse and subdued voice almost makes me come. Snarling like a wild animal, we draw the panty delicate tissue, breaking it into strips and secure its firm butt, bringing it to me. Thick tip rub her wet meat, she holds his breath, skin prickling. Hold your neck in front with one hand and then I meto all. Background enter a single thrust. - ahhhh! Mike ... Holy shit ... - Ella ... - grind your name and retreat me almost all, to stick all over again, deeper. His wet flesh clings to my cock, squeezing me, squeezing me so good that almost no joy like a gangly teenager. Take a deep breath and go decelerating, fucking her slowly and deliberately to have controlled my animalistic hunger. I lean over on your back and suck his shoulder tightly, leaving it checked. Groans, whines, rolling on my dick. - that delight, fucking ... I love it when my obedient girl takes all my dick without complaint. - snorts when accelerate, getting hard, going to the stalk. Scratches the door, whining, fluttering around me. Your body changes, warning me that you are heading to another orgasm. Bite your ear and like it more and more, punching deep, mercilessly. - My Princess is so bitch, giving me so in full wedding night ... - mock in his ear. She shudders, my degradation reaching the eruption point. - so little doll ... Let me eat this beautiful pussy to my fill. Do not be ashamed of what we do, who we are, my love. Enjoy on my cock! Now! She lets out a groan erotic fucking and enjoys, screaming loudly. Cum. Accelerate the thrusts, pounding deep in her tight pussy relentlessly. My tighten balls weighing hurting heartily. - Damn, doll! - howling, shaking his hips, burying me to no end and scolding inside. Violent tremors sweep my whole body. How to snarling and boasting plenty. There is no feeling like that, damn it. There's nothing like it. - that hot ... Damn ... - pull air rudely. We were so, I pinning her against the door, the two panting, fighting for breath, moaning softly. The last tremors of the absurd pleasure rolling over us. Kiss his shoulder reverently and slowly go out of it. The caught immediately in the arms and follow the room toward the bed. Beautifully groans when the deposit on the mattress and feel the petals of roses on the sheets. - Linda ... - mumble, caught by such beauty. Her white skin is rosy, flushed our crazy, lustful love. I lean over and desprendo the veil, removing the tiara as well. Then retreat to luxurious collar and put them on the nightstand. His eyes are softened watching my every move. I smile slightly and down the bed, getting on his feet, shot each sandal gently massaging your feet. She moans softly. Not withstanding mordisco your calves, ripping sexy squeals. I pull away and take the champagne bucket with two glasses on the sideboard, depositing it in the created across the bed. When I started to take my military tunic, she shakes her head and drags sinuously through the mattress. He gets on his knees and starts to open the buttons of his uniform. - Allow me, mio principi. - whispers, those beautiful eyes and sweet leaving me speechless. Her delicate hands push the coat over my shoulders and approaches, kissing my chest, sliding the nose, sniffing me sensually. It is naturally seductive, my princess. I smile, my heart full, overflowing with love for this girl, who accepted me without reservation. Down kissing my abdomen, letting his tongue slip, making me shiver. My dick is still hard inside his shorts, his fly open already. I moan hoarsely when grasps my shaft over the underwear and gently bites. - Damn, doll ... - hold your head and stop it. - we all night, princess. - whisper, passing the thumb on her full lips, mad to let her do the blowjob. - but there's something I want to show you now, love. - their eyes light up, anticipating a surprise. - hold on like a good girl. - she rolls her eyes with my playful tone. Smile and kick my shoes, picking up my phone that Harry gave me after the ceremony, I quickly send a message. Ella raises an eyebrow, watching me curiously che
cking their perfect features. Pull the pants and climb in bed, Ella smiles, leaning back against the pillows and then frowns when I get on my knees at the bedside. There is a large window over my bed, I open the two parties, the sea breeze assaulting me. Breathe, feeling light and happy as ever in my life. Ella rises, the sheet wrapping the torso. - What are you doing love? - asks with a mixture of laughter and intrigue, then, the first bursts call their attention. Hearts explode in Ardócia sky on all sides. A gasp leaves your mouth and she smiles, her eyes reflecting the multicolored images of fireworks. - oh, Dio mio ... - his voice is slightly choked now. Pull her by the shoulders and bring to the circle of my arms. Sighs, looking like a girl, admiring the fireworks. Smile, nuzzling her hair with my nose. - It's so easy to please my wife. - I say softly in his ear. Her face turns to look me in the eyes. Your are full of tears. - so sensitive, doll. - You Love, amore mio. - whispers, bringing a hand to my face, stroking my beard trimmed. - I Love you for eternity. I touch your face, my gaze running through every little detail. - This is how I love you too, my princess. - my eyes burn. Everything about it delights me, thrills, snatches me. - I want to live and grow old on your side. I want to see our children are born, grow up and become good people. - she sobs, a tear running down his face, but is smiling beautifully. - what do you think of that, my precious little girl? - Perfetto. - your eyes are full of love for me when murmurs: - I love when you call me that. - As? - I smile slightly. - His precious girl. - says quietly, thrilled. My chest softens completely. - You will always be my precious little girl, Ella. - I say with the same emotion, our eyes talking much more than our simple words. - always my little doll. Always my favorite. She snorts. more approach our faces, my mouth almost touching her. - And you always will be my Mike. - tell me with voice tinged with emotion. - Ever. whispered the same time and smiled, accomplices. Amparo his head in his hand and down my mouth on hers. The kiss gently, delighting me with their unique and exquisite flavor. Two weeks ago we were hopeless to live this love. Now we are here, consecrate our union. Our future together just beginning. Everything will be better. We will strive to be. The kiss with everything I have. Bombarded with so much love for her. When I separate our mouths are gasping. I smile and turn to open the champagne bottle on the nightstand. I serve the two glasses. We toasted and drank and agarradinhos, enjoying the fireworks. Eventually we slipped back into bed and kissed. Skin against skin, hands exploring each other's bodies. The fires are still flaring up in the sky as we love slowly and greedily. complete happiness, complete snatching us also, our hearts beating together, at the same pace. Greater love than ourselves. Greater love than life. The fires are still flaring up in the sky as we love slowly and greedily. complete happiness, complete snatching us also, our hearts beating together, at the same pace. Greater love than ourselves. Greater love than life. The fires are still flaring up in the sky as we love slowly and greedily. complete happiness, complete snatching us also, our hearts beating together, at the same pace. Greater love than ourselves.


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