Who Moved My Blackberry?

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Who Moved My Blackberry? Page 10

by Lucy Kellaway

  My bestest


  From: Martin Lukes

  To: Bettina Schmidt

  Bettina—As anyone on my team will tell you, I’m a passionate believer in work/life balance, but at the end of the day your child minder’s schedule isn’t my business. Can I give you some advice? If you want to thrive here in the marketing department, you must leave family problems behind you. The winners on my team always give 110 percent, minimum.

  Bestest, Martin

  From: Martin Lukes

  To: Graham Wallace

  Graham—Do you ever wish you were a woman?

  From: Martin Lukes

  To: Graham Wallace

  I didn’t mean that, you pervert!!!

  I meant we men are a disadvantaged species. On one hand I have Bettina expecting me to arrange team meetings for her child minder’s convenience. On the other, there is my ladywife forming a women’s networking club to give themselves even more unfair advantages … Drink later? M

  From: Pandora@CoachworX!

  To: Martin Lukes

  Hi Martin

  I can see that “creovation” is the product of head AND heart. I’m impressed! You are starting to build that bridge between the left and right chambers but I think you can develop your right side more. You are still intellectualizing everything. Lead more with your heart, Martin!

  Strive and thrive!


  From: Martin Lukes

  To: Pandora@CoachworX!

  Hi Pandora

  Small point. I’ve actually trademarked creovation™, so would you mind putting the ™ sign on it after you’ve used it? As you say, I’ve got to look after yours truly first!

  22.5 percent better than my bestest


  From: Martin Lukes

  To: Keri Tartt

  Sensational dress! You look so much like a flower that someone might pick you!! Can you call a cab downstairs for 6:30??

  MAY 19

  From: Martin Lukes

  To: Jenny Withers

  Darling—what time did you leave the house this morning? You were already gone when I woke up. Sorry I was a bit late back—I had to go for a nightcap with Tim and his team afterwards. You didn’t miss much—usual crowd, usual gardens, though there was one I liked that was all brushed steel and water. It was very attractive in an elegant, urban way. Food for thought for when we relandscape ours. Love you

  Martin x

  From: Martin Lukes

  To: Keri Tartt

  Keri, thanks for an amazing evening, and I hope you’re not feeling as rough as I am this morning!! Hope also you didn’t think I was a bit forward in the cab on the way back from Anabel’s, or that I make a habit of that sort of thing.

  It’s a long time since I let my hair down and bopped like that—you’re a great mover!

  Martin x (if allowed!)

  From: Martin Lukes

  To: TimZadek@BoogieGargleFink

  Hi Tim

  Many thanks for a great bash last night … Good crowd of people … sorry we had to slip off a bit early … Let’s do lunch soon.

  Bestest, Martin

  From: Martin Lukes

  To: Keri Tartt

  What was that sideways look meant to mean this morning?? Can I buy you lunch?

  MAY 24

  From: Keith Buxton

  To: All Staff

  Hallo everyone!

  It is with great pride that I am today unveiling our key behaviors matrix. I would like to offer sincere thanks to coworkers from all over the globe who participated in the inclusive process that has created a matrix that will make a-b glöbâl unbeatable. The six behaviors that define our essence going forward are INTEGRITY, LOVE, DELIGHT, DETERMINATION, CREOVATION AND DARING.

  To introduce these behaviors I am asking colleagues to choose one that they feel passionate about, and explain how we can use it to sort out our A, B and C players. Barry will kick off, then Martin Lukes will explain his creovation concept, but after that the field is wide open!

  All my very bestest,


  From: Martin Lukes

  To: All Staff

  Hi co-colleagues

  A big thank-you to Keith for inviting me to describe creovation™. Can I first say that I do not think of the idea as “mine.” This sort of not-invented-here headset is the enemy of creovation™. Ideas are everywhere. They are free. Creovation™ is about grabbing them, harnessing them. Living them.

  Question: What is creovation™? A players won’t need to ask this. Deep inside they have always known what it is and recognize it in themselves. Creovation™ takes the best blue sky element out of creativity. It takes the bolt-on, results-driven part of innovation. It’s a perfect partnership, if you will.

  People often ask me: Is creovation™ something learned, or something you are born with? The answer is both. A players are born creovative™. B players have worked hard to acquire the skill. Some C players can innovate, and some can even create, but they struggle to walk the extra mile to creovate™.

  All my very bestest


  From: Martin Lukes

  To: Keri Tartt


  How about doing something tonight?? Jens has got her book club—they are discussing something called Reading Lolita in Baghdad—which promises to be such a stimulating read they’ll be nattering away half the night. She won’t be back til late, so we could make an evening of it … M xx

  MAY 25

  From: Martin Lukes

  To: Keri Tartt

  Dearest Keri—It’s 3 am and I’ve just got back. I don’t even know if you check e-mails at home, but I just wanted to say what a GREAT LOVELY FANTASTIC time I had tonight.

  Jens is fast asleep, so I didn’t have to explain why I only had one sock on and was smelling of your perfume. What is it by the way? Can I buy you some? I’m going to bed now, but I don’t know if I’m going to be able to sleep. Good night to you, you sexy thing!

  M xxxxxxx (I wish I could give them to you in person)

  MAY 26

  Text message to Keri. Sent 09:30

  Oh God … Just got a message to call Jens—urgent. Nightmare … she can’t have found out already?? M xxx

  From: Martin Lukes

  To: Keri Tartt

  Keri—catastrophe averted! She wanted to tell me Max has just got a scholarship to Eton!! Don’t know if that means anything to a Kiwi, but it’s the best school in the country, ergo in the world! Can you come into my office for a second now … xxx


  From: Martin Lukes

  To: Jenny Withers

  Darling—Of course I’m pleased!! The reason I seemed a tad distracted earlier on is that I’ve got a lot on my plate. This is the most fantastic news—Max is a total star! How much money do we get off the fees?? M xxx

  From: Martin Lukes

  To: Keri Tartt

  God that was dangerous—but I couldn’t resist. You really are the sexiest thing I’ve ever ever seen. Next time we better stick something over the peephole in my door … or find somewhere safer. M xx

  From: Martin Lukes

  To: Max Lukes

  WELL DONE MAX!!!!!!! You’re a chip off the old block! … I knew you could make it!! You’ve learned a really important lesson that I didn’t learn till much later in life. You know how to be your own greatest fan and how to be better than your best. If I had worked that stuff out when I was twelve, I’d be running the country by now!!! I’ve bought you a present—Eminem’s CD Encore. I’ve taken advice from someone in the office who is a bit closer to your age … and it’s the hottest CD of the moment. See u later.


  From: Martin Lukes

  To: Max Lukes

  For Godssakes Max, Eminem is supposed to be hyper cool …

  From: Martin Lukes

  To: Keri Tartt

  Keri—you might be the perfect being, but I’m afraid you bombed with Eminem. I’ve just had a
lecture from a 13-year-old on how this sort of music shows no respect for women! Can I respect you a bit more later on?

  Martin xx

  From: Martin Lukes

  To: Graham Wallace

  Hi Graham—Max won a scholarship to Eton!! Obviously I’m really pleased for him, as he’ll be a round peg in a round hole. But personally I don’t really hold with all the elitist nonsense … tailcoats and royalty and all that malarkey. And God knows what they get up to in those houses—probably all rogering each other(!) Still, it’s a great place for super bright super sporty kids. Did Fergus pass common entrance?


  From: Martin Lukes

  To: Graham Wallace

  Oh dear … is that a local school? I’m a great believer in horses for courses … I’m sure he’ll be v happy. Can’t have celebratory drink as am off home for monster celebrations.


  MAY 27

  From: Martin Lukes

  To: Faith Preston

  Faith—I strongly object to the tone of your message. You imply that I am discriminating against Bettina as a mother. The facts are: 1. I have been highly supportive about her baby to date. 2. I offered her advice on how to be more successful, and told her she needed to make work number one priority. I did this in my capacity as coach and mentor.


  From: Martin Lukes

  To: Keri Tartt

  Keri—let’s meet at the fire escape in half an hour. I’ve checked it out—leave through the fire doors on the fourth floor … I’ll go first—leave it a minute or two then you come.

  M xx

  From: Martin Lukes

  To: Keri Tartt

  Wow! That was amazing … Do I look a bit sweaty??

  From: Martin Lukes

  To: Bettina Schmidt

  Bettina—I am sorry to hear from Faith that you have some issues surrounding your return from maternity leave.

  As I told you last week, work/life balance is very close to my heart. Can I tell you a highly personal story? You may not know that I am married to Jenny Withers who works here in PR and has a career in her own right. Issues on the domestic front crop up from time to time, and we take it in turn to solve them. If I need to go home, or go to one of the boys’ schools, then I do that. I quite understand that home life matters. Work hard, play hard—that’s my watchword. If Fridays are a problem for you—then let’s set up a video conferencing link so that you can participate from home.

  Bestest, Martin

  From: Martin Lukes

  To: Keri Tartt

  My lovely sexy Keri

  Jens has just popped her head around the door and asked me what I’m doing. I’ve said I’m writing a message to BSM.

  I have been thinking about you all evening. I love the way you flick your hair around your ears. I love the butterfly you have tattooed on your left buttock. I want to kiss it right now. I love the way you feel. I love the way you taste. Corporal Cock and Private Pussy are made for each other.

  When I’m with you, I feel I can do anything or be anything. These last two weeks have been so fantastic for me, and I wanted you to know that.

  Love xxx

  MAY 31

  From: Pandora@CoachworX!

  To: Martin Lukes

  Hi Martin

  I’m just checking up on you—I haven’t heard from you for a couple of weeks but I get this sense that you are following two key messages—Love like you’ve never been hurt. Dance like no one is watching.

  Please share with me your wins—month five is nearly at an end, and we need to measure how you’ve done …

  Strive and thrive!


  From: Martin

  To: Pandora@CoachworX!

  Hi Pandora

  Has someone said something to you??? I thought the deal with coaching was that it was totally confidential?


  From: Pandora@CoachworX!

  To: Martin Lukes

  Hi Martin!

  I’m puzzled … Yes, confidentiality is the cornerstone of the Executive Bronze Program. I was simply asking if you were growing your heart, and doing the exercises I gave you regularly. Is there something else happening in your life you would like to share?

  Strive and thrive!


  From: Martin Lukes

  To: Pandora@CoachworX!

  Hi Pandora

  Sorry—total misunderstanding! Yes, I have been doing the red and white roses test a couple of times, and I am very impressed at the power of the right side of the brain as a work tool!

  For me this has been a great month for both head and heart. My win with creovation™ was a classic bridging exercise. I have also used my heart to make a very difficult situation with a new employee better. I have shared a personal story with her, to help her shift her performance and team loyalty onto the next level. Above all I have used my heart to make myself more in tune with, and more stimulated by, the working environment. No question.

  22.5 percent better than my bestest




  My Body

  JUNE 1

  From: Martin Lukes

  To: Keri Tartt


  Meet you on the fire escape in five mins … I’ll go first, and text you if the coast is clear …


  PS The corporal is standing to attention already!!

  From: Pandora@CoachworX!

  To: Martin Lukes

  Hi Martin

  One of the biggest wins we have got out of Executive Bronze so far is your great new attitude towards yourself! This month we are going to focus in on your body, and I am going to teach you how to look and feel marvelous—forever! First, let’s draw the baseline—tell me how you feel about your health, your diet, your fitness, about how you look, and we’ll take it from there!

  Strive and thrive!


  From: Martin Lukes

  To: Keri Tartt

  Hi Pinky—you’ve exhausted me! You’ve got some stamina!

  You’ll be glad to hear that Pandora is going to work on my body this month—that spare tire may soon be consigned to history!!! I may not be your porky Perky for much longer!!


  From: Keith Buxton

  To: All Staff

  Hallo everybody

  I am proud to be able to announce the first step in the rollout of ABC.

  Over the next two weeks all co-colleagues will attend an ABC workshop which will kick-start the segmentation process. It is imperative that every co-colleague attends the workshops, which have been designed to be rich learning experiences as well as a lot of fun!

  Keith Buxton

  Chief Talent Officer

  JUNE 4

  From: Martin Lukes

  To: Pandora@CoachworX!

  Hi Pandora

  It’s weird that you don’t even know what I look like, so am attaching a picture of myself taken for our annual report. It’s a bit cheesy—I had to stand there laughing into the phone for yonks while some idiot photographer faffed about. Still, all things considered I don’t think I look too bad for 43—or 44 as I’ll be in two weeks. On the upside, I’ve got a very good head of hair, hardly receding and hardly any gray which is more than most men of my age can boast, and 20-20 vision.

  Weight—I’ve put on a bit of weight around the middle and maybe a tiny bit on the face since that pic was taken. Just weighed myself on Jens’s scales and apparently I weigh 14 stone 2—which I don’t think can be accurate …

  I’ve got an exercise bike and rowing machine in my study at home which I use as much as I can, though I’ve never found the home the right environment for a workout, so I work out at the gym on my own, as and when.

  I’d say I’m pretty health conscious foodwise. Occasionally I eat a Twix or a Bounty, but that is mainly as a result of my highly pressured lifestyle which means I often need to grab a bite on the run. I’m a total wate
r addict. I aim to drink 5 liters for my daily detox. I’d like to start with a personal trainer again, and build up fitness, and should also try to cut back on the snacks, where possible.

  22.5 percent better than my bestest


  From: Pandora@CoachworX!

  To: Martin Lukes

  Hi Martin—

  The bad news is that I am hearing a lot of double talk from you. You say you want a better body, but then you offer me a lot of excuses.

  The good news is that I can help you reprogram your mind. There is a little word that begins with f. We are frightened of the f-word, and we teach our children to be frightened of it too.

  I can feel that word undermining everything you say about your body. I want you to turn your back on the f-word. Once you do that, you will succeed!

  Strive and thrive!


  From: Martin Lukes

  To: Pandora@CoachworX!

  Pandora—Frankly, I’m confused. That word is quite important to me, especially at the present time, and we certainly haven’t taught our kids to be scared of it … on the contrary Jake (at nearly 16) seems to think of nothing else. He even tried to jump on our fat Russian au pair the other night. I just don’t see how turning my back on sex is going to help my body. Quite the reverse, in fact.


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