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O.U.R.S (Tessandra Young Series Book 2)

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by Yalu Taylors

  “I missed you T.” I lean my head against his shoulder and whisper that I missed him too. As I say the words I realise just how true they are. A bumper car hits us on the left, ruining the moment. Hunter turns at the last second so we don’t run into the wall and we chase Zack, who rammed us, around for the rest of the ten minute time slot. After the bumper cars, Zack talked me into trying the bubble soccer game and Braydon and I played the clowns.

  Zayne bought me a bag of fairy floss so I’m beginning to feel really hyper. Hunter asks if I want to try out the shoot the duck game. I line the shot up and miss. Getting frustrated I try again and miss again. Hunter steps up behind me and slides his hands slowly down my arms until he has control of the toy gun. He lines the shot up and whispers in my ear. “Breathe out and don’t close your eyes when the hammer hits the pin.” His words are boring and clinical but the way he talks and the feel of him surrounding me, makes it feel way more intimate and seductive. “That’s it, now squeeze the trigger, don’t pull on it.”

  I squeeze the trigger and the pellet hits a duck. The guy checks the number on the back and calls out that I won a major prize. The whole time he talked about what I could choose, I couldn’t help but think, “I have definitely won a major prize when it to comes to my guys.” I ended up choosing a silly bear with rainbow fur. The damn thing is almost as big as I am. Hunter being the gentleman carries it as we make our way back to the others.

  We all sit down to eat really unhealthy fair food for lunch. After several more hours of rides, games and goodness knows how much money Braydon ruins everything by telling us we should get going. I’m not the only one grumbling under my breath as we make our way to the exit. Hunter leads the way, while the twins hold my hands and Braydon brings up the rear. I look around us as we leave and can’t help but think that one day I’ll be going to a fair, but I wont have all of my guys with me. My thoughts bring me down enough that when we get back to the van, I tell everyone I’m tired. It’s only five in the afternoon but I go straight to bed to sleep.

  I wake to the smell of bacon and eggs. The van feels very still so I sit up and notice the twins aren’t in bed. I get up and stumble sleepily into the kitchen area where I find all the guys already eating. “Morning sleepyhead.” I grunt an unintelligible reply to Hunter as I move passed him to the door. After relieving myself I splash water on my face and go back to join the boys for another day of boring driving.

  Braydon starts the engine as I eat and Zack and Zayne tell me about the time they took on Hunter in a boxing match. Needless to say they lost. Braydon tells me funny stories about the guys pulling pranks on each other every year for their birthdays. I laugh along with them but feel slightly on the outside of the group. Especially when they start talking about something then start laughing without explaining what happened or why it was so funny. As the days pass I retreat back into writing my stories. I haven’t been telling the guys about the visions I’ve had. None of them are about the guys or J.O.Y so I just pretend I’m busy writing and they leave me alone, sometimes for hours on end.

  Chapter 2


  It takes us another day and a half until we arrive at Lance's place. I've had a weird feeling all morning and when we pull up into his drive way the feeling gets worse. Especially when Zayne says that I should stand behind them and keep quiet. I'm not a quiet person but I'll try my best. Braydon knocks on the door and I peer around Zack to see a guy in his early twenties open the door. He's about a foot and a half taller than me and holy hotness, he's almost as good looking as my guys. His mahogany brown hair is cut into a stylish spike and his eyes are light green, not as vibrant as Braydon’s though. He looks all the guys over in an assessing way, then spots me. His eyes literally light up and I blink a few times to clear the afterimage from my eyes.

  “What the fuck? Why is there a girl here? Why would you lot bring a normal to my house? Wait does she know? Why the fuck is she here?” My mouth drops open as Lance speaks. His voice is high pitched and squeaky but strangely hypnotic. Hunter steps up behind me and pulls me into his arms. Before anyone can respond to Lance's tirade, he turns around and walks inside slamming the door in Braydon's face.

  “So, that was Lance.” Zayne deadpans. I glare at him then walk past the guys and shout through the door. “Hey big bad wolf, this little piggy wants in.” I wait a beat and then yell out again. “By the way, I think your shirt is caught in the door.” The guys burst into laughter as an unamused Lance pokes his head out the door. I don't dare take my eyes off him to glare at the guys. “Oh, I like her. Come on little piglet, this wolf's hungry and not for food, if you catch y drift.” Lance winks and holds the door just wide enough for me to squeeze past him, causing my ass to brush against his hip. I'm a step away from him when I feel a pinch on my left butt cheek. I quickly swing back around only to see Braydon slap Lance upside the head. “Hands off, she's taken.” I turn back hiding my smile and hear Lance muttering. “I don't see a ring. So she's still a single lady.” The mixed-up song quote has a giggle slipping from my lips before I can stop it.

  The lounge room we enter at the end of the hall is massive with high carved ceilings. I'm admiring the angels above me when Lance's squeaky voice whispers in my ear. “They aren't as beautiful as you, Piglet.” Braydon once again clips him across the ear. Lance starts humming the single ladies song as he walks through an archway to our left, I giggle again when I turn to see all four of my guys glaring after him.

  I didn't notice the contents room before but now I take a good look around. There's four bright red recliners against the far wall with short book tables in between each. In the middle of the floor is a circular floor rug with red floral designs on a blue background. It looks like something you would find in a hippy house. The rest of the room is empty. Curiosity gets the better of me, so I move closer to the archway and peer into the next room while the guys all say their hello’s to Lance. Beyond the archway is a strangely decorated kitchen. The single island table is dark redwood and the top is bright red laminate. The silver fridge stands in the corner next to a bench that matches the island table. The floor is tiled in multiple shades of red and actually hurts my eyes to look at it for too long. Every appliance, from the dishwasher to the coffee maker is a different shade of red.

  Lance returns moments later from the room at the back of the kitchen with a bag in one hand and a bottle of JD in the other. I frown as he walks right up to me and hands me the bag. Hunter and Braydon rush over and relieve me of the bag before I can even get a decent hold on it. Ignoring the guys macho behavior I watch as Lance flops down on one of the large recliners and kicks off a pair of bright red fluffy slippers bringing another giggle out of me. This guy must have a thing for red. “I bet I can guess your favourite colour.” I say cheekily with my back to them all. The guys all snicker and Lance says that I only get three guesses. Just as I'm about to say red, a vision comes to me of him telling someone that it's actually blue. The vision clears, and I turn around. “Blue, not just any blue but the pale colour the sky goes right before the white fluffy clouds appear.” The snickers stop, and the smile drops from Lance's face. “You boys told her didn't you.” I laugh as they all shake their heads.

  “Visions. You're a test subject.” It's a statement not a question so I just nod my head. “What else have you got?” I cock my head to Braydon and he motions for me to go ahead. “Fire, healing, electric spark things, ice, strength and visions. I think that's all, but Ace told me I'm a mimic that absorbs other people’s powers.” I blink, and Lance appears before me, I frown as I realise he is also still in the recliner. “It's called duplication Piglet and you are so much more than a mimic.” His duplicate turns to Hunter. “This is her, isn't it?” Hunter nods and the duplicate disappears. I turn to face Lance and find him staring at me in much the same way a lioness looks at her prey. “So, after ten years, dear old Frank finally found his daughter.” My jaw comes unhinged as I stare at him. My father? The guys adopted Uncle Frank was my fat
her? According to the paperwork I read, that means he wasn't just a scientist, he was a test subject. One of the first test subjects. My mind is blown. If Frank was my father, then that means…

  “Well Piglet, I guess that means you want to know more about Frank and his family. Might as well start from the beginning. Frank was adopted when he was two, I was adopted nine years after. My adopted parents Samantha O’Dell and Brian O'Donnell were two of the original scientists who created J.O.Y Research. I don't understand all the science behind it, but they altered our genomes and the results were more than they were aiming for. Frank and I became two of their first group of test subjects.”

  I watch as he takes a couple of mouthfuls of JD then a deep breath and continues. “When Frank was eighteen, he and two of his friends broke out of the facility and started a group called Genetic Liberation. They spent the next five years rescuing others like themselves. Frank went to university to get his doctorate in genetic manipulation to try and help everyone. He signed up to be a scientist under a fake name, that's where he met your mother. She was a first-generation test subject. I think from memory her designation was four. Anyway, with her help they smuggled dozens of children out, including these four assholes, before he was caught six months ago.”

  Again, he takes a few mouthfuls but this time he just sits there quietly staring at the bottle. I wait for him to start talking again but after a few minutes I get impatient. “How did you get out then?” I ask curiously. The front door bursts open and Ace comes barging in, black full-length leather jacket flaring out around his ankles. “He didn't. Out the back, there's an Ultra team on the way here now.” Ace's words send the guys into action. Braydon grabs my hand and drags me through the kitchen and out the back door. Hunter, Zack, Zayne, and Ace carrying the bag Lance had given us, right on our heels. Just as we get to the woods behind Lance's house, we hear a car screech to a stop out the front. Ace takes the lead and we follow behind him silently. After about five minutes of running, he stops and holds his closed fist up. I copy the guys and come to a stop just behind Braydon.

  “Hands, now.” Ace calls out into the eerie silence. Braydon links my left hand with his and Ace grabs my right. A warm tingle of electricity runs from Ace to me and I try my best to ignore it. Once we are all standing in a circle Ace calls out Kalum’s name. Kalum appears in front of us, decked out in his gothic vampire outfit and grabs Ace and Hunter’s clasped hands. Before I can blink, I find myself being sucked into nothing then spat back out again. Ace lets go of my hand causing me to wobble on my feet and Braydon holds my arms to steady me. “That was better than a roller coaster.” Zack shouts gleefully as I double over trying my hardest not to throw up. Hunter scoops me up into his arms and asks me if I'm hurt. I'm too afraid to open my mouth so I just shake my head which makes the nausea worse.

  “Hey, I know now isn’t the time, but does this mean Tessa can teleport now?” Zayne asks bouncing with excitement. “Oh, I hope not.” I groan as Hunter carries me over to a park bench. After a few minutes of deep breathing exercises, I manage to get my stomach to stop churning enough to ask where we are. Looking around at the pure blanket of snow surrounding us, I gasp at the view, mountains, and forests all capped with bright white snow. Ace smiles at me. “Welcome to The Snowy Mountains.” I think the adrenaline has left my body because I start to shiver as I stand up. My guys huddle close keeping me safe and warm. Braydon rubs my arms while my twins huddle side by side against my back. Hunter is a giant wall in front of me, blocking out the icy wind.

  “I guess you guys will be wanting to stay the night.” I frown at the lack of civilization around us as the guys nod their heads. “Um, stay where exactly?” Zack and Zayne both laugh at me, actually laugh at me. “What the fuck are you two…” I trail off as my eyes finally see beyond the illusion. “Oh!” The bench is no longer sitting alone surrounded by snow. It's actually under a tree looking over a giant log cabin. Standing under the shelter of the wrap-around verandah are the rest of Ace's group. Phoenix and Quin are still intimidating with their tall good looks, dark hair, and bright green eyes. Declan still dresses like a cowboy; his flannel shirt is buttoned up this time though.

  Quinn and Phoenix shock me when they rush over and barge their way past Hunter. I'm pulled into a hug before I can react. “Are you finally going to ditch these boys and come play with the real men?” They asked doing that whole twin speak thing. “You two have your whole lives to be jerks, take today off will you.” I snap frustrated more at the cold than the annoying guys. “Can we go inside already?” I shiver, and it makes the cold worse. All I get in response is a bunch of guys smirking and nodding before they lead the way inside.

  A gasp leaves me involuntarily, when I see what the inside of the cabin looks like. It's stunning. “This place is gorgeous.” I tell Ace and his guys. I look around me more closely. Soft golden wood everywhere, walls, floors, and table surfaces. The first room is the lounge area with a dozen wooden rocking chairs with gold cushions. The giant fireplace is made of rocks, the kind you find in streams and river beds. It's so beautiful I'm lost for words. “Do you want a tour Tessa?” Phoenix asks. I shake my head and turn in a circle as I notice more interesting things.

  “Change your mind yet?” At first I think he’s asking if I’ve changed my mind about having a tour of the house but then he adds. “You'd get to live here.” Quinn says as he walks passed me. I'm shaking my head when Zack growls. “Stop it Quinn, she's ours.” Zack isn't normally possessive, his out of character attitude has me staring slack jawed at him, as he glares at Quinn with his arms crossed across his wide chest. I turn my head to better see the rest of my guys. Hunter is leaning against the closed door, a similar look of annoyance on his handsome face. Braydon is leaning against the archway to the kitchen and Zayne is staring into the fireplace glaring at the flames. Their anger makes me feel like I've missed something, and I find myself once again frowning.

  “If they can't reign in their flirting I'm not agreeing to this.” Zayne snarls at Ace, who sits down on one of the chairs and turns it to face the rest of the room. “I'll be here the whole time; you boys don't have anything to worry about. Kalum, have you got the bag?” Kalum hands him the bag that Lance had given to us at his place. Silence descends as Kalum, Ace, Braydon, and Hunter go through the contents of the duffle bag. Curiously I move closer to see what is inside. Just as I get close enough to look over Hunter's shoulder Zayne calls out. “So, no one answered my question. Does this mean Tessa has teleportation?” The desperation in his voice has me spinning around. I study him for a moment before I realise both times he has said that, it has distracted me from questioning what is going on.

  My temper is lost, and I shout into the hushed room. “What the fuck are you all hiding?” Hunter's response to my outburst is to rush over to me, as he is trying to pull me into a hug, Braydon answers my question. “We are going after the Ultra agents who came after us. You cannot come with us because of how vulnerable you are to mind control powers.” I demand to know the rest and Hunter leads me to the chair closest to us. “Sit down T.” No sooner than my butt hits the chair, I'm jumping back to my feet as Braydon points out that I had just fallen pray to mind control again. “Peter escaped after we had left him with Ace back at our old house. He’s been working with J.O.Y hunting down all the escaped test subjects. Peter is the Ultra agent in charge of the group who came after us.” He explains.

  Fire springs up along my arms and ice begins to freeze the wooden flooring. I'm beyond pissed. Why the hell would they hide something like this from me? I can't even see passed the haze my vision has taken on.

  Chapter 3


  I swallow hard as Tessie jumps to her feet. Flames as blue as the sky erupt from her palms, climbing its way up her arms. It almost looks like she has wings of flame. I'm about to say something when the floor around her freezes over with ice. “You’ve been keeping this from me for weeks. Why would you lie to me like that?” She shouts and the flames
grow along with her anger. I start to pull the flames into myself and Declan does the same with the ice but we can't keep up. Her powers are stronger than all of ours. I'm standing in front of her, but I don't think she can see or hear me as I tell her to calm down. I'm freaking out inside, but I grit my teeth and move closer to her. Hunter who is standing beside her cries out as the ice spreads up her legs. She's completely out of control.

  “Zack, Zayne, use your mind control. Calm her the fuck down before she releases those powers.” Ace shouts. I know Ace thinks he is helping, but my mind is in panic mode. Hunter and I haven't told Ace or the others about the issue with Tessie and mind control. If we tell them and Tessie hears, it could make things worse but if I don't say anything we could lose Tessa. I’m torn between doing what is best for Tessie and what is best for the rest of us. “T is having mood swings because her mind is unstable due to being tampered with so many times.” Hunter shouts just as Zack and Zayne reach her.

  They both stop dead still and stare at him as I hang my head in shame at keeping something this big from the rest of our family. I’ve been keeping so many secrets lately that I’m struggling not to confess everything. I take another step towards her and the heat from her fire makes me feel like I’m standing next to a furnace. Tessie drops to the ground on her knees. I take another step but it’s too much, I can’t get any closer without getting caught in the torrents of fire and ice. She falls to her side and I flinch as her head hits the ground with a loud thud.

  “Are you sure we can’t use our powers on her?” Zack asks and I tell him it’s too risky. “Maybe if we just give her a small push emotionally.” Phoenix and Quinn suggest. I shake my head again. “We have no idea how your emotional powers would affect her.” I look up at the ceiling as though it could give me the answers I need. I know we are running out of time, I can feel her powers building and the more she uses the worse the outcome will be for her. “Are you sure it will hurt her?” I nod in confirmation to Zack’s question. “It was in the records we stole from the Orion facility.” There was a hell of lot more in those files but no one else needs to know that right now. Ace starts swearing and shouting, asking what we should do. None of us have ever had to deal with such extreme side effects. Uncle Frank warned Hunter and I that the female test subjects were more prone to mental control and side effects than the males but we honestly didn’t think it would be like this. I know that the truth is, all the female test subjects were pushed to hard when they were kids and their minds began showing signs of insanity. I can’t tell the guys though because then I would have to explain how I know all this. I need to come up with plan of action.


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