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O.U.R.S (Tessandra Young Series Book 2)

Page 12

by Yalu Taylors

  I’m heading towards my new room when Ace catches up with me. He holds his hand out to me and I frown at him. “Just give me your hand Tessa.” I sigh and do as I’m told. He holds my hand palm up and examines the small electrical burn on my palm. He pulls a small vial out of his pocket and opens the lid. A pungent smell hits my nostrils and I wrinkle my nose. “You’re really cute when you do that.” I blink up at him as he rubs the salve onto my burn. The sting goes away almost instantly. “Thanks.” I mumble as I lower my eyes back to the ground. He links our arms and steers me up the front steps to my room. “Lets get lesson one out of the way, shall we?” It’s not really a question but I find myself nodding anyway.

  Ace sits down on my bed and pats the mattress beside him. Cautiously I approach him and sit down. “I’m going to do something, promise me you won’t move or freak out.” My eyes lock onto his dark green ones. I notice a tiny spec of brown in his right eye. I’ve never been this close to Ace before. His eyes sparkle and I can’t bring myself to look away. Before I can react he leans in and kisses me. His kiss is dominant and demanding, it makes me want to give him anything he asks for. My heart skips a beat at that thought and I melt into him, half afraid and the other half curious. “You have no idea how much I want you.” He lifts my hand from my lap and brings it down on his own. I feel his hardness through his slacks and gulp. He’s bigger than Zack and Zayne. He’s even bigger than Braydon. “Don’t worry Tessa, you’re not ready for someone like me.” Confused I flick my eyes back to his. “I want you to get up and strip off nice and slow for me.” I stare at him. “But you just said.” He cuts me off by swiping his hand through the air. “I said, You aren’t ready for someone like me. I never said I was going to fuck you, I just want you to strip for me.” He pulls me to my feet in front of him.

  He flicks his wrist and his phone lights up. “Baby shake it for me.” He sings along to the song and moves my hips in time to the music. At first I’m confused but then the music takes over my thoughts and I start to sway my hips in time to the beat. Ace leans himself back on his elbows and stares at me, biting his lip. My face heats up as he tells me to take my shirt off while dancing. I lift the hem and pull it over my head slowly, keeping my hips in time to the beat. I’m just starting to get into the flow of things and enjoy myself when he sits up suddenly and pulls me in between his thighs. “Baby, while I love how you obey me in the bedroom, You need to stop.” I’m dazed and confused, unsure why he made me stop. “Huh?” I blink a few times and my mind starts to clear. I tug my shirt back into place and glare at Ace, with my hands on my hips I yell at him. “How fucking dare you use that fucking mind control on me.” I stop shouting and stare at him. “Wait. You don’t have mind control.” I spin around in a circle looking for the culprits. Zack and Zayne drop the illusion and I glare at them.

  “Why did you stop her? We wanted to see if she would snap herself out of it.” Ace chuckles and adjusts himself. “Cause I couldn’t take it anymore. Goddamn sexy woman was gonna make me mess up my pants.” I blush again as he slowly squeezes his package. His eyes catch mine and he smirks. “Guess I wasn’t the only one.” My thighs squeeze together at the huskiness in his voice. “Fuck, can we watch?” Zack’s question has me tearing my gaze from Ace’s. “What?” Zack laughs nervously. “The way you two were looking at each other made it obvious you both want to get down and dirty. I’ve always had a thing for watching.” Ace chuckles again and reclines back on the bed. “Nope, I’m not big on voyeurism.” The muttered curses follow Zack and Zayne as they make their way to the door. I respond automatically when they say goodnight.

  My eyes still glued to Ace’s mischievous ones. “You need to stop looking at me like that Baby, if you don’t we’ll be going where you’re not ready to go.” I cock my head to the side curiously. “Explain.” I sit down beside him on the bed. “I’m into bondage and dominance.” While I understand the terms I’m unsure about the dynamics that occur in that kind of partnership. “You want more information don’t you?” I nod enthusiastically. “Nope.” He pops the p and I find myself once again frowning. “How about I show you instead.” My heart rate speeds up as the adrenaline kicks in. “Kneel.” I do as he says and kneel on the carpet by his knees. My head only just reaches his thighs from this position. “Hands behind your back.” I clasp my wrists together and Ace gets up, I turn around to face him and he pushes against my shoulder to make me turn back around. Having him behind me has a shiver racing up my spine but I grit my teeth, my curiosity over riding my natural instincts. I feel something soft touch my wrist and I turn my head to look. “Face the front. Last warning.” My head snaps back to the bed.

  I’m shaking with a mixture of nerves and excitement as he ties my hands together. “Stand.” He grasps my elbows and gently guides me to my feet. I’m spun around to face him and his lips crash down on mine. “Bondage.” He whispers against my lips. He crushes my body against his and I shudder as his finger tips spark across the tender flesh at my throat. It doesn’t hurt, it actually feels really good. He pushes e back until the backs of my knees hit the bed. I fall gently onto the soft bed. He pounces on me and kisses me again. His tongue tangling with mine. It’s not a gentle kiss and it makes me feel like I’m being dominated, controlled but free at the same time. “Dominance. I like to be in control and I love it when you respond the way you are right now.” He breaths the words into my open mouth.

  I shudder and he pulls back. “You’re turned on by this aren’t you?” I blush, too embarrassed to answer him. “Aren’t you?” He repeats and I shake my head, closing my lips tight. “I warned you.” Sparks shoot from his fingers and sear my flesh. It’s painful but it isn’t any worse than putting your tongue on a little nine volt battery. “Yes.” I breathe. “Good, you’re a quick study.” I bring my electricity to the surface of my skin as he leans in to kiss me again. Sparks shoot out between us and he shivers at the same time I do. My shirt rides up as I wriggle through the sparks. “Now that was interesting.” He studies me for a minute then leans in again. I hold my sparks back a bit but allow the smallest amount to zap him. He does the same and we both moan. “Fuck. If I had known this was all it took to help you learn control, I would have volunteered to teach you sooner.” He gently bucks his hips against mine and I moan at the contact. Sparks shoot out from me and I try my hardest to pull them in. “Naughty.” He zaps me along my exposed stomach. I moan in part pain, part pleasure. His hips rock against mine again and this time he gives his hips a twist, digging his erection into my pubic bone.

  “We should stop.” He pulls himself back slowly and I whimper. “Tessa, look at me.” I fix my blue eyes onto his sparkling greens. “Do you want me to stop?” I shake my head. I’m wound up and I’m enjoying his attention. My mind wanders to Zack, Zayne, Braydon and Hunter. I’m not sure how they would feel about me being with Ace, with that thought firmly in my mind I nod my head. “Speak Tessa, I want you to use your words.” Images of Zack and Zayne flash through my mind, Zack asking me to use my words much the same as Ace is doing now. “I’m not sure if the guys would be angry at me.” Ace leans back and studies me for a minute. “What do you want Tessa?” I shrug and he leans towards me. I think he’s going to kiss me again but instead he grabs my arm and gently pulls me up, so I’m sitting across his lap. “I’m going to untie you now baby.” I twist around so he can reach and he tugs the material free. Curious as to what he used I look at his hands once he pulls it free. “Do you always carry around a piece of ribbon?” His smirk returns. “Since I met you, I’ve carried it everywhere.” I nod then a thought occurs to me. “I thought you were interested in Kalenia.” He laughs at that. “Hell no, that bitch was the most annoying person in the world. I’ve not even looked at another woman since I first saw you at Braydon’s place. You are all I think about lately.” I shrug. “Don’t you think it’s weird that you all want me?” I watch him shake his head vigorously, his hair falls over his eyes and I reach up to tuck it back without thinking. He captures my
hand and holds it against his face.

  “Not once have I ever considered it weird. We weren’t brought up like normal people. We were all taught that sharing a woman was the best way to bond a team. It may not be the best reason to be with someone but it’s not wrong, logically speaking a team who can share someone and not have infighting is a team that can withstand almost anything. You were always meant to be with me, Quinn and Phoenix. The only difference here is that instead of it being some scientist who chooses, it’s you who chooses, who you want to be with.” I nod my head at him. “If the others don’t approve of your choices then perhaps they are not the ones who you should be with.” I know what he is saying is the truth but something about it doesn’t feel right. “I think you are wrong. If I chose to be with all of you then it would have to be alright with the other before I took things further with anyone. You may have been taught that it is normal to share but were they?” Ace’s dark brows pull down in thought. “You are really smart, you know that.” I smile and he leans in to kiss me again. This time I have no hesitations. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him back with all the passion I feel inside.

  He keeps it PG from then on and we just lie there facing each other, talking about different things late into the night. I start to drift off to sleep, rolling onto my back and he pulls me into his arms, holding me tightly to his chest. “I don’t want to lose you Tessa.” I hear him whisper into the darkness.

  Chapter 17


  I’ve been walking around aimlessly for the last two hours. I’m just going passed the barracks the guys set Tessie up in when I notice her lights still on. I know the twins went to visit her earlier. They said they were going to help Ace teach Tessie to control her electro kinesis. Curiosity gets the better of me as I get a strong urge to peek into her window. I see two shadows pass the window and realise Tessie is alone with Ace. I watch her lights go off and my temper flares when I realise that Ace isn’t leaving.

  I can’t take it anymore, I know I should just leave well enough alone but I just can’t. I look around me and check to make sure no one is around. Once the coast is clear I sneak up to her window and peer in. Ace is sitting on her bed, his back to the window, I can just make out Tessie’s face. She looks happy and nervous at the same time. The rational part of my brain is telling me to trust that she wont do anything with him without talking to us first. The jealous part of me though, is screaming for me to bust in there and make damn sure she doesn’t.

  As I watch he leans in and kisses her. I turn away from the window, I can’t watch my Tessie with someone else. I take a deep breath, my heart is in my throat. I don’t want to see what happens next but it’s killing me not knowing. I tell myself that I’m just looking out for her and the guys as I go back to the window. I need to know if she sleeps with him, even though I don’t want to see it, I need to know for sure. I just wish she had talked to me before she left us. I’ve known from the start that one day she would find someone she truly loved, I just never thought it would be him.

  I make a sound in the back of my throat as she winds her arms around his neck. I duck down thinking they may have heard me. “She kissed him back. She fucking kissed him back.” I’m muttering under my breath and I stop as I hear movement inside. I wait until the noise stops and pop my head back up when I hear the bedsprings give. Ace is lying on the bed with Tessie about a foot away, they are talking quietly, too quiet for me to hear what they are saying. I watch them for a few more minutes and begin to relax. He’s not making a move on her now, I still have a chance to make things right between Tessie and me. Maybe I can convince her that he isn’t right for her. I poke my head back up and Ace’s eyes make contact with my own. He continues to talk to her but his eyes never leave mine. I’m not sure how long we stay locked like that but Ace is the first to turn away. Inside I’m doing a victory dance but as I watch he leans in and kisses her cheek. He whispers something and she sighs and wriggles closer to him. Ace’s arms wrap around her, pulling her to his chest. I wait until his eyes drift shut and back away from the window. I curse and rant under my breath the whole way back to the barracks I’ve been sharing with Hunter.

  I walk up the stairs and creep inside. Hunter flicks on the lights and I blink a few times to get my eyes to adjust to the brightness. “Where have you been?” I walk over to my bunk and sit on the edge. I don’t want to talk. If I start talking I might lose my temper and I’m still on thin ice with the guys as it is. “Bray? We agreed to talk things out. You made me do it, so now it’s your turn.” I sigh, he’s right, it’s only fair if I tell him everything. Besides this way he’ll know to harden his heart. I’ve seen the way he is with Tessie. He’s in love with her just like the rest of us, even if he wont say it out loud. “Tessandra is with Ace. He’s staying the night in her room.” I wait for the information to sink in. He just stands there staring at the door. “And?” He asks. I frown at him as he starts pacing across the room. “You don’t have a problem with her being with Ace do you?” He asks me with a frown on his face. “She said she would discuss things with us before she did anything with anyone.” I emphasize anyone. Hunter sits down on his own bed across from me. “Yes and has she done anything with Ace?” I look down at the floor. I could save us all the heartache and tell him she slept with him without explaining that they are actually sleeping, not having sex but if I do that it’ll hurt Tessie. “Just kissing.” I find myself saying.

  Hunter walks over to the couch and sits sideways so he is facing me. “Well then she hasn’t done anything wrong and even if she did sleep with Ace, you know it’s not like it would be any different from her being with any of us. They both have feelings for each other. You can’t expect her to date all of us and then go and tell her she can’t date someone else.” My leg starts bouncing. “But she agreed not to be with anyone else after we…” I trail off and Hunter shakes his head at me. “No. We agreed we would all be honest about what happens between us all, not that she wouldn’t sleep with anyone else. Is this really about her being with Ace? Or is it because she was with Zack and Zayne last night?” My head snaps up. “What?” I shout. How dare they touch her, she’s mine. My thoughts are all jealousy, I shake my head and try to see passed the jealousy. She slept with me and they were fine with it, maybe I should be more lenient as well. “The twins talked to me about it this evening, you know during that family meeting we had while you were out spying on our girl.” I scoff. “I wasn’t spying.” He laughs humourlessly at me and asks me if she knew I was there. I shrug my shoulders. “Well, then you were being a creepy, stalking, spy.” His tone is clipped and condescending. I shout again that I wasn’t and he just gets up from the couch and goes back to bed. “I wasn’t.” I mumble as I lay down on my own bed. I hear him whisper into the silence as he switches off the light. “You were and you need to stop it.”

  I wake up and the first thought going through my head is, where is Tessie. I got used to seeing her first thing in the morning when we were all in the van. The events from the night before come back to me and I stare at the ceiling. “I really was acting like a crazy jealous stalker.” I sit up and grab my shirt, with it halfway over my head I jump when I hear Ace speak. “Yes you were acting a little crazy, Braydon. You ever think that maybe she isn’t ready to settle down to the pseudo married life you have planned out for her?” I tug my shirt down and glare at Ace. “I don’t have her life planned out.” His eyes are seething with anger as he mockingly laughs at me. “Really? What the fuck were you doing with all this then?” I duck as he throws something at me. The papers rain down around me, scattering across the bed and onto the floor. I snatch the first sheet I can reach and look it over. It’s one of the files on Tessie from J.O.Y. It details how J.O.Y was going to use her eggs once she was back in their custody. This particular sheet is one that states that I will be one of the sperm donors.

  I gulp as I look up at Ace. His face is a mask of absolute fury. “It’s not what it looks like.” I say quietly. “O
h really? So you weren’t planning on taking her back to J.O.Y so you could keep her all to yourself? You weren’t spying on her last night? You weren’t still keeping tabs for J.O.Y? Tell the truth Braydon. You’re still their fucking puppet aren’t you?” I shake my head and go to stand up. Ace holds his hand out threateningly. “What you going to blast me with your stupid electricity?” I stare in his eyes daring him to try it. Right now if Tessie were to read this shit, she’ll hate me forever and I can’t have that. I’d rather Ace take his temper out on me and end my suffering. Ace flinches as I step closer to him, my hand holding a fire ball. I have no intention of hurting Ace but maybe if I scare him enough he’ll either zap me and get it over with or run away like the cowards he’s shown himself to be. My entire body goes rigid and I cry out in pain as Ace’s electricity hits me full in the stomach. “Don’t you dare fucking lie to me. I saw you standing outside her window. Did you really think we would believe you, after everything you’ve done?” He keeps shouting but the words are being drowned out by the sound of the electricity flowing through my body and crackling in my ears. Every muscle in my body is pulled tight and I can’t scream any more.

  “What the Fuck Ace?” I swear I hear her voice. “Braydon? Someone get some help. Can you hear me? Come on Braydon.” Someone else speaks in the distance. “I can’t, you know I suck at healing.” I feel a droplet of water hit my cheek and I open my eyes to see what it is. My Hallie is right there, kneeling over me. I take in every detail of her beautiful face. Her perfect multi-hued eyes that are always changing colour. Her sexy high cheek bones. Her cute little dimple that only appears when she smiles. Everything I love about her face, I memorize. She begins to sob, I’d give anything to be able to hold her and make her stop crying. “I’m so sorry Braydon. I’m so sorry. Please don’t die. I need you.” He voice cracks and all I hear after is the sound of her heart wrenching sobs. I close my eyes and a dark numbness envelopes all my senses.


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