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O.U.R.S (Tessandra Young Series Book 2)

Page 14

by Yalu Taylors

  “Why are you lot here?” I ask not bothering to be polite. “We found Braydon.” I step back and bump into Hunter who had been standing behind me. His arms wrap around my waist and I lean into him. “Don’t bother, he’s been compromised.” I turn my face into Hunter’s chest and breath in his masculine scent. “We know. We’ve been assigned to take him on his first mission. What I want to know is how you knew.” I tell them about my vision and Ace’s face pales. I knew he was going to ask and I knew eventually I would have to own up but oh well damage is done now. “What do you mean assigned?” I turn back around so I can see Jarad’s face. He just shrugs at me and tells me he and his friends are spies for the GLG. “Where were you when the compound was under attack then?” He shrugs again. “On a mission for J.O.Y.” I don’t trust him, I don’t trust anyone anymore. Especially not people who have been in close contact with anyone from J.O.Y.

  I tell the guys to do what ever they want, I’m not going to be a part of it. I go to the room I’m supposed to be sharing with Hunter and flop down on the bed. Not five minutes later Hunter comes into the room. “Tessa, if there is any chance at getting Braydon back, don’t you think we should take it.” He sits down beside me and rubs my back. “I want him back as much, if not more than the rest of you but after what I saw in that vision, I’m afraid we may be too late.” I go on to explain what happened in the vision and Hunter stays quiet while I talk. By the time I finish telling him, Zack and Zayne come in telling us that the jerk twins have sorted out dinner. We go with them into the dinning room and because there are too many of us, the guys all sit on the counters or chairs around the room while I sit by myself at the table. While we eat I think about Braydon. I really do want him back, we just need a way to retrieve him that isn’t going to put anyone in danger. An idea comes to me and I smile. I test my theory by changing into a much smaller version of Hunter. “Fuck that’s creepy.” Zack spits his food out. I look at the one person in this room that I’m closest in size to and picture myself as him. My clothes stay the same though and both sets of twins begin the torment. “Damn, Troy You’d look very sexy in that dress.” Zack says trying to hold in his laughter. Zayne laughs as well. “Oh yes definitely suits him.” The jerk twins on the other hand had to go and take it too far. “We don’t need guys anymore, we’ll just keep Tessa for ourselves. She can swap and change to suit out wants and needs.” I hang my head, my face brighter than the sunset. I turn myself back and look back up at everyone.

  “If you guys can get us some knock out drugs, we might be able to bring him home and once we’ve got him we can try to fix what ever they did to him in that fucking place.”

  Chapter 19


  I wake up to Samantha standing over me. “Welcome back seven-zero-one. You have twenty-four hours to recuperate and then you’ll be assigned a new target. We’ve located subject seven-one-one. You’ll be bringing him home.” She walks out of the room and I look around. Sterile white walls, keypad locks, yup I’m back at the facility. I’m confused, the last thing I remember is Ace losing his fucking mind and zapping me with that damn electricity ball. I’m back with J.O.Y, not the worst thing that could’ve happened but not ideal either. I shrug. “It could be worse, I could be dead and buried next to Nathan.” The alarm on the door buzzes and someone pushes it open. A big guy in his late thirties, with dusty brown hair and a guards uniform steps into the room. “Seven-zero-one, report for re-indoctrination.” My stomach drops, I’d hoped they wouldn’t bother. Memory wiping doesn’t work on me. They should know that by now. I stand up and follow the guy without question or complaint. It’s too late for me. We go through so many corridors that I’m well and truly lost, by the time we get to the indoctrination room. I look around and see four guards standing against the wall. A tall thin man in a lab coat motions for me to sit in the chair in the centre of the room. I sit down and find myself facing a huge screen. The lab technician straps me in and I send a silent prayer out for the guys to look after Tessie and keep her safe, from me.

  The technician steps out of sight and then a younger guy comes into view. He’s wearing plain grey pants and a white t-shirt. His hair is a dull black that looks like it hasn’t been washed in weeks. I follow his eyes and notice they are a strange combination or green and brown. He looks me in the eyes and tells me that everything I have ever been told by Tessie is a lie. She doesn’t love me. She doesn’t even care about me. He keeps repeating the same things and after an hour of this annoyance I smile. It’s not going to work, they can’t brainwash me into thinking the woman I love hates me. The guy shakes his head and moves out of my sight. I hear them whispering behind me and I try to summon my fire. Not even a spark comes to me but the machinery I’m attached to starts beeping like crazy. The greasy haired guy comes back into view. “Hallie doesn’t love you. Everything Hallie has ever said to you was a lie. Hallie betrayed you, left you for your best friend. She abandoned you. He’s been repeating himself for ages, it’s getting annoying. I know she abandoned me. I know she betrayed me. She slept with Ace, one of my best friends. I knew she would leave me one day but to leave me for him? I look up into greasy hairs eyes. “Your mission is to locate Seven-one-one, do you understand?” I find myself nodding my head.

  I go back to my room and wait for the team leader to come and get me. Pacing back and forth with impatience, I think about how this mission should go down according to our team leader. I met my team leader and the two other guys I will be working with Five-two-one aka Jarad, Five-two-eight aka Troy and Five-one-six aka Cedric. Apparently I’ve met them before but I honestly can’t remember them. Our objective was plain and clear. Capture not kill. Seven-one-one has been mind wiped so he should be an easy capture. Our contingency plan is just to regroup at the Mulwar facility if things go south but I have no intentions of letting it. I find it weird though that at the end of the meeting they mentioned Seven-two-one. We were told if we see seven-two-one we are to fall back and observe her movements then report back once we have a home location. No one has mentioned there being a seven-two before. Seven-two was the designation for the female test subjects and recruits but I always thought the last one died when we were kids. We’ve been told stories for years about how the seven-two’s went crazy and lost control of their powers.

  A light tap at my door precedes the team leader. Five-two-one stops in the middle of my room and studies me for a moment. As per my training I stay as still as possible. “Alright Braydon, is it?” I nod and he continues. “We have been informed the mission has changed slightly. We have a location on seven-two-one. Our orders are to retrieve her at all costs. Kill orders have been issued. If we come across any rogue agents we are to terminate on site.” He turns and walks out the door. I follow behind him, but something feels off here. We get into our assigned car and Jarad turns the engine on. I get a flash of someone else driving and shake my head. The other driver was wearing a leather jacket. Jarad pulls out onto the highway and I watch the trees pass us by. I turn and suddenly there’s a girl where Troy was sitting. “Hallie?” The girl shakes her head. “Hi Braydon. My name is Tessandra. I’ll be your kidnapper this morning.” She reaches her hand out and grabs my arm. Before I can react, she jabs me with a needle and I start to fall into a fast dreamless sleep.




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