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In Her Dreams

Page 18

by Bolryder, Terry

  I may end up in a new world. I may have to grow in ways I never imagined, but it’s all worth it.

  Because being in love with this man is better than anything I ever imagined.

  Even in my dreams.



  Two weeks later…

  I try to keep my eyes shut like Reve asked as I feel the world swirling around us, and I just hold Joey’s hand in mine as Reve transports us both to my dreamscape.

  Since the event with the nightmare, things have been surprisingly normal, as I’ve just finished my last two weeks at work while Joey has been going to school while we waited for Reve to get things ready at our new home.

  We still haven’t gone to meet the dream fae in their world, but Lorien and Tess assure me that everyone will welcome us with open arms when we do.

  For now, I just want to settle into our new life together as a family and give Joey time to acclimate.

  Though, if his constant questions and uncontainable excitement are any indicator, I think he’ll fit right in with our new way of living.

  My feet land on soft ground, and I feel bright sunlight on my cheeks. The sound of birds calling as they fly past us and the scent of newly bloomed roses teases my senses, and I’m admittedly very curious and very excited at this moment as well.

  A new start. A life with Reve and Joey and nothing from the past holding me back anymore.

  “It’s okay. You can open your eyes now,” Reve says, tugging my other hand in his.

  I look up and see the special place from my dreams open up to my view. Only, it’s so clean and sparkly I have to squint to look at it for a moment as I adjust to the sight.

  A large multicolored castle rises above us with gleaming parapets and turrets. At the center of a huge courtyard, a spacious mansion with columns and a polished door that’s twenty feet high magically opens up as if to beckon us inside. And off to the right, there’s a clean stable that smells of fresh hay with an adjoining pasture that stretches out into bright-green hills dotted with purple flowers far into the distance.

  I take in a deep breath and know I’ve made the right decision.

  “What do you think, dream mate?” Reve asks, teal eyes twinkling with excitement.

  “It’s perfect.” When he first told me he was going to do some “renovations” in my dreamscape, I was hesitant. But after we talked it out and figured this would be the best place to stay while we decide which world we want to stay in and for how long, I couldn’t hold back anymore. “I can’t believe it’s still the same yet so… different.”

  “You already did such a good job keeping your dreams alive, keeping this place from falling apart in spite of all the stress and work you’ve had to do over the years. I just made it how I felt you would want it to be if you’d been shown how.” He smiles at me, his bright expression more dazzling than the palace itself. “But from here on out, you and I can take care of it together. Make any changes as needed, work on improvements, add a—mph.”

  I lean up on my tiptoes to kiss him, so grateful for how perfect he’s been by giving me space to adjust while doing so much on his own. When I pull back, I can feel the sparks between us, and I’m more than a little curious to see what the bedroom in this place looks like now.

  “It’s so wonderful, Reve. Thank you.”

  “Whoa, this is awesome!” Joey is making himself dizzy as he turns in circles, taking in everything. “A unicorn? You didn’t tell me there would be a unicorn!” He rushes toward the stables, and Reve and I follow behind, his arm wrapped around my side as I nuzzle into his chest.

  “Your mother has done a fine job watching after her steed.”

  Joey leaps up on the fence, and the horse leans over as Joey scratches eagerly behind its ear. Then, with a shout of glee, he leaps off and makes for the mansion doors. “I wanna see what it’s like inside.”

  “Be careful not to trip,” I warn as he runs at full speed.

  “Thankfully, the ground won’t hurt him here like the real world. Everything is safer here.” Reve holds me close as we follow behind.

  “That’s definitely something I can look forward to,” I reply.

  He smirks, and I throw him a curious glance. “Just… your toaster had the worst habit of shocking me in the mornings.”

  “So the toaster here won’t give me my morning wake-up call?” I ask playfully.

  “Not if you don’t want it to, it won’t.”

  We share a laugh as we walk through the entryway and are greeted by a vaulted ceiling with intricate woodwork that rises high above us. A spiraling marble staircase winds its way up on our left, and to the right, there’s a large greeting space with plush couches. Behind it, I can see a dining area and a kitchen, and I wonder what mealtime will look like now that we don’t have to crowd around a small table that was barely big enough for just Joey and me before Reve came.

  Just the thought of having every day with the two loves of my life makes my heart fill to bursting.

  “Oh frick,” Joey says as he stands in place, stunned for a minute.

  “Do you still want to have your friends over to visit this evening?” Reve asks.

  I blink up at him, still entranced by the love and kindness in those teal irises as they wait for me to respond.

  I almost forgot that we invited everyone over to visit our newly refurbished dream palace, and I look forward to seeing all of my friends, both old and new, here with us.

  “Absolutely. You don’t think it will be too weird for Sandra?”

  “She already knows much about dream fae. I think she’s already visited Tess’s once or twice.”

  “Maybe I should talk to her, see what the holdup is with her dating Jerrek.” I tap my foot, wishing the best for my friend who’s always looked out for me since we were in college.

  “Jerrek is an indomitable soul. So is Sandra. We just need to wait for them to figure out their own feelings and be there if they need our help.”

  I nod in agreement. “You’re right. In the meantime, let’s go find our rooms.”

  “Yeet!” Joey yelps, making for the stairs. We reach the second floor, which is carpeted in plush maroon and ember colors and is so soft beneath my feet I want to take my shoes off just to see what it feels like.

  “We can have as many or as few bedrooms in the house as you want. For now, I settled on a dozen, just in case you have company.”

  “A… dozen?” I ask, agape.

  “Is that not enough? I can add two more floors, which will take us to thirty if you want. That doesn’t include the library or the solarium or the—”

  “No, no, that’s plenty.” After living in a small house barely fit for a family of three, it’s difficult to suddenly think about having so much space. So much freedom.

  But that’s what Reve has been doing since he first showed up in my life. Freeing me from my fears, my past, my worries. Giving me hope for happiness and a future that isn’t just satisfied with survival anymore.

  Joey runs ahead, opening doors and looking inside one room after the other. “Where’s mine?”

  “Any of these can be if you want. But I put all your things in the one at the end of the hall, just there.” He points.

  Joey bolts, and I hear more yells of glee from inside the room as I take a moment to wrap my hands around Reve’s strong, muscular back. He runs a hand through my hair, and the touch is as soft as it is electrifying.

  “Where’s our room?” I ask.

  “Just upstairs. I’ll show you.” He gives me a sultry glance, then calls down the hall. “Joey, will you be all right by yourself for a few minutes?”

  “I am. I forgot Jared… I mean, Jerrek said he’d be online, and I promised to show him a new level.”

  “Have fun. Call up if you need anything,” I add.

  “Love you, Mom.” His head pops out of the doorway, brown eyes full of vivaciousness. “This is the best place ever.”

  “I’m glad you like it.”

bsp; To my surprise, he runs up and gives us both a big hug. “I’m so happy I get to have two parents now. Will I get to keep learning how to use my whip?” he asks Reve.

  “Of course. Among many other things that are necessary for young warriors,” Reve says.

  “For now, you can go play since we’ll have company coming over in a few hours.” I pat him on the back, and he runs back to the room and shuts the door behind him.

  Leaving me standing alone with Reve, the air warming more with each second.

  “So about our room?”

  Reve picks me up in his arms, my curves pressing against his hard body, and in a blink, we’re in front of a pair of double doors made of thick cherry wood.

  “Is it that easy to move around?”

  “In your dream palace, yes.” He opens the door ahead of us and takes me inside to a large bedroom filled with utterly comfortable-looking furniture. Sitting on top of tables and dressers are the photos from my house back on Earth, and Reve’s even brought the two cheap paintings of the ocean I got at a thrift store years ago to hang on the wall to my right.

  Even with the regal splendor and opulence of this place, he’s gone the extra mile to make it feel like home.

  I wrap my arms around Reve’s neck and kiss him with all my heart, feeling full of warmth and emotion after so many weeks and months and years of trudging through life.

  Reve pulls back and looks at me tenderly. “So you like it?” He strides toward the bed and sets me down on soft blankets that are as warm as sunlight and comfy as clouds.

  “That would be the understatement of the century.” I grab his hand and pull him down over me, and his grin as he looks down and up my body is full of promises I plan to make a reality. “It’s perfect. You’re perfect.”

  “Nobody’s perfect.” He places a kiss on my cheek, then my ear. “Except you.”

  “So we really can stay here? The dream fae aren’t going to come and steal you or anything?”

  “Now that we’re attached to the dream world, I don’t think they’re going to worry. I can go back and forth easily, and I’ll be much happier knowing you’re safe here with Joey if I’m called. We can even continue Joey’s Earth education while I train him how to be a warrior if you’d like.”

  “We can figure that out as we go. For now, there was something else on my mind…”

  “Oh, was there?” He leans over, sucking my earlobe into his mouth and torturing it between his teeth and lips. I gasp, already wet and aching for more of him.

  “You think Joey will be okay by himself until our friends show up?”

  “Absolutely. I’ll let him know we’re just up taking a nap.” He blinks. “Done.”

  “And by nap, you mean…”

  He pulls my shirt up, thumbs teasing my nipples over the thin fabric of my bra, and I moan, pushing my chest into the friction that’s making my hips buzz with tension.

  “I mean taking you to heaven and back, dream mate.”

  He kisses my belly, then up my hips before licking across every inch of exposed skin. His hand is already on my pants, playing with the hem of my panties.

  “Everywhere is heaven with you, Reve. You’re like a dream come true, in real life.”

  “From the moment I saw your face, you were my dream, Jen.” He pulls my bra lower and sucks one nipple, making me arch back as I sink deeper into the sheets. “And now that I have you, every day will be like living in that dream.”

  He’s working me into a frenzy, and it takes all the control I have to hold his face with my hands and pull myself toward him for a kiss. His tongue slides between my lips and strokes inside my mouth, filling me with want and love for my sexy man.

  And as we make love with the passing minutes and hours, he leaves me breathless at the sight of him and breathless with the experience of his expert, thorough lovemaking.

  He’s already given me everything I could want and more. Now all I have to do is love him back with all of my soul as I look forward to a wonderful future with him.

  I couldn’t even dream of anything better.

  * * *

  * * *

  Thank you so much for reading Reve and Jen’s story. If you loved this book, please consider leaving a review to help other readers find and enjoy it!

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  If you missed Lorien’s book, it’s here:

  Sweet Dreams (Rogue Dream Fae 1)

  You can pre-order Jerrek’s book now!

  It will probably release before the date posted:

  Wildest Dreams (Jerrek)

  If you’re new to me, and you loved this book, you’ll probably love my other fae!

  Four magical warriors come to Earth to find, protect and please human beacons, and awaken their latent powers.

  Wings, Wands and Magic Bonds (Fae)

  Found by Frost

  Defended by Darkness

  Held by Heat

  Loved by Light

  Sample of Found by Frost

  Chapter 1

  “A beacon lives here?” I ask, staring up at the rundown building in front of us that humans call an “apartment complex.”

  I, Boreas Everfrost, warrior prince of ice and defender of the frost kingdom, have my doubts about coming here at all.

  Earth is a lawless place. Savage. Unruled. Undefended for the most part.

  But that’s why we’re here.

  “Shut up,” Ivar—once prince of light, now given the utterly mundane human name of Ian—strides past me. He’s carrying enough luggage to blow our cover even with the suppressors we’ve been given to keep our magical appearance under wraps.

  Not that we’re much different. A little taller. Long hair, as befits a warrior, and of course, pointed ears and gigantic flaming magical wings.

  Nothing too intense.

  “Perhaps she wants to keep a low profile,” Flint the fire fae, now Flynn, says, cocking his auburn-haired head as he stares at the scenery with me.

  I frown in consternation at the faded brick exterior, the sign with its missing letters, and the lawn, which is littered with bare patches and weeds under clumps of dirty snow.

  After months in the human world, preparing for my mission, I long for the sparkling, frost-covered palace I call home.

  “Come on.” Tynan—once known as commander of darkness, now known only as Tanner—strides by with the rest of the luggage

  I glance at the different numbers on the doors as we walk down the hall, marveling at the tight spaces of human living conditions.

  Some of the numbers hang down at an angle, lending to the overall dereliction of the place.

  From what I’ve seen of the human world, I have no desire to stay here any longer than I have to.

  I listen carefully for resonance as I follow the others to our apartment at the end of the hall. If the beacon is as powerful as reported, I should be able to feel something.

  I wait, heart pounding, hoping to get a hint of some tiny wisp of magic that could indicate her presence, but nothing.

  I don’t even know why I care.

  I’m here to stop the chaos princes that have invaded and go back to my kingdom, nothing more. I care not for this world with its lawlessness and its chaos.

  Though we can fight off the chaos princes, the chaos infecting every facet of this place will never be vanquished.

  If only they had the order of my world.

  “Boreas—I mean, Brett—you pompous idiot, get in here and help.” Tanner has finally lost his patience with the luggage.

  “This is ridiculous,” I mutter, walking in to help move the boxes around. I sniff the air, scenting a mix of unpleasant aromas I can’t place.
“I can’t believe we’re expected to be satisfied with these accommodations.”

  Flint shakes his head. “Not all of us live in a sparkling, lofty kingdom of order. This place isn’t so bad.”

  I glare at him but bite back the harsh retort on the tip of my tongue. Flynn and I have built a sort of friendship, despite the fact that our kingdoms have hated each other for a very long time.

  I walk to the window and look out at the scene as snow falls silently on the dingy streets and cars laden with ice struggle by on the uncleared pavement.


  I wave my hand, gently clearing the snow from the walk so no one falls. I pull the snow from the parked cars so they aren’t trapped.

  When I see a car sliding helplessly on ice toward a parked car, I gently bring up a barrier of snow to cushion and stop it.

  Satisfied I’ve resolved a little of the chaos around me, I’m about to leave the window when something catches the corner of my eye.

  A woman has just pulled up to the curb, and she’s now getting out of her car to grab a shovel out of the back of the trunk.

  I squint as I stare at her, trying to make out more of her form, but the heavy winter clothing covering almost every inch of her hides her from my eyes.

  An odd feeling of frustration wells up in me, and I press both hands to the window as I get closer, staring so hard I can’t seem to blink.

  “You are going to look like a psychopath, staring out the window like that,” Ian says, walking up to the glass to look out.

  Somehow I feel oddly possessive of the scene and attempt to block his view. But soon, the other fae are joining.

  “What’s going on? Is that human shoveling out that other human’s car?” Flynn asks.

  “I think so,” Ian says, looking from behind me. “Ah, look, another is helping. Sometimes they can cooperate.”

  Tanner glances over darkly, then gets back to unpacking.


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