The Sheikh's Surprise Mistress (Jatar Sheikh Series Book 5)

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The Sheikh's Surprise Mistress (Jatar Sheikh Series Book 5) Page 1

by Jessica Brooke

  The Sheikh’s Surprise Mistress:

  (The Jatar Sheikhs Series #5)

  By: Jessica Brooke

  All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2014 Jessica Brooke

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  Table of Contents


















  Author’s Note to all of my fans/readers:

  Note: This is a spin-off novella of “The Sheikh’s Virgin Mistress” series. To avoid spoilers, start with Part 1!


  I was so excited about the upcoming trip! Private jet all the way to Dubai! My best friend, Anna Potts—soon to be Anna Khalid—was getting married to a prince of all people! He was actually an acting king of that nation, and Anna was soon to be his queen. They’d been through a harrowing year, both together and apart when she returned to the States to finish her law degree. I graduated with her from law school—Boo-Yah for me!

  I still don’t know how I did it—mostly financially. Worked my butt off is what I did. I carried not only a full load of schoolwork and classes, but also worked at night to support myself. Anna had it easier, and she did help me as much as she could since her dad supported her through all seven years.

  I tried to think of college as my time to live and learn how to be an adult. When I was a freshman, I was downright wild, but I mellowed as time went by. I tried to balance all the intense mental and intellectual work with fun stuff—after all, it was my time for adventure and experiences. “LIVE NOW! NO REGRETS!” I repeatedly told myself, and I did just that. I figured once I started into my fulltime career, I wouldn’t have time to party hard ever again.

  The last few years settled me, and I’d definitely matured as a woman—an adult woman. I supposed it could be called development or evolution. Whatever it was, I was not juvenile anymore. I had this slightly pessimistic outlook on life as well—been there, done that, time to grow up.


  Julie: OMG! You guys sent me a private plane? So amazing!

  Anna: IKR? Enjoy! It’s on us. Try and sleep, too. Busy week ahead.

  Julie: Ok…taking off soon. 20hrs and I’ll see you!

  Anna: Limo will be waiting for you. Love you, girl!

  Julie: Yay! I love you, too, babe!

  That was all the communication I got for the next twenty hours. I was not a big sleeper, not like Anna is. That girl could sleep through a war. Me, not so much. Maybe it was just because I’ve rarely had the luxury. I began working at age fourteen and carried straight As all the way through my school years.

  I always knew I wanted to be a lawyer, and I set that goal and fought to go to Harvard. Because of my good grades and my extra credit activities on the very successful debate team I ran, I managed a partial scholarship. My grandmother helped me with the remainder of the hideously expensive tuition, and then I worked my butt off so I could afford to eat better than ramen for all those years.

  My grandmother definitely depleted her life savings to help me, and my intent is to pay her back tenfold as soon as I get a real job—a paying job. My parents both died when I was a kid, and I was raised by my dad’s mother and father. My granddad died when I was just eleven, and for the remainder of those years, it was just me and my grandma.

  Now here I was, in a private jet, being treated as if I were royalty. What a hoot! I guess making friends with Anna was one of the smartest things I’ve ever done. She used to be such a mousy, bookworm—totally opposite of me. Maybe that’s why we became so close. She helped me focus, and I helped her relax enough to live some sort of life outside of school. The fact she fell for, and is now marrying this freakin’ sheikh dude is downright shocking! The simple fact she hadn’t lost her virginity until him is even more shocking, given she was twenty-four years old before it happened!

  Me? Well, I lost my cherry at the ripe old age of fifteen, to a much older boy. It wasn’t rainbows and rose petals either, but I eventually got a boyfriend closer to my age, and I learned to like sex. The problem with me—now that I’m twenty six—is that I think I might be burned out. I don’t let it show, but all I crave nowadays is to be close to one person—to a man—to be his, the way Anna is to Omar.

  The problem? Most men of worth like Omar Khalid, wouldn’t want a girl like me. One who was a wild child and pretty much experienced life for all it had to offer. One who tried almost every illegal drug; one who was burned out on sex and only craved intimacy. Yeah, I know, I am a total contradiction, and I don’t know what to do about it. It’s not like I can take back all I’ve done, or who I’ve done. I just want to feel alive for once.


  I gawked at the uber tall buildings and this amazing city. It was like something from a movie, or a comic book. It was like New York City on steroids. Even the limo that was sent for me was the longest thing I’ve ever seen.

  “Here we are, Miss Stanley.”

  I craned my neck as I exited the limo, trying to see the top of the building as it speared up into the heavens. Anna told me it was the tallest building in the world, but I really hadn’t comprehended what that meant. Just the elevator ride to reach their penthouse took forever. I think my jaw was on the floor by the time the doors dinged, and I was ushered into a palatial foyer.

  “Just a moment, Miss Stanley, Her Highness will be down momentarily.”

  Her Highness? Like, seriously.

  “Jules! Yay!” Anna screamed as she gave me a big embrace.

  “Seriously, Anna—Your Highness? I mean, really?”

  Anna’s expression was priceless as she answered and tried her hardest to remain straight faced, “Now, Julie, that is what I am called nowadays and you really should address me as such…”

  “I’m never calling you that,” I informed her.

  “I could have you beheaded for such blasphemy!” she announced, as if she is Mary, Queen of Scots.

  Ahhh, there is her gorgeous, soon-to-be-husband, Omar.

  “Julie, so glad to see you. I trust the flight was non-eventful? Did you get some rest?”

  Why do I feel like I should bow? Omar is so gorgeous and drool worthy. What I would give to meet someone like him.

  Not that there are any more like him.

  “Omar! Or should I address you as Your Highness?” Anna snorted, and I knew exactly what she was thinking.

  “No, Julie—just call me Omar. I get a peculiar delight in hearing my name in an American female accent.”

  Why am I blushing? Good grief he has—IT! Okay girl, deflect and make a joke. “So, Omar, you gonna hook me up with a sheikh friend this week?”

  Anna’s gasp told me that was over the top. Oh well, this was me. Omar didn’t seem at all disturbed, however.

  “I have many male friends who would adore a pale-skinned beauty such as you, Julie.”

  Why is he wrinkling his brows? Is he going through the list of eligible bachelors?

  “I fear, however, you might be a bit—not to be rude—I adore your outgoing personality, but..”

  “It’s a bit much? Is that what you were going to
say?” I asked, trying to take the pressure off. “I am a bit much, I realize that. Even to myself I am often way too much! I get it. No worries. I will try my hardest to be on my best behavior.” Anna just snorted again.

  Omar’s grin told me he doesn’t believe it, either.

  “No, Julie, you are here to enjoy our wedding and have fun. You needn’t censor yourself at all—in fact, this particular week you can cut loose and enjoy being chauffeured and completely taken care of. Yes, in comparison to Arab females, you are more than too much for most of the men. And yes, I suppose some will find you deserving of punishment for being yourself. I, however, am the one making the rules, and I decree you will be as wild as you so wish. If anyone tells you differently—I shall send them home immediately.”

  Anna blurted, “Don’t tell her that! She is already too wild.”

  “Nonsense! She is free and shameless—I for one can thoroughly appreciate such a female.”

  Bless his sweet heart for defending me. I cleared my throat, “I am still going to try and be a good girl. I figure I have to start sometime, why not now, when I will be around royalty?”

  “Ahhh, yes, indeed, a splendid plan. As long as you have fun, Julie—that is all I request. Here, my love…”

  Gasp, he just handed Anna a black Am-Ex card.

  “I hope you can enjoy a shopping trip on me? There is no limit, and I only wish to see my young bride happy. Enjoy yourselves girls. Oh, whatever you purchase can easily be shipped back to the States.”

  “Anna. OMG! No limit? Seriously?”

  “Seriously, Jules. Yes—anything you want! The one thing I’m still catching up with is Omar’s generosity. With him and his family—more is more! None of them believe in doing anything half way—even shopping! It’s kind of their religion.”

  I put my hand over my heart and took a serious tone, “I will drink the Kool-aid! I want in.”

  Then I couldn’t help it, and I squealed and stomped my feet in place after Omar casually strolled away with a very telling masculine chuckle.


  Anna and I shopped till we dropped. Thankfully, she had people around her at all times. Correction, big, burly, strong men who looked silly carrying rope-handled pink bags for us, but they did so without any dissent. I bought shoes and dresses and even some new lingerie. I made Anna get some new lacy and frilly stuff, too. She complained and said she already had acres of the stuff in drawers.

  “This is different. This is something he hasn’t seen, or picked out for you. This is more like you giving him a gift.”

  She spun in place and giggled, “I guess you’re right. I do like how this makes my butt look.”

  “And your tits! Good grief, Anna, did they get bigger? You are kinda glowing, too. You look fabulous.” I perused her up and down again and I made appreciative sounds. “Indeed, he is so good for you.”

  “He is, isn’t he? You know, I never imagined feeling this way—ever!”

  I could only nod and then turn to go back into my own dressing room. I hated how contagious this kind of love is. Weddings and lifetime commitments—the whole soulmated love bullshit. It made me wish for something I doubted I would ever find. I was too jaded, too cynical, too something—maybe cold and dead is the best way to describe it. I just doubted I could ever truly surrender to another so fully. At least as much as Anna has.

  She used to talk about her career or school, or debates, or the law—never about a future with a man and a family and all that crap. The difference, though, is that she wasn’t used up, like I feel. She was untouched and nubile. She was ripe for the picking, and Omar came along at the perfect moment. Me? I’m so far past ripe—I’m rotten. The thought made me sigh and erect that bawdy veneer I’m known for. I strolled out into the sitting area in just a thong panty and tiny demi push up bra that hardly covered my breasts.

  I heard a couple gasps, and I stood up straighter, putting my hands on my hips as I look at myself in the massive full length—full wall of mirrors. The saleslady bustled to me, “Ma’am, this is a public area. A male might pass and see you—see too much of you.”

  Even though her English was heavily accented, it was perfect, and I sighed and left. See too much? Who talks like this?

  I kept forgetting how strict the Arab men are about their females showing any skin. I guess if the wrong man saw me this way, he’d have every right to discipline me. I wondered what that would entail. I let an evil thought dance through my mind, and then I knocked on Anna’s dressing room door.

  “What about this?”

  She wasn’t shocked at all, but she’s lived with me and knew I mostly prefer to be naked if possible. “Um, the bra looks like it needs to be a couple sizes bigger. You’re falling out of it in an unattractive way.”

  Leave it to her to be brutally honest. I nodded and cupped both my breasts, jiggling them and then making a sound of agreement. “Yeah, let’s keep looking.” I held out the price tag and asked what that translates to in dollars.

  “Four hundred,” Anna told me without blinking an eye.

  “Oh. That’s only half of my rent for an entire month.”

  Anna shrugged, “We are in one of the most exclusive boutiques on the planet. What did you expect?”

  I gave her a glassy stare as I tried and think of a witty comeback. I finally settled on unbuckling the bra and freeing my breasts.

  “I got nothing. It’s too uncomfortable, anyway—at least for that kind of money, one would think it would caress me and love me and make me feel like I should never take it off. Not this painful torture device.”

  We kept shopping until we were both exhausted. When we got back to the penthouse, my room was full of bags and purchases. It was practically an entirely new wardrobe, and I wondered where I would put it all once I got back to my microscopic apartment. Anna knocked and joined me, and I thanked her profusely yet again.

  “I might have to turn your room into a closet,” I announced.

  “Oh my gawd, Jules—come see my closet!”

  She dragged me up a long curving staircase and swings open a double-door entry to an enormous room. I said under my breath, “I’ve never…” Then she dragged me to another large double-doored room and presents it as if she were a spokesmodel showing off a brand new ship, or airplane, or—or—mansion!

  “You’re kidding me. It’s bigger than our entire apartment.”

  “I know, right? I’m still afraid of it,” she confided.

  I sagged against the burnished wood doorjamb, “This isn’t you, Anna. How are you dealing with all this opulence? I’ve never even seen you wear a dress. Let alone all these fancy clothes.”

  She sagged against the other side, “Yeah, I know. It’s what is expected of me though—of the queen to be. I have to present myself a certain way.”

  “Doesn’t that bother you? I mean, being asked to be someone you aren’t?”

  Anna bit her lip in thought, “No, not anymore. It’s a gift I can give Omar. Not like I can give him much of anything else. He has everything, and anything he wants is just a flick of his wrist away. So, I give him me, and I give him this.”

  She waved her hand to indicate all the dresses and high heels and frills and bows.

  “I dress for him. Besides, he appreciates me when I go to the effort, and then he rewards me.”

  I shrugged. Seems my go-to reaction to all that I don’t understand—all that I might never understand. “I’ve never loved anyone enough to really understand what you’re talking about,” I confessed. “How does he reward you?”

  Anna blushed crimson and draggedr her toe over the dense carpet. “By loving me, Jules.”

  I offered her an Annacastic guffaw, “As if!”

  She seemed offended, “No seriously, Jules! He’s an amazing lover. He makes me feel things I never imagined possible. I’m dead serous!”

  My face fell, I felt it as I thought. “Really? That good?” She nodded eagerly and batted her lashes. “Oh. Sorry,” I said apologetica
lly, “I guess I’ve never really felt that before.”

  “You’ve had a ton of sex,” she wailed and waved both her hands in the air between us. “You can’t tell me you’ve never had mind-blowing climaxes.” She paused at my expression, and then her face fell into a cute little pout.

  “Never?” I shook my head and jutted out my lower lip. “Oh wow, I would have thought it was the norm for you—you know, given you’ve had so much.”

  I shrugged, “Yeah, quantity over quality, I suppose. Plus, you have love, and Omar is a man. A real man! I’ve pretty much been with boys. At least, that’s what I’m figuring out.”

  She came over and hugged me, “You will, girlfriend. It’s the love that makes it special. Someday Mr. Perfect will come along, and then you’ll totally understand what I’m talking about.”

  I hugged her back as she announced there was company coming for dinner, and I should really dress up. She offered me her personal servant, Yasmin, but I declined and headed back to my room to change and nurse my wounds. I didn’t know why I felt so alone all of a sudden, but I did and also near tears. Oh well, such is life. I continued to chant—No regrets, Julie. No regrets!


  Dinner was billed as friendly, but it felt so formal I was uneasy. My manners were not up to par, and I hesitated over which fork to use and which wine glass to lift. There were a good dozen other guests, all of them apparently high born and just as royal as Omar. There was one man—I think his name is Amir—who was one of the most handsome men I’ve laid my eyes on. He was more rugged and masculine than Omar. I thought Omar was also younger and perhaps hadn’t seen the courser side of life as much as this Amir dude has.

  Up until I met Omar, and now Amir, who I couldn’t take my eyes off, I’d never have said I was even a smidge attracted to Arab men.

  Anna leant to me, her wine glass hiding her mouth.

  “You keep looking at Amir. You like him?”


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