The Sheikh's Surprise Mistress (Jatar Sheikh Series Book 5)

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The Sheikh's Surprise Mistress (Jatar Sheikh Series Book 5) Page 2

by Jessica Brooke

  “Duh, you idiot. He’s gorgeous. Where did these men come from? I had no idea Arab men were even remotely attractive.”

  She giggled and kept the wine glass over her face, “The royals don’t leave. We never see them. I think he’s single. Should I ask?”

  The blood rushed out of my face, “NO! God no! I have nothing to offer someone who has their own country. Besides, I’m way too coarse and wrong and just—just not right for this world. Please don’t.”

  She gave me a curious expression, “Alright, but I think he finds you attractive, as well.”

  I felt my cheeks heat, “Really? You think?” I dashed a glance towards the far end of the table, and he was staring at me with those eyes that look as if his skull is nothing but an inferno of flames. I stammered from the level gaze he just burned me with.

  “No—definitely not! All I need is to fall for someone over here. Or worse yet, have another meaningless affair. I’ve sworn off anything, but the real thing now. I think it’s time I grew up. Someone like him won’t want me.”

  Anna made a confused sound and whispered, “What’s wrong with you, Jules? You are normally the grab ‘em by the balls kind of girl—ask questions later.”

  I grunted my defiance.

  “To men like these guys, like Omar and—him…” I chanced another glance, and he was still staring at me intently, shameless in his perusal. “I’m defiled.” At her expression I explained, still whispering, “Contaminated. I’m anything but a virgin and untouched. Nothing like you when you first met Omar.”

  Her expression was difficult to read. “I don’t get you sometimes, Jules. Did it ever occur to you that a man might appreciate a woman with experience? Someone as mature and worldly as you?”

  “Not men like him.” My tone must have been way too dismissive because Anna didn’t say anything else.

  After dinner, Anna took me and the other women, all of whom were quiet, submissive, and hardly talked, back to a parlor of sorts. The men went and did their thing—probably all talking about being rulers and stuff like that. Anna and I played chess. Back at home, we always had a game in play, and even if we were going in separate directions and hardly saw the other, we always stopped long enough to study the board and make a move. Some of our games lasted weeks. At least, they did once she and I got better at it.

  We sat in silence as we studied the board and made our moves. I’d not had more than one glass of wine at dinner, and now I was starting to feel anxious, so I went to the bar and poured myself a double. Anna declined any alcohol, but continued to sip at her sparkling water. After she beat me, I said I was tired and excused myself. Anna didn’t argue and agreed we needed to rest up for what was to come tomorrow. Apparently we were flying—by helicopter—out to the man-made islands and resort facility where the wedding festivities were to take place.

  I wandered towards my room and was distracted by the shimmering waters of a massive indoor Koi pond and waterfall. It was a unique room and unlike anything else I’d ever seen, at least in a private residence. It reminded me of an immense aquarium one might see as an attraction in a major harbor, big enough to house sharks, and the water was crystal clear. Initially I sat on the edge of the rock enclosure and looked at the fish from the top, but then I noticed a graceful curving stairwell along the side, so I followed it to find myself in a viewing area under the pond.

  There must have been a good hundred feet of glassed wall that separated me from the multicolored fish. I settled into a plush recliner and tried to relax as I watched the myriad-patterned school. They were gorgeous Koi, and some of them were a solid two feet long, so they were old. I knew a little about Koi and knew they could live well into their hundreds—or perhaps even longer.

  It was from this odd perch that I found a moment of peace and contentment. I relaxed and let the whisky do its thing in my body, finally closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep. I dreamt of being a princess and being swept along on a romantic roller coaster with a handsome, golden-skinned man.

  When I woke up, I took my time and stretched and yawned and made all kinds of un-ladylike sounds. Including a burp or two. When a masculine chuckle erupted from behind me, I squealed and stood up way too fast. “What the…?” My words were cut short when I saw Amir seated against the cushioned back wall—alone.

  “You amuse me,” he stated as if I were there just for him.

  I lifted my eyebrows, still rattled at being alone with him in a place that I doubt anyone else in the house would find us—or interrupt us. The worst part was how hard my heart was pounding and the fact my stupid little woman parts were reacting to this guy. It kind of shocked me to feel anything down there, let alone the wetness I was now noticing. I cleared my throat to speak, but nothing came out.

  He stood and offered me his hand, “I am Amir.”

  Much to my chagrin my hand trembled when he enveloped it in both of his. “Julie—Sir.”

  “Well, Julie Sir, it is a pleasure to finally meet you. I find you captivating. You are a stunning female.”

  I choked and found I could hardly breathe. I must have appeared totally idiotic at this point. I managed to close my mouth before I drooled or something mortifying like that. “It’s—um—not Sir—Sir—Um, it’s just Julie—Sir.”

  He chuckled again, a deep sound that rumbled from his chest and kind of melted my insides. What the heck was wrong with me? “Yes—yes—of course, beautiful just Julie. Sit with me? I am sorry if I disturbed your nap. I realize you’ve been traveling and must be exhausted.”

  I let him lead me around the recliner to the back wall of cushioned bliss, and I sat next to him, my hand still in his, which felt oddly right. I licked my lips again and took a breath through my nose.

  “I normally don’t sleep.” Oh shoot me now—that made no sense whatsoever.

  “Is that so? You must be so tired, Just Julie,” he joked with a twinkle in his gorgeous golden eyes.

  “No—um—yeah—not what I meant.” Just kill me—somebody please put me out of my misery.

  “Ahhh. I see,” he said in such a way that I knew he hadn’t a clue what I was talking about. Then he added, “Your golden hair reminds me of sunlight. Your eyes are those of the bluest oceans. They reveal your depths—you intrigue me.”

  Oh my God! Was this really happening? Was this god of a man coming onto me? And here I was without a spine, or legs or words. Where are my words? Somebody help! I’ve lost the ability to speak.

  “Uh-huh.” What was that? Oh for peats sake, Jules—who replies with a, uh-huh, to that kind of compliment. Say something. NOW! “Um, Amir…” Awkward smile, Jules, come-on, get it together, you probably look like a bunny boiling psychopathic joker, change your expression.

  “You’re so beautiful.” Oh shit. Did I just say that out loud? Oh, I did. I need to crawl away now. Maybe I should fly home tonight?

  “Thank you,” he said with a tilt of his forehead as if he was told that all the time. Maybe he was?

  “Um—thank you?” Why did you say it like it was a question, you idiot. God, Jules, really? Seriously? Oh look at that grin, that mouth, his lips. Why am I aching inside? What is wrong with me? Why do I keep asking myself what’s wrong with me? Why is it wrong to ask myself what’s wrong?

  I stood so abruptly, he seemed shocked and he finally freed my hand. “Amir, I am so sorry. I really need to go back to my room. Now. Sorry.”

  I fled the underground Koi viewing area and literally ran back to my room. I locked the door in my wake and leaned my back against the cool wood. I had no idea what just happened back there, and I had no explanation for why my body felt the way it does right then. Usually I have to get pretty drunk to get aroused to this point, and usually I have no trouble with my words, or my air—why was it so hard to breathe when he was touching me?

  I replayed the scene in my head all night long and, true to my usual way, I didn’t sleep much. I hadn’t been lying when I said I didn’t sleep. I have terrible insomnia and on a normal night
I felt lucky if I managed four hours. Just the fact I fell asleep in the chair was a miracle. How had he found me down there? Maybe it had been a happy coincidence? Yeah, that had to be it. I tried my hardest to banish all thoughts of Amir and get to sleep.


  The next day we were flown out to the congregation of private islands that Omar not only commissioned to be built, but also where he built a beautiful resort facility. The entire wedding party was being treated to a week of fun activities mostly centered on this group of man-made islands. Again I gaped at the opulence and display of wealth. It was everywhere, and I was constantly in awe of the way Anna was now living.

  I tried not to notice, but I did look around at the other guests as they slowly arrived, and so far no sightings of the handsome Amir. That’s okay, I really did need to keep my distance. I didn’t want to be a fling or affair for anyone. I wanted to hold out now and wait for Mr. Right. Until he appeared, I intended to focus on my career.

  The next couple of days whirled by and then suddenly it was time for the official ceremony. I was Anna’s maid of honor and so far, I thought I’d failed miserably at my intended duties. She said I wasn’t expected to do a thing, and it was merely a title indicating I was as important as she was in all of this. As if! In any case, her personal woman, Yasmin, had been taking care of all the little details. I’d really not had to do a thing. And here we were, lined up and waiting for my best friend in the whole world to walk down the aisle and become a queen to a nation.

  As I scanned the audience, I finally landed eyes on Amir. My breath again caught and my heart ratcheted up ten notches. My center also flooded with heat, and I was in awe of my body’s reactions to someone I didn’t know. Someone I would never see again and more than likely wouldn’t even talk to again. He must have felt me looking because he turned and our eyes locked. My cheeks burned as the blood rushed to my face, and he let a lazy half grin spread over his. My knees went rubbery and the flowers I was holding begin to vibrate.

  I tore my gaze from his and scowled at the ground.

  No, no, no! No, Julie! Do not give into this attraction. Do not! Focus on your future. I looked back up and he was still gazing at me with intent. He slowly blinked and I saw his breath catch as his huge man chest slowly rose and fell. Then his expression changed and he appeared confused. Maybe he was telling himself the same thing I was telling myself. Just NO! He rubbed at his sternum and gave his head a tiny shake before the music started and our attention was diverted.

  The ceremony was beautiful and I could tell that Anna couldn’t be happier. Omar, too, for that matter. They both seemed infused with sunlight. They were glowing and smiling, as if they were gifted with divinity. I again felt the contrast and it made me ache to feel what they had. I’d never in my life considered this new budding desire I felt inside. It was akin to a need to surrender. If I put real words to it, I’d say I ached to belong to a man the way that Anna has described being owned by Omar. It was not as if she was his slave or even his property—it was more as if he cherished her as the most prized, unique, rare jewel on the entire planet. Just the way he looked at her was like a fairy tale.

  I was happy for my best friend, but at the same time, I was sad. I saw a hole in my life that might never be filled, and like before, the contrast was stark. I decided to give in and drink and party. Omar’s brothers were my age and cute, and I found it easy to revert to my old partying ways.

  I danced with abandon and drank way too much. Before I knew it, I realized I might be a bit too drunk. Amir had been watching and studying me like a hawk all night, but I was loosey-goosey and I didn’t care. I was beginning to have a difficult time standing or walking, and it was also really late. The crowd thinned and Omar’s brother Yasser was getting bolder and bolder, touching and holding me as we danced. He felt me up with a big hand on me, and I let him.

  The music abruptly changed from fast and loud to softer and slow. Within that same moment I heard, “Yasser, I’m dancing with Julie now. Leave us.”

  This momentarily sobered me and I watched as Yasser obeyed without a word and left the dance floor. I was still in shock as Amir expertly gathered me to his chest and began to lead me in a seductive slow dance. His strength radiated into me and he supported me entirely. He was an expert dancer, and as he led me, we spun in perfect timing, swaying hypnotically together. He said nothing, but I felt as if an avalanche of confessions spilled between us.

  My body melted into him. I tried to fight this magnetic pull, but was powerless and a weak mortal against his god-like stature. I finally gave in entirely. When I did, he held me closer and his hand traveled to my lower back—his long fingers trailing seductively over the top of my bottom. I leaned my cheek against his collarbone and gave to him fully, soaking in his spicy scent and testosterone-driven strength. I slid my feet even closer to his, and I molded my body along his front. His hand on my back tightened as he pushed his groin into me.

  His hard length pressed against me, and my pussy flooded with wetness. He was large, strong, and hard. His insistence to hold me tightly was just another layer of narcotic bliss, and I couldn’t help but wonder what he would feel like inside me. My head whirled as the alcohol swam thickly in my blood and these new Amir-induced endorphins continued to flow.

  He whispered in my ear, “You will return with me to my penthouse.”

  It wasn’t a question. My knees turned to liquid rubber and my stomach lurched. “Um—sure—Amir, sorry—I think I’m a bit too drunk.”

  His hearty chuckle rumbled up through his interior and radiated into me. “Yes, Just Julie, you are much too inebriated to be left alone tonight. I will make sure you are safe.”

  We danced some more and I continued to feel as if Amir and I had known each other all our lives. I was soaking in him, wallowing in some intangible aura of masculine need. I felt like a princess or Cinderella with the intoxicating feeling of being the only woman in Amir’s sights.

  We left the dance floor and headed towards Anna and Omar’s table. “Hey girlfriend, I really need to crash. Could you take me home?”

  “Your room is only one floor up, Jules. Do you need help with the buttons on the elevator?”

  “Verra funneh,” I tried to say, but my tongue was thick and uncooperative.

  Amir said something to Omar, who nodded in turn and then Amir took my hand, “I will make sure you are safe. Come with me, beautiful.”

  I looked at Omar, “Can I trust him?”

  Omar chuckled, “Yes, Julie.” Then he joked and Annacastically told Amir, “It’s her I would be careful around.”

  Amir and Omar had a good laugh. I gave Anna my best pleading expression, hoping she might save me from myself—but also secretly hoping she wouldn’t. “Anna, I’m pretty drunk.”

  “Yes, you are. Do you need me to protect you from yourself? You do realize you just agreed to go back to Amir’s place?”

  I awkwardly waved my hand in the air, “Oh him? I’m not worried about him. He’s about to have the best night of his life.”

  Anna looked at Amir, “She’s gonna get sick pretty soon and then pass out. Don’t get your hopes up.”

  “Never fear, Your Highness, I will not take advantage of her in this state. At least not tonight.”

  I poked Amir’s chest, “No, sir! You will take all kindthes vantage of–oh no.” I gulped down a burp and for a second I thought I might hurl.

  I heard Anna, “Yup—she’s gonna be sick soon.”

  Amir swept me up into his arms as if I weighed nothing. “Close your eyes, beautiful. I will take care of you.”

  That was the last thing I remembered before I passed out.


  When I woke up, I had no idea where I was. I was alone in a huge bed and the silkiest sheets I’d ever felt were caressing my body. My naked body. Oh shit! Did I sleep with Amir and not even remember it? Dammit anyway! I promised myself I wouldn’t do that.

  The room was dimly lit, but the windows ar
e blacked out or blocked or I’m underground. I have no idea what time of the night it was. There was one small lamp on in in the corner at a desk. I stumbled towards the door near the desk, hoping it was a bathroom. It was, and I groggily found the toilet and groaned as I peed what feels like gallons.

  I sat there on the toilet with my head in my hands and my eyes closed. I hadn’t really noticed much around me, apart from I knew I was not in the room assigned to me at the island resort. I finally cracked open my lids and took in the immense bathroom. It was as big as the entire first floor of our little apartment at college—kitchen and living room combined—and this was just the bathroom.

  It was done in stunning black granite. There were ribbons of brilliant blue that traveled throughout the polished black rock that was everywhere. The shower, the floor, the double sink area was also this mesmerizing black and sapphire blue stone that shimmered and was as soft as skin to the touch. The sinks were art deco and sat on top of the counters with copper faucets that looked like they were handcrafted by master artisans.

  The walls were mirrors—every flat perpendicular surface was a mirror—and even in the dim light from the lamp just outside the door I left open, I could see multiple representations of me and my naked body. I washed my hands and smoothed my unruly hair. I dabbed at my makeup-smudged eyes with a tissue and eventually made myself a tad more presentable. I scanned the room for a towel, or robe or something, and found nothing.

  My head was pounding and I knew I needed water. I went back out to the bedroom, looking for a bottle of water. I stalled as I fully took in the room. And I thought the bathroom was large. Oh my God! The room was enormous, massive, cavernous. Even the king-sized bed set in the middle seemed small in comparison to the room within it sat. I gaped as I took in the polished black wood everywhere and the partitioned windows that appeared to have inset wood panels. I wondered where the switch was that would lower them.

  Then my head reminded me I was hung over and I needed water. Considerately, I found a sealed bottle of drinking water on the nightstand, and I immediately took three big sips as I scanned the wall for evidence of a button I could push to lower the window panels.


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