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In the Beginning (Archangel Jarahmael and the War to Conquer Heaven, Book I)

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by John J Higgins

  Jarahmael noted to himself that Luciferael had not yet arrived, for it was upon his arrival that one knew the Almighty would be there momentarily. Jarahmael's brother Archangels were now in position and formed a circle around the Throne. Next to Jarahmael, were Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael, Raziel, and Ariel and on the other side of the circle were Beelzebael, Damiel, Mammonael, Mephistophael, Suriel, and Sammuael. The center seat on the other side was for Luciferael, the seat where now all the attention of the grand Throne Room was focused.

  At precisely dawn, voices of the Angels tucked away along the walls who formed the Heavenly Choir rang out from the periphery of the Throne Room. Their voices were joined by all the other Angels and all arose in unison, voices accompanied by musical harps held by various Angels in the Choir. And out of the east, Luciferael was flying slowly, gracefully flapping his long Angel wings, the most beautiful of any creature yet created. Light violet shining eyes looked down upon the Throne Room, long flowing blond hair billowing behind his wings as he slowly and majestically descended through the skylight towards the Throne area. A brilliant white tunic covered the front of his body, and his face was chiseled and strong, with thin white lips and a strong noble nose. He was at the limits of beauty, and if he were any more beautiful his appearance would become hard and perhaps even cruel. Luciferael had all of the attention of the room locked onto him and he basked in the attention of the amassed Angels, absorbing and feeling their energy. With a flap of his wings and a quick turn around to acknowledge all of the Angels sitting in the Throne Room, Luciferael seated himself and then looked upwards towards the arrival of the Almighty, worship in his eyes.

  Soon the sky above the Throne Room reflected light back at the center, as the Thrones and Seraphim were descending. And the Almighty was not far behind. The Almighty's presence in the Throne room was always magnificent: bliss would flow from the center of his Being into each and every one of the assembled Angels, equal in warmth and love whether the Angel was a Guardian Angel, Archangel or Seraphim. Distance from the Throne meant nothing, and each and every Angel felt directly connected with the Almighty. As the Angels opened their thoughts to the Almighty, He once again filled them with love.

  Jarahmael was content; there was never anything lacking in Heaven, as everything required for existence came directly through the Almighty's love. Angels had no need for food or drink. They were creatures of pure energy. The energy that was the love of the Almighty always overflowed within them when they were in His presence. And that sensation always made the morning ceremonies more glorious.

  The walls of the Throne Room vibrated in varying colors when the Almighty was in attendance, pulsating while the Angels absorbed and reflected His love for them. All the Angels would join the Choir and sing out praises as they felt the increased energy. Jarahmael could feel himself fill with more love than he thought he could contain. He often wondered if he would someday burst from this loving energy. For this was the reason for the Angels existence, to be filled by the Almighty and to worship Him in return. And with all this love there no discord among the Angels.

  The Almighty had the Archangels remain with Him in the Throne Room after the conclusion of the morning ceremony and the other ranks of Angels flew out of the Seventh Heaven to attend to their daily tasks. Jarahmael could feel excitement among the Archangels as they waited to hear why the Almighty wanted to speak directly to them all together.

  The Almighty enveloped them in His energy and said: "Good morning Archangels. How are the Heavens progressing?"

  Jarahmael smiled as he watched Luciferael act as their leader. He spoke for all of them, beaming with happiness and pride. "Wonderfully, my Lord. We have been very busy and accomplished much. Each of us has created a mansion for ourselves out of the materials in our Heavens. I went from Heaven to Heaven and assisted the Angels in each of the lesser Orders create their own mansions in their respective Heavens as well. The Book of Creation was miraculous, and we quickly made homes for each of the thousands of Angels throughout the Heavens."

  All the Archangels looked around among one another, feeling Luciferael's pride in their accomplishments and nodded in agreement.

  "You were able to help each of the lesser Orders of Angels then?" asked the Almighty.

  "Yes, not all of them wanted the same type of mansion that I and the other Archangels preferred. The Potentates especially are a different lot, floating orbs that they are!" Luciferael said with a smile.

  "They have their own purpose Luciferael, as do all of My Beings of Light in whatever form they were created," said the Almighty affectionately.

  "As you say my Lord, they want everything in circles. I don't think there is a rectangular edge anywhere in the Second Heaven where they reside," Luciferael said while drawing circles with his hands in the air before the Almighty.

  "That is fine. I want all of My creations to be happy and content. I will have to visit all the Heavens one day soon and see all of your handiwork. I have been busy continuing to create broad systems of stars and planets. They are known as the Universes," added the Almighty.

  "That sounds wonderful!" responded Luciferael, his eyes exuding a look of intense interest. And Luciferael then asked the question that was on Jarahmael's mind. "May we see, my Lord?"

  "Yes, of course my dear Luciferael. You and your Beings of Light will be in charge of all of it. In particular, I have an interest in one planet I've created. It's a blue planet, third out from the star I call the Sun." The Almighty showed Luciferael and the others a glimpse of it all in a smaller scale.

  The Almighty added: "It is on this planet that I want to create forms of life similar to you and the rest of the Angels. I do not want to use fast Light energy there, but I want to use energy waves that have been slowed down to a crawl. The planet itself has solid matter, liquids and gases. Your light waves can pass right through it, so you and the other Angels will have to slow down your own energy so you can modify and create within it."

  "That sounds very interesting! When can we go see it?" Luciferael said. Jarahmael and the rest were excited at the prospect of being able to create something in a whole new environment.

  "Today in fact, Luciferael. This is a special day, My Archangels," the Almighty said. "You shall become My co-creators of life. I want all of you to go to the surface of the planet and create new life forms. I want all forms of life, from the simple to the complex. The Book of Creation will enable you to take these slowed-down substances and combine it in ways that put life into whatever you come up with."

  The Almighty then reached into the Throne and removed the Book. "Here Luciferael, take the Book of Creation. Open it to the middle."

  Luciferael approached the Throne and took the Book from the Almighty.

  As he opened the Book the Almighty said. "There you will find the Words that can be used to create life on the planets. Be creative!"

  Looking up from the Book and around at the other Archangels, Luciferael responded, "We would be delighted to do so my Lord. And I know that we are all deeply honored." As he finished speaking, Jarahmael and the other Archangels bowed before the Almighty.

  "Excellent," responded the Almighty "I look forward to seeing what life you create!"

  Luciferael nodded his head towards the main entrance way for the Throne Room, indicating that the Archangels should take their leave of the Almighty. But before they were able to turn around and leave, Jarahmael felt something different come off of Luciferael's energy. He had grown deeply silent, not the usual energy that he radiated off his Being. Jarahmael noticed that Luciferael had stopped in his tracks and was turning around to face the Almighty again. Luciferael's face had lost some its brilliance, had turned dark and looked concerned. Jarahmael could hear his anxiousness when he spoke. "My Lord, do we not please You?"

  "Why do you say that?" asked the Almighty.

  "Why do You want to create life other than us? Are we not good enough, my Lord?" Luciferael said in a low tone.

  The Almighty
responded by engulfing all of the Archangels in a burst of love and used a soothing voice. "Of course you are, and you, Luciferael, are the finest of My creations. You well please Me, as do your brethren. These beings you create will be lesser forms of life, Luciferael. This is a wonderful and fulfilling opportunity. You and the other Angels can assist Me in forming these new life forms. We can watch them develop into different types. There will never be anything more beautiful or loved by Me than you and your kind. I created you first of all remember, and you have My direct essence within you. No matter what happens you will always exist as I do now, you can neither be destroyed nor harmed by any other creation. You shall be with Me forever. Now go forth and look upon what I have made. Enjoy the process and experience the Creation for yourselves."

  The Archangels brightened as this additional wave of love passed through them and the Almighty continued. "The Book of Creation will guide you and assist whatever you and the others imagine. Command it to open, and the Words you must utter to create these life forms will appear. Use those Words and some of the substance I have made on the planet, be it water, clay, or air, mix those things together and with your hands, form whatever shape you choose. Archangels, make as many as you like. When you are ready to have them come to life, breathe into each one of them and command them with the Words from the Book, and you will be able to see the products of your efforts."

  Jarahmael noticed that Luciferael's color brightened and he stood taller, the look of doubt receding from his face. He was once again filled with the pride, reminded that he was the First of all creations. The Archangels all knew that Luciferael was the most special to the Almighty! They arranged themselves in a triangular pattern, with Luciferael at their head as they prepared to fly off through the lesser Heavens. They then took off in flight leaving the Almighty, the Seraphim and Thrones behind in the Seventh Heaven.

  The flight down was glorious. Jarahmael was excited that they had the honor of creating life itself. As they descended, they passed by each of the lower Heavens and looked at the lesser Orders of Angels who were busy filling in and continuing to build within each of their own Heavens. This was the first time they were assembled as the full Order of the Archangels with a mission from the Almighty to work in the expanding Universe.

  As they passed through the lowest of the Heavens they broke through into the skies of the blue green planet below. A much different place from the Heavens, Jarahmael noted to himself. Each of the Seven Heavens was based upon unimpeded energy and waves of light, while the planet below was comprised of energy waves slowed down to form atoms and molecules that would collect into gases, liquids and solid masses.

  Descending into the planet's sky, the Archangels gazed upon bodies of water, separated by what the Almighty had called clay. The group arrived at a place on the planet where the sun had not yet risen, the world was still turning, moving towards the light of the sun. In the still darkness before the sunrise, it was hard to see much of the water, however as soon as the sun rose, so too did the reflections off the water.

  Jarahmael suggested that they look the planet over before they decided on what to create there, as they had all of eternity and a lot of space on Earth they could fill. Together, they took flight once again and used the morning to travel all over the Earth and explore what was there. After flying over the planet they landed near a shore, where the ocean waves pounded upon a sandy beach. They noticed that the Almighty had already begun some of the creation of life forms on the Earth on His own, some strange creatures scuttling about on the sand. But now the Archangels were here, instructed to expand upon His endeavors.

  "This looks like a great spot," said Luciferael as he landed softly along the beach, waves pulsing behind him. "Come, let's see what we can fashion," he said while walking towards the waterline.

  Sammuael, Beelzebael, Mephistophael, Mammonael, Damiel and Suriel landed right behind Luciferael and walked closely behind him towards the water. Jarahmael, Michael, and the rest of the Archangels landed and followed a bit further behind.

  Luciferael started the process by taking the wet sand and forming a shape from it. Michael and the other Archangels did the same, each coming up with a creature all of their own.

  Luciferael had formed a creature with a long neck, head, four legs and a tail. He looked around and noticed that Michael had just formed a creature that looked a lot like the Archangels themselves.

  "Stop!" Luciferael commanded, pointing at Michael's creature. "Destroy that, we don't want any creature that looks like us, Michael. The Almighty commanded that we form all sorts of creatures and I am sure He did not intend for us to make lesser forms of Angels. Besides, we are special in the Almighty's eyes and there is no need for more of us."

  "As you wish, my lord," Michael said as he elongated the body of the creature in his hands, made the face into a beak, and kept the wings, forming a creature made of clay that could fly.

  Taking the Book of Creation Luciferael walked up to each of the creatures, breathed into them, and called out, "Tribuo Vita!" And each of the creatures sprang to life.

  Luciferael rolled long tubes of clay, placed a head on each but kept them free of other appendages and used his eyes to refocus some his light energy to provide colors to these models. He then used the Book to animate them, and he called them Serpents. They delighted him with their own simple beauty.

  Growing bolder, the Luciferael starting making larger and larger creatures, some so large the Archangels had to fly up to be at head level with them.

  Luciferael, Sammuael, Mephistophael, and Beelzebael were delighted with the size of the creatures they had formed.

  "We should create a name for these creatures too, my lord," Mephistophael said to Luciferael as he formed a large one with sharp teeth, ferocious in its appearance.

  "Yes, we should," responded Luciferael as he paused to think for a minute. "I have it! We shall call these large creatures dinosaurs. We shall take special care of them," Luciferael said to the close circle of Angels around him that now also included Damiel and Suriel.

  "Look at the smaller ones that Michael's group has created." They laughed among themselves when they looked at the one creature that Ariel had created with a large shell that could hide the head and limbs of the creature.

  "Look at that other one that has long legs that jumps" said Beelzebael pointing out Gabriel's creature.

  Laughing Luciferael said "It's a good thing we are here. We have created magnificent creatures! They will rule the planet!"

  They spent the rest of the day forming all sorts of creatures, keeping at it until the sun was beginning to set off on the horizon. Their creatures were roaming freely, still dazed from having been given life that day. The Archangels collected themselves, and forming a large group, took off together in formation. They all were proud of what they had accomplished, glancing back occasionally as they rose into the Heavens at the creatures they had made.

  Upon awakening the following morning, the Angels were excited at the prospect of checking on the new creations that they had assisted in making. Arriving in the morning at the Throne Room for the morning ceremony, they could not wait to go see their creations. Once the lesser Orders of Angels had left after the ceremony, the Almighty again addressed them.

  The Almighty stood above them as He spoke. "I hear from Luciferael that you have done well and followed My instructions. Now let's all go see what you have created."

  They assembled and followed behind the Almighty. He was escorted by His Seraphim and Throne Angels down to the planet below. After they all arrived on the planet, the Almighty halted and turned to Luciferael. "I can feel that this planet has a special attraction for you. I notice you and the other Angels are excited about your work here. Do you like this planet?"

  Luciferael thought for a moment "Yes, my Lord. This is a very interesting place. It is not as beautiful as our homes in the Heavens, but it is still beautiful in another way."

  "Would you like to name the planet?" asked
the Almighty.

  Jarahmael noted to himself that this was an honor for Luciferael. Luciferael expanded his chest proudly and muttered a sound. "Earth, I would like to name it Lord: it has a nice sound to it."

  The Almighty responded: "Yes, Earth does have a nice sound to it. From this time forward, this planet shall be known as Earth. Now let's see what you and your brethren have done here on Earth."

  As they approached the ocean, all of the Angels were astonished at what they saw. All over the shore were thousands of these creatures they had made. Some were gigantic, hundreds of feet tall, others were tiny having had been tiny scraps of earth that had fallen off as the creatures had been formed. As the Angels approached, all of the creatures turned towards the Almighty and the Angels. The new creatures looked upon the Almighty and the Angels with alert curiosity, happy to be alive.

  The Almighty praised Luciferael and his fellow Angels for their wonderful creations and told them, "You have worked tirelessly to form and create and to give life. As a reward, Luciferael and your fellow Angels shall be in charge of these creatures. Now bring all of these creatures forth!"

  As the new creatures of the newly-named planet Earth paraded before the Almighty, Luciferael and the other Angels reviewed what they had made. And the Almighty declared that it was good.

  Chapter 4


  Luciferael, the Angels, and the Almighty continued their work creating more stars and planets as they expanded into the Universe. Work on life forms on the Earth also continued. Plants and trees were developed to provide beauty as well as a means to process the by-products of life. In this way, the Earth would be able to sustain and provide everything needed for life to flourish.

  As the work progressed, the Almighty had the Archangels record and chart the attributes of each of these new creatures. This way the Angels and the Almighty would be able to track the development of life forms upon the Earth and compile a history of the Creation to be kept in Heaven.


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