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In the Beginning (Archangel Jarahmael and the War to Conquer Heaven, Book I)

Page 5

by John J Higgins

  The other Archangels nodded in understanding.

  "We will use the Book of Creation here as well to assist our efforts." Luciferael said as he turned back to the Throne and lifted off the top cover, and reached down within it. He then withdrew the Book and added, "Here are the means and the Words needed to create and accomplish our tasks." Luciferael opened the Book and read from it and said "In creating the stars and the planets, the Words we shall use for creating stars shall be 'Solarisgenesis' and the Words that we shall use for creating a planet shall be 'Planetusgenesis.'"

  Luciferael moved slightly so he could face Archangel Michael who stood across from him, noticing that the silver tipped Archangel's attention was firmly focused on what he was saying.

  "Michael, I want you to go to the North and start creating there."

  Glancing quickly at the Archangels standing to the right of Michael, Luciferael pointed to them and stated, "Uriel, Raphael, and Suriel, join and assist him." All four Archangels acknowledged the command in unison by making a slight bow and lowered their eyes briefly in submission.

  Luciferael then turned to Gabriel, a beautiful figure with his green tipped wings: "Gabriel, you take the East," and then pointed to the two Archangels standing near Gabriel and said, "Mammonael and Raziel will accompany you." They nodded in Luciferael's direction and all proceeded to bow before him.

  Luciferael looked over at the remainder of the Archangels and assigned them to the other quadrants in the known Universe. "Beelzebael, Sammuael, Damiel, and Ariel, you take the West. Jarahmael will accompany me, along with Mephistophael, and we will head to the South. We shall all return here at the end of the day and discuss our progress. See how far we are able to expand the Universe on behalf of the Almighty!"

  Luciferael then addressed the group of Archangels again as a whole. "But before any of you go, you will need a portion of the Book of Creation to assist you." Luciferael carefully took the Book, opened a section, and then called out "Effingo" three times. Each time he called the Word out a number of pages flew out of the Book as a small packet. He held out the three booklets and motioned for each of the leaders of the small groups of Archangels to come forward.

  "Here are copies of the pages with the Words you will need to bring along with you to create. Remember that the copies will only last until sundown so use their powers wisely! Take them with you to create the stars and planets in your parts of the Universe."

  Luciferael kept the Book of Creation for his use and tucked it into his tunic. He further announced to the Orders of Archangels that they should contact him if they had problems with their assignments. He shifted the Book of Creation once again, adjusting it so he could fly easily. He then carefully placed the top cover back on the Throne.

  Luciferael, now finished with his formal instructions, stepped down off the Throne, while the Archangels finished preparing themselves in the groups Luciferael had designated. Once everyone was organized, they flew down through the Heavens.

  The Order of the Archangels emerged from the First Heaven with Luciferael leading the group. Rather than continuing to fly down to the Earth below, they flew off to the side and upward into the regions of outer space that opened up into the rest of the Universe. As he flew into the darkness of space, Luciferael called out "Prodeo Luminarium Fluo!" and a glowing sphere of red appeared situated off in the distance between the First Heaven and outer space. He motioned for the rest of the Archangels to come closer as he began to explain.

  "The Almighty created a network of energy streams that we can use to travel quickly throughout the stellar Universe that is tied to the Earth. This glowing area here is the hub for entering into the system. It's called the cosmic light energy stream. Angels can travel anywhere in the Universe through it, and it suspends the passage of time in this Universe."

  Michael interrupted. "Does that mean it will feel like we have traveled instantaneously?"

  "Yes and no, Michael. No time will have passed between when you get in and get out of the stream. But you will still experience a passage of time while in the stream although it will be condensed. That way you can observe where you are in the Universe while you are traveling and then know where you want to get off."

  "How do we use it?" asked Sammuael.

  "To enter the system you just need to use your wings and fly into it. The same is true for leaving it, you just have to forcefully fly out of it."

  "How do we know which stream to take?" asked Gabriel.

  "All you have to do is say your destination and it will take you there. For example, Gabriel all you need to do once you get within the stream is to say, 'take me East to the end of the Universe,' and that's where it will take you. Anyone or thing that is touching your body will travel along with you, so in other words as long as Suriel, Mammonael and Raziel are touching you when you say the command, they will travel along with you. Otherwise they will have to say their own command, this would allow them also to choose their own destination if they so desired.

  "Any questions?" Luciferael asked while looking at each of the Archangels faces.

  "How do we find the stream when we want to leave after we are done at the edge of the Universe?" asked Ariel.

  "All you have to do is call out 'Prodeo Luminarium Fluo!' as I just did and the stream will appear close to you, and it will glow in bright red. Just as it did here. Any more questions?"

  Looking around, he saw that the Archangels were all ready to go.

  "All right then, everyone fly into the stream!"

  They all followed Luciferael as he flew into the red sphere.

  Once inside, Luciferael grouped them together as he had assigned them in Heaven. He watched as Gabriel, Suriel, Mammonael and Raziel all touched wings and then disappeared in a blur when Gabriel called out "East, end of the Universe!"

  Michael, Uriel, Raphael, and Suriel stepped forward, wings touching, and disappeared when Michael called out, "North, end of the Universe." And right after that, Beelzebael, Sammuael, Damiel, and Ariel stepped forward and disappeared when Beelzebael called out, "West, end of the Universe."

  With the rest of the Archangels safely on their way, Luciferael then led Jarahmael and Mephistophael into the stream and they headed towards the southernmost end of the Universe.

  As they raced through the Universe carried by the stream, they passed by numerous stars and galaxies that had been previously created by the Almighty. Various waves of light emanated from the stars, some in visible light colors and others in light ranges that were only detectable by the Archangels themselves, but blurred in detail by the speed at which the Archangels were traveling. When Luciferael's small group finally reached the edge of the Universe, they broke out of the cosmic light energy stream with a forceful thrust to the side using their wings. Now hovering, they prepared to create more stars and planets.

  Rolling over slightly as he floated, and still energized by traveling so far and so fast in the pure energy stream, Luciferael smiled and exclaimed, "Is this not wonderful?"

  Not waiting for an answer, Luciferael then spun around and realized that the stars nearby at the edge of the Universe were very new so he opened up his wings and arms to absorb even more energy that was radiating off them.

  Mephistophael exclaimed, "Yes, my lord! The energy that is coming off those newly created stars is fantastic."

  Jarahmael looked uneasy as he floated in the radiation, unsure as to what to do next. Luciferael beamed because he personally loved to create large objects such as dinosaurs and stars, and was always delighted to instruct his fellow Archangels in a new skill. He felt proud that he had the honor of observing the Almighty and the methods He used to create the stars and planets on prior occasions.

  Jarahmael then spoke up and asked Luciferael, "How does the Almighty create these things? Does He use the Book of Creation to do so or is He able to do it on His own?"

  Luciferael quickly shot a glance over to Mephistophael to make sure that he stayed quiet and then answered.

p; "Oh yes, Jarahmael," Luciferael lied and continued, "the Almighty, too, has to use the Book of Creation to make such things." He puffed himself up ever so slightly. He knew that he did not want Jarahmael to think that the Almighty was stronger than himself. He would keep the mystique.

  "Now let's make some stars!" Luciferael said as he moved over to where Jarahmael was floating in space. "Here, point your hand where you want the star to appear, hold onto the Book and call out 'Solarisgenesis!'"

  Jarahmael did as he was told, pointed his hand at an open area of space and called out "Solarisgenesis!" Instantaneously, there was a flash of extremely bright light, and a new star was created. Its nuclear reaction began, radiating out energy and light. Another star had been formed and Jarahmael had done it! Turning to Luciferael, Jarahmael proudly stated, "I did it! How wonderful to be able to create stars just like the Almighty!"

  Luciferael then took back the Book, pointed his hand at various places around the star created by Jarahmael, and called out, "Planetusgenesis!" eight times, and with eight flashes of light, eight planets were instantaneously formed at various distances out from the star, all still remaining within the star's gravitational field. The planets did not engage in a nuclear reaction, so they did not radiate heat and light as the star had. Luciferael did however take the Creation one step further, and with a flick of his wrist he called out the word "Orbit!" and the newly created planets began to circle around the star.

  The three Archangels watched the planets as they spun around the star, all the while still enjoying the waves of radiation passing through them as they lingered there, feeling stronger as the radiation added to their own inherent energy. Luciferael then motioned to Mephistophael and Jarahmael to follow him as he moved closer to the surface of the star.

  "Have either of you seen the surface of one of the stars?" he asked, proud of himself for dodging Jarahmael's question about the powers of the Almighty. Luciferael no longer believed that the Almighty was more powerful than he was, and he was not going to admit any weakness to Jarahmael.

  Although Luciferael could be excellent at blocking his own thoughts, somewhere inside he did know that the Almighty was more powerful than him. Luciferael had watched the Almighty create stars and planets without using the Book of Creation. In fact, it appeared to Luciferael that the Almighty already knew all of the Words in the Book, and could invent new Words or things as He wanted. But Luciferael had convinced himself that none of that mattered, with this Book he was the Almighty's equal in all respects.

  Luciferael focused again and made eye contact with both Jarahmael and Mephistophael, stretched out his wings and nodded to indicate that he wanted the two of them to follow him. With a couple of strongly flexed strokes of his wings, Luciferael headed directly down to the surface of the star. Then with a splash of flames Luciferael was engulfed in the hot churning gases of the upper atmosphere.

  Mephistophael entered the atmosphere of the star, not far behind Luciferael and watched as Luciferael flew into the surface, but did not go into the surface himself.

  Jarahmael was last and before he could hit the upper atmosphere, he was intercepted by a solar flare that came out of Luciferael's wake and pushed him back out from the star.

  Luciferael had flown back up and out of the churning mass of the surface and laughed as he watched Jarahmael get bounced out. Luciferael then turned himself around and aimed to fly through the atmosphere and then deep into the molten mass of the surface again. Entering the star's fire with another flash of a solar flare, he went deep into the star, gaining strength and energy as he went deeper and deeper, and this time heading towards the star's core.

  In the meantime, Jarahmael recovered himself and then flew back down into the star's atmosphere and caught up with Mephistophael. They looked at one another, and then watched the ripple on the surface where Luciferael had penetrated dissipate. Both of them moved slowly and became concerned when they did not see Luciferael reappear out of the surface, uncertain they should follow.

  "You think Luciferael is all right?" Jarahmael called out to Mephistophael.

  "Don't know!" responded Mephistophael. "But we are creatures of light and energy, aren't we?"

  "True!" Jarahmael called back.

  "Let's take the plunge and see," responded Mephistophael, as he aimed himself and dove down into the surface.

  Jarahmael was now above the surface of the star all alone. The star he had just created. He muttered to himself, "I don't want to be here all alone. I might as well go in." With a slight turn and fast spurt of his own energy, Jarahmael shot himself down through the last of the atmosphere and headed deep within the star.

  Luciferael had descended through the star's molten mass but turned backwards and lay immersed within the churning energy, so he could watch for the other two Archangels. He saw Mephistophael approach first after he had penetrated the surface and then a few moments later Jarahmael appeared in the star's molten mass. The three of them then headed deeper. The deeper they went the greater the amount of energy they received and were able to store within themselves, at least temporarily.

  "This is wonderful!" Mephistophael called out.

  Luciferael replied, "Yes, it is! We need to do this more often!"

  The three of them continued to pierce through the fires and radiation, and Jarahmael finally felt more comfortable, actually intoxicated from all the increased power strengthening his own light energy. Each of the Archangels became giddy, laughing among themselves and having a great time.

  After a while, they popped back out of the star and continued to move further out in the Universe. They spent the rest of the day feeling extraordinarily wonderful as they created thousands of new stars and planets. When it was starting to get late, Luciferael finally raised his hand and stopped them from creating more.

  "Now here comes the really amazing part." Luciferael said while motioning the other two to follow him, Luciferael flew a relatively large distance into the void in front of the stars they had just created that day. He took out the Book of Creation in one hand and with the other hand began a swirling motion around the stars. As he did so, he called out "Roto!" And the three of the Archangels watched as a wave of energy surged through the vast distances in space and the stars themselves began to circle, with their planets in tow, forming a swirling spiral shape, a galaxy unto itself. Then he took his hand and pointed at some of the other stars on the fringe and sculpted the entire array of stars into recognizable shapes and figures.

  "What are you calling each of the shapes and designs?" asked Jarahmael.

  "I hadn't thought about naming each one of them," replied Luciferael. "I know that the Almighty calls these star systems constellations. By making them distinctive shapes, it makes it easier for us to find our way when we travel in the energy stream through the Universe," Luciferael said with a smile.

  "That is amazing!" said Jarahmael.

  "Yes!" said Mephistophael. "We need to do more of this."

  "Agreed," said Luciferael. "The scale out here is so huge. It makes what happens on the Earth insignificant, don't you think?"

  "Yes, definitely!" agreed Mephistophael.

  "It's all truly amazing," Jarahmael repeated, thinking about how great the whole Creation was, in both its detail and huge size.

  Luciferael nodded in agreement and smiled, then said, "Let's return back to the Heavens and see how the other Archangels made out today."

  The three of them headed back the way they had come, jumping back into the cosmic energy stream, which appeared exactly as Luciferael had described earlier. Once he called out, "Prodeo Luminarium Fluo!" the red glowing tunnel reappeared, stretching back into the area of space where they had come from earlier. Once it appeared they flew right into it.

  As they flew, traveling at terrific speeds through the cosmic light energy stream, Jarahmael turned and asked, "Why do we continue to create more stars and planets, Luciferael?"

  "Everything we create is part of a much larger plan. The Almi
ghty keeps most of those plans to Himself although He often shares them with me."

  Jarahmael continued, "But Heaven is quite beautiful. What more could one want?"

  Luciferael addressed Jarahmael's question, the stars racing by as blurs against the blackness of the void of space. "The Heavens were only intended to be a part of the greater Creation. But the Heavens are the highest level. And as the First Beings, we are designed to co-create with the Almighty. For now that is all you need to know, my dear Jarahmael."

  Luciferael watched Jarahmael as he looked at him, and could feel Jarahmael's love for him radiate to him. Luciferael had a special love for all the Angels, especially for Jarahmael and the rest of the Archangels. Remembering his experience of breathing life into each of them, Luciferael would always have a special attachment to them.

  Luciferael then asked Jarahmael, "Have you been making more of those portable reflecting pools you call mirrors Jarahmael?"

  "Yes, my lord, I have been."

  "I am delighted with the ones you made for me," Luciferael said, pulling the small one out of his tunic and taking the opportunity to briefly admire his reflection. He remained distracted as they continued to travel in the cosmic energy stream until Luciferael looked up and recognized familiar territory.

  Addressing his two companions, Luciferael said, "We need to leave the cosmic stream here." Then he forced himself though the stream's sidewall with a forceful stroke of his wings, and the other two Archangels followed his lead.

  The three of them burst out and hovered together a short distance outside the space over the Earth, and not far from the entrance to the First Heaven.

  Luciferael stretched out his mirror so he could fully see himself. "Look at how much better I look after absorbing all of that energy. Here you two, come look at yourselves."


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