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In the Beginning (Archangel Jarahmael and the War to Conquer Heaven, Book I)

Page 19

by John J Higgins

  "We are two brethren Archangels of your creator, Luciferael. He has sent us here to get some information," Sammuael responded.

  "Do you know the Human woman named Lillith?" Beelzebael inquired, turning to look closely into Serpentalia's green glowing eyes. "Speak up creature!" he commanded.

  "Easy Beelzebael! Give him a minute to collect his thoughts," Sammuael said as he stepped forward and touched the serpent's head gently, turning his head so he could now look into the creature's eyes himself.

  "We have little time to waste, Sammuael. I don't want to be delayed because of this creature's inability to think or answer quickly," Beelzebael added impatiently.

  Sammuael slid his arm down along Serpentalia's neck in a comforting gesture. Now with his arm around Serpentalia, he said reassuringly, "There, there . . . just tell us whatever you know."

  Beelzebael stayed quiet in deference to Sammuael. Sammuael was the beloved of Luciferael, the rest of the Auxilium came after him in Luciferael's consideration and attention.

  Serpentalia was still a bit confused, and also cautious; he had never met or spoken to any of the Archangels other than Luciferael. He had however seen two other Archangels outside of Luciferael, and knew more existed because of it. He had seen them observing the Humans one day, but he did not know their purpose. These Archangels could be here to set a trap for him. These two could be lying that they were sent by Luciferael and were only here to get the information out of him for their own purposes. Or it could also be a test by Luciferael to see where the serpent's loyalties lie. But it could also be that they were telling the truth and Luciferael had sent them to gather the information from him.

  "How do I know that what you say is true? If you have come from Luciferael himself, why then is he not here?" asked Serpentalia after a moment had passed.

  Beelzebael grew even more impatient and reached over to just grab the serpent by his neck. Sammuael remained calm and grabbed Beelzebael's arm, preventing the Archangel from touching the serpent. Sammuael then said soothingly to Beelzebael, "Let me handle this. Wait for me by the entrance of the cave."

  Beelzebael looked at the two of them and walked off in disgust.

  Sammuael continued. "Now, now, Serpentalia is your name, right?"


  "And Luciferael has created you?"


  "And we knew exactly where to find you?"


  "Well then, think about this. You should trust us. First, because we know who you are by name. Second, we know where you live. And third, we know exactly who created you. If we hadn't been sent by Luciferael himself, who else would have known any of this? Have you even set eyes on an Archangel other than your creator?"

  "Yes, I have, there were two Archangels that would observe the Humans on occasion."

  "Did they ever see you? Ever speak to you?"

  "No, they did not."

  "So you have had no interactions with them. They don't even know you exist, much less who created you, or where you live."

  Serpentalia paused for a moment and then relaxed his posture so he was not as rigid standing there, but he still remained blank in much of his demeanor.

  Sammuael continued, "Luciferael had other matters to attend to, so he sent us. I am Sammuael and my colleague is Beelzebael. You have each of our names now. So you need to trust me on this."

  Still not sure that he had connected properly with the serpent, Sammuael decided to take a different approach and focused his eyes on the creature's. Looking deep into Serpentalia's eyes he was able to place him in a trance.

  "All right Serpentalia, tell me, did you see Lillith recently?"


  "Where was she?"

  "She was at the pyramid in Eden and decided to go in there and use it for shelter. That was the last I saw of her for the evening. I haven't seen her since."

  "All right Serpentalia, tell me about seeing other Archangels like us in the past."

  "Yes. I saw two hiding in the trees, watching her and Adam. Both had dark brown hair. I couldn't see their eyes since they were flying away from me. One had white wings like yours but the upper tips were colored in silver, where yours are black and the other had wings tipped in deep blue."

  "Thank you for your help. Look deeper into my eyes. You will remember nothing of this. Not even that you met me or my colleague. Do you understand?"

  "I understand and obey."

  "Now as soon as our light departs the cave, return to where you had been previously in the cave, doing whatever it was before we sought you out."

  Finished with interviewing the serpent, Sammuael walked out to the entrance of the cave and nudged Beelzebael.

  "The creature saw her the other night go into the pyramid over yonder as she sought shelter. He says that was the last he saw of her. She must still be inside. Oh, by the way, the creature has also observed our brothers Michael and Jarahmael here in Eden, observing the Humans.

  Beelzebael responded, "Something has been afoot for a long time, I fear. This evidence confirms it. Why has this knowledge been kept from us?"

  "We will have to discuss this with Luciferael. Gain some guidance," Sammuael responded, adjusting his wings.

  "What about the creature Serpentalia?" asked Beelzebael.

  "Nothing to worry about, my friend. I took over his mind as Luciferael had done in the past. I erased all memory of what he had seen the other night and any trace of our appearance today."

  Now it was time to report back to Luciferael. The two Archangels took flight and headed back to the Seventh Heaven. They knew where Lillith was hiding; all they needed was Luciferael's permission to seize her.

  Chapter 31


  Sammuael and Beelzebael flew to Luciferael's palace in the Seventh Heaven. It was the end of the day by the time they returned. When Sammuael and Beelzebael landed in the palace, they found Luciferael in his main hall, talking to the other Archangels of his Auxilium. Neither Sammuael nor Beelzebael were sure how Luciferael would take the news. Although they had failed to find Lillith in the Garden of Eden, they did find Serpentalia, and he was able to provide important information.

  "My lord, we were unable to locate Lillith. But as you suggested, we spoke to your creature Serpentalia," said Sammuael as he approached the group.

  "He is a different kind of creature, my lord, and not particularly smart," added Beelzebael. "I quickly became frustrated dealing with him."

  "He did give us meaningful information about where she is though. Right now she is hiding in that pyramid structure located on the outskirts of Eden," Sammuael stated, while he shot Beelzebael a harsh glance.

  "That is good news, my friends!" Luciferael responded with a warm smile. "You have done very well. Clearly she hasn't revealed herself to the Angels today if Jarahmael has continued to search.

  "Should we go back first thing in the morning?" Sammuael asked.

  "No, I would not be able to explain your absence at the morning ceremony. You won't be able to search the pyramid when all the Cherubim and other Angels are working on it during the day. We don't want to raise any suspicions. Let me think about it."

  "We also want to mention that Serpentalia knew that Michael and Jarahmael had dealings with the Humans. We do not understand why the Almighty did not have you and some members of our Auxilium involved in dealing with the Humans. After all, you were the First Born of Heaven, and we are your closest advisers," said Beelzebael.

  Sammuael shifted his body and added, "This seems to be an affront to you, my lord. Michael must be trying to gain favor with the Almighty."

  Luciferael leaned forward in his chair and stated to all of the gathered Archangels of his Auxilium, "Michael does not think for himself, and if there is any affront to me it comes from the Almighty. Michael does not do anything without the Almighty's knowledge or permission. He believes that the role of the Archangel is to strictly follow the commands of the Almighty. He does not agree with the idea or even
realize that we, too, are creators and were designed to be so."

  Damiel, Mammonael, Mephistophael, and Suriel all listened to this conversation intently and nodded their heads in agreement with Luciferael's statements.

  Mephistophael chimed in and stated, "There are Angels in the other Orders who feel like you do, my lord. They feel that they should be able to create on their own as well."

  "They have heard the rumors about the multiple trips to Eden in the evening by the Almighty and how He lavishes attention upon them," added Damiel.

  "Morax and Gomory of the Order of the Cherubim Angels have been concerned about the use of Words on the walls in the pyramid being constructed in Eden. They feel that Words should be confined to the Book of Creation and stored safely, locked away in the Throne Room in the Seventh Heaven. Allowing mankind access to that power is dangerous, especially if they have free will. We Angels do not have ready access to all of that information. What if the Humans revolt and attack us?" Mammonael wondered aloud.

  "This is true, my lord. Belieal and Astoroth of the Order of the Virtues also have had concern. They feel the Angels are beginning to be treated as lesser beings. All this construction of pyramids in the Garden of Eden and on the planet Earth makes us appear to be subservient to these Human creatures. Belieal and Astoroth have followers among the Virtues, who believe this more and more. And as I have told you before, my lord, they are followers of mine who will also follow you," added Sammuael.

  "Berith and Vepar of the Dominions have especially felt slighted, because Michael and his six brethren have been giving them instructions in dealing with the pyramids and dinosaurs. They felt that those commands should have come as suggestions from the Virtues first, or by the Almighty Himself. This creating the Garden of Eden and remodeling the Earth to accommodate these Humans is improper to them. It appears to them too, that mankind is being placed higher than the Angels. It is our Orders of Angels after all who are building paradises for these creatures," added Beelzebael.

  "Not to mention that the supplemental powers of the Potentates are being used daily for the construction of these pyramids. There has also been some talk that there are two gigantic statues being constructed on Earth, near one of the pyramids there, one in the form of a male Cherubim and the other with the face of a female, according to Malphus and Bitru of the Principalities. They are concerned that next we will be building statues in the forms of the Humans so they feel at home. Salmac and Gaap also have concerns that there are even images of anyone involved," said Mephistophael. He then added with a slight chuckle, "Perhaps they are upset because as Potentate Angels they are but orbs of intelligent energy without a specific form, and no statue could ever be constructed honoring them." All the other Archangels laughed in response to that comment.

  Suriel moved forward, adjusting his garb. He was the most meticulous of the members of the Auxilium. Clearing his throat, he stated, "And the same holds true among the Guardian Angels. Aamon and Galaim lead a large faction of those Angels who feel that man has certainly been already raised above them. The Garden of Eden in the First Heaven is part of their home, none of the other Orders of Angels have had to share part of their Heaven with these creatures made of clay. Nor has the Almighty assigned an Order of Angels to attend to the needs of another Order. But when it comes to these Humans, the Almighty has made all of the Orders attend to the Humans on one level or another or build structures for them. The Order of the Guardian Angels would like to provide input and prior approval to whatever is being built in the First Heaven, their home. And now these pyramid structures are being built in their Heaven and then littered across the planet below. All for the benefit of these Humans, and even worse, the lesser Humans, the Simians. Indeed the Order of the Guardian Angels is very unhappy."

  Luciferael listened intently, taking it all in. He looked across the room and could see his reflection in Jarahmael's mirror and noted how powerful he looked sitting on his Throne in his palace.

  "What should be done?" interjected Beelzebael.

  "This needs to be corrected, and soon," added Sammuael.

  Luciferael was not one to waste an opportunity to gain favor among his brethren, and it now extended to the point of it being at the expense of the Almighty. He then asked, "What would you like to do about it? Do you wish me to speak at greater length with the Almighty the next time I am with Him?"

  Sammuael looked around in the eyes of the others, soliciting their approval for what he was about to say next. It was an idea that they had all thought about, for some it was a fleeting thought, for others it was becoming a major goal. At the moment though, it was the idea that caused an uncomfortable feeling throughout the room.

  "Perhaps, my lord, you need to be the one running the Heavens and the Earth. That's it, I have said it!" Sammuael's demeanor changed for a second as the boldness of his statement led to a quick look of fear and then just as quickly, the look of determination reappeared on his face.

  After he had said it aloud, Sammuael could see from their expressions that the other Angels present supported him and Luciferael. It was something that the others would have liked to have said themselves. But Sammuael knew that he was the one who had to lead the way.

  Sammuael continued, "The Almighty appears to have lost His way. He is blinded by these Humans, while the rest of the Universe falters on the brink of becoming petty and meaningless. All should not be sacrificed for these Humans."

  "What have they created? What have they done to better the Creation, the Universe, even the Earth?" interjected Mephistophael. "Nothing!"

  Beelzebael added, "We are to love and subjugate our intelligence to these creatures? We who have created life, planets, suns, stars and helped create entire galaxies and Universes?"

  Damiel added, "Neither the Humans nor the Simians can fly, they cannot change from one energy or form of being like we can. They are sparks of the divine trapped within a casing of simple mud. We are able to fly, travel as pure energy, and create things out of nothing. And, as our efforts in the successful destruction of the dinosaurs demonstrated, we ourselves are more than capable of destroying major portions of the creation if necessary."

  Luciferael nodded with approval.

  Sammuael repeated, "Luciferael should be the lord of the Earth, the Heavens and the Universe. The Almighty has already served His purpose. He may leave and go create something else if He so desires and take those Earth creatures with Him. Whether He stays or He lingers, it will not matter once Luciferael becomes the next Almighty!"

  "As we all just heard, most of the Heavens are unhappy and will support us if we revolt," added Mammonael. "Most Angels do not think for themselves. They will just follow our lead when the time comes to take over."

  Luciferael responded, "As you all know, I genuinely love the Almighty and I am flattered that you believe that I should become the Almighty Himself, master of the Universe. I appreciate the trust and loyalty you all show to me. But I must ask this of you. If these Humans fail the Almighty, and He destroys them, would that not be enough? Perhaps this has just been an experiment that has gone awry. I know that some of you believe that the destruction of the dinosaurs was an insult to me, but I do not consider it as such. The destruction of the dinosaurs gave us a great lesson on how better the Earth and the Universe can be when a mistake has to be corrected. The dinosaurs became more of a hindrance than a benefit. All they did was eat, attack one another, and die. They never appreciated their creation nor were they able to worship any of us or assist our own development in any way."

  All the other Angels were hanging on every one of Luciferael's words, shocked that Luciferael would deny himself the Throne of all the Universes.

  Luciferael continued, "I suggest that we allow the Almighty to complete the experiment with the Humans. Let's see if they can be obedient to Him and follow His commandments. If the Almighty is fair and just, He will deal with them if they fail in the same manner as He dealt with the dinosaurs. He will have us destroy them for al
l time, just a memory of a failed experiment. If, however, they succeed in becoming obedient, than maybe none of us will feel so threatened by them as they will be loyal, and not an eventual danger to ourselves and our way of being. Do you all agree?"

  Luciferael caught the eyes of each one of the six and each in turn slowly nodded their head in agreement.

  "That does it then! We shall see how the Almighty deals with the Humans. Whether He destroys them for disobedience or makes excuses for them! Now back to the question of finding Lillith. I still want Lillith found and brought to me. She is an unknown factor in all of this, and is of little use to the Almighty now that she has been replaced by the new Human woman, Eve. Beelzebael and Mephistophael, I want you to go retrieve her from the pyramid in Eden. I want you to go tonight so we are sure to get her before Jarahmael has the chance. We may get some insight into these Humans by holding her captive."

  "But my lord, I wanted to lead this capture," Sammuael stated, a bit disappointed for not being chosen.

  "Sammuael, I need you here. Stay here after the others go. I want to complete the plan to test these Humans. We will make sure that it is a real test of their 'free will.'"

  Chapter 32


  It was dark when Beelzebael and Mephistophael flew out of Luciferael's palace. The two Archangels dropped down through the Heavens to find their way to Eden. Mephistophael looked over at Beelzebael and thought to himself that Angels had never flown at night before. He could see Beelzebael had a slight grin on his face as the wind blew his blonde hair backward. At first he had a twinge of fear, but as he continued to fly he felt empowered. They were Beings of Light, created to conquer the ever present background of darkness in the Universe. Facing the blackness was quite freeing and the night's slightly cooler air created a new experience for them, a special alertness.

  "Exhilarating, isn't it!" Beelzebael yelled over to Mephistophael.


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