Before Destruction!
Page 17
As the doors parted, allowing Spock entry to the bridge, he
became immediately aware that his captain and Dr. McCoy were
listening intently to a subspace message over the bridge speakers.
Spock listened as well. Starfleet was announcing that the
Klingonese Emperor was on his way to Earth to join the United
Federation of Planets. While this process of peace was taking
place, all Starfleet vessels were ordered to maintain a low profile
and refrain from even giving the appearance of hostility towards
the Empire. It also mentioned the grave danger the Federation was
now in with regards to the Romulan Empire. Spock walked over to
his science station and recalibrated his instrument panel as he
While Sulu and Checkov listened, they exchanged glances of
surprise and disbelief. "This is getting weirder all the time,"
Sulu remarked to his partner at arms.
"That is the end of the message, Sir," Uhura stated.
Jim Kirk turned to Commander Spock. "Did you catch the
message, Spock?" he asked.
"I did, Captain. It would seem that we are not far from the
war Ayelborne spoke of."
That little word 'war' was very effective in getting the
attention of the bridge crew. It seemed to instantly dash all
hope of the peace they had just heard of into the abyss. Not
trusting the Klingons anyway, their hopes of peace with them had
not been extremely high in the first place.
"But the Klingons as allies? The Romulans entering the
picture? That's not what I understood him to mean. He mentioned
specifically 'police action'."
Spock pondered the meaning from every angle. "I can think of
no explanation, with the information we have currently obtained,
that would connect all elements of the puzzle. We must assume that
there are still several missing pieces."
"Well, sounds like we're doomed, ta me," McCoy said, only half
jokingly. "The Klingons are famous liars and the Romulans seldom
bluff. Maybe we should beam back down to Organia and go native."
"Spock," Kirk said, ignoring the Doctor's comment, "analyze
the Starfleet transmission. Maybe it was a counterfeit engineered
by the Klingon ship we are expecting."
"Doubtful, Captain, but I shall examine it," Spock responded.
"Captain?" Sulu asked. "May I ask about what you meant about
us 'expecting' Klingons?" The sentence did not sound quite right to
Sulu either.
"I'm not sure myself, Sulu. But yes, we have been informed
by the Organians that we should expect a Klingon warship soon,"
Jim stated. "It is presumed that this will not be a hostile
encounter. That's all we know."
Checkov turned to his friend, "Do not try to figure eet out,
or you'll go crazy... Like de time ve ver in orbit around Psi 2000
ven you tought you ver de vorld's greatest swordsman, and you had
to rescue Uhura."
"That wasn't my fault!" Sulu said, not too angrily. It had
been a sensitive point, but one that was, with time, gaining its
calluses. "Besides, Riley was the one who really went nuts on us."
"That's ancient history," Jim said to the two, "gentlemen," In
hopes that they did not bring to mind the fact that Kirk had lost
control of himself during the incident being discussed.
"Captain," Spock reported, "I have completed my analysis of
the Starfleet transmission. It is genuine."
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"That's what I was afraid of," he said. "Spock, it has been
quite a while since Ayelborne said the Klingon ship was coming. At
the time, he said it would only be a matter of minutes."
"That is what he indicated. I do not think that they would
either misinform us or make an error about the point. The logical
alternative is,"
"The logical alternative is that they are already here."
"Quite logical, Captain," Spock concurred.
Jim had to stop himself from signalling a call to general
quarters. The message they had just received forbade that unless
there was no other option. "Uhura, open a wide band, short range
channel and uncoded."
The use of subspace as a broadcast medium was still
impossible, but reception and local broadcast was undamaged.
"Channel open now sir," the pretty, dark woman said.
"Klingon vessel, this is Captain James T. Kirk of the Starship
Enterprise. We know you are out there. Show yourself and we may
be able to help each other," spoke Kirk.
There was no response. The stars in front of them revealed
nothing but the vacuous blackness between them. "Klingon vessel,"
Jim continued, "we have been down to the surface of Organia. We
now know that you are an innocent party concerning the destruction
of Outpost Delta Gamma 13 and that our suspicion of your invading
our space is untrue. We also have information involving the ship
that did invade Klingon space. If you are interested then show
yourself, or we will be on our way." Jim said, hoping to be able
to spur an exchange of information with them.
"Captain, look!" Uhura said, pointing at the viewer. The
Imperial Cruiser, Fury, became visible, not more than 1000 meters
in front of them. The Predator class cruiser looked, to Kirk, like
the deadly weapon that she was intended to be.
"Captain Kirk," the familiar voice coming from the Klingon
ship greeted Jim, "this is Command," he caught himself "This is
Captain Kang. It seems that the hand of providence would have us
meet again."
"It would seem," Jim agreed. "It would also seem that Starbase
16 was able to return you to your people safely." Jim referred to
the last time they had met: A time they had almost killed each
other, more than once, and perhaps for all eternity. When Kirk and
Kang had been forced to work together, to purge an enemy 'entity'
from the Enterprise, an entity that forced them to fight, then
healed their wounds that they might fight again and again. Kang's
ship had been destroyed, so in the end the Enterprise had ferried
the Klingon crew to Starbase 16, where they were processed and
returned home.
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"I am here with them," Kang stated. "Enough with the obvious,
Captain. You mentioned that you had information on the ship that
has entered Klingon space? I would hear this news you offer."
"Why don't we meet? Face to face. You could beam aboard and
perhaps enlighten us to the event as well. We too have some
questions that you may be able to provide answers to."
"Kirk, my one-time enemy, what makes you think that I would
enjoy being aboard your ship again?" he posed to the Starship
Captain. "I will give you the same offer. In addition, I will
guarantee that this ship is free from 'Hate Consuming Entities' and
that you will not be harmed in any way."
"You seem gracious today, Kang," Jim said, in partial jest.
"My First Officer and I will take you up on the offer. We'll be
there shortly. Kirk out." he announced. "Lieutenant Uhura..."
"Yes, Sir, channel closed." she sa
id in anticipation of his
"Lieutenant Uhura," Jim continued, "you have the Con."
"Me, Sir?" she questioned. "I mean, Aye, Sir!" she said,
rising from her station and removing her ear-peace. Her first duty
would be ordering her replacement for communications.
"Let's go, Spock. We have to stop a war that has yet to
begin," the Captain reminded the one person who never needed
reminding. Dr. McCoy decided that it was time he returned to
sickbay, and followed Spock and Jim to the turbo-lift.
Uhura set herself down in the seat of command. She placed an
arm on each rest and felt the comfort of the chair. "Oh boys?"
she said to Checkov and Sulu, as the lift doors closed. They both
slowly turned to her, wary of her tone of voice. "If you are going
to continue exchanging any more jokes... they had all better be in
good taste," she said sternly but with a partial smile on her
face. "That is an order," she purposely added.
The two looked at each other for a moment, resigning
themselves to her authority. "Yes, ma'am," They said at the same
time and dejectedly turned back to their stations. She rested back
into the chair, sorry that her orders were only temporary.
In the lift, Spock handed his captain the small flat square,
that was his altered log entry. The Captain placed it in his pocket
with a "Thanks, Spock," and the doors opened to let the Doctor off
at sickbay.
"Be careful Jim," Bones said as they parted company.
"Have you ever known me to be otherwise, Doctor?" Jim asked
and quickly added, "Don't answer that! G'bye, Bones."
The doors closed again. When next they opened, both Jim and
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Spock exited the lift and headed for the transporter room. Jim
noted to himself that he had been down here more times than usual
in the past few days. The maintenance crew was working diligently
on repairing the broken unit. Kyle was again on duty, and entreated
the two officers to choose a pad.
"Coordinates are coming through now, Sir," Kyle spoke to his
captain. "Ready to transport."
"Energize, Mr. Kyle."
The two men faded into oblivion, hopefully to be restored to
completeness on board the Klingon warship that faced the
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*** SIXTEEN ***
The Imperial Cruiser Fury had intercepted the uncoded
Starfleet message declaring the possibility of 'peace' between the
two opposing powers. It caused a great amount of controversy among
Kang's crew. They, much like their Federation counterparts, were
first struck by unbelief. Kang had told them that it did in fact
appear to be true, but alluded to the fact that there might be
something strangely wrong with the Emperor. He said it in such a
way as to avoid any suspicion of treason. It came out the way Kang
had intended, as concern for his Emperor's well-being. Wanting to
inform them all along of the treacherous evil who now walked the
Throneship Thunder, he satisfied himself with the fact that he was
able to instill an amount of doubt on His Majesty.
Kang could not allow his crew to know that he was actually
'glad' to see the Enterprise. Perhaps this was the ally he had
needed so desperately. He let himself hope that it was so. Though
it would be difficult attempting any co-operative venture with
Captain Kirk, at least the meeting with him would raise no
questions. It had been scheduled with credibility. They would
value any information on the invading ship and the deadly cargo
she cradled.
"Mara, Gor, I will meet with Kirk and his First Officer alone.
You both will stand outside my personal chambers and await my
summons," Kang commanded. The two affirmed his order and followed
him off the bridge to the transporter room. Two images began to
take shape in the dimly lit, strangely hazy room. Captain Kirk
became recognizable with his Number One Officer beside him, then
they were complete.
"Captain Kirk, if pleasantries suit the day, welcome," Kang
said. "I will lead you to a place of privacy, where we may discuss
the matters of invasion and matters of peace."
"Thank you, Captain," Jim said. He and Spock stepped off the
platform and stood beside the Klingon.
"I trust you remember my First Officer, Mara?" Kang asked the
two from the Federation.
"I remember her bravery that rivaled her beauty," the Captain
said, nodding to her. He was tempted to take her hand and kiss it,
just to add an element of finesse to the greeting. She remained
unmoved by the complement, though recognizing the effort on Kirk's
behalf of being cordial.
"This is Gor, my Communications Officer," Kang stated, wanting
to be done with the awkwardness of the introductions. "Gor," Jim
acknowledged. "This is my First Officer, Spock." The Vulcan gave a
slight bow to their Hosts.
"Follow me," Kang stated, ushering them along. He led them
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down a short hall and into a room that looked more like a private
study than a conference room. "That will be all until I notify you
further," Kang spoke to his officers and led Jim and Spock into
the room.
The heavy door closed behind them and Kang stood behind his
desk and eyed the two men for a moment. Debating with himself on
how the discussion should begin, he bid them to be seated as he
took his own. Kang reminded himself of the importance of gaining
Kirk's confidence. One Klingon was no match for the task of halting
the Emperor's crusade. One Klingon was not enough, he admitted to
himself, bruising the famous 'Klingon Pride' he had been bred to
"Kirk, I am in a position that I am unaccustomed to," Kang
began in all honesty. "I am committing treason with what I am about
to confide in you." He closed his eyes for a moment and pursed his
lips as if he were about to eat something bitter. "I do not find
it easy to give my trust to anyone. I do not give it lightly to
any in the Empire and never to an enemy... until this day." Kang
stopped. He looked deep into Kirk's eyes. He remembered their
ordeal on the Enterprise, months ago. He remembered the Captain's
honor and bravery and came back believing that this man would keep
the trust.
"There is a devil, Captain," Kang stated assuredly.
"I had been told that Klingons have no devil, Kang."
"We have yours now, Kirk," the swarthy Captain said. "He
controls my Empire and he wears the face of my Emperor. He is
now on his way to Earth with words of peace and the weapons of
destruction behind him. He is going to pull this universe and all
in it into war, and then into the hell that only he will rule over."
Jim looked gravely at Spock for confirmation of his own
thoughts. Spock gave him the silent, serious nod of the
affirmative. "Kang, I believe that you have given us the last
piece to a puzzle that has been stumping us for days." If the day
called for honesty, Jim decided that it w
ould be for the best if
he shared the truth with this Klingon. "The devil you call Emperor,
is a dangerous man that has escaped from a Federation mental
institution. His name is Garth of Izar, a former Starfleet
Captain. Once he was an honorable man, but he has been driven
insane by the torment of injuries he had previously sustained. He
is the inventor of a terrible weapon that could be used to destroy
the galaxy."
"I have seen this weapon in use, but the one I speak of is no
ordinary man, Captain Kirk. He is able to 'become' my Emperor. No
mere man could accomplish that," Kang stressed.
"Garth is able to change his form and his voice to that of
anyone. I do not completely understand it but I am telling you the
truth. If he has your Empire, then we all are in grave danger." Jim
placed both hands on the desk before him. Jim did not know the
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extent of the 'truth' that he should share with Kang, but he felt
compelled to give him anything that might help. "Kang, we also have
a powerful man in authority who wants to start this war. We
believe that both he, Garth, and perhaps others of high rank in the
Federation, had arranged this from the beginning. His name is
Commodore Stormcloud." Jim said, knowing he too was committing
treason. "He sent us here, on the surface, to question the Organians
about the destruction of two Federation Outposts. Underneath and
without our knowledge, he had a bomb prepared to blow up Organia