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Come Find Me

Page 15

by Casper Valentine

  "I understand. That’s exciting. I’m happy for you."

  There was a long pause before Nate spoke again. "I hate to spring this on you right now, but I have a colleague named Esperanza Rosales. She and I have grown pretty close—"

  Boniva cut him off. "It's OK, Nate. You deserve better than me. I need to get my shit together. Until I do that, I'm no good for anyone."

  Nate forced a sympathetic smile. The rest of the ride was mostly awkward silence, until he dropped Boniva off at her Uncle Boyd's.


  “Just stay cool and act normal,” Rosales said from the front seat of the van.

  Nate was in the back, getting wired up by Sarge.

  “Do you really think I’m nervous?” Nate asked, and grabbed the rear door handle of the van.

  Sarge patted him on the back. “He’s not worried.”

  Nate shook his head. “After everything I’ve been through, this is a walk in the park.”

  “Go get ’em,” Sarge said.

  Nate jumped out and made his way to the Harley parked at the rear of the van.

  Nate felt relieved from the stress of worrying about Ruby. As he rode to the Bandido clubhouse, for the first time, he had a chance to enjoy being an undercover narcotics officer. Nate felt like a badass.

  He pulled in front of the two-story building and parked his bike. While walking toward the door, he wiped his sweaty palms on his pants legs, angry he couldn’t control his body’s natural instincts.

  He knocked on the metal double door and one of the MC enforcers answered.

  He gave Nate a head nod. “Come on in, Irishman. What brings you here today?”

  “Thirsty, and where better to have a drink, than with my Bandido friends.”

  “Diego’s actually at the bar right now.”

  Nate stepped inside and breathed in deep.

  “Diego,” the enforcer yelled as they made their way toward the bar. “The Irishman’s here for a drink.”

  Diego turned around. “Have a seat,” he said, and whistled for the bartender.

  Nate sat down. “Maria here today?”

  Diego shook his head. “She’s at my house. My boy, he’s got this little doggie, named him Peppy. Peppy ain’t been so peppy lately. She’s over there taking a look at him. She is in vet school, and smart as can be.”

  “She told me that. She loves animals.”

  “They’re OK, but piss and shit too much for me,” Diego said.

  The bartender set a beer in front of Nate, and he took a sip. “At least they’re loyal.”

  “You got that right. Speaking of loyal. Your loyal customer here, is going to be needing a lot more product. Can you make that happen?”

  “I’m sure we can work it out. I just have to ask, how on earth are you moving so much?”

  Diego grinned. “We reached out to our West Coast charter. Plan to move that shit all through California.”

  Nate nodded and made small talk until he finally told Diego he needed to leave.


  “I recognize you. Miller Lite?” Mattie said, as Nate sat down at the bar.

  “Yes, you have a good memory.”

  “I always remember faces and drink orders.”

  Mattie poured Nate a beer. “Have you been watching the news? They found that girl that used to work here, locked in some creep’s basement.”

  “I heard about that.”

  Mattie put the beer in front of Nate. “You just never know. That guy could have been in this bar.”

  Nate took a drink and nodded.

  “I’m just glad they found her before it was too late,” Mattie said.

  “Hey, would you mind telling Arik he has a visitor? If he’s here, that is.”

  “He’s in the office, I’ll let him know,” Mattie said.

  A few moments later Nate heard Arik’s voice and looked over his shoulder. “Just stopped in for a drink.”

  “We’ll don’t sit out here, come to my office. I still have some of that Pappy Van Winkle left.”

  Nate picked up his beer and followed Arik into his office.

  “Sit down, friend,” Arik said.

  Nate sat down at the little round table. The room felt quiet, with no funky music playing.

  “How’s business?” Arik asked.

  “I’m glad you asked,” Nate said.

  “Going well, I take it?”

  “Everyone is still saying it’s the best heroin they’ve come across.”

  Arik nodded. “We take pride in our product.”

  “I’m going to be needing a lot more,” Nate said.

  Arik poured bourbon. “Get out of here. You’re moving that much?”

  “I’ve made a deal with a Hispanic motorcycle gang called the Bandidos.”

  Arik sat down at his desk. “I’ve heard of them.”

  “The MC can move product all the way across the US.”

  “Keep going,” Arik said, with a smile.

  “They are going to want a constant supply. I’d like to talk with your brother Malek about logistics.”

  “I’m sure he’d want to work that out,” Arik said.

  “Well hit him up. I’d love to go to another one of his parties. So many women to choose from.”

  Arik frowned. “Our guy who takes care of that is no longer around.”

  “What happened?” Nate asked.

  “Have you seen the news? You know that guy they can’t stop talking about, the one that had those women locked up in his basement? That was our guy.”

  Nate raised his eyebrows. “Really?”

  “Guess he wanted to keep a little of that poonani for himself, right?” Arik said and started laughing.

  “Sounds pretty crazy.”

  “Oh, we knew the guy was crazy. Hell, behind his back, we called him the lunatic. He made Malek a little extra money though.”

  “Extra money?”

  Arik leaned back in his chair and smirked. “In Armenia they love American women and pay top dollar for American prostitutes.”

  “Out of my area of expertise,” Nate said.

  “He got women hooked on drugs and we’d ship them wherever we wanted, just like cargo. Anyhow, I’ll tell Malek what you’ve told me, and we’ll be getting in touch.”

  Nate downed his bourbon. “Sounds good. I have plenty of business to take care of, so I’d better run.”

  “I’m sure you do. I’ll see you around, my friend.”

  Nate wanted to run out of the bar but maintained his casual composure and strolled out.

  He took out his phone and called Sarge. “Please tell me you got that?”

  “We got it, Nate, all of it. These fuckers are going away for a long time.”

  Nate could hear Rosales and Scarecrow cheering in the background.


  October 22, 2015

  Nate was wearing a huge smile when he sat down across from Rosales. "I see you still have loads of clutter on your desk."

  Rosales crinkled her nose. "Nate, stop calling my things clutter!"

  "Is this how you keep your home?"

  "Oh, wouldn't you like to know."

  "I would. I'd like to see it."

  Rosales smiled. "We'll see about that."

  "So, it's a maybe?"



  "That was a yes, on maybe. You know the team will want to celebrate tonight."

  "Is Scarecrow with Sarge?" Nate asked.

  "Scarecrow is with team A, hitting the Armenians and Sarge is with team B, taking down the MC."

  "Sounds like we're missing the action," Nate said.

  Rosales nodded. "It would beat being here."

  Nate looked down and sighed.

  "What's wrong? Worried about your newly discovered half-sister?"

  Nate nodded.

  "They will cut her loose."

  "I know, but I'm going to have to come clean about who I am."

  "She'll either understand or she won't, Nate.
You can't change that."

  "I know," Nate said, as he fished his buzzing phone out of his pocket. "Shit, it's her now," he said, his eyes growing wider.

  "I'll go get some coffee," Rosales said as she stood up and walked away.

  Nate pressed the phone to his ear. "Maria?"

  "Yes, it's Maria. I'm heading to who knows where. The FBI, or state police, I don't know exactly who they were, but the club has been raided. They arrested Diego and all the leaders. They took everything."

  "Do you have somewhere to go?" Nate asked.

  "I have friends I can stay with for a while. Maybe this will all blow over."

  "I don't think it will," Nate said.

  "What makes you say that?" Maria asked.

  Nate took a deep breath. "I'm a part of this. I know you won't like hearing this, but I'm on the other end of things. I've been undercover."

  Maria yelled so loud, Nate had to pull the phone away from his ear. "What? Seriously, you played me? All that shit about you being my half-brother."

  "Maria, that's all true."

  "I don't care if it is. You're a damn cop!"

  "Yes, I'm a narcotics officer."

  "You just arrested my family."

  "Maria, you have another family now. You have me, a half-sister named Ruby and a baby nephew."

  "I don't know. This feels like such a slap in the face."

  "This was a lot bigger than you. You just happened to be mixed up with some people that were going to go down at some time or another. The Bandidos weren't even our main target."

  "Could have fooled me."

  "Look, we used the Bandidos to take down some really bad people. One of them was even holding Ruby captive, keeping her drugged. They were into everything from heroin to sex trafficking."

  Maria's voice was calm again. "Jesus, is she OK now?"

  "She needs to do some time in a treatment facility, but she will be. This won't be her first time in rehab."


  "We're far from a perfect family, but we stick together."

  "I need some time to let this sink in."

  "Of course, I understand. When Ruby gets out, I'm having her a welcome home party. It would be nice if you were there.”

  "I'll think about it," Maria said before disconnecting.

  Nate put his phone away, and Rosales was standing next to him with two coffees. "Didn't sound like it was that bad," she said, handing Nate a steaming cup.

  "It could have been worse."

  "I think she’ll come around."

  "Hey, how about we skip the celebration and go to my place?"

  "I'd like that, but you still need to take me on a proper date."

  "Anywhere but Olive Garden," Nate said.

  "You don't like Olive Garden?"

  "It was Boniva's favorite restaurant."

  "Are you sure you're not in love with Boniva?" Rosales asked.

  The question made Nate cringe. His mind was clear for the first time in four weeks. It was no longer booze keeping Nate going—it was Esperanza Rosales. "No. I care about her, but I'm not in love with her," he said.

  Rosales smiled. "You're a good man, Nate Randolph."

  "I'm far from perfect."

  "Nobody's perfect."

  Nate reached out and took Rosales' hand. He couldn't push his feelings aside. For weeks, Rosales had been the glue holding everything together. The search for Ruby, the deal with the Bandidos. Nate knew he would have been lost without her.


  October 27, 2015

  Bright Future Rehabilitation was a nice treatment facility, but not a place Ruby intended to stay at a second time. Now, here she was, pacing the family visitation area, anxious to see her baby boy for the first time since her abduction.

  The area was set up to create a relaxing environment, with walls painted earthy brown tones, and plenty of tall crystal vases full of brightly colored flowers. Some soft ambient jazz was playing, to ease the mind. Ruby thought it sounded like crappy elevator music.

  She sat down on a soft, comfortable sofa, and tried to relax.

  Ruby felt her heart skip a beat when Nate walked in, carrying baby Keith. Her mother, Ebony, was behind them, wearing an awkward smile.

  Ruby stood up.

  "There's your mommy," Nate said, and pulled the little beanie cap off Keith's head. His black hair stuck up in all directions.

  When the young boy reached out for her, tears pooled in Ruby's eyes. "Thank you, Jesus. I was so scared that I was never going to see my baby again." She took the boy and squeezed him tight against her body, her weak arms shaking from the weight.

  Nate took Keith from Ruby, pulled off the child’s coat, and set the boy on the sofa. "You'll get your strength back soon, Ruby."

  Ruby sat next to her son. "Did you miss Mommy?" she asked, rubbing his chin.

  Ebony sat down next to Ruby. "I'm so sorry all of this happened to you."

  Ruby smiled. "I'm just happy it's over, and anxious to come home."

  "Just a few more days," Nate said.

  Ebony put a hand on Ruby's shoulder. "If it's OK with you, dear, I'd like to be part of your lives and visit my grandson regularly. That is, if you can forgive me, and it's not too late."

  Ruby smiled. "I think I'd like that."

  "Then, I have some catching up to do," Ebony said.

  "How's the food here?" Nate asked.

  "It's good," Ruby said, and kissed Keith's forehead.

  Nate grinned. "No way was I going to let you stay at some craphole."

  "They expect us to get up and eat a healthy breakfast. I'd rather just have my coffee."

  Nate folded his arms. "That's good. You need to eat as much as you can, to get your strength up."

  Ruby nodded. "I guess you're right."

  "Speaking of coffee, I think I'm going to go find some. I'll leave you all alone for a while and be back soon."

  Ruby watched Nate walking away. "Wait," she called out.

  Nate looked over his shoulder.

  "Thanks, Nate, for everything."

  Ruby watched Nate walk away, then turned her gaze to Ebony. She watched her smile and pinch Keith’s cheek. “I just have to ask. I know you were young and didn’t want a baby, but you still could have come around.”

  Ebony crossed her arms. “You’re right, I should have, but the reason I didn’t come around wasn’t because I didn’t want you. I had to get away from your father. I thought that man was going to kill me. I knew your grandmother would keep you safe.”

  “At least now I understand. I wish you would have told me that sooner.”

  Ruby smiled and rubbed baby Keith’s head.

  “What about the boy’s father?” Ebony asked.

  “Jail. I’ve made a lot of mistakes too,” Ruby said.


  "Late for the first date. I see how it's going to be," Rosales said, when Nate walked into the Market Street Grill.

  "I'm sorry. I had to take Ebony home and got stuck in traffic."

  Rosales giggled. "I'm just messing with you. It's only five after, you did pretty good."

  "Reservation is under Randolph," Nate said to the host.

  They followed the man to a cozy booth and sat down across from each other.

  "I don't bite," Rosales said.

  Nate laughed and started to stand up.

  "Sit down, I'm just joking. It's much easier to talk to someone when they're across from you," Rosales said.

  "You like messing with me, don't you?"

  Rosales giggled. "You're an easy target."

  Nate smiled. "You look very pretty tonight."

  "I threw on a bit of makeup. Didn't want to look hideous on a date."

  "You could never look hideous."

  "You’re sweet, thank you. How is Ruby doing?"

  "She looks better and says she's ready to come home."

  A waitress approached their table. "What are we drinking tonight?" she asked.

  "I'll have a Chardonnay,"
Rosales replied.

  "Miller Lite," Nate said.

  "No Jameson?" Rosales asked, when the waitress walked away.

  Nate leaned back. "I think I've had enough for a while."

  "I suppose I can't disagree. How are things with your newly discovered half-sister? Has she come around?"

  Nate nodded. "A little bit. I've talked to her a few times."

  Rosales smiled. "That's good news."

  "Captain says the case against the Armenians and the MC is airtight. They'll be put away for a good long time."

  "On to the next bad guys," Rosales said.

  Nate leaned forward and rested his elbows on the table. "All my life I've dreamed of being on a task force like this one, but I don't know if I'm going to stay on."

  Rosales widened her eyes, as far open as they could get. "Really? That's quite a shock."

  "Drugs almost destroyed Ruby. I don't want the same to happen to me."

  Rosales nodded. "Not exactly a great environment for changing your ways."


  "What do you want to do?"

  "I'd like to find missing people. I've been thinking about mothers like Ruby, and children that go missing."

  "You'd be good at it."

  The waitress brought their drinks as Nate continued, "They're not doing a very good job now. Somebody needs to straighten the department out."

  Rosales nodded. "I'm all for it. Would probably be best for our relationship too."

  "Our relationship? Does that mean we're official?"

  Rosales giggled. "You're stuck with me now."


  October 29, 2015

  "I know you don't want me smoking in your truck, but I need a cigarette," Ruby said, cracking the passenger side window.

  Nate nodded. "You deserve one."

  "I still can't believe it. You said her name is Maria?"

  "Are you really that surprised, considering our father?" Nate asked, exiting off the highway.

  Ruby lit up her smoke. "I guess not. I hope she comes around. I'd really like to meet her."

  "I hope you have a chance. It would be great if we both could get to know her better."

  Ruby took a long drag from her cigarette. "I'll keep my fingers crossed," she said, flicking ashes out the window.

  "There is someone you'll be meeting for sure. I'm excited to introduce you to Detective Rosales."


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