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Prelude to a Hero (Chronicles of a Hero 1)

Page 11

by Jaime Buckley


  About the Author

  JAIME BUCKLEY IS A husband, father of 12, grandfather, author, illustrator & popular parenting blogger. When he’s not engaged in hunting monsters, acting as a survival flotation device or a master sliver-picker-outer (just ask his little kids), he’s also a cartoonist, game creator, podcaster and avid teacher.

  Jaime is best known for his Chronicles of a Hero series and his book Advanced WORLDBUILDING, a guide to assist writers in building fictional worlds faster, easier and in more detail than ever before.

  He lives in Utah with his wife, Kathilynn, his organically grown fan club and loves communicating with readers all over the world. You can connect with Jaime on Twitter at @wantedhero and on Goodreads. If the mood strikes you, email him at (he’ll be so excited).

  It might take him a while, but he always emails back.

  Pronunciation Guide

  To assist the reader, I present this pronunciation guide to ‘Baiumen’[BAY-oo-men], a universal language which evolved after the Great Sundering (see Höbin Luckyfellers: The Brothers Twelve, a definitive study of the ruling families before the Great Sundering). We have converted the following into common tongue for your use.

  There are two particular symbols which make Baiumen easier to understand:

  Ö: Spoken as [oh]. The double dots over the letter ‘o’ are used symbolically to honor ones status or bloodline.

  Ä: Spoken as [ah]. The double dots over the letter ‘a’ are used to identify a word or name that has a lineage tracing back to the languages and races of light.

  Aläshä et Veyomä! (a-LAH-shah et VAY-o-mah): magical words passed down through generations of High Elders, enabling them to unlock the grip of the guardian hands and release the Ithäri

  Altorin (al-TOR-in): elder on the Iskäri High Council [black robe], influence over death, decay, shadows and non-embodied/demons and head steward of the valley Kuutä (KOO-tah) in Erimuri

  Axon (AX-on): Referring to Callum Axon, was a master dwarf architect, who assisted on the overall design of Til-Thorin’s defenses and secret tunnel systems.

  Bedurrim (beh-DURR-im): literal translation ‘an organized awareness or decision of unity’, a circular chamber above the Key where the High Council meets.

  Chuur (CHOOR): A strong smelling spice, imported from the deserts of Isumiir, used in religious and magical rituals. It is said to attract evil spirits.

  Dämä Omä (DAH-mah OH-mah): a respectful greeting given (with head bowed) to dragons and / or dragon spirits which means ‘be at peace’

  Dax (DAX!): half troll, half elf (long story...spoilers), resident of Erimuri, skilled fighter, drinker, smoker and teleporter

  Delnar (DEL-nar): High Elder, head of the Iskäri High Council [gold robe], observer of Sands of Sight, steward over the Key and head steward over the valley of Tamku in Erimuri

  Elämä (EE-lah-mah): the main planet in the Beletarus system where our story takes place

  Elävoimä (ee-lah-VOY-mah): the magical presence of a dragon, separate from its body

  Erimuri (EHR-ee-moor-ee): literally translated--“Desert Flower” the formal name of the Iskäri city, Sanctuary

  Evolu (e-VAW-loo): elves

  Gaidred (GAY-dred): elder of the Iskäri High Council [black robes], master strategist, student of all forms of combat and head steward of the valley Marsia (mar-SEE-uh) in Erimuri

  Galep Bombul (GAY-lep BOM-bull): head of the Dwarf Masons. Built a mansion for the famous Iskari painter Sir Barrow in exchange for the enchanting painting of Galep’s shrewish wife, Hindel.

  Gnolaum (NOL-um): the name used in prophecy referring to the Hero.

  Hindel (HIN-dell): shrewish wife of Galep Bombul

  Humär (who-MAHR): 1) one of the founding fathers of Elämä before the Great Sundering; 2) the human nation of Seven Kings on Elämä

  Ish-Krothi Umbällä! (ISH-crothee um-BAH-lah): a spell using an external discipline based on the element of fire (see Höbin Luckyfeller’s: The Basics of Magic)

  Iskäri (iss-KAHR-ee): the race living in Erimuri

  Ithäri (i-THAHR-ee): the female gem of light, a living piece of the world of the Gods

  Jiin (GIN): female elder on the Iskäri High Council [white robe], master healer/surgeon and head steward of the valley Loäkuu (LOW-ah-koo) in Erimuri

  Käläm (KAH-lahm): red moon which revolves around Elämä on which Erimuri is located

  Kapmim (CAP-mim): A pungent incense from the green leaves of the rare Kapnivar plant. Poisonous to most humanoids, the green leaves are soaked in blood, dried and ground with various other spices. It is highly sought after for its magical properties—increasing a mägo’s ability to concentrate and focus internal energies. The smoke leaves a soot-like residue on cloth and creates a metallic taste on the tongue.

  krekä (KRAY-kah): A term used by the Therrin, meaning blood luck. A belief that the greater the prey, the greater the difficulty of the hunt…the more powerful you will become as a hunter, through drinking their blood.

  Kyliene (kigh-LEAN): Wendell’s first friend in Sanctuary

  Mahan (MAH-han): the Lord of Darkness

  Mägo (MAH-go): wizard / sorcerer

  Metsäsil (met-SAH-seel): translation = “woods of eyes”. A forest in the dense regions of the Highlands, where it is reported that ghosts dwell.

  “mook berries”: A slang term for a small, purple berry found in small clumps of Mulonuk bushes. Wild plants that grow in high altitude areas. The bushes are small (only 6”-8” in height) which grow under large trees, gaining nourishment from the droppings of forest animals.

  Mook berries are very sweet and potent, pulling a large portion of the plants vitality to create them. It is rare to find more than 2-3 dozen berries per plant, which makes them highly prized by foragers. The berries start forming as soon as the temperature drops after summer and throughout the fall season. The plant becomes dormant during winter, producing another round of berries, though slightly bitter, in early spring.

  Morphiophelius (MOR-fee-oh-FEE-lee-us): Chuck, resident of Erimuri, rogue wizard and oldest known mortal.

  Palmak (PAL-mack): translation = “many hills”. One of the southwest villages in the Tilliman Highlands.

  Rook: The elite ranger guard of the Evolu. Lead by the Lady Tamorah, the Rook are made up of the most skilled and gifted young male elves. They are the following:

  1. Taeel (Sverre - “wild, restless”)

  2. Silvan (Sindre - “sparkling”)

  3. Lemrull (Lem Rullator - “limb walker”)

  4. Lysendol (Lysende Sol - “bright sun”)

  5. Andor (“man, warrior”)

  6. Gregers (“watchful, vigilant”)

  7. Odd (“point” - of a weapon)

  Salata Ridge (sah-LAHTA): translation = conceal, hide, withhold.

  Shea (SHAY): youngest elder of the Iskäri High Council [white robe], son of Delnar, able to discern ‘truth’ as it is connected by events (past & present), identifier of the royal bloodline and head steward of the valley Kevä (KEY-vah) in Erimuri

  “Sheu!” (SHEE-oo!): a shout made by Evolu soldiers to express their loyalty and firm determination to serve without wavering to whatever end may come. Its united should creates unity and expresses a bond between those of the race. Rough translation into common is “I will” or “I shall”.

  Shiofō (SHEE-OH-fu): a triple bladed pole arm, similar to a trident, with detachable pieces. Can be used as a pole arm, spear, staff, baton and short swords.

  Silmä inakmään (SILL-mah in-AHK-mahn): a fundamental spell that hides the target from the sight of most beings.

  Silveen (sill-VEEN): a small, sweet fruit with a glossy, silver skin—grown exclusively in Erimuri

  Sir Barrow (sir BAR-oh): famous Iskari painter

  Sydänmuus (see-DAHN-moos): the leader of the coven used by Thule to attack Til-Thorin.

  Tämä-Un (TAH-MAH oon): a valle
y in the Tiliman Highlands, where one of the three functional Prime Gates of Humar is located.

  tarkin: A wear word used to emphasize a point or compliment with a force of clarity. She was a tarkin good fighter.

  Tiell (TEA-el): elder on the Iskäri High Council [white robe], master of languages (spoken, written and magical), head steward of the valley Inäkuu (i-NAH-koo) in Erimuri

  Tursin (TOOR-sin): elder of the Iskäri High Council [white robe], able to shape shift into animal forms, head steward of the valley Syskuu (SIS-koo) in Erimuri

  Vallen (VAL-en): trolls

  Velpä (VEL-pah): a mocking slang which translates ‘filthy traitor to light’

  Verrdrä (VEAR-drah): the Dragon Lords (male and female)


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