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Page 21

by James Tate

  He gave me a worried frown for a moment, then jerked a nod. "Kody's in the office if you're looking for him."

  I flashed him a reassuring smile. "Cool, I'll find him." I nodded to his training dummy. "Keep working; you gotta win that fight if you wanna chain me up again."

  Archer's jaw dropped. "What? Princess, that's three weeks away! You're not serious."

  I snickered a laugh and exited the gym without answering him. I definitely wasn't serious, but he didn't need to know that. It was too fun messing with him.

  The last time I'd stepped foot in the "office," I'd thought it was my father’s. I'd thought that he owned this house and that the boys were simply freeloading off his wealth. Now, I understood it was the other way around, and the guys had pretty much erased what minimal signs of Samuel Danvers remained on the property.

  Thank fuck for that too.

  The lights were on, and I found Kody slouched in the leather office chair with no shirt on as he talked into a headset.

  Wait a second. Hold up.

  Kody was speaking Japanese into his headset, with his computer open in front of him on the desk.

  I paused in the doorway, staring at him with impressed shock as he spoke fluent Japanese to whoever was on the other line. When he spotted me there, his lips tugged up in a smile, but he didn't falter in what he was saying.

  Instead, he crooked a finger at me, beckoning me closer as he listened to what the response was on his headset.

  Intrigued, I made my way across the fancy Persian rug to the corner of his desk. He patted the top of the heavy oak desk beside his laptop like he wanted me to sit right there.

  Excitement zapped through me, and I did as he indicated. I sucked a breath and tensed when the cold wood met my bare thighs.

  Kody grinned, then clicked something on his computer before quickly rattling off more foreign words to whoever he was speaking to. A quick glance at his screen showed me three people in the conference call with him, one dressed sharply in a suit, the other two more casual in sportswear. Kody's box on the call was blank, and I realized he'd just switched his video feed off.

  My eyes widened, and he sat forward in his chair, his hands coming to my thighs. I tensed, ready to swat him away, but he just shook his head and placed a finger over his lips, telling me to be quiet.

  Ugh. Fuck. His camera was off, but his microphone wasn't. What had I been thinking, responding to that crook of his finger so easily? Of course he was up to no good. He was always up to no good.

  Fucking Kody.

  Still, I couldn't seem to tell fucking Kody no. Ever. So when he hooked his fingers under the sides of my panties, I obediently lifted my ass up for him to strip them off my legs.

  He continued his conversation with the Japanese people on his screen. He chatted away like it was his native fucking tongue, all while spreading my knees open and taking a long hungry look at my aching cunt.

  His eyes flashed, and he bit his lip. His gaze snapped up to meet mine as his fingers parted me and found my clit. A small moan escaped me, and he quickly brought his finger to his lips to remind me that I needed to be silent.

  I clamped my mouth shut, swallowing my whimper, then internally screamed as he licked his finger. He returned it to my throbbing core, pushing into me with a soft exhalation as he laughed about something on his phone call.

  My brow creased and my body shook as he slipped a second finger into me. He played as he chatted, but his steady gaze locked on mine told me in no uncertain terms I was not to make noise. That in itself drove me just as wild as the way he fingered me.

  When his thumb found my clit, my legs began to shake. He grinned, smug as fuck, and stood up from his chair to clamp a hand over my mouth. Then he really went to work. He fucked me hard and fast with his fingers while I writhed and shuddered silently on his desktop.

  When I came, I just about blacked out. The only thing keeping me quiet was the tight grip Kody's hand held over my mouth.

  A moment later he released me and sat back in his chair. He held my gaze and sucked his fingers in a way that made me almost come all over again. Fucking Kody. That wasn't fair at all.

  When he started speaking again, I narrowed my eyes and slipped off the desk—literally slipped because the polished wood was all kinds of slick where I'd just been sitting.

  My knees hit the carpet in front of his chair, and his brows hitched all the way up. Still, he didn't hesitate to tug his shorts down and free his rock-hard dick for me.

  Good boy.

  I wrapped my hand around his base, then closed my mouth over his tip. Eager and drenched in arousal, I sucked and licked at the generous smear of pre-cum already lubricating his dick.

  His breath hitched, and he stumbled over his next sentence in Japanese, needing to repeat it twice as I took him deeper into my mouth. Yep, payback really was a bitch, huh Kodiak?

  His hand went to my head, his fingers threading into my hair as I worked my mouth up and down his shaft, my fingers around his base echoing the motion of my lips. His abs tensed, and I glanced up to see his head tossed back and silent curses on his lips. Perfect.

  I let my teeth scrape down his soft skin, loving the way his hand tightened in my hair as I did so. He pushed my head down, his cock hitting the back of my throat and choking me a second before he let up.

  It was fucked up, but that was one of my favorite things about giving head, when my mouth and throat were so full of cock I could hardly breathe. It turned me on like nothing else, and I found myself bringing my free hand to my pussy.

  "Oh fuck," Kody breathed, soft enough that his microphone might not have picked it up, but still... A second later, I got the impression he was ending the call, then he moaned long and loud.

  "Fucking hell, babe!" he cried out as I swallowed him deeper and played with my own clit. "Holy shit, fuck, you're touching yourself. Goddamn that's hot."

  His hips bucked, his hand on my head forcing more and more of his dick down my throat as I gagged and choked, then his laptop let out the distinctive sound of an incoming video call.

  "Fuck!" he shouted. "Fuck, shit, fuck. Babe, I have to take this call." He tugged on my hair, and I released him from my mouth just long enough to smile wickedly.

  "So?" I challenged him. "You started this game. Take the call, Kodiak."

  His eyes widened, his brow creasing as I held his gaze and ran my tongue around the tip of his glistening cock.

  "Babe, I have to answer with the camera on, it's—"

  "Better hurry," I taunted, cutting him off, "they'll think you're not here." I shuffled back a bit until I was mostly under the desk, then pulled him closer on the wheeled chair. Before he could formulate any further protests, I took him back into my mouth, and he let out a curse.

  A second later, the call connected, and Kody needed to put on his bravest face while I did everything possible to break him.

  But I had thought it was his Japanese business contact calling back about something. So I just about choked in shock when I heard him speak quite clearly in English.

  "Hi Mom," he said loudly, and my fingers around his dick squeezed hard.

  "Hi Kody," a frail-sounding woman replied from the computer, "I'm sorry to keep you up so late. These time zones are such a bear to work out."

  "Totally fine," he replied. He sounded a bit like he was gritting his teeth, and I didn’t totally blame him, all things considered. I tried to back off, deciding it wasn't cool to suck his dick while his mom was on videochat, but his hand tightened on the back of my head. The implication was clear. He was calling my bluff. "I was up late for a conference call with Tokyo, anyway."

  Well, two could play at that game. After all... it wasn't my mom.

  For a few minutes, Kody and his mom chatted about his business with Tokyo. Apparently that call that I'd walked in on had been discussing the sportswear line Kody had mentioned weeks ago. It would be launched in Japan in a couple of months, then expand to the rest of the world.

  I listen
ed with curiosity, delighting in the strain to his voice as he tried to converse normally while I was giving him the blow job of his damn life.

  Then his mom said something that almost killed me.

  "Are you okay, Kody? You look a bit funny. Are you sweating?"

  I snorted a laugh, thankful for my gag to stifle the sound, but the way Kody bucked his hips told me he knew I'd laughed.

  "Yeah, fine, Mom," he replied, "just pulled a muscle earlier in the gym, that's all."

  "Oh, that's no good, honey," she replied, sympathetic. "You'll need to get a massage. Maybe this new girlfriend of yours can help out?" There was an edge to her voice that suggested she was fishing for information, and I froze. "When do I get to meet her, anyway? You always tell me so much about her; I'm dying to meet the magnificent Madison Kate."

  Oh god. What? Kody tells his mom about me? He's never even mentioned his parents to me!

  "Actually," Kody replied with a small laugh. "She's right here."


  "She is?" his mom replied. "Where? Can I say hello?"

  "Um," Kody murmured, giving a small grunt as I threatened him with my teeth. "She can't talk right now," he finally said. "Her mouth is a bit full."

  Oh my lord, I'm going to murder him.

  "Really?" His mom sounded confused. "Bit late for a snack, isn't it?"

  Kill me now.

  There was a scraping sound on the desk, like a pen on paper, then Kody handed a scrap of notepaper down to me.

  Make yourself come, babe.

  "Yeah, we've been keeping weird hours lately," Kody lied to his mom as both of his hands threaded into my hair. "I've been training MK in the gym, so she stayed up late with me to do my Zoom calls."

  His hands forced my face back down, filling my throat with his dick as I obediently slipped my fingers back between my legs. Damn him, I was soaked and needy, despite the fact that his mom was on the line.

  "That's nice of her," his mom said. She sounded pleased that her son had such a thoughtful girlfriend. Whatever else she said was muffled as Kody controlled my head, fucking my face faster as he approached his orgasm. He'd given me an order, though, and I knew he intended for me to follow through before he would.

  I found my clit with my fingers, rubbing furiously as he punished my throat. It only took seconds before I shattered. Fuck it, if his mom heard me, then it was his own damn fault. I moaned my release, shuddering and convulsing on my knees under the desk as Kody's hips started bucking.

  His hot load hit the back of my throat only moments later, his shaft so deep in my mouth that my hand had slipped down to his balls. Still, he managed to keep quiet as he came. He just clenched his teeth—along with every other muscle in his body—until he finished with an exhale.

  When he finally released my hair, I collapsed under the desk in a boneless heap, licking my lips as he finished his call with his mom some minutes later.

  As I lay there, I made a mental note. Don't play sexual chicken with Kody. He will win.


  Steele woke me sometime around dawn with a soft kiss on my cheek and his finger pressed to my lips, telling me to stay quiet. I still smiled wide at the sight of him, despite how rough he looked.

  Silently, I slipped out of Kody's sleeping embrace and followed Steele out into the hall, where he swept me up in a hug that took my feet off the floor.

  "I missed you, Hellcat," he murmured into my ear, his voice husky.

  I grinned into his neck and clung to him like a monkey. "I missed you too, Max. Don't go away that long again, okay?" Even though it had only been three nights... it was too damn long.

  He chuckled, then started walking with me still wrapped around him and I let out a squeak in protest.

  "Aren't you going to put me down?" I pulled back from his neck so I could glare at him properly.

  He just smacked a kiss against my lips. "Nah. I like having your legs wrapped around me."

  I rolled my eyes. "Steele, you shouldn't be—"

  "I'm fine, gorgeous. I promise. Better than ever, okay?" His gaze was serious, and I let the subject drop. I was still worried he was overdoing it; it had barely been a month since he was shot in the chest and nearly died. But even I had to admit that he really did seem back to normal.

  "So where are you taking me?" I asked when he bypassed his bedroom and started down the stairs.

  His grin spread wider. "I made us breakfast. I'm guessing Arch had a late gym session if he's still asleep now, so I thought I could get you alone for a bit."

  I snuggled back into his neck, stupid-level happy to have him home, and he carried me through to the kitchen. On the table, a huge spread was set up with fresh pancakes, fruit, orange juice, coffee...

  "Holy shit," I exclaimed as Steele finally placed me on my feet and pulled out a chair for me. "You did all this?"

  He gave me a sheepish look. "Anna helped a little bit—but only because she was worried I'd make a mess of her kitchen. Otherwise I would have been totally capable on my own."

  "Well, I'm impressed. Who made the coffee?" I gave him a cheeky smile as I tentatively sipped it. It was good, not burnt, and I hummed my appreciation.

  "Me," he replied with a smirk. "You know Anna can't work your fancy machine."

  I licked my lips, impressed at how far his barista skills had come. "Well, Max Steele," I murmured as he took his seat beside me, rather than across the table, "you're a man of many skills. I'm suitably impressed."

  He chuckled, dropping a kiss to my bare shoulder, where Kody's T-shirt had slipped down. "Good. Now eat before Kody and Arch wake up and smell the pancakes."

  He had a good point. For about ten minutes, we ate together in a weird little domestic bliss, chatting about light subjects, like Archer's upcoming fight or Kody's clothing line... but eventually I couldn't ignore the elephant in the room much longer.

  "Max..." I murmured with a sigh, pushing my plate away because I'd eaten so much I was about to burst. "Can I ask you about last night?"

  Steele let out a sigh, his fingers tightening on my knee. He'd sat beside me so he could constantly touch me while we ate, which I was more than okay with.

  "Yeah, I figured you might have questions," he admitted with a weak smile. "You want to know what happened with my parents?"

  I nodded, my concerned frown pulling my brow as I searched his face. "If you don't want to talk about it—"

  He shook his head, cutting me off. "No, it's fine. I want you to know all the parts of me, even the shitty ones." He pushed his own plate away and scrubbed a hand over his face. He looked exhausted, with dark circles under his eyes and longer than usual stubble on his cheeks. The knuckles of his right hand were red and slightly swollen, but it didn't look like he'd done any lasting damage.

  "I'll... just keep it brief," he muttered with a bitter smile. "My parents adored Rachel. She was their angel and could do no wrong. Seriously, she could have murdered the family dog right in front of our parents and they'd have blamed me for it."

  I wrinkled my nose. "That's not fair."

  He shrugged. "I know, but that's how it always was. The only thing I could do that would earn even an ounce of my parents’ good graces was succeed with piano. I swear, I can still remember the last time my mother actually smiled at me. It was when I won a classical composition contest when I was twelve." He blew out a long breath, shaking his head at the memory. "Anyway, suffice to say, they're just all around shitty humans. When Rachel died on her way to attend my concert, they blamed me... and they haven't stopped. This memorial was a crock of shit. Just an excuse for them to milk their rich friends for sympathy and money."

  My jaw clenched as I read between the lines. "Were they ever violent toward you?" My question came out hoarse and full of worry.

  He flashed me a sad smile. "Frequently. Until Phillip pulled me into his training camp and I met Arch. Then they were too scared to test me."

  "Then I'm fucking glad for whatever led you to Phillip. I'm glad you and Arch met
and that you can defend yourself. But your parents—"

  "Can go burn in hell for all I care," he cut me off. "I'm done with them, and they no longer have any power over me. I have all the family I will ever need, right here under this roof." He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine in a kiss that touched my damn soul.

  Family. He included me in that, and it left me totally speechless. Since my mom died, I’ve barely even known what that word meant.

  "Yo, who made breakfast, then didn't wake me up?" Kody exclaimed, staggering into the kitchen looking all adorable and sleepy. His hair was sticking up all over the place, and his shirt was nowhere to be seen.

  Oh wait, it was on me.

  "I made breakfast for MK," Steele told him in a dry voice. "You can fucking fend for yourself."

  "Lies," Kody scoffed, "you love me too much to make me—" He cut off as he yanked the oven open, then whooped with satisfaction. "Ta-da, see? I knew you cared." He pulled out a whole additional plate of pancakes that had been kept warm in the oven for him.

  He brought them over to the table and sat heavily in the chair opposite me while Steele returned his hand to my thigh.

  "So," Kody said, smothering his stack in syrup. "What have we been discussing?"

  I quirked my brows at the huge pile of pancakes on his plate. "You saving any of those for Arch?"

  "Hell no," Kody scoffed. "He needs to stay in shape for his fight, anyway."

  "Fuck you," the big guy himself rumbled as he slouched into the room, yawning heavily. He pulled out the chair beside Kody and snatched three pancakes off his plate without even bothering to use a fork.

  "Hey!" Kody protested, swiping at Archer with his blunt knife, but the bigger guy just growled insults back and guarded his stolen food on a spare plate.

  "Fucking children," Steele commented with a laugh.

  Archer just rolled his eyes at Steele as he licked syrup from his fingers then took a huge bite of a rolled up pancake.

  "Actually now that you're all here, we have mail," Steele told us with a grimace. He reached over to the end of the table and pulled an envelope out from under a stack of other, less sinister mail. The handwriting was chillingly familiar, once again, and I groaned.


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