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The Queen's Champion

Page 5

by Whiskey Flowers

  “When we get to the Tower it will be hard for me to keep the lie up,” Jonathan said. “I have a little following amongst the commoners and mundane nobles.”

  “I have never heard you,” Cassidy said.

  “Because I haven't given you my name,” Jonathan said. “My name is Jonathan, I killed the former master of the Tower of Magic in combat in front of the royal family.”

  “Liar!” Cassidy said.

  “Why would I lie about that when you could easily find out the truth once we reach the Tower of Magic?” Jonathan asked. “I have made an enemy of the King and the Crown Prince. I think you should know this if you really want me to travel with you.”

  “Poppy we don't need him,” Cassidy said looking at the noble girl.

  “So your name is Poppy,” Jonathan said. “Pretty name. Poppy why are you and your friends traveling to the Tower of Magic alone? That is something else that sticks out as odd.”

  “Our business is our own,” Poppy said hesitantly.

  “Well I told you my secret,” Jonathan said. “If you don't tell me yours I am not going anywhere with you. Your father whoever he is did not send me. The things that stood out to me will stand out to other people and then you will have a lot of questions to answer.”

  “We can't talk in here, even with most of the people gone,” Poppy said.

  “That big huh?” Jonathan said. “Don't worry, I know how to keep my mouth shut.”

  Jonathan followed the group outside and silently cursed to himself. There wasn't anyone in the inn that could have overheard their conversation except for the innkeeper himself but he was hiding in the back, afraid to tell the women to go away. Where would Jonathan sleep now? He would have to start a fire and try to keep warm all night. The women kept looking back at him to make sure he was following them, when they finally left town limits in when Poppy started to talk.

  “I wasn't raised around any mages,” Poppy began. “Neither of my parents are mages, we are just poor nobles. Sure we have a little bit of money but nothing spectacular.”

  “I already gathered you were not part of mage life,” Jonathan said. “Neither was I until last year when I went to the Tower to study.”

  “When I found out I had magic my parents saw it as their lucky break,” Poppy said with a sigh. “They wanted me to marry a man older than my father because he was rich. They paid for me to have a tutor in magic but he wasn't the best. He did unknowingly help me discover a spell that he doesn't possess.”

  “I have a spell no one knows,” Jonathan said. “Only the members of my family can do it.”

  “No one in my family has magic but me,” Poppy said. “My magic tutor told me that my magic was on the level of most commoners. I have a spell though that could change all of that.”

  “I am considered a prodigy in magic,” Jonathan said. “There are two people stronger than I am but my lightning magic narrows the field.”

  “I don't think this is a good idea,” the thinnest of the mages spoke. Although it was almost hard to see her, Jonathan thought she looked younger than the others.

  “We have to trust someone,” Poppy said. “My spell is that I can give some of my magic to other people and they can cast spells with it. I grew up with Cassidy, Ella, Lauryn and Chloe. Once they heard what was happening with me they wanted to come too. I wanted to see if I could sneak them into the Tower with me.”

  “You can give people magic?” Jonathan said shocked. “That has to be the best thing ever. You know how much money and how many enemies you are going to have? Once the nobles find out they are going to be strictly against you giving out magic. Is there a limit? Can you just keep filling people up?”

  “I haven't found my limit,” Poppy said. “I have been giving Lauryn magic for three months straight, she says she can feel it growing inside of her. Right now she has more magic than I do.”

  “You could boost an already strong mage or make a weaker one a lot stronger,” Jonathan said. “No wonder you father wants you back.”

  “He doesn't know about that spell,” Poppy said. “No one outside of this conversation does. Are you going to help me or not?”

  “I will help you but I don't know how you can pull this off,” Jonathan said truthfully. “There are not a lot of lady mages around, every man there is going to try for you Poppy. You are a noble with magic, it doesn't matter how strong that magic is. The rest of you are going to attract a crowd as well. The nobles are going to treat you like a little sister who is a bit touched in the head but on the sly they are going to try to make a play for you. You should keep your magic use at a minimum if you are serious about getting in there. If they catch on to you all, it will not be good.”

  `“I am bringing my friends along so maybe they can find someone,” Poppy said. “There is nothing in our city and we grew up together.”

  “I still don't think it is a good idea,” Jonathan said. “Maybe if you can get the Tower to accept all of you without actually saying you are mages. You could always feign ignorance later.”

  “Once we show our magic they will take us without any problem,” Cassidy said. “We already know they want more women in there. Poppy we should act like we don't know him once we get there and go our own way. What do you think Lauryn?”

  “I think we should listen to someone who has actually been at that magic school before,” Lauryn, the youngest looking among them said. “I am okay listening to him and finding out that we don't need him. I am not okay with not listening to him and finding out we should have.”

  “There may be a way,” Jonathan said as ideas started running through his head.

  “What are you thinking about?” Poppy asked.

  “Well I have a lot of enemies in the Tower,” Jonathan said. “People would throw a wobbler if they knew I was hanging around a female mage let alone this many. If the right people saw you all around me they could demand you attend the Tower. You just have to remain adamant that you don't want to be there. I still don't know how the magic thing is going to work though, they are going to demand you use it.”

  “Demand we join?” Poppy asked.

  “Oh they will demand it alright,” Jonathan said and couldn't hide a small smile from peeking through. The prince himself might demand it, he would be absolutely outraged. I need to get a feel for how much magic do you know?”


  “Here let me show you a better way of casting a mage light,” Jonathan said as he came up from behind Chloe and wrapped one arm around her waist and used his free arm to grasp one of hers. “Now open up your palm and slowly let the power flow through you.”

  Jonathan watched as a small ball of light appeared for a few seconds then winked out. Chloe giggled softly while the other girls in Poppy’s group looked disappointed. They had rehearsed their plan over and over again until they got to the town of Vashing. Vashing was the closest town to Magus Mazuli and was one that mages often frequented. They always stayed at the Tickled Pheasant Inn, it was where the first years would go to show off their ability to the Royal Family and other high nobles. It was also the place where many matches could be discussed and made, Jonathan traveling with five women who freely showed off their magic would definitely get back to many people. Jonathan was sure many mages had mundanes working for them who had a side job in looking for potential. Jonathan lucked out though when he arrived at the inn, Minnie happened to be staying there and she would definitely tell everything she knew.

  Jonathan and Minnie had flirted during their first year in the Tower. Minnie eventually decided with a little coercion that she should set her sights on a noble. Prince Xalen himself went about fixing her up with an older man named Haversham who had a decent amount of wealth and was looking for another wife after his had passed. Jonathan was sure they were an item if not already married. Minnie blushed slightly when she first saw him then acted as if they did not know each other. Minnie had to have money to be staying at the Tickled Pheasant, Jonathan couldn't think of many places
she could get it from. Currently Minnie was watching him and five girls flirt with each other, neither of them had on mage robes.

  “She is gone,” Cassidy said. “You should have seen the look on her face. If she wants some trouble she can come down here and get it.”

  “You know some magic but she has been studying for a year,” Jonathan said. “Bravery and anger will not get you through this year if we can get you accepted.”

  “I think she looked like she would rather be down here in your arms,” Chloe said.

  Chloe was actually the oldest of the group. She was Cassidy’s older sister and far less confrontational. Jonathan didn't think they favored each other at all, Chloe was a bit more tanned when compared to Cassidy and had long eyelashes and thick eyebrows. Chloe was being wooed by a man she actually liked back in their hometown. The only reason Chloe came along was to keep Cassidy out of trouble. Jonathan thought Chloe was the smartest of the group as well, she was nineteen but carried herself like someone years older.

  “We used to flirt,” Jonathan said. “We both knew it wasn't going anywhere though. She is probably smart to keep her distance, I have a lot of enemies and we are counting on their pettiness to get you in.”

  “Here comes someone,” Lauryn whispered softly.

  Jonathan looked up to see a mage stomping over as angrily as Jonathan had ever seen anyone move. He looked familiar, Jonathan just was not sure where from until he noticed the man behind him. Davney Gillespie had graduated the year before Jonathan came to the Tower, his parents had died from something Jonathan did not care enough about to know the exact reason. Now Gillespie was an Earl with a very special spell that had no offensive capabilities. Earl Gillespie had a spell called Mage Vision that only the members of his family could cast. The closest similar spell that Jonathan could think of was Mage Sight. Mage Sight just let someone see if their target had magical energy inside of them. It was the primary spell used throughout the Kingdom to find mages. Mage Vision let Earl Gillespie see how strong a mage was, it was because of him Jonathan knew that Farrah and Russell Golad had more power than he did.

  “Why are none of you in your robes?” the younger Gillespie asked.

  “Why is it every time I am having fun some noble comes around to ruin it?” Jonathan said out loud.

  “You be careful who you are talking to,” the younger Gillespie said angrily.

  “Is that a challenge?” Jonathan asked. “If it is I accept. The Earl can speak for the Royal Family. That is unless you are scared.”

  “Leave him be Blaine,” Earl Gillespie said as he grabbed his little brother’s shoulder. “Check out his power level before you answer that question. He is one of the Big Four, the commoner.”

  Jonathan raised his eyebrow as a light emanated from the younger Gillespie’s hands and washed over him. Jonathan saw the man gasp in surprise and take a few steps back. Jonathan crossed his arms as Blaine did the same spell but aimed it at Lauryn then gasped loudly along with the Earl. Lauryn rarely used the magic she was given and instead just stored it. Poppy wanted to see if there was a limit to the amount of magic she could hold. Jonathan had casts mage sight on the group and thought he couldn't tell the difference between the pseudo mages and real mages. Having the Gillespies use their magic is what Jonathan really thought was a good test. At the very least they could all pass the eyeball test if they were around other mages.

  “Why are all of you hanging around this commoner?” Earl Gillespie said as he looked around at the women. “You do know that he hates nobles and wants to change our way of life.”

  “Most of them are commoners Your Lordship,” Jonathan said. “And I was just teaching them a bit of magic. They are only here to accompany me to the Tower and meet some of my friends.”

  “Commoners,” Earl Gillespie said and rolled his eyes.

  “I am not a commoner,” Poppy said. “I just think Jonathan is dashing. He pulls off the tall lean and dangerous look well.”

  “You could find men of better pedigree once you get to the Tower,” Earl Gillespie said.

  “She is not going there to study,” Jonathan replied. “She has until twenty one to do so, they are only going there to see me to my destination safely. I never know when assassins might pop up to get me.”

  “None of you plan on training at the Tower?” Earl Gillespie asked.

  “I just want to go with Jonathan,” Lauryn said so innocently as she moved to lean against Jonathan. Jonathan smiled at the Earl and placed his arm around her, the man looked like he was ready to faint. “We will be back to see you during your off time.”

  “Come Blaine,” Earl Gillespie said. “Let’s leave these people to their training.”

  Jonathan waited for them to go and smiled at Lauryn and took his arm off of her. Jonathan was sure all kinds of things would get back to the Tower and the news would beat him there. They would only have to stay in the Inn for another night before moving on which was good for Jonathan. Jonathan was footing the bill and the place was expensive, he figured it would be worth it though to bust up the institution he hated.

  “That was an Earl?” Poppy asked.

  “That was Earl Gillespie, one of Prince Xalen’s closest friends,” Jonathan replied. “All we need is a small fight once we are at the Tower. Someone will get you to stay, feel free to trash me if you think it will do any good. I am sure though that everyone and their mother will try to see Lauryn with anyone else but me.”

  “I thought you were a liar,” Cassidy said. “But those mages looked horrified once Lauryn snuggled in to you.”

  “Just maintain that you are not a mage and shouldn't be going to the Tower,” Jonathan said. “Write it down somewhere and get others to sign it. That is your just in case. Just try to never use too much magic, you never know when things might happen and you need an out.”


  “Jon who are these people?” Farrah said as soon as Jonathan walked up to the Tower. Jonathan was sure she had to have been waiting for him, Jonathan had seen her carriage while in Vashing and went out of his way to avoid her. Now she was in front of him and using a nickname.

  “Careful there Lady Golad,” Jonathan said. “We wouldn't want your brother to get angry.”

  “So you have found some girl with a little bit of power,” Farrah said as she moved closer. “Does she want to see what a real mage can do? I can show her she is in over her head right now.”

  “They are not here to study at the Tower, they aren't even mages,” Jonathan said and tried to put as much nervousness in his voice as possible.”

  “We don't want any trouble,” Chloe said. “We are not here to pick any fights. Jonathan we have brought you here. Now promise you will come and see us on your first break, you still have to choose.”

  “Choose?” Farrah said shocked. “You mean to tell me that you are all pining over the same man?”

  “Well you are too,” Cassidy said. “Which is why you are practically in his face rubbing your breasts on his chest.”

  “Who do you think you are talking to?” Farrah said angrily. “You are all so desperate that all of you are following the same man around and let him pick from you all like you are cattle or something. It is shameful.”

  “It is also none of your business,” Cassidy said as she stood her ground. “Why don't you go run back into your little Tower.”

  “She is not alone,” Monica Manchin said as she walked up next to Farrah. “You are all slobbering over this commoner, he is nothing special.”

  “You don't have to listen to anyone of these women,” Jonathan said. “This is just how nobles act. They like to threaten and push people around that do not agree with them. I am just one of the few people like my parents who pushed back.”

  “And where did that get your parents?” Monica said angrily.

  “Then let's stop playing around and handle this business,” Jonathan said angrily. “No more words, meet me out back. Only one of us will walk away, I’ll paste you the same way I did
the last idiot who had something to say.”

  “Why don't we all calm down,” Farrah said softening her voice.

  “To the pit with calming down,” Jonathan said as more anger came into his voice. “I want her to back up her words. She is the weakest of the four for a reason. After today we will only be known as the Big Three. I am willing to die for my beliefs. No one talks shit about my parents, stop hiding behind Farrah and come get what you want.”

  “No one is scared of you,” Russell Golad said walking up. Russell grabbed a shaken Monica and moved her behind him.

  “None of you are going to disrespect my parents honor!” Jonathan said as the tears started to fall. “You can get in line after her.”

  “I am stronger than you,” Russell said.

  “And I am going to make you prove it after I kill her,” Jonathan said wiping away a tear.

  “This is ridiculous,” Monica said. “No one was talking about your parents I only made a statement.”

  “You keep your statements to yourself,” Jonathan said as he started to calm down. “I don't appreciate them and unlike you all I am ready to die for my beliefs.”

  “There is no way you could take my brother and my friend,” Farrah said.

  “Doesn't matter,” Jonathan said. “Both of them would regret the fight even if they both survived.”

  “I think we should be going,” Chloe said as she tugged on Jonathan’s sleeve. “It is obvious you mage folk have a lot to work out.”

  “What do you mean by you mage folk?” Farrah said. “You are mage folk.”

  “Who told you this?” Jonathan said suspiciously.

  “It doesn't matter, they should be attending the Tower,” Farrah said. “Two of them haven't been able to keep their eyes away from my brother so your little spell is not that strong. There are more men inside of the Tower with power. You could come here and learn how to really hone your magic.”

  “We are not going to this place,” Cassidy said dismissively. “So we can be like you? All stuck up? We have too much fun just being normal people. I am never going to go there.”


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