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The Queen's Champion

Page 10

by Whiskey Flowers

  “Give me a day to think about it,” Jonathan said as he ran his hands through his short hair.

  “I’ll protect you if you are worried about being attacked again,” Farrah said. “I can even have someone do something to your hair. Maybe it can be slicked back or something, right now you look ridiculous with it.”

  “Only a few people can get away with saying that,” Jonathan said. “And it reminds me that I still have people I need to settle up with.”

  “We leave in three days,” Farrah said. “Hopefully you will come with me.”


  “Jonathan,” Farrah said as the carriage moved along.

  “I know,” Jonathan replied.

  “I am sorry for leading you on,” Farrah said. “But Harland is supposed to join us today.”

  The Golads had brought six carriages to travel in. Farrah and Russell traveled together for the most part but Russell did have a thing for Lauryn. This intensified when Russell noticed the looks and smiles she gave Jonathan. Russell had convinced Farrah to ride in another carriage and thought he was being sneaky. While he was busy kissing on Lauryn, Farrah gave into temptation and had thoroughly explored every bit of Jonathan’s mouth. They had been traveling this way for two days now, Jonathan was sure if he wanted to he possibly could have seen what was under the robe she wore. Now though she was feeling guilty since she would be meeting the man she was supposed to be marrying. Jonathan thought he should feel horrible about it but knew that there was no love there. Harland Nettleton had been married before but lost his wife to disease. Now he wanted a young pretty wife, Farrah fit that description plus she was insanely powerful. Harland had told her that he dreamed of having big powerful sons, she was just the means to an end.

  “I can say I had my fun,” Jonathan replied. “It made this trip more than worth it.”

  “Do you think anyone knows?” Farrah asked.

  “They would be idiots if they did not,” Jonathan replied. “Lauryn looks like she has been mauled by a bear every time she steps out of Russell’s carriage. Even if she didn't she brags about making out with him to Poppy who has been getting a little action herself.”

  “She has?” Farrah said worried. “I thought she and you…”

  “Really?” Jonathan said. “You are going to bring that up despite kissing all over me for the past two days? She has been kissing all over Red, the dumb look he keeps giving me lets me know they have been doing more than just traveling in the same carriage together.”

  “This is horrible,” Farrah said. “What was I thinking? The original plan was to have you and Poppy travel alone together in one of the carriages. We were supposed to rotate passengers so it wouldn't be so obvious but we thought eventually you two would become an item. It would have eased Harland’s unvoiced fears and put my mother at ease. A lot of people have heard about you and Poppy, just like they have heard about you and Lauryn. We know that little one is hiding something, Blaine’s brother Davney came down himself and gave her a look. She has as much magical energy inside of her as I do and you and her together could never be allowed to happen. She is a silly girl easily bent to the whims of others. The only thing that has worked out is that you and her are not a couple. Of course if any of this gets back to Monica then that is another problem waiting to burn.”

  “The set up,” Jonathan said laughing. “I hope with all that I am, that your brother or better yet Prince Xalen end up with Lauryn. As for Baron Nettleton, I will not make things odd between you. Outside of this carriage I am still the burned brooding mage.”

  “Thank you,” Farrah said. “We are at our next stop, I think you should ride with Red. I am going to ride with my brother and kick that little tart out of the carriage.”

  “She has been doing nothing you haven't,” Jonathan replied.

  “But she has been doing it with my brother,” Farrah said. “The whole thing is disgusting.”

  Jonathan watched her leave and stepped out of the carriage to relieve himself in an outhouse. Once he was done he climbed back into his carriage and was not surprised to find Red there. Red had a stupid look on his face and stared at Jonathan as the carriage started to move again. Jonathan waited for Red to talk but his friend just sat there looking stupid. Jonathan had enough of Red’s stares and eventually snapped at him.

  “Stop looking like you just took the world’s biggest man meat,” Jonathan said. “And say what is on your mind unless mouth is filled with what came out of it.”

  “Sod off,” Red said laughing. “So when were you going to tell me about Poppy and the others?”

  “What are you talking about?” Jonathan said.

  “Don't play stupid with me,” Red said laughing. “I know everything. Girls tend to talk to people that have been inside of them before. She told me you knew already and that you were keeping her secret.”

  “You shouldn't kiss and tell,” Jonathan replied. “And why would she give up her flower to you in a carriage?”

  “It was gone long before I got there,” Red said. “That was probably the main reason she fled. Whatever old man they had lined up for her was excited to be the first. I can't knock her for it though, I probably have four or five children I don't know about from women whose names I can't remember.”

  “I am not going to betray her trust,” Jonathan began. “You are going to have to spell out what you think you know.”

  “I know Poppy is the only real mage and she has some crazy power that allows her to give her magical energy to others,” Red began. “It is why we never see her group practicing anything. Russell has been all over the little one, I wonder what would happen if they got married and he found out it was all a lie. They are bold for sneaking into the Tower, I have no idea how they plan on getting out.”

  “So you do know,” Jonathan said smiling.

  “I even heard your part in it all,” Red said. “I am happy to see the nobles get what is coming to them but I think those girls are going to pay a big price for lying. At least I am certain of one thing though.”

  “And what is that?” Jonathan asked.

  “That mage lads are just as horny as the rest of us,” Red said smiling. “No wonder they are all stuck up and angry. They haven't had any and can't even flirt properly. Their stupid code means they can only go after mage girls or noble ones if mages aren't available. Those little misses know what is between their legs is solid gold, they aren't just going to give it up to anyone, not normally.”

  “And you think we are the same?” Jonathan said confused.

  “They have been trying their best to get cozy with our lady friends,” Red laughed. “You should see some of the gifts they have received. Chloe has gotten four ruby necklaces and Ella has so many mage robes she never needs to buy another one. Your friend Hymie was so bold that he gave her one with a little extra space around her belly like he expected her to be carrying a little one soon.”

  “I am curious,” Jonathan said. “If they did have any children while they had magic in them, would that boost their chances? If it was guaranteed then Bill and his people could be doing big things.”

  “Well enough about all of that,” Red said. “You know what this trip is really about? I only came because that colossal twat invited me and made it seem like we would be enemies if I declined. Said something about setting me up with a good paying job after this Tower thing is over. This is my last year and I don't want to go back to picking pockets.”

  “I don't want you doing that either,” Jonathan replied. “My parents used to help bring in rogue mages. There are many other mage hunting teams out there as well. I was thinking of getting on with one and trying my luck. Big money to be had by bringing them in to face justice.”

  “I can't be a roller,” Red said. “Goes against everything I stand for.”

  “I would only go after murderers or ravishers of women,” Jonathan said. “I don't care about thieves unless they are stealing from other poor people. I still have my own standards and I have never bee
n a street rat.”

  “I was thinking of getting on as a guard or something,” Red said. “I want to see how far I can push myself. I doubt you will be looking for work, the Tower Mage is sure to bring you back for a third year and probably will offer you a job there. You could be one of the few commoners to teach at the Tower, it would be a nice feather to have in your hat.”

  “I always have to have a back up plan,” Jonathan said. “If everything goes south, my grandfather still has a lot of stables and money breeding horses. I am the only family he has left, it is all going to be mine anyway.”

  “Must be nice rich boy,” Red said. “That is if you don't get killed by whoever it is Farrah is supposed to be marrying.”

  “Why would you say that?” Jonathan asked.

  “Because she has been staring at you the entire trip even though she tried to keep her distance. She eventually found herself in a carriage with just the two of you. If she wasn't such a stuffy bird you could have had a little fun. Now you get to see her get all cozy like with a rich man who if he isn't a total idiot will catch her checking you out.”

  “Well we will cross that bridge when we get to it,” Jonathan said. “We are supposed to reach the duchy tomorrow some time.”

  “That is what I keep hearing,” Red said. “No doubt we will hear some pitch to stay here permanently.”

  “Probably,” Jonathan said. “Nothing they can offer me here though. I won't look down on you for doing what is best for you.”

  “You hear that?” Red said looking around. “Is that yelling?”

  “What?” Jonathan asked.

  “I think we are being held up!” Red said smiling. “Poor bastards probably think they have a bunch of rich merchants. Why is it everytime I go anywhere with you, people try to rob me?”

  “I still don't hear anything,” Jonathan said as the sound of yelling could be heard.

  Jonathan felt someone tug on the carriage’s door and suddenly it flew open. A bearded man holding a knife stuck his head inside and was met by a mage bolt from Red. The man cursed all the way to the ground as Red gave Jonathan a sly wink. Jonathan shook his head and followed Red outside. An archer with bad aim barely missed Red and soon found the area he was hiding in bathed in flame. Jonathan could see the burning man run deeper into the forest where he would probably put himself out. All around Jonathan he could see men fleeing back into the forest followed by angry mages coming out of their carriages.

  “If I were you I wouldn't stick around here,” Jonathan said as he helped one of his attackers up. “Go on now, this is the wrong fight for you and the law will be by to clean this area up.”

  “Why would you help me?” the bearded man said backing away.

  “Because I stole your coin purse and that nice ring you had on your finger when I helped you up,” Jonathan said slipping the ring on his finger. “You should probably run, the others are going to turn you in.”

  “You’re a thief!” the bearded man screamed.

  “Get out of here you!” Red said and blasted the man in the face with a small mage bolt.

  “Catch him!” Einar screamed as the bearded man took off into the forest.

  “What for?” Jonathan said. “He just bought me an ale.”

  “You stole that guy’s purse?” Emmet asked looking at the coin purse Jonathan held up.

  “You learned from the master,” Red said smiling. “Maybe I should make a living ripping off thieves and cutthroats. The money is easy and you got a nice ring out of it.”

  “You let that man escape,” Russell said running up.

  “Careful there hero,” Red said. “You still have her lip covering all over your face.”

  “What?” Russell said wiping his mouth with his sleeve. “What are you talking about?”

  “Come off it,” Red said. “It is just us lads here. We all know you been getting a little honey on the side. I guess us commoners aren't all bad then, are we?”

  “You better shut your mouth,” Russell said turning bright red.

  “I don't think it is my mouth you have been worrying about,” Red said smiling. “Now if this is all finished, me and Jonathan were talking about the real reason you all brought us out here.”


  Jonathan stepped out of the carriage and massaged his lower back. He had finally gotten to the mountains and was surprised that Stone’s Keep, the name of the Golad’s home was partly built into the large mountain range which ran the length of the duchy. It was much cooler here, most people wore heavy wool and in some cases furs. Einar and Calder seemed happy to be back at the mountain but complained that they were not allowed to see their loved ones. Jonathan had not seen Farrah since they had picked up Baron Nettleton, she stayed to herself and Jonathan spent most of his time with Emmet, Calder and Einar since Red insisted on riding with Poppy. But they were at their destination now, Jonathan figured they would all get together at some point.

  “Take a knee, Her Grace approaches,” Einar said and gestured towards a blonde woman.

  Jonathan took a knee and wondered how this was going to play out. Daisy Golad hated commoners, especially commoner mages. She saw them as people who pretended they were greater than what they really were and had insulted him to his face before. Duchess Golad did not approve of Jonathan flirting with Farrah and had let him know it. Duchess Golad walked over and gave the kneeling men a slight sneer before running her fingers along Jonathan’s head.

  “Get up,” Daisy Golad said annoyed. “What is wrong with your hair?”

  “I was attacked by cowards,” Jonathan said. “Cowards who are lucky they are still living.”

  “What?” Duchess Golad said as Jonathan could see a memory came back to her. “You mean your little sparring match? You said you could take on any one and even offered to take on a group. It just got out of hand and you got your money. Why didn't you let Russell heal you?”

  “I don't need or want his help,” Jonathan replied. “I will either make my own way or go without Your Grace.”

  “This is why I hate dealing with you people,” Duchess Golad said. “I trust you haven't been trying to corrupt my daughter. I hear you have found a girl somewhere. Where is she? I want to meet this girl.”

  “You have heard wrong,” Jonathan said. “I am with no one.”

  “You don't have to lie to me,” Duchess Golad said. “I already know what happens at the Tower, both of my children go there, remember? I want to meet this girl so I can report back to the people that matter in this Kingdom. For some reason people are outraged over the love life of a boy. Now where is she?”

  “I think Her Grace is talking about Lady Poppy,” Einar said.

  “Is that her name?” Duchess Golad asked.

  “I think Lady Poppy has a relationship with another student Your Grace,” Einar said. “She is the one standing next to the red haired boy.”

  “Well then,” Duchess Golad said. “As long as you still know your place.”

  “Well looks like you finally made it,” Duke Golad said as he walked up and leaned heavily on his cane. “Some of my favorite lads in the Kingdom. Heard about your dustups Thunder, heard you tanned their hides good. Maybe you can tell me the real story instead of the poppycock I have heard.”

  “I would be honored to Your Grace,” Jonathan replied. Duke Golad looked like an older version of Russell and had lost his mobility fighting a mountain bear that had surprised him and went after Farrah when they were young. The man eventually killed the bear without the use of magic but was unable to get his leg fixed right. Farrah had told him the story when Jonathan found out she always kept a dagger on her in case someone had gotten too close to use magic on. Jonathan liked Duke Golad, the man was always in a good mood and never looked down on anyone.

  “And you two,” Duke Golad said looking at Einar and Calder. “Have you been holding yourself like mountain men?”

  “Yes Your Grace,” Calder replied.

  “I know it is overcooking your stew tha
t you have to pick out some mage or some noble,” Duke Golad said. “But trust me when I say away from this place, you and your kids will find nothing but hatred if you married who you wanted. It could be worse, Thunder has been pining for my little girl and gets to watch her parade around with a man with more money and power than he will ever have. That’s a kick in the nads if there ever was one. Well let's go inside and have some mead. The womenfolk are going to be with your Duchess and us men can relax a bit.”

  Jonathan followed the Duke inside the keep. There were huge burly men everywhere and they carried axes instead of swords. The keep itself looked like it could repel an army, the immediate interior looked like it was made to repel an invasion as well. As Jonathan traveled farther into the keep, he could see defenses give way to comfort. The keep was richly decorated and Jonathan was led into a room that was a bit odd.

  “You noticing none of that fanciness is in here?” Duke Golad said. “This is the man room, next door is Daisy’s room. My room has only places to sit and an open bar filled with the best mead and ale in Kirby. Our honey bees are a special breed adapted to the cold and we have plants that flower year long. Our mead is the best kept secret in the Kingdom.”

  “You are my kind of lad Your Grace,” Red said. “I am still a young man but your alcohol is my favorite kind in the whole Kingdom.”

  “How would you know?” Duke Golad asked.

  “Because it's free!” Emmet and Jonathan said together.

  “Well drink up then,” Duke Golad said. “That son of mine is busy showing around Baron Nettleton and my wife plans on showing the ladies all over this place. Drink up boys, you have a few nights of hell in front of you followed by a trip out to the border.”

  “A few nights of hell?” Jonathan asked.

  “Come on now boy,” Duke Golad said. “You have met my wife. Every noble in Golad is going to be here. Daisy is looking at this like it is her duty to the Kingdom to see you all placed with some girl that fits her description of worthy. The real fun starts when we visit the border, I have been itching to see this dragon that has everyone riled up. Three hundred gold is the reward for its death.”


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