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The Queen's Champion

Page 14

by Whiskey Flowers

  “You did what?” Red said nervously.

  “He only told two two people and we both know the Tower Mage will keep it to himself,” Jonathan replied. “The only loose end is Xalen, that is if the Queen says anything to him.”

  “I can't believe you told,” Poppy said fearfully.

  “We both know that they needed an out,” Jonathan replied. “And they were more than happy to run from the Tower as soon as they could. Your spell will get out in time and it has me thinking, will it work on a mage?”

  “Pit yes it would,” Red said smiling. “I can't wait to get as much power as possible and see about rematching Gerald. He has been bragging about killing a man in the arena.”

  “You need to leave…” Jonathan began as a loud ringing could be heard. The sound was soon joined by several other bells located all throughout Jubilee, causing people to run in panic.

  “You see that building there,” Jonathan said as he pointed to a small red building that had been freshly painted. “Go in there and into the tunnel and wait.”

  “What are you going to be doing?” Red said.

  “I have been here and I know our plan,” Jonathan began as he tossed off his robes.

  “What the pit are you wearing and why do you have a sword?” Red asked.

  “Because if my magic is not enough I am going to stab the bastards with last breath I take,” Jonathan replied. “I do not want my robes getting in the way, dragons use fire and robes are easy to burn.”

  “John I cannot leave you,” Red replied.

  “Yes you can,” Jonathan said as he pulled his sword from its sheath. “You do not know the plan and would get me and you killed, now run.”

  Jonathan took to the air and could see two dragons were coming towards the opposite side of the city. Jonathan felt silly holding a sword but would kick himself if he got close enough to the dragon and did not have anything to stab in its eye. Jonathan wanted to fly high but decided that was stupid, the only thing he was likely to do was get himself killed by making himself a target. As they neared the city the two dragons separated, they were going to attack and probably wanted to maximize their damage. Jonathan started towards the silver dragon, it was obvious the dragon was the slower of the pair and Jonathan thought it would be easier to line up a shot on its rider. Jonathan was just about there and turned his head to see where the other dragon was at, it was not too far away and was met in the sky by a foursome of students along with Kevin Wilson.

  Jonathan watched in horror as Terriel and Edgar both had their shields up as the yellow dragon opened its mouth. Their shields were quickly overwhelmed and both mages dropped out of the sky covered in flames. Jonathan stopped his pursuit of the silver dragon just as Hymie launched the biggest icicle Jonathan had ever seen. Jonathan was sure the spell had to drain him, the icicle hit the yellow dragon flush in the chest and sent it crashing into a building. Hymie had done it! Jonathan was overjoyed with their success but it was short lived.

  Kevin Wilson flew straight at the downed dragon and right into a spout of flames. Jonathan could see Kevin had his shield up a heartbeat before the flame hit it. The shield held for a few seconds as the dragon poured on the flame. When the shield broke apart Kevin dodged to the left but was not fast enough to avoid being burned a little. Jonathan was sure the right side of the former Archmage had to be scorched as he fell out of the sky while trying to cover himself in a water spell. The dragon climbed out of the building and spotted Hymie who was casting another spell. The icicle left his hands just as the dragon blew its fiery weapon. The icicle struck the dragon firmly in its chest but that did not save Hymie who did not have a shield up to combat the flame.

  Jonathan watched Hymie drop out of the sky and was in posistion as the dragon started going after who Jonathan thought was Cara. Jonathan dropped his sword atop a building and let loose the biggest bolt of lightning that he could, he needed both hands and it took him longer to cast than the one he had killed Quevin Wilson with and looked twice as thick. The flash was frightening Jonathan thought as the power ripped from his hands. It was automatic for Jonathan to follow up his attack with five more smaller bolts in rapid succession. The crack of thunder was loud enough to make everyone around Jonathan jump including himself. He was less than twenty paces away when he hit the dragon, the sound blew out his ear drums and caused him enough pain to make him grasp his ears but his eyes were focused on his target.

  The dragon was on the ground with a smoking hole blown into its back. There was no sign of the rider that had been on the dragon’s back. Jonathan had aimed for the rider with everything he had and the man was probably ash. None of that mattered though, what did matter was that Jonathan had taken down a dragon and now knew they were vulnerable to his lightning attack. Jonathan turned to look for the other animal, the people hit by dragonfire had to be tended to by someone else. Jonathan became angry thinking about how stupid Edgar and Terriel were for following an idiot like Kevin Wilson. Jonathan didn't have to look long to find the silver dragon, it was locked into battle with Xalen, Russell, Farrah, Monica, and the Archmage.

  They were flying around the monster while men on the ground fired arrows up at it. The fire the silver let off did not look as big or intense as what the yellow had but with each spout of fire, less and less arrows came up from the ground. Big spells were being cast at the dragon who seemed to know when to move out of the way. Jonathan thought it would be just a matter of time before either the dragon or the mages would get lucky and score a decisive hit. Jonathan had just got to the fight when the silver started taking higher to the air. The mages were after the beast and it looked like the rider was intent on fleeing. Jonathan could see that the mages were more agile but the dragon was faster. Jonathan joined the chase as the dragon flapped further and further away. Jonathan hit the dragon with a bolt of lightning, the animal fell for a few seconds but the righted itself and kept on going. Jonathan was in no hurry to chase the animal down, it was heading towards the border and as far as Jonathan was concerned it could stay going that way.


  Jonathan had just wrapped up the bodies of some of his friends, more than Edgar and Terriel had perished. Emmet, Einar, and Calder had been killed along with eight other males from the first years including Hymie. From the second years, Minnie had been killed along with a noble girl named Jaisa. Kevin Wilson had been badly burned on the right side of his body, dragon fire burned through water and had to be put out by smothering it. None of the other full mages in the town had been hit, they stayed in their sector as planned and the fight never came to them. They were lucky, Jonathan thought. They didn't know anyone who had given their lives to defend a small city weeks and for some months travel away from their homes.

  “This is a hard win,” Red said angrily. “I should have been out there.”

  “So I could be wrapping up your body along with the others?” Jonathan said. “You did the right thing. Kevin Wilson couldn't even stand against the yellow one. The man who many thought was once the greatest mage in the Kingdom had his shield overwhelmed and was burned horribly. Dragon fire leaves scars that cannot be taken away by magic. You would have died Red, I just happened to be in the right place at the right time.”

  “You fried that fucker good,” Red said and spat. “I wish I was there to see it instead of hiding in a hole.”

  “You and Poppy made it out,” Jonathan said. “That was the only thing that mattered.”

  “Have you went back to see the body?” Red asked. “That thing is covered in hard scales but there are a few weak spots.”

  “There are?” Jonathan said surprised. “It took me using the strongest version of my best spell to take down that dragon. The other one I hit shook off my lightning.”

  “Behind the head is as soft as anything,” Red said. “They were able to remove the head.”

  “They are dismembering the beast?” Jonathan asked surprised.

  “They are going to cook it,” Red said. “And I am going to
eat a piece of that tosser. That army man Burns is over there and he has been taking notes and parts of the body for his own study.”

  “Has the other one been spotted again?” Jonathan asked.

  “No,” Red replied. “Not that I know of.”

  “This is horrible business,” the Tower Mage said as he came up from behind Jonathan and Red. “We have a wagon ready for them, let's load them up and send them home to a hero’s welcome.”

  “I want to see them buried,” Jonathan replied. “They were friends who have never betrayed me. Edgar and Terriel had just gotten married, not even a year and they left their wives widows.”

  “And their children fatherless,” Red said angrily. “They both went home to find out they were expecting. No chance to tell you about it Jonathan.”

  “Just great,” Jonathan said. “Here comes Xalen.”

  “You are over here bragging about your kill?” Xalen said disgusted. “You killed one of them and chased away the other one so we couldn't kill it.”

  “What?” Jonathan said angrily. “People are dead and you want to talk about chasing away a dragon?”

  “You know what you did,” Xalen said angrily. “That dragon bit into the Duke and killed many guards and some mages I have known for years. I know you commoners make fun of me for having my little brother drive our carriage to safety. I had the chance to right my humiliation and you chased it away so you can be the only one with a kill. You were too proud to share in teamwork and wanted to make sure no one got any accolades except you.”

  “Whatever,” Jonathan snapped. “Go be petty somewhere else. I have friends to bury and need to figure out how can I make the most of their burials.”

  “They are all being buried in the same place,” Xalen snapped. “Any mage who falls in defense of the Kingdom is now buried in Light’s Field. Doesn't matter if they are commoner or not, their names will be recorded and they will be recognized as heroes for all time. Notices have already been sent out with transportation.”

  “At least I can see them off,” Jonathan said as a tear escaped his eye.

  “Enough with the fake crying,” Xalen said. “There is no one here for you to impress.”

  Jonathan walked away from the angry Prince and into the building he and the Archmage were now staying in. The Archmage was talking to a messenger that let him know the silver had crossed over into Downey and was immediately taken down by a white dragon. It was too far for the men stationed there to see properly but they are sure the rogue silver dragon had been captured and rather easily. It was over then Jonathan thought. It didn't take as long as he thought but it came with a much greater cost. Jonathan couldn't even enjoy taking one of the dragons down, not when so many had suffered. Jonathan had been lucky and was in the perfect position to give the perfect shot.

  The trip to Dyson was a somber one for Jonathan. He and Red took their meals alone in their room and did not have the good times a lot of the rest were having. The Tower Mage was bringing everyone to the funeral, instead of Light’s Field it was going to be held in a new grave area behind where the new Tower was going up. That graveyard would be special, the only way to be buried there was either as a student in the Tower giving your life to defend the Kingdom or as an Instructor who did the same. Jonathan could see more work had been done on the new Tower but it was far from finished. The bodies were dropped off there and placed in the care of a pair of grave diggers. The funeral would be in the morning, the Archmage was taking them to Bissell Palace for the rest of the afternoon and into the morning. The Queen herself wanted to give them thanks for a job well done.


  Queen Mildred

  “Don't tell me you actually have that commoner under my roof!” Jeffrey said angrily.

  “I have a hero of Kirby under your roof,” Mildred corrected. “The only mage on record who has taken out a dragon.”

  “You have a damn glory seeking commoner!” Jeffrey yelled. “You always tell me to listen to our son but do you listen to the other one? Xalen had that dragon right where he wanted it and your commoner chased it away instead of killing it.”

  “The only thing that matters is that the beast is back in Downey,” Mildred replied. “The reason for it has already received his reward.”

  “You gave that damn commoner some coin?” Jeffrey said angrily. “Mildred what are you thinking?”

  “I am thinking he killed a dragon and chased the other one back towards the border to be captured,” Mildred replied. “Xalen, Russell and Monica were adamant that it was Jonathan Thunder who caused the dragon to flee across the border. The money belongs to him and only him.”

  “That commoner of yours always manages to find himself some coin,” Jeffrey said in a growl. “First from Xalen, then from the Manchins and now from you and the Downey. Did you know your precious commoner plans on having commoner mage women marry other commoner men? He chased away one of the strongest mages the Kingdom has ever seen, one that would be right at home amongst the Big Four.”

  “I have already been briefed on the situation, it is no concern of yours,” Mildred replied. “Mage business is no longer your business. Your job is to smile and welcome our heroes with open arms.”

  “You are ordering me to hug this commoner?” Jeffrey said angrily. “Queen or no Queen you are out of your mind.”

  “I am not ordering you to do anything,” Mildred replied. “Your sense of decency and gratefulness should make you want to.”

  “I am not saying two words to that commoner and he should be happy I do not have him thrown out of here,” Jeffrey said fuming. “In fact I should have him thrown out.”

  “You are going to throw out the only mage to take down a dragon?” Mildred said. “Go ahead, I am sure the citizens of the Kingdom will think even worse of you than they do now. We all cowered in a carriage and let our youngest get us to safety the dragons were so ferocious. Thunder killed one and chased off the other for good and you are angry at him for that.”

  “Just tell me you really don't plan on naming him as your Champion,” Jeffrey asked. “You could name Russell or even your own son. They helped chase the dragon off too.”

  “Not from the reports I received,” Mildred said. “They all said it was Thunder who chased the dragon away. He will be my Champion for all to see. After he has held the title for a month or so I will let you name your own Champion, you and Xalen can pick out whoever you wish for whatever reason.”

  “Thunder is going to be named the Queen’s Champion while mind will be called the Prince’s Champion?” Jeffrey said still angry. “That would be a joke and you know it. At least give me my title back so my champion can have a proper title.”

  “Jonathan Thunder will be Champion of Kirby,” Mildred replied. “I like the name Jonathan the Lightning. That is going to be his new moniker when performing duties in my name. Your Champion can take any name you wish him or her to have, just as long as no one could confuse whoever you put forth as representing Kirby. That man or woman will be representing you and your sons and only you and your sons.”

  “I don't need your charity Mildred,” Jeffrey said as he started calming down. “I hate your commoner and wish you would cast him to the side.”

  “So I can be hated like you are?” Mildred asked. “People know his name, both commoners and nobles. Did you know many of our mundane nobles have inquired about him and want me to make the introduction? So has many rich commoners who have heard that Thunder prefers to have a commoner for a bride.”

  “At this point I don't care who he takes,” Jeffrey said. “I only want him to go away.”

  “That is not happening,” Mildred replied. “And I am letting you know if he happens to wind up on the wrong end of an assassination and you are implicated you will receive the same justice as any other man. I will not let you wantonly break the rules of the Kingdom.”

  “You would have me killed over a damn commoner?” Jeffrey asked.

  “The rules of this Kingdom are bi
gger than you and me,” Mildred explained. “I follow the rules and as my husband you are expected to as well. Now stop it with the jealousy, who is this Cara girl that your son is smitten with?”

  “The one who almost beat the commoner that you love so much,” Jeffrey said and smiled. “In a head up match with no tricks she had your commoner on the ground and gave him a good pounding before she quit. Your commoner didn't touch her, all he did was get his ass kicked.”

  “She beat Thunder?” Mildred asked.

  “She quit the match after putting him down,” Jeffrey said.

  “So she didn't win,” Mildred replied. “Xalen has told me that he may have found the one and no longer wants the girl you picked out for him. Oddly enough Jordan wants this girl as well and despite his young age he is a much better flirt than Xalen is.”

  “Jordan is a mundane,” Jeffrey said and waved off Mildred’s complement of Jordan.

  “He is a mundane that saved your life,” Mildred said. “Every time you look at that hand you should remember that. Instead of crying about how you can barely move it or how burned it is, you should be praising your son for getting us out of there.”

  ‘When are you supposed to meet these people?” Jeffrey asked.

  “For dinner,” Mildred replied. “Right now they are being settled in but I am going to dine with them. After our heroes are laid to rest, I am going to give Jonathan his new title.”

  “I hope Russell challenges for it right away,” Jeffrey said. “I hope he ends this farce before it can gather any more steam.”

  “Then Jonathan would not be my Champion but neither would he,” Mildred replied. “The title is only going to be given to those who uphold the highest standard in our Kingdom and is of exceptional strength. Russell hasn't done anything to prove himself except start a fight between two girls for his own amusement. I cannot have him representing me to the Kingdom. But if he defeats Jonathan I will remove Thunder as my Champion.”


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