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The Queen's Champion

Page 19

by Whiskey Flowers

  “I thought we were going after the mage,” Tasha whispered. “Why are we turning around?”

  “Change in plans,” Jonathan said as he heard the unmistakable sound of someone being punched. Jonathan could see Red fall from the carriage and the carriage speed up.

  “Your guards,” Tasha said as an odd smile came across her face. “Lorena told you that they meant to rob you. They probably have some ambush waiting for you.”

  “I am the quickest blade in the Kingdom,” Jonathan lied. “I am not worried about these idiots.”

  “Well they gave me my opening,” Tasha said. “But I do not want to idiots to get the credit.”

  “The credit for what?” Jonathan asked as the carriage came to an abrupt stop.

  Jonathan was lucky he was sitting facing away from the direction of travel with his back against the bench. Tasha was not so lucky and practically flew into his arms from her position sitting across from him. The carriage door was yanked open by a man holding a crossbow, that same man was just as surprised as Jonathan was as Tasha fired off a mage bolt which hit him directly in the face as he fired. The crossbow hit Jonathan in the shoulder as Tasha got off of him, Jonathan cursed to himself as Tasha flew out the door and Jonathan could hear the sounds of spells being tossed about. Jonathan gingerly touched the crossbow bolt sticking out off his shoulder and kicked out the window of the carriage the Lord Mayor had loaned him. Jonathan landed hard on the ground but got himself standing as the sounds of battle suddenly ceased. Jonathan was about to peek and find out what happened when he saw Tasha land in front of him.

  “You are the mage?” Jonathan asked while favoring his shoulder. “Why the lies?”

  “Surprised aren't you?” Tasha said. “The reason no one has ever found the third mage is because I am a woman, not a man.”

  “You gave the description of the last mage,” Jonathan said thinking back to everything he was told.

  “I did,” Tasha said. “But you will not be around to tell anyone. I am going to use your body to leave a little note to the people of Jubilee. In a week or so I will be found wandering around and let everyone know I was taken and ravished.”

  “My sword arm is down,” Jonathan said. “At least let me defend myself. Whoever finds me will see I had an injury.”

  “I will pull it out later,” Tasha said. “I am going to burn you and impale you with your own sword.”

  “You are full of surprises,” Jonathan said. “I have my own surprises.”

  “I am not taking the bait,” Tasha said. “I would love to talk to you but I have your money I have to spend.”

  “You surprised me mage,” Jonathan said. “But if you remembered correctly, I had my own backup.”

  “Your servant?” Tasha laughed. “That idiot was dropped on his ass more than a mile back.”

  “That he was,” Jonathan said. “But he is a mage.”

  “What?” Tasha said as she was hit hard by a mage bolt.

  “Didn't see that coming did you?” Red said as he fell out of the sky and flattened her with another bolt.

  “Neither did you,” Jonathan replied. “What took your ass so long?”

  “I wanted to make it look believable,” Red said. “When I saw that idiot Andrew was just going to knock me silly with his fists instead of a knife I let it happen. It is still dark out so I figured I could follow at a good distance. This crazy bird surprised me, you had her made, is that why you wanted to turn around?”

  “I didn't have her made,” Jonathan replied. “I just got the idea to use mage sight while everyone was sleeping to see if the mage really lived in Jubilee. Those idiots already had it planned to rob me, I bet they will not try that shit again.”

  “This bird killed them,” Red said. “Well let’s get that shoulder checked and haul this bird before the Lord Mayor.”

  “She needs to go before the Archmage,” Jonathan said. “She could always break free from Jubilee and would be a hard one to catch again for people who cannot fly.”

  “You going to drug her to keep her out?” Red asked.

  “Someone has something that would work,” Jonathan said.

  “Well then it looks like a long trip to the capital then back to the Tower. The less I see of Poppy the better it will be and I know you do not want to hang around Farrah either.”


  Jonathan looked at his bed and became sad. It had comforted him for almost two years and it seemed the school year flew by. Jonathan kept himself busy, his routine stayed the same except during off months. In the off time they had, Jonathan stayed at the Tower and trained with Red. Her Majesty never needed him for anything other than the mage he had brought in. When the Tower was in session Jonathan and Red was joined by Blaine and Timothy. Jonathan did not think they were bad people anymore but he could have been wrong. Jonathan never talked to them about anything except fighting, both of them became highly interested in learning new techniques when they had lost to Red. Jonathan had recently been training by himself in the early mornings, to his surprise, other were out this morning. Jonathan put it out of his mind then took a deep breath and prepared for the end of second year tests.

  These tests used to determine if a mage was going to be invited back to study for their third year. Any mage who was invited to stay on for a third year received a significant pay increase. The Tower Mage decided to keep the tests more out of tradition, it no longer determined if anyone would be staying over which was just as well. Not many commoner born mages had ever been invited to stay on for a third year. His parents had told him the reason was because the tests were skewed. There were four tests, three officially and one unofficially. The first involved being able to fire off five fireballs. Casting flame was easy, casting fireball was difficult, it involved fire and wind magic. In the second year class there were only four people including Jonathan that could cast a fireball and control it competently. Having a fireball stay in the air for any long amount of time rapidly drained magic. Jonathan’s father Joshua could cast a fireball but the concentration and power needed to maintain more than one rapidly drained his father’s small magical well. The next test was arguably the easiest test and was the one given to most of the noble mages in the past. It involved being able to cast two mage lights simultaneously. Most noble mages could dual cast and there was no standard of how bright the mage lights had to be. This along with the fireball test was the reason most commoners had failed. Jonathan’s mother Sara had an abundance of magical energy but could not dual wield, she was unable to pass either test. The next test Jonathan thought was geared specifically to eliminate weak commoner mages although hardly anyone, commoner or noble received it.

  The third test involved casting fire spout for thirty seconds. Fire spout was a continuous flame but casting it for thirty seconds was not really power intensive but physically impossible for most commoner mages. Jonathan thought it was like someone telling you to hold your breath, anyone could do it. Holding your breath for minutes was tough, you would have to take a breath either voluntarily or involuntarily. Sure once you took another breath you could try again but this test only measured that first breath. Only the mages with a lot of magical energy could pass it, the more magic you had at your disposal, the easier it was to maintain. Monica Manchin would not be able to pass the first two tests, she could only cast one spell at a time. Jonathan knew she would crush the fire test though or demand the last unofficial test.

  The last test was dueling one of the Tower staff. Jonathan’s father Joshua wished he had received that test because he thought he stood a good chance at passing it. When Quevin Wilson was in charge, he gave at least two people a year a chance to duel him. The new Tower Mage said Quevin did it to silence any soon to be graduates who thought they were better than they really were. If they were a noble he would give them a chance at one of the other tests after humbling them. Jonathan heard he had never fought a commoner before since by the end of their second year most commoners would already be sufficient
ly cowed. This year the Tower Mage was doing things different. He would give the graduates a choice, they could either test fate by having a test randomly chosen for them or they could opt to battle Tower staff, Jonathan had made up his mind on what he would do.

  Jonathan decided to let fate happen, he had been able to put up eight fireballs before. He cast so quickly that by the time the first fireball was breaking up he would have others in the air. Jonathan had gotten to two minutes with fire spout and thought he could go even longer when pressed. The mage light wasn't something he had to train for, it was also one of the initial tests given to the first years and he already easily passed that. Jonathan thought the rest of the Big Four along with Gerald Morningstar and an artificially boosted Xalen would try and take on Tower staff. The way last year ended they almost had to go that route.

  Jonathan was the only student ever who could boast that he beat Tower staff when he killed the Tower Mage Quevin Wilson. Jonathan knew the rest of the Big Four would try and prove that they were just as capable as Jonathan was. Russell had always claimed that he never wasted his time on things that were not a challenge. Whether Russell thought the instructors were a challenge or not, he wouldn't let Jonathan be the only one. Monica had a point to prove to the world, she couldn't dual cast but was desperate to show the world that she didn't need to. She would take on the Tower Mage if she could. Jonathan was not sure what had been going through Farrah’s mind lately. Jonathan was ready to bet though that she wouldn't be the only one of the Big Four without a victory over Tower staff while a student.

  “Thunder,” Xalen said as he approached Jonathan.

  “What?” Jonathan replied annoyed.

  “Thunder you need to start showing some respect,” Xalen said. “This year is ending and I will not be your peer. I will be your Prince and eventually your King.”

  “How may I help you Your Highness?” Xalen said and tried to hold back some of his scorn.

  “That is better,” Xalen replied. “Champion or not, you should learn a commoner’s place. I have a story to tell you.”

  “Is there any way to get out of it?” Jonathan asked. “I need to prepare myself for the final exams.”

  “And you will need a lot more preparation than you previously had,” Xalen said as he narrowed his eyes. “You are a cheater Jonathan Thunder, you are dishonest and utterly ruthless. I know your secret Thunder. You have abused it time and time again.”

  “My secret?” Jonathan said surprised.

  “Yes your secret,” Xalen replied. “You have known my love Poppy for longer than any of us here. You have used her gifts to boost you and your friends. I know how strong your parents were and found it difficult that someone like your mother was not highly sought after. There had to be at least one nobleman who did not talk down on her station and wanted her. No one even knew who she was when I met her. She was either hiding the full extent of her powers when she went through the Tower or wasn't as strong. I think your whole family has been finding and using people like Poppy.”

  “What?!?” Jonathan said outraged.

  “Keep your voice down,” Xalen said in a harsh whisper. “I think you used her ability prior to fighting Quevin Wilson. You set the man up to fight, then killed him in front of everyone. I thought it was peculiar that someone our age could best an accomplished mage. You kept your fame and used Poppy to kill a dragon.”

  “And this is something you believe?” Jonathan asked and shook his head.

  “This is something I know,” Xalen said and fixed his face with a frown. “And I desperately want to tell Russell, Farrah and Monica about it but I will not.”

  “If you think you have something on me then why wouldn't you tell the world?” Jonathan asked.

  “Because I am petty and jealous,” Xalen replied. “All of my life I have always been second to Russell. He is taller, better looking and has a better build. You have seen him, every girl we have ever met has given him the once over including most women. So what I am going to be King, he will just be a few steps below at being named a Duke. The worst part of it all is that Russell has magical power never seen in this Kingdom. I was considered an excellent mage while I was young, I was not on the level of the Wilsons but I am the strongest royal mage in centuries. But Russell always outshone me, if I am a bright torch then Russell is the sun. I can change that with Poppy’s help.”

  “You went after a woman that was happy in her relationship for some petty competition that Russell doesn't even know he is a part of?”

  “Poppy is the means to an end,” Xalen said. “In her heart she knows that, she also knows that she should not be even considered to be my bride but yet she is. If she was so happy she would have stayed but how could she? I am better looking, wealthier, stronger and I am going to be King. True love is a fairytale commoners believe in because you do not know how the world works. Nobles marry for strength and wealth, it is the reason we are where we are and your kind are where you belong. I am going to use Poppy, I have been using Poppy despite her numerous shortcomings.”

  “If she has so many shortcomings then you should turn her loose,” Jonathan replied.

  “You would love for that to happen, wouldn't you?” Xalen said. “You could get back in her good graces and take advantage of her power. Her skill is enough to make me overlook some of the things she has done. Other than being of low birth, she lost her flower long ago and had been laying with your friend. She is manipulative, she brought all of her friends in to break up Russell and Monica. She is only out for herself, she tossed Red away as soon as I said I was interested. But she will be loyal to me, I am going to be King. My father tried to kill you and received no punishment. If I punish an unloyal wife the public would be firmly on my side.”

  “Why are you telling me this?” Jonathan said. “We have never spoken to each other like this before.”

  “Because you are Champion now and we are graduating,” Xalen said. “I also know you and your friend has kept Poppy’s secret and will continue to do so, even after I beat an instructor for my final test. I want you to know that I like you in the position you are now in. I want you to know that with Poppy’s help I can get you removed from being Champion any time I wish and put whoever I want in your place. You work for me now, when I call of you, you better come running.”

  “You have a nice fairytale there,” Jonathan said. “And have you told Poppy any of this?”

  “I don't need to,” Xalen said. “But she knows. I was angrily ranting about you of all people. I wanted to know how a damn commoner had ingrained himself in my mother’s graces. She shouldn't even know who you are, there are many mages in the Kingdom from good families and she has not mentioned their names once but she knows Jonathan Thunder. Poppy gave me the first half of it without implicating herself. I don't need to ask for the rest. It calmed me down and made realize what I am missing. It made me realize what could be done instead of what was already done.”

  Jonathan looked at Xalen walk away and wanted to laugh the man was so off target. If he wanted to believe Jonathan was some kind of diabolical cheat, Jonathan would let him. The Prince had been living in Russell’s shadow, Jonathan could see how he could be jealous. Sometimes Jonathan was jealous of Russell and Xalen but he would never admit that to them. Sure Jonathan had his fans but they would cheer him and quickly forget about him if he was standing next to the Prince or future Duke.

  “What did he want?” Red asked. “Did he come to brag?”

  “He thinks I have had something going on with Poppy for years and that she was the reason I beat Quevin Wilson,” Jonathan said still astonished that the Prince came to that conclusion. “He came over here and told me that he knew my secret but wouldn't tell on me.”

  “And why would a knobber like that keep something secret that he knew you wouldn't want getting out,” Red asked.

  “Because he wants to use her power to fight an instructor and prove his worth,” Jonathan said.

  “Is that what you are going
to do, fight an instructor?” Red asked.

  “I am going to let fate decide,” Jonathan said. “I don't have anything to prove to anyone.”

  “You know that would make the asshole Prince even more sure of himself,” Red replied.

  “Don't call him that,” Jonathan said. “We are almost out of the Tower and he is trouble we don't need. Have you thought about what you are doing after this is all over?”

  “I don't know,” Red replied. “Maybe I will join one of the mage hunting teams. We worked good together when we were in Jubilee. I hate to have to swallow my pride but maybe I will ask Poppy to help me out like she said she would. I don't want to let my pride stop me from being secure years from now.”

  “I couldn't do it,” Jonathan replied. “Me and Farrah hardly had going on what you did but I wouldn't ask her to piss on me if I was on fire.”

  “You are the dragonslayer with your own estate,” Red replied. “I am a street rat that got lucky I have magic.”

  “I don't want this to be the end,” Jonathan said. “You have been a good friend. I am sure my grandfather could find you work to supplement whatever income you get from the Kingdom. Maybe you can even work with me in whatever I end up doing if it is not back with my grandfather.”

  “Maybe,” Red said. “I would like that a lot better than begging Poppy for anything. I am just not the type of lad that plans on marrying some girl for her money. If I was then I am sure Bill would already have me married.”

  “Here comes your boy,” Jonathan said as he saw Bradley walking over. “He is as slippery as they come.”

  “Still don't trust him?” Red asked.

  “Something about him is just off,” Jonathan said. “This entire year he has been playing both sides.”

  “Maybe he just sees a problem and is trying to fix it,” Red said.

  “Jonathan,” Bradley said. “Are you going to fight an instructor?”

  “No,” Jonathan replied.

  “I know you don't like me much Jonathan,” Bradley began. “It is because I realize who my betters are and you fail to do so. You should be trying to reach their level, not content on staying who you are. I can live in both worlds, both noble and commoner. Because of this I have already secured future alliances with many powerful or soon to be powerful people. My entire family will be set because of some of my new contacts. You could be so much more with your power but you are too proud. Now you and Red stand here sulking because you fail to accurately recognize your status.”


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