Always Yours

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Always Yours Page 5

by Shelly Jones

My dad starts to laugh and shakes his head “She’s got balls these days. I’ll give her that!”

  “Yeah I know. She told me how she felt last night. Shocked the shit out me, she never used to be like that.”

  “Good! You deserve it too.”

  “I know I do.”

  “Is that where you were last night?”

  “No, I got pissed at the party, went to the bar, then the bitches showed up. Brady and Katie came to rescue me, Katie flipped out, somehow I ended up at Brady’s, and this morning I went straight to Katie’s to make things better,” I rattled off. He didn’t ask, but being the cop he is, he would have gotten me to tell the whole story.

  “Ah I see. So, is everything ok?”

  “I guess. We’ll see. She invited me over for dinner with her and Ava. So that’s a good sign right?”

  My dad gets that damn smile, “Sure is,” he says slapping me on the back and heading for the garage.



  “What’s with this asshole that’s getting out soon?”

  “I’ve been dreading this day since I locked the bastard up.”

  “Dad, you were there? Why didn’t you call me?”

  “I wanted to, but honestly I was pissed at you for the way you treated her and figured I’d save her some heartache and not call you.”

  Wow, even my dad fucking hated me, awesome. Now I feel like an even bigger prick.

  “I’m sorry dad...”

  “What’s done is done. New start, new chance; stop dwelling on the past, you can’t change that. Focus on each day and the future. That’s all you can do.”

  “That’s the plan. So who’s this Dean?”

  My dad is the Chief of Police, he retires in August.

  “Dean Bryant, I think he played football for East High.”

  “Name sounds familiar but can’t place a face with the name.” Fuck it, I’ll look the punk ass up later and see what I can find.

  “I can’t get into the details, you know that.”

  “I know dad. I want to push Katie for details, but I know I have no right. I want to know more about this punk.”

  “You know Katie was his first victim that we know about. That’s what is weird about his case. Normally you have other victims, but not this time. We knew it was Dean, since we found her at his house, but without her memory coming back when it did, he easily could have walked.”

  “Dad, I’m scared for her. What if he comes back for her? Oh my god, Ava? I don’t want to think about it.” I start to pace the floor. I need to somehow, some way protect them.

  “Talk to her tonight, see if she will open up. If he has sent her any letters, we need them, especially if they’re threatening at all. We could use those to keep him locked up.”

  I look over at the clock it’s only two. Fuck it; I’m going over there now. I need to talk to her.

  “Alright, I’m not supposed to be over there for two more hours, but I’m going now. I’ll see you either later tonight or in the morning.”

  “If you find out anything, I want to know ASAP.”

  “Ok, Dad thanks.”

  “Keep her and that baby girl safe.”

  “That’s the plan!”

  I get in my truck and head over to Wal-Mart. I want to get Ava something and then I’ll go over to the florist and get flowers for Katie.

  I get Ava the biggest stuffed monkey I can find. I know for a fact that Katie’s favorite animal is a monkey and I’m sure it’s Ava’s too. If not, well Katie can put it in her room.

  I go to the florist and get a big bouquet of Sunflowers, Gerbera Daisies, Lilies, and some wildflowers that have blues, purples and whites to them. I want to text Katie to let her know I’m on my way, but I don’t want to give her a reason to say no.

  I get in my truck and “I Won’t Give Up” by Jason Mraz comes over my iPod. I smile and nod my head. ‘Yep this is a good sign,’ I think to myself.

  Chapter 7


  I cannot believe I’ve invited Eric over for dinner tonight. Part of me is happy, the other part is nervous. My mind keeps drifting to the realization that Dean gets out in a month. He’s sent me letters since he’s been in there, saying how sorry he is and how he wants to make it right when he gets out. I don’t trust him and could care less about my life, its Ava I’m more afraid for.

  I look over at the clock, and decide while Ava’s asleep I’ll go shower and freshen up. I get out of the shower, put on a pink and black bra with matching boy shorts under a long black tank top maxi dress. I keep my make-up minimal but enough to where I don’t look pale and my blue eyes pop. I look at myself, “I guess...” I say to myself.

  I peek in at Ava and she’s still sleeping. My phone rings and I see its Rachel so head into the kitchen. “Hey Rach.”

  “So how did it go?”

  “It went ok. I said something to him last night and he wanted answers.”

  “Yeah I heard about that. Do you really blame him?”

  “You know I don’t. I’ve told you all of this before.”

  “I know, but I just wanted to make sure.”

  “I’m fine, he’s fine. It’s all good.”

  “Ok good! So you dumped some beer on some bitches huh,” she says giggling.

  “Damn straight and it felt amazing.”

  “That’s awesome, so proud of you!”

  “Thanks, I’m proud of myself too...But hey can I call you tomorrow? Eric’s coming over for dinner and I want to get this place picked up a little bit.”

  “He’s what? Oh my god! Call me, I want all the details!!”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah, it’s two friends having dinner. No details will need to be shared. So quit.”

  “Fine! You’re no fun FYI.”

  “Yeah so I’ve been told.”

  “Alright well you have a good night and I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  “Alright, love you.”

  “Love you too Kat.”

  I clean up the kitchen and living room even though I know it won’t pay to, Ava will have it trashed in ten minutes after waking up.

  I go back into the kitchen and plan dinner. I hope Eric doesn’t mind, but I’m putting his ass to work and he can grill the steaks while I take care of the baked potatoes, chef salad and dinner rolls. I have plenty of beer so we should be good. When Ava wakes up she can help me make brownies for desert.

  Ava wakes up at two. “Hey baby girl,” I say walking into her room.

  “Mama,” she says smiling.

  I take her out of her crib and put her on the changing table and get her changed and cleaned up. We head into the living room and I put her down. She has trashed the living room in no time. Good thing he’s not coming for another two hours.

  Ava is watching the Disney channel and I’m sitting on the internet messing around on Facebook.

  The doorbell rings and I jump. “Jesus, I need to stop being so jumpy,” I say to myself.

  I look out the peep hole. What the hell is he doing here? I thought we said four.

  I open the door, “Um hi...” I say with a half-smile.

  “Hi,” he says with the cocky ass sexy smile.

  “I thought we said four?”

  “We did, I could come back if you want me to, but I was bored and could only take so much of my dad and his million questions.”

  I open the door wider, “Come in, I guess.”

  “You sure, I can leave.”

  “No, it’s fine. I was just browsing the internet.”

  He walks in and I notice the huge monkey and something wrapped in floral paper.

  “So these are for you,” he smiles. Sadly I was actually hoping the oversized stuffed monkey was for me, but I guess not.

  I open the package and my breath is taken away. They are the most beautiful flowers I’ve ever seen.

  “They’re beautiful! Thank you,” I give him a shy smile

  “Still all your favorites’ right?”

� He says softly. How the hell does he remember that sunflowers and daisies are my favorite, not to mention the wild flowers? I guess he was really paying attention all those years ago.

  “Good, now where’s Ava?”

  “She’s in the living room,” I tell him and we walk in to see Ava dancing to some song on the Disney channel. I start laughing.

  “Is this what life is like?” he chuckles.

  “Yep, pretty much, but we can go from dancing to tantrum in no time flat!”

  Ava looks over and sees us watching her and she becomes shy all of a sudden.

  Eric walks over by Ava and gets on his knees, “Hi Ava,” he smiles.

  “Hi,” she whispers.

  Eric looks over at me like asking for permission, I nod my head. “Do you like monkeys?” She nods her head yes. “This guy is for you.” She smiles from ear to ear and starts jumping up and down. She hugs the monkey and starts to play with it.

  “Ava, can you say Thank you?”

  “Thank you,” she says, and to my surprise she leans over and hugs him. She’s never ever done that. My heart swells and I fight the tears waiting to fall.

  Eric looks over at me and cocks his head. “You ok?”

  “Yeah I’m fine.” I want to tell him no, that I miss Steve, I’m scared to death over Dean getting out, that I’m happy he’s back in town, but I can’t and I won’t.

  “So what’s for dinner,” he asks.

  “If you don’t mind, do you want to grill some steaks and I’ll take care of the rest?”

  “Oh sure put me to work right away. Here I thought the two of you were going to make me dinner,” he says and winks at me.

  “I could, but what fun would that be. I’d rather put you to work.” I stick my tongue out.

  I walk into the kitchen a get my large vase so I get this massive bouquet put into water. Eric follows me in with Ava walking next to him dragging her monkey.

  “So I’m assuming you’re in the wedding right?” he asks.

  “Yep, maid of honor.”

  “I should have guessed that. Brady asked me to be a groomsmen and I’m guessing with the way you’ve acted, you had no idea.”

  “Not a damn clue. I guess she likes it,” I say to Eric nodding my head towards Ava.

  “I think so too. It’s almost bigger than her,” he chuckles.

  “Alright Miss Ava, want to help mama make brownies?”

  Her eyes get big, “Yep,” she shouts.

  I get her cleaned up and put her on the counter.

  Eric takes a seat at the breakfast bar watching us when he notices my camera sitting off to the side.

  “You want me to take a picture of this?”

  “Yeah I would love that. Thank you.” I don’t think I have any pictures of me and Ava in the kitchen. Pretty much, the only ones I have of her and I are selfies taken with my camera. He takes a few pictures of us.

  I’m laughing at Ava making a mess and put a dot of chocolate on her nose when she starts to giggle, getting me back by smearing a nice glob on my cheek. Eric is laughing way too hard for my liking. With Ava’s messy hands, I walk her over and she happily wipes brownie mix on Eric’s face.

  “Hey, this is not fair!”

  “Sure it is, you were to clean and that’s not fair...” I wink at him carrying Ava over to the sink to clean her up.

  I clean up the kitchen and take the brownies out of the oven.

  It’s four o’clock and Eric goes outside to start the grill.

  Ava is watching the Disney channel and I’m in the kitchen chopping up the vegetables for the salad and cleaning the potatoes ready to bake.

  “The grill is ready,” he says walking in.


  He grabs the platter with the steaks on them and goes outside. While those are cooking, I wrap the potatoes in foil and walk outside.


  “Hey, got room for these guys?”

  “Sure do,” he says and takes them from my hands. His hand brushes mine and there’s this electric shock current shooting through us, almost burning my skin. Our eyes are locked on one another, and my stomach does back flips. I know he feels something too.

  I walk inside and turn on the iPod. “Drive By” by Train comes on. Ava comes in the kitchen doing her hungry whine. I make her up some chicken nuggets and mac and cheese with fruit.

  “Dinner is done,” Eric says bringing the steaks and potatoes in.

  “Perfect timing, so is Ava’s food.”

  We plate up our food and sit at the table to eat. I don’t think I’ve ever had a meal at this table, ever. It’s weird, but a good weird.

  Our dinner conversation is small talk. Nothing big, he doesn’t really say much about his past. Not sure if he’s keeping something from me or if it’s just odd talking with Ava being around. I’m not going to think too much about it.

  When we finish eating, he helps me clear the table.

  “If you need to go give Ava a bath, I can clean up.”

  “You don’t have to do that Eric.”

  He comes up and gets close to me, “Stop, you cooked, I clean. Go take care of Ava.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yes, now go,” he says.

  “Thank you.”

  “Thank you for dinner.”

  “Not a problem,” I say, “Alright Ava, its tubby time.” She starts to run to the bathroom and I chase after her.

  I get her bathed and dressed noticing its six thirty. Another half an hour and Ava will be out for the night. We get back to the kitchen and its spotless, he wasn’t joking when he said he would clean up. He’s not in the kitchen, so we walk to the living room and find Eric sitting on the couch watching some kind of Disney show.

  “Enjoying your show,” I ask.

  “Oh yeah, this stuff is the bomb,” he says and I hope in a joking matter cause if not he needs some serious help.

  “You know you can change it?”

  “I didn’t know if you had rules about what she can and can’t watch.”

  “Its fine, she’s going to bed in a half an hour. She’ll be too busy playing anyways.” He smiles at me and grabs the remote control.

  At seven, “Alright Ava, its bedtime,” I say she reaches her arms up for me to pick her up, “Say good night to Eric.” She gives him a wave.

  “Good night Ava, thanks for letting me hang out with you today,” he says so sweetly while my heart melts.

  “I’ll be right back.”

  I walk Ava into her room and put her in her crib and just like every night, I sing “In My Daughter’s Eyes” by Martina McBride to her. It doesn’t take but a couple of minutes and my sweet girl is asleep. I cover her up with her pink and brown polka dot blanket and walk out the door. Eric is standing near her door when I come out and scares the shit out of me!

  Chapter 8


  I say good night to Ava. I’m so in love with this little girl. I would do anything for her and Katie.

  Katie walks back to Ava’s room to put her to bed. I look around at all the pictures and think about today.

  “This is what life should be like,” I say to myself.

  I hear this beautiful sound coming from Ava’s bedroom and I know I shouldn’t, but I tip toe my way over and listen. It’s Katie singing “In My Daughter’s Eyes” by Martina McBride. I don’t even realize Katie has stopped singing until it’s too late, when she walks out of the room.

  “Jesus Eric,” she snaps.

  “Sorry, I was just looking for the bathroom when I heard you singing and I got lost in your voice,” I quickly say.

  “Oh, the bathroom is right there,” she says, pointing to the door at the end of the hallway.

  Done with the bathroom I head back to the living room,

  “I guess I should go...” I say hoping she’ll tell me to stay.

  “You know you don’t have too.”

  “You sure?”

  She gives me that beautiful smile. “Yes I’m sure.” I take
a seat on the couch.

  “Thanks for dinner.”

  “Oh you’re welcome, thanks for coming over.” She blows out a breath, “Ok, I got to ask, how much do you know about Dean,” she asks me, damn she’s bold. She always used to be this quiet girl.

  “Not much. All my dad told me was that he was the first responder on the scene and he was the one who brought him in.”


  “I asked my dad why he didn’t call and he told me that he didn’t want to cause you any more heartache. He was pissed at me.”

  “I love that people look out for me, but when are you all going to let me be the one to make my own damn decisions?” she snaps.

  “I’m sorry Katie. I didn’t know anything otherwise I would have been here no matter what you thought.” She doesn’t say anything, staring at her hands. “Alright, I’m going to come out and say this. After I say this if you want me to leave, then I’ll leave. But my dad wanted me to pass on a message.”

  She takes a deep breath, “Alright, what?”

  “In the four years that Dean has been in lock up, has he written to you at all? Good, bad, whatever. Has he had contact with you?”

  “Yes,” she whispers.

  “Can I see the letters?”

  “Yes,” she whispers again. This time she gets up and goes over to her book shelf and grabs a box. She hands me the box and I open it. There are probably about twenty letters, maybe more.

  “Katie, are any of these threating?”

  “Honestly Eric, I don’t know. I haven’t looked at any but maybe two or three. I can’t bring myself to. I’m scared, pissed off and any other emotion you can feel.”

  “Can I or my dad read these? Because if there’s anything bad in these letters, we can use them to keep him in lock up, even if it’s just for a little longer.”

  “I don’t care. But Eric he’s smart, I don’t think he’s dumb enough to write threatening letters knowing that the jail reads them.”

  “You never know, it’s worth a look through right?”

  “I guess,” she says shaking.

  “Katie,” I say cradling her face between my hands, “You’re not alone. I’m going to do what I can to keep you and Ava safe. It’s not my job, but I want to, I need to. You need to let me keep you safe. Will you let me?” The tears fall from her eyes.


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