Always Yours

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Always Yours Page 8

by Shelly Jones

  We get back to Rachel and Brady’s house and everyone heads back to the back yard. Brady brings out his iPod so we can pull up the song and the lyrics.

  I was able to do a Google search of the music with the lyrics.

  Eric and I run through the song, and it’s an easy song. Brady and Rachel are smiling. Rachel has tears in her eyes.

  “So you approve?” I ask

  She comes up to me and slams her body into mine giving me a hug. “It’s perfect,” she whispers in my ear.

  “Good, it felt good too. Now, I think it’s time to kick these guys out so we can get some sleep,” I tell her.

  “Yeah you’re right,” Rachel pouts.

  “Alright guys, you need to get your asses out. We girls need sleep and you’re not invited to sleep over,” I announce.

  “Really, you’re kicking us out?” Brody says

  “Yep, out,” I tell them.

  “Fine, if we have to,” Brady pouts as we all say our goodbyes.

  Morgan, Annie, Hannah, Rachel and I have another beer and turn in for the night. Rachel and I sleep in her bed while the other girls are scattered throughout Rachel’s house.

  “I can’t believe tomorrow I’m going to be Mrs. Brady McNally!”

  “I know, your dream come true sis,” I say to a sleepy Rachel.

  “You’re dreams are going to come true too. I can feel it. This is going to be a good new beginning for you,” she says as she falls asleep.

  I can only hope so, but I refuse to get my hopes up. In less than a month, the monster that made my life hell is getting out, and I have no idea how I’m supposed to act.

  Chapter 10


  The guys and I get back to my parents’ house. “Thanks dad for letting everyone crash here.”

  “No problem Eric, just try not to get too loud. Your mom’s trying to rest.”

  “How’s she doing?”

  “Today was a little rough for her.”

  “Shit dad, why didn’t you call me? I would’ve come home.”

  “She didn’t want me to; she wanted you to enjoy your night. So how did it go with Katie tonight?”

  I can’t help but get a huge ass grin on my face. “It was good dad, real good.”

  “Good, let’s hope it gets better from here.”

  “Oh, Mr. Brooks says hi.”

  “Oh? How did that one go?”

  “It was alright. He had me come in for a hand shake but pulled me into a ‘hug’ and said if I even think about hurting a hair on her head he will kill me. But he did say he was happy I was back in town. So who knows?”

  “Well don’t piss that man off, because I won’t hold him off this time if you become a prick and walk out.”

  “That’s not going to happen this time dad. Like I told him, this is home, everything I want and need is right here in this town. Oh, Brady and Rachel have Katie and me singing their first dance song.”

  “No way!”

  “Yep, kind of crazy.”

  “Wow, I’m speechless,” my dad says and the guys come in from outside.

  “Thank you Mr. Reed for letting us crash here.”

  “No problem Brady.”

  “Well you guys, I’m going to head to bed. Eric, don’t forget to say good night to your mom before you turn in.”

  “Will do dad, I’m going to go say good night in a few minutes.” My dad nods and heads up stairs.

  My mom has been battling uterine cancer for 2 years. She went into remission but then it came back with a vengeance and now she’s at stage 4. Her body is weak, and with her refusing any further treatments, the doctors have told us she doesn’t have much longer to live. I hate my mom is going through this and I can’t do anything about it, I hate myself for being away for so many years and can’t help but feel so useless.

  I tell the guys I’ll be right back and head upstairs to say goodnight to my mom.

  I slowly open her door and my dad is checking on her.

  “She’s awake Eric,” my dad says.

  I walk closer and my mom’s beautiful blue eyes are staring up at me, “Hi mom.”

  “Eric, come sit.” She pats her bed. I walk over and sit. “So dad tells me you and Katie are hanging out?”

  “Yes we are.”

  “Good. But Eric, promise me you won’t hurt her. I’ve seen her go through hell and back and she needs some good in her life now. Be that good in her life.”

  “I know mom, I’m going to try. Did dad tell you we’re singing together tomorrow?”

  “No he didn’t,” she glares at my dad.

  “What? I wanted him to tell you,” he says as he puffs out his chest.

  “It’s Rachel and Brady’s first dance song we’re singing. I’ll have dad or someone take a video and show it to you tomorrow night.”

  “I’d like that,” she yawns.

  “Ok mom, you get your rest. I’m going back downstairs with the guys.” I stand up and give my mom a kiss on the forehead, “Good night mom, I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  I head downstairs and grab a beer. The guys are sitting on the back deck, and I go out and join them.

  “How’s your mom?” Brady asks.

  “She’s doing the best she can.”

  “Do you think it would be ok if I went up tomorrow to say hi?”

  “We’ll see what kind of night she has.”

  “I cannot believe I’m getting married tomorrow.”

  “You getting cold feet?” Parker asks.

  “Hell no! If she can put up with my bullshit for all these years, she’s a keeper. Giving her this day is the least I can do,” he says taking a drink of his beer.

  We hang out back for a while, the guys are talking but the only thing I can think of is Katie; the way she smelled tonight and her being in my arms. I now know for a fact that I am in love with her, I always have been. I just don’t know how I’m going to do this. I don’t want to push her, but I don’t want to take my time either. What the fuck am I going to do?

  “Well guys I’m hitting the sack,” Brady announces.

  “Yeah me too,” the other guys say.

  “Alright, I’ll see you guys in the morning,” I nod at them. I sit out on the deck for another hour and decide to call it a night.

  The next morning goes pretty fast, Brady was surprisingly calm. Brady got to see my mom today and she seemed happy to see him, but I could tell she was sad that she doesn’t get to go. If it wasn’t for me being in the wedding, I would skip the wedding and hang out with mom tonight.

  “Eric, you think you can do me a favor?”

  “What’s up?”

  “Want to take this to Rachel and then just meet us up at the church?”

  Brady says handing me a box. “Um sure, what is it?”

  “It’s a diamond four leaf clover necklace with an emerald in the center. The emerald is from my grandma’s wedding band and my mom told me to do something with it and I came up with this idea. You think she’ll like it?”

  Wow, in all the years I’ve known Brady I swear I didn’t know he had it in him. “Yeah man, she’ll love it. I’ll take it to her and meet you guys at the church.”

  “Thanks Eric,” he says. I grab my keys and follow the guys out.

  The guys get in the limo while I jump in my truck and head to Brady and Rachel’s place.

  I pull up to the house and my stomach goes into my throat; I’m aware of seeing Katie all of a sudden. I take a deep breath, grab the box and get out of the truck. I’m walking up to the door, when the door flies open.

  “What? Please don’t tell me you’re here because he’s changed his mind,” Katie snaps at me, her face looks pale.

  “Relax. I’m here for the bride, to give her this gift.” I give her my crooked smile. She lets out the breath she’s been holding and starts to smile.

  “I thought I was going to have to kick your ass and then Brady’s,” she says. Her eyes light up when she said that. I’m not sure how I should
take that, but she’s smiling, so it’s all good.

  “Well come on in, so you can hand deliver it to her,” she says turning on her heels. I follow her inside and all of a sudden I can’t breathe with the combination of perfume, hair spray and whatever else they’re putting on themselves.

  Rachel is outside on the back deck. Thank god for fresh air.

  “He’s got cold feet doesn’t he?” Rachel says looking out at the yard, not looking towards me

  “Nope, just the opposite. I have been sent here to check on you girls to make sure you don’t need anything and to give you this.” Ok well the first part was a lie, but it sounded better than me just being the messenger.

  “What is it?” she asks taking the box out of my hand.

  “Just open it,”

  She opens the box, and I notice instantly that her eyes get tears in them. She grabs me and hugs the air out of me.

  “Tell him thank you,” she whispers.

  “Will do; he did tell me to tell you that the emerald was in his grandma’s wedding band. He came up with the design all by himself.” I look over and all the girls are crying.

  Katie mouths ‘thank you’ to me with tears in her eyes.

  “Alright, well if you girls don’t need anything, I have to get to the church. So I will see all you ladies later.”

  “Thanks Eric,” Rachel shouts out and I let myself out.

  The wedding is beautiful. I will give it to Brady and Rachel; they know how to plan a wedding. Wonder if they’ll help me plan my own someday.

  Katie looked breath taking in her emerald green and black satin strapless dress. She has her hair half up with curls. She took my breath away when I saw her walking down the aisle.

  Of course Miss Ava was adorable, wearing a white satin dress, white shoes, and with her hair up in a bun with a halo of green flowers. When she saw me and smiled big, my heart swelled and I almost lost it and started crying.

  There are two limos, one for Brady and Rachel and the other one for the wedding party. I didn’t join them in the limo since I was playing messenger before the wedding.

  The reception is fun. I don’t think I’ve ever danced as much as I did tonight. Katie smiled so much. I know in the back on her mind she’s scared to death, but seeing her smile and be happy was a beautiful sight. When it was our turn to sing the first song for Brady and Rachel, I was so nervous, I wanted to throw up. Katie could tell that too and she was laughing at me.

  Like the gentleman I am, I stay true to my promise and save Katie every slow dance. “Sure Be Cool If You Did” by Blake Shelton is the last song, and I pull Katie close and she lays her head on my chest. As we finish the dance, I look over and see Brady and Rachel smiling; my dad is talking to someone but watching us and winks at me. Katie’s dad is watching, just like he has all night.

  When the song is over he gives me a smile and a nod. I really need to get a few minutes alone with this guy; I know he’s got something to talk to me about.

  The reception comes to an end and everyone is going off in their own directions while Katie and Rachel are talking and giggling.

  “Hey Eric,” I hear and turn around, “You got your truck here right,” she asks.

  “Yeah, why?”

  “Want to give Katie a ride home? She doesn’t have a room here and has no way to get home,” Rachel asks me.

  Holy fuck, that’s like the best news of the entire night. I get to escort her home.

  “Do you really have to ask? Jesus, of course I will!” I look over at Katie, she’s smiling, but her eyes aren’t smiling, they have almost a hunger in them. I’m not sure what is going on, but guess I’ll find out.

  Rachel stands up, “Good, then I can trust Katie is in good hands right?” she asks as she locks eyes with me.

  “Like I’d hurt her. Come on,” I say as I roll my eyes.

  Rachel comes in for a hug. “I’ve never seen her this happy; here’s your chance to make her yours finally. Oh yeah, and thanks for coming and being a part of today,” she says in my ear.

  I pull away and look her in the eyes, giving her a smile and a nod. She smiles and walks away from me.

  “Well, shall we go,” Katie asks as she comes up to me with a bag.

  “Sure if you’re ready to go. Here, I’ll take your bag,” I say grabbing her bag as we walk out to my truck.

  The drive to her place was pretty quiet for the most part. We made small talk, but that’s it. We pull up to her house.

  “Would you like to come in,” she asks giving me a shy smile. Crap what should I do?

  “Yeah, I’d like that, as long as you’re sure.”

  “I wouldn’t be asking if I wasn’t sure dork.”

  “Oh! Name calling now huh? I see how it is!”

  She starts to giggle and gets out of my truck before I could even get out and open the door for her. She’s waiting for me at the front of the truck while I grab her bag.

  We walk up to the front of the house together. She opens the door and motions for me to go in. Once we’re both in she locks it immediately, I’ve noticed the few times I’ve been over here she does that every time.

  “Want something to drink?” she asks walking into the kitchen and she kicks her black satin high heels off in the living room.

  “A beer if you have any.”

  “I will always have beer, whiskey, wine and flavored Vodka,” she informs me.

  “Good to know.”

  “You’re welcome to anything,” she says as she shows me where the rest of the liquor is at and shows me where the sodas are so I can mix a drink if I want. She hands me a beer and opens one for herself.

  “That was fun, huh?” she asks as she jumps up on the counter.

  “Yeah, they sure know how to throw a party.”

  “Thanks for saving all those dances. You didn’t have to. I know there were quite a few ladies that wanted to dance with you.”

  “Yeah well, I only wanted to dance with one,” I say with a smile, which made her cheeks turn red. God I love it when I can make her blush.

  She turns on her iPod that’s sitting on a dock and it’s obviously connected to a bunch of speakers. “God Gave Me You” by Blake Shelton comes over the speakers.

  She’s staring at me in a way I’m not used to. “What?” I ask breaking the silence.

  “Nothing really, just got a lot on my mind,” she says softly.

  I walk towards her and she looks down at her hands. I gently put my finger under her chin and push it up so she’s looking at me. Her eyes are red and wet. She’s getting ready to cry. No! Tonight she’s not supposed to cry damn it.

  “What’s wrong? Talk to me Katie...” I say pushing a piece of hair behind her ear. She lets one lone tear fall, and I catch it and wipe it away.

  “I’m scared Eric,” she whispers.

  “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  “It’s not just Dean I’m scared of. I’m scared you’re going to break my heart again.” With those words, my heart went into my stomach and I almost started to cry. Jesus, I’ve never been this emotional, ever.

  “Again, I won’t let anything happen to you. I’m not leaving. I don’t know what we are or what we will be in the future, but either way, you can hate me all you want, tell me to leave, but I’m not, I’m not leaving this state, this town and I’m not leaving you,” I whisper while staring into her eyes and bring my forehead to rest on hers. Tears fall from her eyes. She lifts her head and our lips are barley touching each other.

  “Kiss me Eric,” she whispers against my lips.

  I take a deep breath, ‘It’s now or never pussy,’ I think to myself as I move my lips just a little and give her a gentle kiss.

  She laughs against my mouth, “That’s all you got?”

  “Ok smart ass,” I chuckle. I put my hand on the back of her neck and start to kiss her gently, but this time she opens her mouth and allows my tongue to enter and explore. She opens her legs slightly so I can stand between them while her hands a
re in my hair and on my neck. Fuck she tastes good.

  We break free for a breath, “We haven’t been doing this because why?” I say trying to catch my breath.

  She gets that evil grin on her face, “You really need me to answer that?”

  “No!” We both laugh. In the background I can hear “I Don’t Want This Night to End” by Luke Bryan playing, perfect song.

  She pulls me into her and wraps her arms around my neck, staring in my eyes, “Eric?”


  “Spend the night with me. I can’t be alone and I want, well I need you to stay with me. Please?”

  Part of me says this is a bad idea and to turn her down, but I know she’s scared shitless right now. Yeah, you can do this. You don’t have to have sex with her. You can sleep on the couch while she sleeps in her bed. Yeah perfect.

  “Sure, I’ll stay with you,” I tell her. There’s that hunger in her eyes again, and that damn smile that makes my dick wake up. She crashes her mouth into mine and starts kissing me again. She’s aggressive and it’s fucking hot! But damn it, I have to slow this down. Lord knows I want to make love to her all night, but it’s too soon.

  “Take me to my room,” she growls against my lips.

  “Katie, I’ll take you to your room, but as much as I want to, I can’t make love to you tonight. I don’t want to rush this.”

  “Eric, just take me to my fucking room,” she snaps at me. I start to laugh. I’m not use to this side of her, and I take her up to her room.

  “Thanks, if you want to change, there’s a bathroom across the hall. I’ll be changed in a few minutes,” she says.

  What the hell just happened? I run back down stairs and grab my bag and head upstairs. I have no idea why I packed a bag, guess I did just in case I stayed at the hotel. Anyways, it worked out. I get into the bathroom and change into my nylon black shorts and light blue t-shirt and brush my teeth.

  I start to walk down stairs towards the couch when I hear, “Where are you going?”

  “I’m going to go lay down on the couch.”

  “No, you’re going to lay in bed with me. Eric, when I told you I need you to spend the night, I meant, I need to sleep next to you. Naked or clothed, it doesn’t matter. I need to feel safe tonight. Please?” she begs me.


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