by Shelly Jones
I shrug my shoulders and hand it to him anyways.
Mr. Reed sits and reads the letter. “That son of a bitch,” he snaps!
We spend a couple of hours with Eric and Mr. Reed, who is enjoying having Ava there as he’s all smiles. Eric’s mom came out to say Hi, but she wasn’t feeling well, so she didn’t stay out long.
“Thanks for letting me cry and vent on you,” I say and look up at Eric.
“Anytime,” he smiles down at me. “I’ll call you later to check on you,” he says kissing the top of my head.
“Ok, I’m going to go home and snuggle with Ava.”
“Sounds like a good plan. I’ll talk to you in a little while,” he says closing my car door.
When I get home, I call Rachel and tell her about my day, and she, like the rest of us, is lost for words. Ten years of my life, I feel like it’s all a lie. I don’t understand how people can do this.
The one thing in the letter that makes sense is where my heart was and is. I feel like shit that Steve knew but yet he still wanted to marry me and be with me. I know I never got over Eric, and the fact that there were people in my life keeping me from him pisses me off. He might have hurt me back then, but I honestly feel like it was more that bitch Reagan then anything, but who knows. I never got an explanation from him nor do I want one. It’s too late. What’s done is done.
Ava and I are dancing around the house acting all goofy. I’ve made her favorite dinner, mac and cheese and hot dogs. I make myself a salad. After bath time I hear my phone ring. I go over and see who it is. My stomach gets butterflies.
“Hey, are you doing ok?”
“Hey, I’m doing alright.”
“Good, my dad is worried about you.”
“Tell your dad I’m fine.”
“He’s just worried, like we all are.”
“I appreciate it. I just have a lot of thinking to do. Now that I know my life has been pretty much a lie, I need to figure out where to go from here. You know?”
“Well for what it’s worth Katie, I tried to come back. I wanted to come back and make things work.”
That made my stomach go into my throat and tears pricked my eyes. “What’s done is done. All I can do is move forward. First things first; there’s a wedding I have to attend to and then from there I have no clue.”
“I know. Don’t hesitate to ask for help. I know you’re strong but if you need help with anything, ask. It’s ok to ask.”
I smile at the phone, “I know you’re right, but I’m stubborn.”
He laughs, “Yeah, no shit?!”
“Bite me Eric!”
“Ohh Katie, Katie, Katie. Don’t say that unless you mean it.”
I start to blush; thank god he can’t see me. “Yeah, ok.”
“What are your plans for tomorrow?”
“Work and wedding stuff. I gotta meet Rachel at the dress store to get our dresses.”
“Yep me too. Well, not the dress part. We’re picking up our tuxes.”
I giggle. “I was going to say, ‘This I gotta see; Eric Reed in a dress’.”
“Funny, funny,” he laughs. “I’m glad you’re doing ok and it’s good to hear you laugh.”
“It feels good to laugh. Thanks for being there today. It means a lot.”
“I know. That’s what friends are for right?”
Damnit, there’s that word again, friends. “Yeah, friends,” I say in almost a whisper. “Well I should go. I gotta get up early.”
“Ok,” he says. “Oh wait, I was going to tell you this earlier today but my dad kind of took over, I’m staying. I got hired at the fire department,” he tells me.
“Oh wow, that’s awesome.” I won’t lie, my stomach got excited and I might have done a little fist pump.
“You’re happy about that?”
“Of course!”
“Good, well I’ll let you get to sleep.”
“Ok goodnight Eric.”
“Goodnight Katie. Oh hey Katie...”
“If you can’t sleep or have another nightmare. Call me. I’ll help you through it anyway I can.”
I smile even though he can’t see me. “Thanks. Good night.” I hang up the phone, Ava has fallen asleep on the couch next to me and even though I should put her in her bed, I take advantage of it and cuddle up with her.
I wake up at midnight, still on the couch and Ava is on my chest.
I slowly get up and take her to her room, then check my doors, make sure the security system is on, and pass out again in my bed.
It’s Friday, and it’s time for the rehearsal and dinner. The rest of the week went by pretty fast. I spent most of my time helping Rachel get the last bit of wedding stuff done.
I take a quick shower and get dressed in my black two tiered cotton dress that hits me right about the knee and my black wedge sandals. My hair is curled and cascading down my back. My make-up is done in that natural look. I take a look at myself and this is the first time in a long time I’ve actually got color in my face and I look decent.
I get Ava’s bag packed and get her ready to go. When my doorbell rings and I go and answer it, Rachel is standing there with a huge smile on her face. She looks beautiful in her cream colored one shoulder dress that hits her about an inch or two above her knees and brown wedge sandals. Her blonde hair is down like mine.
“Hey hottie,” I say giving her a hug.
“Hi to you too hot mama! Ava, there’s my princess, you two ready?”
“Yep let me get my purse and our bags.”
“I can’t believe this time tomorrow I’m going to be Mrs. Rachel McNally,” she squeals.
“I know right?! I’m so happy for you two.”
“Thanks Katie, I don’t think I’d get through this day without you next to me,” she says grabbing my hand and squeezing.
“I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else,” I tell her and we take off in her black jeep wrangler.
We grab lunch before doing a little last minute shopping and getting our nails done. Ava may only be two, but she is such a girly girl and enjoyed getting her nails done too.
We get to the church and everyone is waiting outside. My stomach starts to do flips and I feel like I’m going to throw up when I see Eric; he’s standing there talking to Brady and another guy. I notice he has two girls pretty much drooling over him. I roll my eyes; same old, same old. I get out of the Jeep, grab Ava and start to head towards everyone. Eric spots us and smiles; my stomach does flips again.
“Well shit, it’s about time you three got here,” I hear Brady say.
“Well since we’re not inside the church yet, I can say this, fuck you Brady,” I say with a smile.
“Damn you’re feisty. I love this new and improved Katie,” he chuckles.
“You say that now, but you hurt Rachel you’ll end up hating this new me, because I will kick your ass,” I say through gritted teeth but with a smile.
Eric just stands there and listens to us banter back and forth.
“Hey,” I say to Eric.
“Hey, yourself. You look nice,” he says as he looks me up and down.
“Thanks, you clean up good too,” and I am not lying either. He’s got on a pair of khaki pants, red button down shirt, and a pair of cowboy boots. His hair has that ‘I just got fucked’ look. Damn it, he’s hot as hell!
“Well shall we get this thing going,” Brady says.
We walk in and are greeted by a few people. Rachel has three other girls standing up with me; Annie, she has jet black hair cut in a pixie cut with the greenest eyes I’ve ever seen. She’s only about 5’5” and a tiny frame, Hannah, Rachel’s cousin, with long blonde hair, blue eyes, 5’7”, and curves in all the right areas. Then there’s Morgan, she’s got medium length red hair, light brown eyes, and she’s 5’7”, I think. The three girls are married, engaged, or taken, but that doesn’t stop them from drooling over Eric. But who can blame them really?
Besides E
ric, there’s Brady’s older brother Brody, he’s the best man. He’s 6’2”, brown hair, hazel eyes. Brody is with Morgan. There is Ronnie, 6’0” Blonde hair, blue eyes and he is with James, and there’s Parker, 6’2” black hair, and hazel eyes. He has the whole tall, dark and handsome look going for him. I personally can’t stand him. He’s an arrogant ass who thinks the world revolves around him and that all women love him. He’s been trying to get into my pants for I don’t know how many years and I keep telling him to fuck off.
We get through the church part of the rehearsal, Ava is going to be awesome doing the flower girl thing, and we head over to the hotel for dinner. It’s the same hotel that the reception is going to be at.
“Hey dad,” I say.
“Hey Kat,” he greets me with a hug, and he scans the place looking at all the people.
His eyes narrow on Eric, “Shit,” I say to myself.
Eric sees my dad and walks over. He and my dad haven’t backed down with the eye contact.
“Mr. Brooks,” Eric says reaching my dad and me.
“Well if it isn’t Eric Reed himself.” My dad is smiling. What the hell?
“Yes Sir. How’s it been going?”
“It’s good Eric, real good. How’s your old man? How long are you in town for?”
“Dad’s good, he retires in August, finally. As for myself, well Sir, I’m staying. My life and my home are right here in Green Bay. So if it’s ok, I think I’m going to stay.” What happens next shocks the shit out of me. My dad gets the biggest smile on his face, puts his hand out for Eric and when Eric goes to shake it, my dad pulls him into a hug. He whispers something is Eric’s ear, but I couldn’t hear it. Eric pulls back, breaking their hug, and nods at my dad.
“Well if you don’t mind, I’m going to take this little princess back to my place and I’ll bring her back to the church tomorrow morning,” my dad says picking up Ava.
“Thanks Dad! I’ll see you both in the morning.” I kiss them both.
My dad says good bye to Rachel and Brady.
Rachel calls us all over for dinner and everyone gives a speech where there are a lot of tears shed. After dinner, we sit around and talk about the wedding and our plans for the night.
Eric and I keep stealing glances at each other, but haven’t talked at all. I’m not sure how I feel about it. I want to talk to him, but I don’t want to push it. I know he told my dad and he told me, he was sticking around, but with him I can never be too sure and I have to protect myself and Ava.
“Alright ladies, there is a dance floor to be danced on and a microphone waiting for us,” Rachel announces.
“I guess we know what we’re doing,” I lean into Annie.
“Ugh, why can’t we just go back to the house and watch chick flicks and pig out on junk food,” she complains.
“You and I both know that ain’t Rachel’s style,” I bump her.
“Fuck me! Why did I agree to this again?”
“Because you love Rachel and you know once you get there you’ll be fine.”
“I hate it when you’re right.”
“I know,” I say grabbing her arm. Hannah, Morgan, Rachel, Annie and myself all head outside to a nice surprise waiting for us.
“Oh my god, a limo,” Rachel screams!
“Yep, mom’s driving your Jeep back to your place. You girls go and have a good time, and this way we’ll know you’ll be coming back home in one piece,” her dad, Bob, says to her.
“You’re the best daddy,” she shouts wrapping her arms around his neck.
We say our good byes to everyone. Brady and Rachel look like they’re about ready to fuck each other right here on the side walk.
Eric’s holding the limo door open for all of us.
“Guess I’ll see you tomorrow,” I say to him.
“Yes you will, unless we decide to crash your party,” he says with a wink.
“There could be worst things. Just make sure you get Brady to the church tomorrow.”
“Will do, you do the same with Rachel. See you either later or tomorrow,” he says.
“See you later.” I smile up at him. I get into the limo and he’s getting ready to close the door, “Oh hey, Eric?”
“Don’t forget, you owe me a dance.”
“I’ve got you penciled in.” He gives me that panty melting smile and closes the door. I feel my face turn red.
“What the hell was that about,” Morgan drills me.
“Nothin’, just two friends talking,” I say.
“Yeah I don’t buy that shit,” she says.
“Yep, those two will be hooking up by the end of this weekend. Mark my words ladies,” Rachel says.
“My sex life or lack thereof, is not up for discussion, so we can change the subject now,” I whine and I stick my tongue out. I wonder what it would be like to be pressed up against the wall by Eric, what his hands would feel like on my body. I wonder what his kiss feels and tastes like. I start biting my lower lip.
“Yep, she’s totally thinking about him,” Hannah giggles.
“Shut up,” I roll my eyes.
We finally get to the bar, “Alright ladies, let’s have some fun,” Rachel shouts and pulls Hannah towards the door.
“Oh boy, here we go!” I smile and get between Morgan and Annie, interlocking my arms with theirs, and drag them with.
“Ugh,” Annie says.
As soon as we get in the bar, Rachel finds us a table next to the dance floor and stage. “Sweet, Josh is here tonight,” Rachel says waving at him. “So what do you guys want to drink,” she asks.
“Beer,” we all say.
“Ok, beer and whiskey shots and hell, maybe some moonshine too,” Rachel smiles.
“Really; are we going to have a puking game tonight,” Morgan asks.
“No one is telling anyone they have to drink. It’s not like I’m going to drink all night. I do want to look decent at my wedding tomorrow you know.”
A couple hours and three pitchers of beer later, Rachel decides it’s time to get up on stage and sing.
“Call Me Maybe” by Carly Rae Jepsen is the bride-to-be’s choice. I let Rachel take this one while me the girls sing back up.
When we’re done everyone claps and shouts at us. “I love this shit,” Rachel giggles.
Walking off stage, I notice a group of guys standing by the bar. As we’re walking by them, one of them grabs my arm, “How about we have a dance now,” the guy says. I look up at him and it’s Eric.
“You ass! You scared the shit out of me,” I say smacking him.
“I’m sorry,” he says in my ear.
I look over at our table and the rest of the guys are over by the girls.
“So how about a dance,” he asks.
“Sure, why not. I don’t have any other offers.”
Luke Bryan’s “Crash My Party” starts to play over the speakers. He leads me out to the dance floor and wraps his arms around my waist. My arms instantly go around his neck.
I get lost in the song, and in him. He smells so good and it feels amazing being in his arms. “I love this song,” I whisper.
“Me too, that’s why I requested it,” he says smiling at me.
“Nice choice,” I reply.
“Thanks, sometimes a song can tell another person how they’re feeling without the other person actually saying anything,” he replies.
I look at him with a confused look. He just smiles and winks at me.
He starts to sing the song and I melt instantly. The song is over, and the DJ plays another slow song,
“Hey Pretty Girl” by Kip Moore, “Guess we’re dancing still,” he says.
“Guess so.” This time I put my head on his chest.
“This feels good,” he says.
I look up at him, “Yeah, yeah it does.”
The song ends we walk back to the table and he places his hand on the small of my back. It’s a simple yet intimate gesture and I can’t keep my smile from s
preading from ear to ear.
“Katie! Eric,” Rachel shouts.
“Yes,” I ask.
“We want you guys to sing our first dance song.”
“You want us to do what?”
“Sing our first dance song. Please,” Brady repeats what Rachel said.
I look up at Eric with a raised eye brow.
“Dude you can’t just throw that at us at the last minute,” Eric says.
“Come on....Please,” Rachel says in her whiny, begging, annoying voice.
I roll my eyes and I know I’m going to regret it, but I ask, “What song?”
“‘When You Got A Good Thing’ by Lady Antebellum, we always wanted you, Katie, to sing it, and now that Eric is back in town, well it would be perfect. You two are amazing together and it would be the best wedding gift ever if our two best friends sang it,” she says.
“So this means I can take back your wedding gift, if we decide to sing it?” Eric jokes.
“Dick.” Rachel laugh.
“Lucky for you I know this song.”
“Eric do you know it?” Rachel asks giving him those begging eyes.
“I think I do,” he says.
“So will you guys do it?” she asks.
I look up at Eric trying to read him and I can’t. I have no idea how he’s feeling about this.
“Sure. If Katie’s fine with it, then sure,” he finally says.
I let out a breath. “I guess I’m singing at your wedding!” Rachel starts to scream with excitement.
“We need to get you home. You need sleep,” Morgan announces.
“But, I don’t wanna go...” Rachel whines.
“Don’t care. We’re leaving!” I grab Rachel’s hand and pull her out.
The guys follow us out, Rachel and Brady take a few minutes.
“How are we going to practice this song?” Eric asks me, his voice a little shaky.
“I don’t have a clue, but we should at least try and practice once.”
“Brady,” Eric shouts.
“Yo,” he shouts back.
“You want us to sing this damn song, but how the hell are we supposed to do this? We need to practice this song at least once.”
“Let’s all get in the limo. We’ll go back to our house, you guys can run through it, and we can get a fire going out back.”
As much as I want to protest this, it’s probably the only way to do this.