by Shelly Jones
I head to my car, get in it and start it up and pull out of the garage. “Wasting All These Tears” By Cassadee Pope comes on. Yep perfect song!! I drive twenty minutes and I pull into the driveway. I sit in my car staring up at the white house with blue shutters on the windows; the single level house is a picture perfect house. The yard is nicely landscaped, there’s a white fence around the front yard, with flowers planted just perfectly throughout. I take a deep breath and get out of the car and head for the door.
The moment I got to the door it opens. “Katie,” Lucy, Steve’s mom, says. She’s dressed in a pair of tan shorts and a red t-shirt. Her blonde hair is pulled into a pony tail. Her blue eyes are red like she’s been crying.
“Here, I don’t need these nor want these anymore. I’m done with him and this entire family of lies.” I hand her my necklace.
“Katie please let me explain...” she begs.
“Why? What more could you say to me?”
“Please come sit me with on the swing.”
“Fine,” I growl.
I follow her to the wooden swing and we both sit.
“He loved you so much Katie, all he ever wanted was for you to have the perfect life and to be happy with him. What he did was bullshit yes, but don’t you understand, he did it for love”
“LOVE? This is LOVE? Then what the fuck was his hate?!”
“Dean was just supposed to cheat on you, maybe smack you around, but not do what he did. Dean did that all on his own after he found out that Reagan’s little boy Hunter wasn’t his...”
HOLY Fuck! Did she just say that Hunter was not Dean’s? Oh my fucking god. “Wait, What?” I take a deep a breath and fight back the tears. “Hunter is Steve’s isn’t he?”
Lucy’s eyes got watery. “Yes,” she whispers.
That son of a bitch! “So Hunter, the 10 year old boy is Steve’s kid? And how long have you all known about it? Did Steve know about it?”
“Jack and I have known since the summer of 2009 and yes, Steve did know about it, a lot longer than we did.”
“Oh my god, this is all making sense. Dean found out Hunter wasn’t his and that’s why he did what he did to me. To hurt Steve, and that’s why Steve was by my side the whole time because it was him that introduced Dean and I and it was Steve’s fault for putting me in the hospital. Oh My Fucking God!” I stand up and head for the stairs.
“KATIE,” Lucy shouts. I turn around and look at her, “He loved you. He really did.”
I walk up the stairs towards her, “Do NOT call me, ever. You will never see Ava again. Is that understood?”
“You can’t do that! I have rights as her grandmother!”
I start laughing, “We’ll see about that. My lawyer will be in touch!” I turn on my heels and walk to my car.
I have to go get my daughter, but I really want to see that bitch Reagan! I don’t think, I just drive and I pull into the drive way of the two-bedroom home that I grew up in. My old room has now become Ava’s room for when she goes to see Papa. I thought for sure after my mom died of brain tumor eleven years ago, dad would have sold the place, especially after I moved out, but he didn’t. He says mama would have wanted him to stay so he stays.
I get out of the car and head for the front door, walking in I see my dad sitting in his chair watching NASCAR.
“Where’s Ava?” I ask.
“She’s napping,” Dad says. “What’s wrong Katie?”
“Where the fuck do I start? Did you know that Reagan’s ten year old son Hunter is Steve’s?”
“Yep, and the night Dean beat the shit out of me was the same fucking night Dean found out he wasn’t the father and that Steve was the father!”
“That little bastard!”
“You know what Dad, I don’t even blame Dean, I don’t forgive him, but this shit would never have happened if Reagan had just told the truth and if Steve would’ve just been honest. The only reason why Steve was there all that time was guilt, nothing but pure ass, mother fucking guilt!”
“Wow Kat, I don’t know what to say.”
“Before I came over here, Alicia showed up to tell me about the whole Steve setting Dean and I up thing, but she didn’t mention anything about Hunter. So after I let her give me her sob story, I kicked her ass out and well Dad, I sort of knocked all the pictures off my wall. There’s glass everywhere.”
“It gets better dad...After that, I ripped the necklace off my neck and then I went to leave but saw a box with Steve’s name on it and it was all the little memories of our dates and shit. Anyway, I went back into the house, grabbed all the pictures and some other shit of his, took it out the back yard, soaked it with lighter fluid and torched the mother fucker.”
“Wow, I have no idea what to say?”
“Its fine, it felt good. So after I watched it burn that’s when I decided to go see his mom and that’s when I got the news about Hunter. I swear to god! If there are any more surprises, I’m going to fucking lose it.”
“So what are you going to do now?”
“Well first off, I have to get a court order keeping Lucy away from Ava because she tells me she has rights and blah, blah, blah. Fuck her! I’m calling Ann tomorrow morning.”
“Maybe dad needs to have a little talk with those two. They better not even think about playing the grandparent’s card. Fuck that!! How did it go with Eric last night?”
My face gets instant red, “It was good dad; it was good.”
“Good,” my dad says with a wink.
“I gotta ask though, Why did you and Steve keep Eric away? Steve said in the letter that you agreed to keep him away from me. Why?”
My dad sighs, “Because kiddo, Steve told me shit about Eric. I thought him coming back into your life, would put you more in danger but now knowing what we know. Steven was the biggest liar, manipulator and back stabber we’ve ever met and for that, I am sorry.”
“It’s ok. People need to let me decide who is right and who is wrong. This is my life and I’m not letting anyone take control of it. But hey, would you mind keeping Ava either for a few more hours or until morning? I want to clean the house before bring her home.”
“I’ll keep her until tomorrow. I’ll drop her off at ten thirty before I go into work.”
I stand up and kiss my dad’s bald head, “Thanks Dad, as much as I want to see her, I know if I do, she’s coming home with me.”
“Go, go clean, and go get some stuff figured out.”
“Thanks Dad, I’ll see you tomorrow,” I say walking out the door.
When I get home, I open the door in the garage that leads into the kitchen. Everything looks normal until I walk further into the kitchen and look down the hallway.
My cell rings, it’s Eric, “Hello?”
“Hey, you alright?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Where are you? I need to talk to you.”
“I’m at home, why?”
“Just hang tight. I’ll be there in less than five minutes,” and he hangs up without giving me a chance to protest.
I’ve got to get this mess cleaned up before he gets here. I grab my broom, dust pan and the garbage can. I start sweeping up the glass and my damn doorbell rings.
I walk to the front door and open it. There he is, standing there in a pair of khaki shorts and a navy blue cut off shirt with a white and blue baseball cap on backwards. God damn it, he’s so hot!
“Hey,” he says, normally he gives me a smile, but he looks kind of pissed.
“Hey, did you miss me already?” I try and lighten the mood and he gives a half smile.
“Can I come in?”
“Yeah,” I open the door further so he can come in. “So what the hell is going on?”
“I got some news to tell you and I think we should sit down for this,” he says grabbing my hands and leading me to the couch
“Alright Eric, you’re scaring the fuck outta me. What the fuck is going on?”
“Reagan was at my parent’s house when I got home. She told me something.”
“Something that has to do with you and the night you got hurt.”
I start laughing, “Oh, you mean the news that Steve is actually the baby daddy and she lied to Dean and when that bomb dropped on Dean he didn’t stick to the ‘plan’ and went all crazy on me and almost tried to kill me?”
“You know?”
“Um yeah, when you left, Alicia came to see me and told me some shit, then I went over to his parents and mommy dearest told me some shit. Needless to say, the last, oh I don’t know, ten years or whatever has been a total lie. Yeah I know.”
“This is just fucking nuts. I cannot believe this. Why would they do shit like this?”
“Well from my understanding, Steve helped Reagan out with the money part of Hunter, and after Dean beat the shit out of me, he felt so fucking guilty, that he stayed by my side and blah, blah, blah. I feel like a fucking idiot. I should have seen through his shit. I knew he and Reagan were close in high school. I had no idea she knew Dean because he went to East. Instead of this being my fault, this is that bitch Reagan’s fault. I swear to god Eric, if I lay eyes on her, I swear I am going to beat the fuck right out of her!”
“So now what?” Eric asks,
“That’s what my dad asked me too. I guess tomorrow I’m calling my layer and getting papers filed against Steve’s family to stay away, at least for now. They should have told me this shit.”
“Good plan, where’s Ava?”
I look down at my lap, “At my dad’s. I have a mess to clean up in the hallway...”
He stands up right away and walks to the end of the hallway, “What the hell happened?”
“Well, after his sister left, I kind of went a little crazy.” My eyebrow goes up and my face scrunches.
“Are you ok?”
“Yeah I’m fine,” I let out a small laugh.
“Where are the pictures?”
“I may have had a bonfire before I went to see his mother,” I start to giggle.
He starts laughing and now we’re both standing there laughing. “Jesus woman, remind me never to piss off the new you!”
“Stop acting like an ass and don’t talk to skank Reagan and we should be good!”
He stops laughing and looks me in the eyes, “Done!” and I believe him.
Finally, after all these years and this past week, I can honestly say I believe him. He helps me sweep up the mess and notices it’s in my room too. “Wow Katie.”
“I want nothing of him, ever. It’s all been a lie.”
“I can’t say I blame you, I’m sorry. I really wish I could erase the past for you.”
I shake my head no, “No, I don’t. Our past is there for a reason, to teach us a lesson for our future. What’s meant to be will always be. I hate to say this, but what they did to me, taught me a lot about life, love, trust and myself. Yeah sure it fucking sucks, but look at me. Would the Katie you knew back in high school break pictures? Burn Pictures? Pour beer on those skanks or better yet, have stood up to you? No she wouldn’t. I don’t want to say I’m strong; ok well I am stronger then what I used to be. I don’t want pity, I never have and I’ll be damned If I’m going to let you stand here and feel sorry for me!”
“Alright, well fair enough,” he says.
“Now can we please, go a day a week without the fucking drama,” I beg.
He starts laughing and wraps his arm around my waist “I’d really like that,” he says and kisses my forehead.
“As much as I want to stand here and be with you all day, I have to go. I promised my dad I’d come back home to help out around the house.”
“That’s fine; I need to get some work done.”
“Are you going to be ok?”
“Yep, I’ll be fine. Call me later?”
“You bet baby girl,” he says with that smile that makes me heat up between my legs.
I walk him to the door, “Ok, I’ll see you later,” I say shyly.
“Yes you will,” he says, and leans in for the gentlest kiss I’ve ever felt. “Bye Babe,” he winks at me. Fucker knows he’s leaving me all hot and turned on. Dick!
I close the door and place my back on the door. “Oh Eric Reed, what the fuck are you doing to me? I’m falling so hard for you, you bastard,” I whisper. I push myself away from the door, walk into the kitchen and turn on my iPod.
“Before He Cheats” by Carrie Underwood comes on. “Fuck you Steve! I’ve shed my last tear on you.” Then, “Picture To Burn” by Taylor Swift comes on. I start to laugh. “Yes you are Steve. Yes you are,” I say out loud and finish cleaning the mess up. After it’s cleaned up, I decide I need my baby girl home with me. I need normal back in my life and having my baby girl home with me will help with that. I grab my keys and I head to my dad’s.
Chapter 12
I head back to my parents, because my mom had a really bad morning and I didn’t want to burden Katie with that news. Katie’s been through so much shit these past few weeks and although she’s finally starting to trust me, she doesn’t need more shit to deal with.
My mind wanders to making love to her last night and waking up to that sweet, beautiful naked body of hers was like heaven. My imagination didn’t do her body justice. She’s perfect and I really want more. Just thinking about it makes my dick stand straight up. Fuck! I’ve got to think of something else, I don’t need to walk into my parent’s house with a boner.
I get myself under control, park my truck and go into the house. It looks like mom is having a better afternoon, so I’m going to take her out for a little ride on the property in the John Deer Gator we’ve got. It’s been a while since Mom’s been outside and since today is a beautiful June day and her roses are blooming, I think it’s a good time for her to get out. Dad says it’s fine. Her nurse is bitching, but dad and I tend to ignore her most days.
“Alright you two, don’t be out long ok,” my dad says.
“Oh quit you’re worrying, I’m fine with my baby boy,” my mom says play smacking my dad’s face while he’s trying to give her a kiss.
Dad looks over at me and gives me the, ‘You better be careful or I’ll kill you and hide your body’ look. I nod at him, “We’ll be back soon dad.”
I turn on the gator and mom grabs my hand as we set out on the property. I take her down by the creek and we make our way to her rose garden. Dad has added a lot of rose bushes to it and a bunch of other flowers.
“When did he do all of this?” she whispers.
“Not sure Mom, he’s been working hard I know that.”
“Well my sweet old man. After all these years he still knows how to sweep this old woman off her feet and surprise her.”
I start to laugh. To look at my dad you would never guess him as the romantic, but deep down, I guess he really is. He hides it well though.
“You do the same for Katie,” Mom says.
“What mom?”
“You heard me; don’t go acting like you can’t. You surprise that girl every day for the rest of your lives. Show that girl she’s always been yours and she’ll always be yours. You don’t have to go all prince charming, Disney movie on her, just little things. You’d be surprised at how much the stupid little things mean to us women,” she says as she gives me her speech.
“I don’t want to mess this one up mom...” I say holding her hand.
“Well Eric, the only way you’re going to mess this up is if you run, or you just sit on your ass and don’t do a thing. She doesn’t need no saving, that girl can save herself, but she’s got to face a demon soon, and she’s going to need you there at the end of it all. She may seem strong, but just like all strong women, we are weak sometimes too, and that’s where you men come in, be there for her. Even if she says she does
n’t want you, she wants you. Sit there in silence if that’s what she wants. You just have to be there for her when this is all done. She needs to know she’s not alone and that you’re going to be there for her. Flaws and all, love her, no matter what, just love her.”
Wow, I’ve never heard my mom talk like this before, but it was almost as if she knew what Katie was going through.
“So mom, if Katie and I were to get together, would you accept it?”
“Eric Michael Reed! Do you really have to ask that question? Of course I will. Oh and my sweet little Ava. I’d give anything to see that little princess more often.”
I start smiling, “Yeah they’re both something special that’s for sure.” My smile gets bigger just thinking about them.
“Good, then make it happen. Now, can we go walk through the garden for a few minutes, I want to stop and smell the roses,” she laughs.
I start laughing “Oh, mom’s got jokes now too.”
It was nice just to have some time with my mom and after an hour, I notice she is starting to get tired, so we head back to the house. Once inside, mom settles in for a nap while dad and I take care of the chores around the house and start dinner.
Katie and I pretty much text all night. She sends me a picture of Ava asleep with the monkey I bought her which makes my night, but I laugh when she sends me a picture of herself pouting because Ava wouldn’t share her monkey with mommy. Think I might have to change that. Guess mommy’s going to have to get her own monkey.
Over the next few weeks life gets busier when I start work at the firehouse and get on rotation. It’s going to be an adjustment from Chicago as its less busy with more down time than I’m used to and they send you home with pagers and cell phones at night making it more of an ‘on call’ type of thing. However the guys seem pretty cool and I have a feeling it’s going to be a nice adjustment.
Katie’s photography has picked up and it seems things are getting back to normal for her. I know she keeps saying she wants normal back without the drama.
Katie and I have seen each other almost every night for the last two weeks.