Always Yours

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Always Yours Page 11

by Shelly Jones

  We haven’t slept with each other again since that first night, but that’s fine. I’m cool with the kissing and the flirting. I know she wants me and she knows I want her, but for right now we’re good.

  We’ve managed not to run into Reagan at all and I’m not sure how we’ve done that, but its fine by me.

  For the last couple of nights, Katie has been very quiet and jumpy. I know Dean’s getting out in just a little over a week and it’s weighing on her, so I’ve offered to stay with her and Ava in the spare bedroom. She hasn’t told me no, but she hasn’t told me yes either.

  Tonight I’m hoping to take her mind off of things. I have a couple of surprises for her. I’m taking her out to dinner and to the bar, the only thing she doesn’t know is Rachel and Brady are joining us and then Brady and I are going to let the girls know we have front row tickets with backstage passes to the Luke Bryan concert this weekend. Brady and I wanted to do something for Rachel and Katie and figured this would be amazing for both of them.

  I send a quick text to Katie, “Hey babe, you ready for tonight?”

  “Yep, just finishing getting ready. Dad picked up Ava already, so I’m ready whenever you are.”

  “Good, I’ll be there in five minutes!” I hit send and throw my truck in drive. I can’t get there fast enough.

  I pull into her drive way, get out of the truck, grab my bag out the back seat and walk up to the door. I don’t even have to knock because the door swings open and my breath is taken away. Holy shit! She is beautiful. She has on this teal, strapless tiered shirt, with a belt that wraps just under her bra line, dark skinny jeans, black cowboy boots and her long brown hair down and curled. All I want to do is run my hands through it. She’s fucking hot!

  “Hi,” she says.

  I shake my head, snapping myself out of my drool fest I’m having. “Hi!” I give her that smile I know drives her crazy.

  I walk in and hug her, she wraps her arms around my neck and I just pick her up. “Mmm, I’ve missed you,” I say.

  “Me too,” she smiles.

  “Hey do you mind if I take a quick shower? I didn’t have time to change after work.”

  “Sure, you know where the bathroom is.”

  “Ok, I’ll be ready in a few minutes, I promise,” I say kissing her quickly. I go to the guest bathroom and take a quick shower and change into jeans that hug my ass, a black and blue button down shirt, rolling the sleeves to the elbows, and my brown cowboy boots. I run my hands through my hair to give it that messy, just fucked look.

  I walk out of the bathroom to find Katie sitting at the dining room table reading something on the internet. She looks depressed. She looks up from the computer at me and gives me a weak smile, “Everything ok,” I ask her.

  She closes the computer, “Yeah...” I know she’s lying.

  “Ok...” I say. I want to call her out on her lie, but I don’t want to ruin the night.

  “I was just reading shit from the trial that I had saved and a diary I kept. I shouldn’t have opened it. Shit’s starting to bother me.” I knew she wasn’t telling me the truth.

  I walk up to her and pull her into my chest. “You know I won’t let anything happen to you right?”

  She looks up at me, “Yeah, I know Eric, but truth is, you can’t be here all the time, so I’m scared. I’m sorry.”

  “Do not ever say you’re sorry for telling me how you feel. Ok?”

  “Ok, can we go eat now? I’m starving,” she whines at me and pouts. God she’s cute when she does this.

  “Ahh fine, I guess we can go eat,” I roll my eyes at her and smile. She smacks my chest and laughs.

  We get into my truck and head to the restaurant and “Everything I Do, I Do It for You” by Bryan Adams comes on over the speakers.

  “I love this song,” she smiles over at me. I grab her hand and kiss it.

  “Me too.”

  “So where are we going for dinner?”

  “Don’t worry about it. Just relax.”

  “Oh come on! That’s not fair.” We pull into Titletown Brewing and her eyes light up, “I love this place,” she squeals.

  “Good, I haven’t been here, so I was hoping it was decent.”

  “Oh it is, trust me!”

  She waits for me to open her door and she takes my hand. We walk in holding hands and I see Rachel and Brady right away. She doesn’t notice them at all. The hostess takes us to our booth where Rachel and Brady are sitting.

  “Oh My God! What are you guys doing here,” Katie squeals when she sees them.

  “Brady wanted to go out to dinner! Oh my god! Wait....” Rachel turns and looks at Brady and me. We shrug our shoulders and start to laugh.

  “Oh I think I love you boys even more now,” Rachel says but instead of giving us boys hugs or anything she and Katie hug.

  The girls finally decide to sit and Katie leans in, kissing me on the cheek, “Thank you!”

  I wink at her, “You’re more than welcome.”

  “Well you two look cute and cozy. Soooo...How’s it going,” Rachel asks.

  Katie starts too giggle and looks at me. “Well we’re spending a lot of time together and I’m pretty sure we’re past the friend’s thing. Or at least I hope so,” she says looking at me.

  “Yes babe, we are way past the friend’s stage.” I start to laugh and squeeze her thigh.

  “So does this mean you two are finally together or what? I’m confused.”

  Katie looks at me and then at Rachel. “I don’t know Rachel. We haven’t put a label on us. We’re us. I don’t know,” she says.

  “Oh, well no one said you had to put a label on it. You’re happy and that’s all I give a shit about,” Rachel says.

  “So can we order now, I’m starving,” Brady whines.

  The four of us order our beers and Beer Cheese Fondue and they take our dinner order as well. Katie was not lying when she said she loved this place. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her eat this much.

  “So with all the bullshit you’ve found out about Steve, Dean and Reagan, are you doing ok?” Brady asks Katie.

  “Yeah I am, it’s going to sound weird, but I feel almost at peace. I know I shouldn’t, and don’t get me wrong, my guard is up with Dean getting out, but as for missing Steve and mourning him, I don’t. I’m done with that memory. I’m actually thinking about going and changing mine and Ava’s last name to Brooks.”

  “Well I can’t say I blame you on that one. Do you really think Dean will come looking for you?” Brady asks.

  “I don’t know Brady. The last words I remember him saying to me before I blacked out was ‘It’s all your fault’ so I don’t know. I don’t know if he still blames me,” Katie says. She starts to twist a napkin and that’s normally a sign she’s starting to shut down.

  I grab her thigh and give it a gentle squeeze so she looks at me. When she makes eye contact with me, I can tell she’s closing down. “It’s ok babe. I’m here, and I’m not leaving you or Ava,” I say as she leans into me and I wrap my arm around her.

  “Ah Shit, Katie I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bring this shit up,” Brady apologizes.

  “It’s ok Brady,” she says giving him a half smile.

  We finish our dinner and we’re all laughing so hard that the girls are crying. Brady and Rachel talked about their honeymoon to the Bahamas.

  “What are you guys doing after this,” Rachel asks Katie and me.

  “I don’t know what are we doing? Haven’t you two realized this is a double date,” I ask.

  “I kind of want to go dancing, but I also kind of wanted to go kick your asses on the mini golf course,” Katie says.

  “Well let’s go do both. Brady and I will kick your and Rachel’s ass in golf and then we’ll go dancing,” I say to her.

  “Sorry Eric, the only ass that will be kicked, is yours.”

  “You’re sounding pretty confidant. Care to make a bet?” She and I are now in an eye staring contest. Neither one of us will back down
. For whatever reason, I get so turned on when she’s like this.

  “Sure, when I win, you have to cook Ava and I dinner for a month straight, and if you win what do you want?”

  “Really, a month straight? That’s all you got? Ha! Ok, well when I win, I want the dinner for a month, but I also want a back massage every night before bed.”

  She gives me that cocky grin she gets. “Deal,” she says as she puts out her hand and I shake it.

  We get to the mini golf and there’s a bunch of teenage kids hanging out there which doesn’t seem to bother Katie and Rachel. They’re getting their putters and picking out their color ball.

  “So when should we tell them about the concert,” Brady asks me.

  “Not sure yet, I’m guessing soon. Maybe see if they actually start to win and we can throw them off by the tickets.”

  “Oh man that’s just fucking mean; but I like it!”

  “Oh my god I love this song,” I hear Rachel say. “Just The Way You Are” by Bruno Mars is playing. Yep I like this song too. It’s always made me think of Katie. I see Katie and Rachel singing and dancing to the song.

  “Are we going to play or dance?” I joke.

  “Prepare to go down Mr. Reed,” Katie says lining up her first shot, and son of a bitch, she gets hole in one.

  “Damn it,” I whisper.

  “This shit keeps up, I’m breaking out the tickets soon,” I tell Brady.

  “Right? Beginners luck? Let’s hope,” Brady laughs as we watch Rachel take her first shot and get a hole in one.

  We’re screwed! Brady and I take our shots and it takes Brady four shots and me three. By the time we got to the sixteenth hole, Brady and I have lost big time. The girls have gotten their shots with no more than three tries.

  “So should we throw them off?”

  “Dude we’re fucked either way, so I don’t think teasing them with the tickets now will do any good,” he says

  “What are you two talking about?” Katie asks.

  “Nothing,” Brady says. Katie gives us the raised eyebrow eye roll.

  “After this Katie and I are going across the street and riding some rides and then we’ll go to the bar,” Rachel says pointing over at Bay Beach. It’s one of the coolest things about living in Green Bay. We have our own little amusement park filled with rides for all ages, and our newest addition an actual wooden rollercoaster that is rumored to be Elvis Presley’s favorite ride called the Zippin’ Pippin’.

  Brady and I don’t say anything. We just stand there and smiled with a nod. I know better than to argue and who am I to argue anyway? This is the first time Katie and I have been out in public without drama.

  “Well looks like you’re cooking Ava and I dinner for a month,” Katie says interlocking her arm with mine.

  “Looks like it, guess that means I have to see you every day for a month now too huh?”

  “Looks like it,” she says.

  “Wouldn’t want to be anywhere else,” I tell her. I’m not one for the mushy shit, but when it comes to her, it just kind of flows out of my mouth, but they are honest words.

  “Good, because I really like having you around,” she says putting her head on my arm.

  We walk across the street and get tickets. “Zippin’ Pippin’ first,” the girls announce.

  “Sure, you’re riding with me, wife,” Brady says to Rachel.

  “Chicken shit,” she says.

  “Fuck you! You know I hate heights and things that go fast, so if you want my ass on this thing, you’re riding with me and holding my fucking hand.”

  Katie and I laugh. “Guess you’re stuck with me,” she says all happy.

  “Will you hold my hand too?” I joke.

  “You want a diaper and a pacifier with Brady too?”

  “Smart ass!”

  “Yeah, but you love it,” she says and winks and me and all I can think is, ‘Yeah I do love it, I love you,’ but I didn’t say it. Not yet, not right now.

  We walk to the rollercoaster and stand in line. The line isn’t that long, just long enough for Brady to assess the thing and the people screaming. “Come on man, it won’t be that bad,” I smack him on the back.

  “Shut up,” he grumbles.

  We get on the rollercoaster and even I’ll admit I’m a little nervous. It’s been years since I’ve been on one of these things. Brady and Rachel are sitting in front of us. Katie and Rachel giggle back and forth until the damn thing starts to move.

  Once we start moving climbs for the first drop Katie looks over at me, “I’m going to scream, so I’m sorry if I hurt your ears,” she smiles and grabs my hand.

  “I thought you weren’t scared,” I say.

  “I’m not, but I can’t help but scream on these things.” I laugh and just as I’m about to say something, I hear screaming and I look ahead of us and see everyone dropping.

  “Ah son of a fucking bitch,” I say out loud and that causes Katie to start laughing. One drop and we climb again and holy fuck, then it’s just drop after drop, a couple of tight turns and a few more drops and then the fucker comes to a complete stop.

  Katie and Rachel have their arms in the air screaming. “That was fucking awesome,” they say almost at the same time.

  “We’re going again,” Katie announces.

  “Yeah sure you girls have all the fun you want. My ass is done,” Brady says.

  “Katie, we’ll come back maybe this weekend. I want to hit some of the other rides and then hit the bar. I need a stiff drink,” Rachel says.

  Katie gives a cute little pout and finally says, “Fine!” If she wasn’t so damn cute, that would annoy me, but I’m not sure she has it in her to annoy me.

  After about an hour of riding rides, the girls have finally decided it’s time to go.

  Brady and Rachel get in their truck and tell us they’ll meet us there. I open the door for Katie. “Thank you,” she says and then she shocks the shit out of me, before I could close the door she grabs me by my collar and pulls me in for a sweet kiss.

  “What was that for?”

  “Can’t a girl kiss her man? Besides I miss your lips and I needed a reminder of how they tasted.” There’s a hunger in her eyes and it’s turning me right the fuck on. I want to take her back to her house and make love to her all night.

  “Well anytime you need a reminder or a taste, you just come on over at get some.” I can’t even come up with anything smooth to say. Jesus I sound like a total dipshit.

  After a couple of seconds of eye contact, “Ok, well, should we get going,” I ask.

  “Fine, but only as long as I get to take you home with me tonight.”

  “Well who am I to argue with that kind of plea.”

  I close the door and run to the other side and get into the truck. “If I Didn’t Have You” by Thompson Square comes on over the speakers. I grab her hand and she squeezes it a little tighter. We drive in silence. I wonder what she’s thinking about, hoping to hell she’s not thinking about Dean or anyone else for that matter.

  “Hey Eric?”


  “If anyone is here that I don’t want to see, would it be alright if we left? You know the last time I was here it wasn’t pretty,” she says in almost a whisper.

  I grab her chin to make her look at me, “Whenever you’re ready, we’ll leave.”

  “Thank you,” she smiles.

  Brady and Rachel are waiting for us as we walk into the bar. “You ready to dance your ass off,” Rachel says.

  “Let’s do this,” Katie says.

  “So when do we tell them?” Brady asks me, while the girls walk ahead of us.

  “I’m thinking we both just tell them our own way, unless you want to tell them together?” Brady shakes his head; he knows where I was going with this.

  “Nah, man, you make it special for her, you’ve made her smile and happy. Rachel is so happy she wants to kiss you, you know that right?”

  I bust out laughing. “No I didn’t know th
at, and um, no worries, I won’t let her. I’ve been kicking myself in the ass for years. Why the fuck did it take me this long to get here Brady? Am I that fucked up?”

  “Man I have no advice for you, except for what’s done is done. Just focus on the now and not worry about the past or the future. Live in the moment. You and I both know we are not guaranteed tomorrow,” Brady says smacking me on the back.

  The girls have found a table and we’ve gotten beers for everyone. I scan to the bar looking for any signs of trouble and so far I don’t see any.

  “Please god; please let tonight be a drama free night,” I say in a little prayer.

  Rachel has pulled Katie out on the dance floor while “Country Girl Shake It for Me” by Luke Bryan plays. Damn those girls can shake their asses. I notice there are a few guys watching them and I instantly get a little pissed about it. When the girls are done, they head right for us, and the asses who were watching, are no longer watching.

  Ha-ha! Fuckers!

  “Want to sing with me tonight?” Katie asks me.

  “Sure. What do you have in mind?”

  “We Both Know” By Gavin DeGraw and Colbie Cailat,” she says.


  “I’ll go put our names down. I’ll be right back,” she says walking away.

  “You have no idea what song that is, do you,” Rachel asks me as I’m going through my phone looking for the lyrics.

  “No clue,” I give a small laugh.

  I find the lyrics and I get goose bumps. “Holy shit,” I say out loud.

  “Pretty fitting huh?” Rachel asks

  “If there was ever a song written for two people, this song would be written for us,” I say shaking my head. It’s creepy how perfect this song is.

  Katie comes back, “We’ll be up in about fifteen minutes. Do you like the song?”

  “I love it. Good choice,” I say kissing her on the cheek. She smiles and takes a long drink of her beer.

  When they call our names, we walk up to the stage hand in hand and take our microphones. The lyrics come up on the monitor and we start to sing. I get so lost in the song I forget we are even on stage singing to an audience. When the song is over, I notice Katie’s eyes are wet. Fuck I hope I didn’t make her cry. We hand the microphones back to the DJ, I grab her hand pull her close to me and whisper, “You ok?”


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