Always Yours

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Always Yours Page 14

by Shelly Jones

  “Are you all cleaned?” he asks Ava in this cute voice. It’s not baby talk, but it’s not adult talk either. It’s a cute tone that’s super sexy.

  “Yup,” she says.

  “You ok?” he asks me.

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Just annoyed how today turned out.”

  He pats the couch for me to come and sit next to him and I do. “I’m sorry, I wish I could keep them all away but I know I can’t. Maybe someday they’ll grow up and leave you alone.”

  “Or Karma will bitch slap them all.” We both laugh about that.

  Ava comes up to us with three books, “Read mama,” she growls.

  “Ok, guess its reading time, which means it’s almost night, night time.” I read “Mr. Brown Can Moo Can You?” By Dr. Seuss, “Love You Forever” By Robert Munsch, “Goodnight Moon” By Margaret Wise Brown and Clement Hurd. By the time I finish “Goodnight Moon” Ava is passed out on Eric.

  “Can I put her in her crib,” he asks.

  “Sure,” I reply.

  He slowly gets up and cradles her against his chest. I stand up and kiss her good night following them to her room but stop at the doorway. He lays her down so gently and puts her favorite blanket over her. I smile watching him be so gentle with her. It amazes me sometimes how these big tough guys turn to total mush when it comes to babies. It’s adorable and weird all in the same. Never in a million years would I think this could be life for me and Ava.

  “She’s so beautiful,” Eric says smiling as he walks towards me.

  “Thanks, I think so too.”

  “So should we watch a movie?” I ask him.

  “Sure, but are you ever going to tell me what happened today?”

  I start to laugh. “It really wasn’t that bad. She said shit, I stood my ground for the first time ever and oh my god it felt so good,” I say.

  “Well tell me everything, just so I know.” I tell him everything, reliving earlier.

  “So you’re telling me Heidi is Dean’s half-sister?”

  “So she says, but do you really believe half the crap that comes out of their mouths? I don’t.”


  “I mean really, who needs soap operas when this is a better one,” I say as I roll my eyes.

  “So you ok?”

  “Yeah, I’m great. They’re not bothering me. It’s not a big deal. I didn’t punch her; I didn’t even have the urge which was odd. So yeah, I’m good. Can we just watch a movie and relax? Please?” I beg.

  “Sure, as long as you’re ok.”

  I smile at him, get off the couch and go put the popcorn in the microwave. Once it’s done, I dump it in a bowl grab two beers out of the fridge and head back to the living room.

  “I didn’t know what you felt like watching.”

  “You pick, I’m fine with anything.”

  He walks over and picks a movie, “Grown Ups,” he asks.

  “Sure, then I get to pick the next one.”

  We cuddle up on the couch together and watch Grown Ups.

  “You want to watch one more?” I ask.

  “I’m in no rush to leave,” he says and holds me tighter.

  “Ok, I’ll go put in the next one.” I get up and put in “What’s Your Number”.

  “What are we watching now,” he asks.

  “’What’s Your Number’,” I tell him as I’m walking back to the couch.

  “Really? I have to look at Chris Evan’s ass?”

  I start laughing, “Well you got something better in mind?”

  “You know I do,” he gives me that crooked smile.

  “So does that mean you’re sleeping over?”

  “I think I just might,” he says with a cocky grin. He grabs my arm and pulls me onto his lap and I let out a squeal.

  “So what did you have in mind?”

  “Hmm, I wonder what I would have in mind,” he murmurs and he has his face buried in my hair and he’s breathing on the back of my neck which makes me squirm because I’m extremely ticklish. “What’s wrong?” he


  “Nothing,” I reply, trying not to laugh, and he takes his hands and starts to tickle my ribs. “Oh this so is not fair,” I squeal.

  I break free and jump up. I look down at him and he’s got this different look to him, the look of happiness but he’s up to something. I don’t know if I should run or what. “What,” I ask him and he doesn’t say anything he just sits there and smiles. “What?” I ask again and the cocky grin comes across his face.

  “I’ll give you a five second head start.”

  I giggle, “Oh shit,” and I take off into the kitchen. I’m on one side of the kitchen island when he comes running in.

  “You think I won’t catch you,” he growls.

  “Baby you can try, but I’m pretty sure I’m faster than you,” I say a bite down on my lower lip.

  We pounce around from side to side when his phone vibrates and that’s the perfect time for me to take off.

  I’m standing in the hallway waiting for him and he comes running up behind me.

  “That’s not fair,” he says and I take off into my bedroom and jump up on my bed.

  “Awe what’s wrong baby, you mad because I got away from you?” I stick my tongue out.

  “You know I can catch you now?”

  “Well it’s about damn time you realize that!”

  He comes stalking up to the bed and I just stand there watching his every move, our eyes locked on each other. I’m not sure if I want to keep playing this ‘catch me if you can’ game going on or not. He’s finally at the bed and grabs both of my thighs and I fall on my back. I let out a squeal and then he climbs between my legs. He grabs my hands and pins them down on each side of my head.

  “Gotcha,” he says.

  “Always have had me,” I whisper. I could so tell him right now that I love him, and I really want to, but I decide its best that I don’t.

  After a tickle fight turned into a very hot love making session, we get ready for bed. I take my typical position, my head on his chest, his arms wrapped around me. I swear if this is heaven, I want to stay here forever. “Oh, I know what I had to tell you,” I say to him.


  “Fourth of July, we’re having a huge party here. You boys can go crazy with the fireworks and the bon fire. Not sure who all we’re inviting. Rach and I want to have a party and I want to do it.”

  He squeezes me a little tighter. “Whatever you want babe, I’m all yours for that entire weekend,” he says.

  I look up at him and kiss him. “Good night Eric.”

  “Good night Katie.”

  Chapter 14


  I hated leaving Katie and Ava this morning, but dad said he needed me home for a while. Katie said it wasn’t a big deal and that she and Ava would just go to Rachel’s and plan the Fourth of July party, then we’d meet back at her place for dinner. I almost slipped and told her last night that I loved her, but stopped myself. I didn’t want to push things. I know for sure I love that girl. Every day I kick myself in the ass for not making her mine sooner, but she’s mine now and that’s all that matters.

  I help dad around the house and spend some much needed time with mom. She wants to know when Katie and Ava are coming over to see her, so I tell her I’ll talk to Katie and see what I can do. I remember when Katie’s mom died; my mom reached out to her and did a lot of mom type things with her. My mom has always adored Katie and her family and I love that mom and her still have a close bond to this day.

  When we are outside doing stuff in the yard, mom comes outside to sit on the porch to watch us boys for whatever reason that always makes her smile.

  Once done helping dad and say good bye to mom, I head back over to Katie’s. She and Ava are outside playing in the yard. When Ava sees me, she comes flying up to me and hugs my leg.

  “I think someone missed you,” Katie says as she walks up to us.

  “Did you miss me?” I ask Ava.

nbsp; “Yep,” she says proudly.

  Katie reaches us and leans up to kiss me, “I sort of missed you too,” she says. “What’s for dinner?”

  “Burgers on the grill.”

  “Yum, I’ll go make a quick pasta salad and some baked beans. Ava and I just picked a watermelon from Aunt Rachel’s garden too.”


  “All the grill stuff is in the bench on the porch.”

  “I know, remember I’ve grilled here before.”

  “Duh, that’s right. Ava, it’s time to come inside.”

  “NO I stay,” she shouts at Katie.

  “She can hang out with me if that’s ok with you,” I tell Katie.

  “Oh ok, sure. That’s totally fine,” she says with a huge smile.

  I fire up the grill and watch Ava run all over the place laughing. This little girl has me wrapped around her little finger and she has no idea. I look up to see Katie staring out the window smiling at us so I tell Ava to wave to mommy and she does.

  We get dinner finished and I help clean up while Katie gives Ava a bath. Once she’s cleaned and in her pajamas, we head out to the living room and watch some TV when Ava all of a sudden gets cranky and starts throwing a temper tantrum.

  “I’m sorry,” Katie says.

  “For what?”

  “For this, for Ava doing this,” she says waving her arms trying to calm Ava down.

  “It happens. She’s a kid. I know it’s not always giggles and smiles. It doesn’t bother me.”

  “You sure? I know it can be hard to take sometimes especially when you don’t have kids.”

  “Stop worrying about it. Its fine, I’m fine. I’m enjoying my time with you two.”

  Katie rolls her eyes and gives a small smile. I don’t know what she expects. Is she still expecting me to run when things get rough? Not going to happen. This is part of everyday life. A life I want more than anything right now and I’m going to prove it to her.

  About an hour later Ava has managed to cry herself to sleep in the middle of the floor.

  “Hey, can I take her to bed?” I ask.

  “Yes, thank you,” Katie takes a sigh of relief.

  I carefully pick Ava up and walk her to her crib. Before putting her in her crib, I kiss her on the head and look at that sleeping face.

  “You know little girl, I never thought I’d want to be a daddy so bad until I met you. I will never let you or your mommy down. I promise. I love you both so much, I never knew that this is what love could feel like. Sweet dreams AvaBug,” I say kissing her one more time and putting in the crib.

  I walk out of Ava’s room and crack the door. I walk out to the living room and notice the baby monitor is on.

  “Shit. Did she just hear what I said?” I say to myself.

  “Did she stay asleep when you laid her down?” Katie asks me but doesn’t look at me.

  “Yeah, all she did was stretch out.”

  “Good, I’m sorry about earlier.”

  “Katie, stop. It’s part of having a toddler. It’s going to happen. I know that and honestly it didn’t bother me.”

  I sit next to her on the couch and she turns and looks at me. Her eyes are red like she’s been crying. “Good, cause this is my life. She does this a lot. I guess it is part of the age thing, but this is my life and if it’s too much, just tell me because it can be too much.”

  “Damn it Katie! When are you going to see I’m not going anywhere? I’m not the same asshole who ran when things got tough. I’m a grown ass adult and I’m here to stay; to fight for what I want. You can hate me, tell me to leave, Ava can throw a temper tantrum, throw food at me, whatever. I. Am. Not. Running!” I take a deep a breath hoping I haven’t just pissed her off, but fuck this shit has got to stop. She’s just staring at me. Fuck say something damn it.

  A few seconds, maybe a minute goes by and she finally looks at me. “I’m just scared you’re going to run and for once in my life, I feel like this is how my life should be and I’m scared I’m going to wake up and you’re not going to be here anymore or I’m going to say the wrong thing and you’re going to run. I’m scared Eric and I hate that I feel this way, because to me it means I’m showing a weakness and I can’t.”

  “You don’t have to be a tough badass all the time. It’s ok to feel things other than anger and it’s ok to let your guard down a little. Let me help you Katie, lean on me. I’m here and I’m not going anywhere, even if you tell me too. You’re not getting rid of me.”

  She doesn’t say anything else, but stands up and sits in my lap. I wrap my arms around her tightly.

  “Thank you,” she whispers.

  “You’re welcome.” We just sit there in silence for a little while.

  “So this party on the fourth, Rachel and I have invited a lot of people from high school. So it’s sort of going to be like a high school reunion. Plus of course there will be yours and Brady’s friends too, but it’s going to be fun, crazy and yeah, I am so excited about it.”

  “Sounds like fun.” I say. Holy shit, this could get real interesting for sure, but it makes me happy that she’s happy.

  “Can I ask you a favor Eric?”


  She sits up and looks me in the eye. “Will you spend the nights with me until I know Ava and I are out of danger? I mean you don’t have to sleep in the same room with me, but I really hope you do. When you’re here, I feel safe.”

  “You don’t have to ask. After work tomorrow, I’ll go pack some of my stuff and bring it over. I’ll set it up in the spare room, so I’m your guest but I’ll gladly sleep with you every night,” I say with a smile

  “You’re the best. I am so happy Heidi cheated on you and you came back here!”

  I start laughing, “Um thanks... I think?”

  “It’s a good thing. I mean think about it, if you wouldn’t have caught her, do you really think you’d be back here?”

  She had a point. What if I wouldn’t have caught Heidi and Charlie? Would I be here? I would be, because of the wedding but I would be back in Chicago living a life I never wanted with a girl that was just a good lay.

  “Come on let’s go to bed and watch TV,” Katie says getting off my lap, and holding out her hands. I grab her hands, we lock up the house, and Katie checks on Ava while I go get ready for bed.

  Katie and I are lying in bed watching re-runs of “Friends”. Katie’s laughing at this episode pretty hard. “I swear to god if we had a friend with a voice like that, I’d kick her out of the group.”

  “Oh come on, what if I sounded like that?”

  “You wouldn’t be lying in my bed,” she says. I do my best impersonation of it, and she’s laying there giggling. “You’re lucky you’re cute, otherwise I’d have to kick you out of bed,” she says rolling on top of me. She leans in to kiss me and I turn my head. “Hey,” she growls.

  I stick my bottom lip out, “You’ve hurt my feelings!”

  “Awe poor baby, what can I do to make it up to you,” she says in a baby tone. I shock the shit out of her when I roll her over on her back. She’s looking at me like I’m about ready to make love to her, but I decide to tickle her instead. She starts thrashing around, giggling and screaming all at once. “This isn’t fair damn it! Eric, come on,” she begs.

  “Awe you poor baby,” I say taking my fingers and running them across her ribs. She’s losing it. After a few minutes I decide to give in and stop.

  I put my weight on my arms, still on top of her. “You hate me now?”

  “No,” she pants.

  I lean down and hover over her mouth; she grabs the back of my head and pulls me into her lips. She’s hungry tonight; she can’t seem to get enough of kissing me. Her legs wrap around my waist and I can tell she’s wet and ready. Of course my cock responds and is ready to dive into that sweet sex of hers.

  “Take off your pants Eric, I want you more tonight then I ever have wanted you.”

  I take my pants off while she rips her t-sh
irt off and starts to take her panties off as well. I put my hand out stopping her and start to slowly remove them, watching her watch me. I start to tease her sex with my mouth, flicking my tongue over her swollen nub. “Eric,” she moans my name and it turns me on even more. I know she doesn’t want to take our time tonight, so I decide to kiss my way up to her, stopping at her breast and paying equal attention to both of them. She tastes so fucking good. Her hips are grinding against me as I make my way up to her lips. She wraps her legs back around my waist and with one swift move she has me in her, filling her up. Our rhythm is the same, slow and steady, too fast and rough.

  “Baby,” I moan.

  “Harder Eric,” she moans and we pick up speed, both coming undone.

  We clean up and crawl back into bed. She takes her place, head on my shoulder, arm wrapped around my chest. “What time do you have to be at work tomorrow?” she asks.

  “My shift starts at five am.”

  “Ok, I’ll set the alarm, I’ll make dinner tomorrow.”

  “You sure, a bets a bet?”

  “Nah, I want to cook dinner for you tomorrow.”

  “Ok, I won’t argue. I work twelve hours tomorrow, but I’m stopping at my parents so I might not be here until closer to six or seven. I’ll call you and let you know,” I tell her, kissing her on top of her head.

  As much as I want to be here, I need to be at my parents too. We don’t know how long my mom has and I want to be there as much as I can for her. I don’t want to tell Katie any of this, not right now.

  The alarm goes off at 4am and I get up as quietly as I can so I don’t wake Katie or Ava up. I head to the bathroom, take a quick shower, get dressed and head to the kitchen. Katie scares the shit out of me when I enter the kitchen. She’s standing there in her t-shirt holding a cup of coffee and a smile. “Morning...” she says.

  “You scared the shit out of me. I tried to be quiet so I wouldn’t wake you up.”

  “It’s ok. I wanted to see you before you left.”

  “Well I could get use to this every morning, except I have one request.”

  “What’s that?”

  “You can’t be dressed like this, because you have no idea how badly I want to be late for work right now,” I tell her, cornering her up against the counter.


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