Book Read Free

Always Yours

Page 16

by Shelly Jones

  “As long as I get to take you home tonight, I’m not worried.”

  I lean into him, “Always...” He leans down and kisses me gently, but it gets a little deeper and hotter “Fuck...” I say against his lips.

  “Oh for fucks sake, get a damn room,” Rachel says behind us.

  “Ok,” Eric says looking at her with a smile.

  I don’t know what’s gotten into me the last few days, but I want him so much, I’m so damn horny every minute of every fucking day.

  The four of us head into the concert, Eric and I are holding hands, and Rachel is walking next to me and holding Brady’s hand. Rachel looks hot today, with her blonde hair pulled up into a ponytail and curled. She’s wearing a yellow strapless sundress with a black belt and black cowboy boots. Brady’s pretty much wearing exactly what Eric is wearing, except Brady has a black and yellow button down shirt. Actually it’s cute how Brady and Rachel match.

  We are standing by the stage when the boys spot a beer tent, “You girls want a beer,” Brady asks.

  “Yes,” Rachel and I both say at the same time.

  “Be back in a bit,” he says walking towards the tent, Eric following.

  “Finally they’re gone!”

  “So how are things going? You seem very much in love, happy. I’ve never seen you like this, not since high school,” Rachel asks.

  “We’re good. I’m happy, I want to tell him I love him, but I’m scared he’ll run off.”

  “You really do love him don’t you? You need to tell him!”

  “I’m scared to Rachel, but then again I’m pretty sure he loves me too. I over heard him say something to Ava when he was putting her to bed the other night.”

  “What did he say? How is he with Ava?”

  “He’s awesome with Ava. He acts like her daddy and Ava is so in love with him. It makes me want to cry some days watching them. It’s so perfect.”

  “Oh my god! I am so happy for you. So...ummmm how’s the sex?”

  “Holy fuck Rachel!”

  “Well come on! I want details.”

  I shake my head at her and start to laugh, “All I’m going to say is....I can’t get enough, like I need it daily, sometimes more than once. It’s like a fucking drug!!”

  “Oh you lucky bitch! Brady and I are trying to get pregnant.”

  “Shut up,” I shout and give her a hug.

  “So what did he say to Ava?”

  I was just getting ready to tell her when the guys came back with our beers.

  We’re hanging out by the stage and a few other people with the same lanyards come over.

  “You all waiting for the meet and greets?” a girl asks.

  “Yep,” I say.

  “Cool, not sure where we’re supposed to wait,” she says.

  “I was told to be by the stage and they’ll come get us when he’s ready,” Brady says.

  “Ok thanks,” the girl says.

  She’s eyeing up our men and it makes me pissed. She can’t be more than 23, short blonde hair, a pair of jeans that look painted on and a hot pink halter top that her tits are too big for. I roll my eyes at her and Rachel notices it too.

  I wrap my arms around Eric’s waist and he holds me “You ok,” he asks.

  “Yep just claiming what’s mine so big tits doesn’t get any ideas!”

  Eric starts choking on his beer, “The shit that comes out of your mouth some days blows my mind,” he laughs.

  “You say that like it’s a bad thing!”

  “Not at all, just throws me off guard sometimes,” he laughs.

  We hang out for another hour when someone from Luke Bryan’s team comes and gets us. There are ten other people. These girls are barely dressed. “I feel overdressed,” Rachel says.

  “Right? I was just thinking that,” I say with a small laugh.

  I can’t get over how these girls dress. I mean come on, you’re in public not at a strip club!

  We go behind the stage to a tent where there’s a large table and some chairs.

  My stomach is doing flips and dives. I cannot believe I’m going to meet Luke Bryan. Ughhh! Rachel looks over at me and she can tell I’m getting nervous.

  “Breathe Kat. It’s going to be freaking amazing!”

  “I know, but fuck!” We both start to laugh and we hear a couple of girls behind us start screaming.

  “Seriously,” I snap! I look to my right and see him walk into the tent.

  “Mother of fucking god! He’s hotter in person. I wonder if Brady will let me have a free pass tonight!”

  “Rachel,” I say and smack her arm. Eric wraps his arms around my waist.

  “Breathe baby...” he says in my ear.

  “I am, and thank you. This is already perfect,” I say.

  “You haven’t even met him yet.”

  “Doesn’t matter, you’ve made me happier than I’ve ever been.” He kisses me on top of the head.

  We line up at the end of the line. Luke talks to everyone and takes a little time signing and having his picture taken.

  I see Rachel start to freak out and it’s hilarious. She and Brady are having their photo taken and she yells out, “I need a picture with my sister!” Luke laughs and invites me over.

  After the picture has been taken, he signs my phone case, a hat and a t-shirt that Eric bought for me. After more photos with Eric and me, he thanks us for coming out and supporting him. He’s such a gentleman. We hang around for another 5 minutes when in walks Florida Georgia Line, who we all get to meet and more photos are taken.

  “Holy Fuck,” Rachel shouts “I can’t believe our guys did this. They know they’ve just won about five get out of the dog house cards, right,” she laughs.

  “Just five? Fuck that, Eric’s won about ten!”

  Rachel laughs, “You say that now!”

  This night is already the most memorable!

  “Well should we go find our seats,” Eric asks.

  “Yeah, I’m ready to go sit down,” I say.

  Brady and Rachel agree. We find our seats and the guys go get more drinks for us. “You ok,” Rachel asks.

  “Perfect,” I smile.

  The guys got us more drinks and we sit in our seats waiting for the concert to start. No one mentioned anything about Dean getting out. Thank god, because I cannot think about that right now. All I want to do is enjoy this night and be free.

  The concert was amazing, I haven’t had this much fun in a long time. Florida Georgia line did not let us down and neither did Luke Bryan.

  Eric and I danced during a few songs, and Rachel and I shook our asses for most of Luke’s songs. I didn’t have a care in the world. I was living in the moment with my best friend/soul sister, her husband and the man that I’ve waited forever to have in my life.

  My life at this very moment, with the exception of Ava not being here, was perfect. I’m hoping I can keep this attitude up for tomorrow, but I’m not sure I’ll be able too. I know it will be on everyone’s mind and I’m sure sooner or later something will be said.

  The ride home was pretty quiet. Brady and Rachel sat in the back seat. Eric held my hand all the way home, squeezing it from time to time or kissing it. There was a look in his eyes tonight that I’ve never seen before. Not sure what it was, but when I look into his eyes I get butterflies. I know for a fact that I am in love with him more than I thought I could ever be. Even after all the bullshit from the past, I forgive him and I want to move forward. I’m actually shocked that with all the yelling and me being a total bitch to him, he still wants to be around me. He’s proven over and over he’s here for good and I couldn’t be happier.

  “Hey sis, what time do you want us over tomorrow?” Rachel asks.

  “Um I don’t know. What time did we tell everyone?”

  “We told everyone between noon and two until whenever and to bring tents if they don’t feel like driving.”

  “Want to be over at ten, or just call or text in the morning?”

  “Ok, mind
if we crash at your place tomorrow?”

  “Hell no, you guys can have the spare room.”

  “Awesome. Ava’s going to be there tomorrow right?”

  “Yes she is. I am not spending the first fourth of July without both of my girls,” Eric speaks up. I smile from ear to ear. Hearing him call us his girls makes my heart so happy. I fucking love him so damn much.

  “Awe, Eric you can be such a mushy pussy,” Brady says laughing.

  “Fuck off ass hole,” Eric snaps.

  I see Rachel elbow Brady, “You could take some lessons from him you know. Would it kill you to be just a little like Eric?”

  “Whatever, you know I am,” Brady says.

  “Alright you three knock your shit off” I scold.

  Eric pulls into my driveway and parks in the garage and we all get out. “Well sis, I am going to take crab ass home and we will see you guys in a few hours,” Rachel says hugging me.

  Brady and Eric are talking but almost in a whisper.

  “Ok, I’m going to go pass out. I am so tired right now.”

  “Ok. I’ll text you when we get up and we’ll head over.”

  “Alright; good night Brady,” I say to him and he walks over and gives me a hug.

  “Sorry I was a dick earlier. Just not use to macho boy being all mushy and shit,” he says.

  “Its fine, but I kind of like the new Eric. I finally know how he feels and what he’s thinking. It’s helped me trust him.”

  “I know and that’s why I won’t be giving him shit anymore. I see it now. I’m sorry.”

  “No biggie. We’ll see you guys in a few hours,” I smile.

  “Ok, love ya!”

  “Love ya too!”

  Rachel gives Eric a hug and says something to him.

  “You ready to go inside babe,” he asks as they leave.

  “Yes, and crawl into bed and pass out,” I mumble.

  Eric and I walk into the house, and he locks the doors and sets the alarms. “Do we need to do anything for the party before morning?”

  “Um shit, not sure,” I say. I open the refrigerator and check to make sure the gummy bears are there. “Nope we are good. I couldn’t remember if I put the gummy bears in there, but they are and they’re getting nice and fat from the vodka.”

  “I’ve never heard of doing that.”

  “It’s awesome, it’s better than Jell-O Shots”

  “Can I try one?”

  “Go for it!”

  He pops one in his mouth, “Fuck, these are good.”

  “Careful, they will fuck you up quickly, but I have plenty.” He pops a couple more in his mouth. Guess someone likes my drunken Gummy Bears. “I’m going to bed,” I say walking down the hallway and into my room.

  I get into my room and he’s behind me wrapping his arms around my waist, “Can I help you with your zipper again,” he asks.

  “Please...” I whisper.

  He unzips my dress and it falls to the floor. “You are so beautiful,” he says against my neck and it sends shivers down my spine. I turn around to face him. I start to unbutton his shirt and take it off.

  He lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. He carries me to the bed and gently lays me down. He takes off my boots and walks over to the dresser. He gets one of his shirts. “Baby as much as I want to make love to you again, you can barely keep your eyes open. Here, put on my shirt and let’s go to bed,” he says handing me the shirt.

  I pout for a little bit while I put on his shirt.

  “Ok, but you have to make up for it a few times tomorrow then.”

  “Whatever you want.”

  “You and only you...” I say softly.

  I’m not sure he heard me. I crawl onto my side of the bed, while he’s in the other room getting his pajamas. He comes in and turns off the lights and crawls into the bed next to me. Tonight he’s lying behind me, my back pressed into his chest.

  I turn around a little, “Good night Eric, thank you for the most amazing night,” I say to him.

  He leans over and kisses me, “It was my pleasure Katie.”

  I roll back over and start to fall asleep.

  “I love you Katie,” he says to me.

  Shit, do I act like I didn’t hear it or do I say it back? Fuck what should I do? “I love you too Eric,” I say softly. I know he heard me because he pressed me tighter into his chest. This should be interesting in the morning.

  I wake up in a panic. I could have sworn I heard Dean’s voice and he was standing over me. I look over and see Eric’s not there. Fuck, I start to panic then look over at the clock and it’s nine in the morning. I take a deep breath. “It wasn’t Dean. He wasn’t here,” I say out loud. I get out of bed and quietly walk out of my room, being careful not to make any noises. I know it was a nightmare, but I’m not totally sure.

  I creep down the hallway and stand at the end near the kitchen and living room. I don’t see Eric in the kitchen or living room. Fuck, where is he? I start to panic again. I walk over to the living room window and look out to see if his truck in still here and it is. Ok I can breathe a little bit, but really where is he?

  Walking into the kitchen I stand near the back door and look out, he’s on the phone with someone. I see that the coffee is made and I get a cup and look at the calendar. The 5th is just screaming at me. Fuck, maybe today was a bad idea. Maybe I should just be alone, figure out how I’m going to deal with tomorrow and the rest of my life waiting for him to pounce. I wish I knew what the fuck Dean was thinking. I’m sipping my coffee and in my own little world, lost in my thoughts, when Eric comes in. “Morning,” I say quietly.

  “You sleep ok,” he asks.

  “Yeah but, I woke up feeling like someone was smothering me,” I say.

  He turns me around and wraps his arms around me, “I’m sorry, I was letting you sleep in for a little bit.”

  “Not your fault. How were you supposed to know I was going to have a nightmare?”

  “You had a couple of them last night. You never woke up; you were just tossing and turning, telling whoever it was to leave us alone.”

  Fuck, here they come. That fucker is getting into my fucking head. “Sorry, if it ever gets too much, you can sleep in the other room. I’d totally understand.”

  “Never going to happen. Try and push all you want, it’s not going to happen Katie.”

  “I’m going to go shower, I’ll be out in a little bit and then I’m going to call my dad to bring Ava home.”

  “She’ll be here in an hour. I was talking to your dad outside. He called to see what time he could bring her home. Did you know your dad is bringing a lady friend today?”

  “Shut up?! He is?”


  “How the hell do you know all of this and I don’t?” I snap. “I guess you have everything taken care of, so I’m going to go shower.” I turn on my heel and walk away, feeling.... I don’t know how I feel. I feel out of control and I need control at the moment. I go into the bathroom, lock the door and turn the shower on. I wouldn’t usually lock the door but I just need some time, some time on my own to think about what is going on. Getting into the shower I put my head on the tile and close my eyes, giving myself a pep talk, “You’ve got to get it together Katie, stop letting your guard down. You need to stay in bitch mode.”

  “Katie, are you ok,” I hear Eric ask.

  “Yes, just give me some space right now alright,” I snap.

  “I’m sorry,” he says.

  Fuck! You told him you love him last night and now you’re being a bitch. Fuck it, he’ll either understand or not. Either way, I have to focus. After about forty five minutes in the shower, I decide to get out. Wrapping a towel around my hair and drying off, I put on my terry cloth bathrobe and open the bathroom door.

  Eric is sitting at the foot of the bed watching the door. “Are we ok?” he says quietly.

  “Yeah we’re fine; or at least I think we are.”

  “Ok, I just want to make sur

  “Eric we’re fine. I just...” I stumble on my words. “Since you’ve been back I’ve let my guard down. I feel vulnerable and I don’t want to feel like that,” I try to explain to him that I was this tough, don’t take shit, don’t feel emotion person, then he walks back in and all of a sudden I feel happy, loved, like I’m free. “I’m scared Eric,” I start to shake and tears flood my eyes.

  “I know you’re scared, and honestly Katie, I am too. I don’t know who he is but I know what he’s done and right now, I want to quit my job, grab you and Ava, and take you far away from this place, but I know you want to stay here to fight the fight, but will you let me be here, will you lean on me when you need to?”

  At this point I’m almost sobbing. “I’m going to need you Eric. I love you so fucking much, but right now I’m so scared that if he can’t get me, he’ll take you or Ava away from me and I can’t have that. I’ve waited so long for you to be in my life and now that I have you, he’s going to take this away.”

  Eric stands up, walks over and wraps me up in his arms, “I’m not going anywhere. No one will tear us apart. I’ve waited a long time to for this too and I should have told you the night of graduation, but I couldn’t. Katie I love you, I’ve loved you since I met you in the seventh grade and we were paired up to be duet partners in chorus. You’ve had my heart all these years. I’ve just been a damn fool not telling you.”

  Holy fuck! Did he just tell me this shit? Seriously, I’m going to faint. He’s loved me since seventh grade? God, I was so dorky and awkward with my glasses and braces. Wow.

  “I’m sorry,” I say quietly.

  “For what?”

  “For going all crazy and shit.”

  “Don’t worry about it. All I care is that you know how I feel about you.”

  “I do Eric, I do.”

  “Good, now get dressed. Rachel and Brady said they’ll be over in an hour.”

  “Alright,” I say and he walks out of the room.

  I go to my dresser and get out a pair of denim shorts, a red spaghetti strap tank top layering a black razor back over it. Heading for the kitchen, I don’t see Eric anywhere and I take a peak outside to find him and my dad outside talking. I walk out, “Mommy,” I hear a sweet voice shout. Ava is sitting on Eric’s lap and notices me right away. She gets out of his lap and comes flying into my arms for a big hug. Wrapping my arms around her and squeezing her tight I say, “I missed you baby girl.”


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