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The Tower: A Novel

Page 108

by Uwe Tellkamp

  ‘NIP’, STAFF SERGEANT EMMERICH: professional soldier, responsible for the conscripts

  ‘PANCAKE’, STEFFEN KRETZSCHMAR: conscript, imprisoned with Christian

  PHILIPP LONDONER: son of Jochen, academic, economist

  REDLICH, JOSEF: editor at Dresdner Edition

  REGINE NEUBERT: friend of the Hoffmans whose husband, Jürgen, has fled to the West

  REGLINDE TIETZE: daughter of Niklas and Gudrun

  REINA KOSSMANN: classmate of Christian

  RICHARD HOFFMANN: surgeon; Christian’s father (Anne’s husband)

  RITSCHEL: technician in Arbogast’s institute

  ROGALLA, STEFFEN: conscript, corporal

  RUDEN, JOHANNES: conscript, corporal

  SANDOR HOFFMANN: from Ecuador, husband of Alice; Christian’s ‘uncle’ (Richard’s cousin)

  SCHADE, PAUL: writer, Party hack

  SCHANETT: truck driver at open-cast mine, lives on a farm

  SCHEFFLER: rector of Medical Academy

  SCHIFFNER, HEINZ: publisher at Dresdner Edition

  SCHMÜCKE, NINA: neighbour of Josta, artist, later political activist

  SIEGBERT GÜGER: classmate of Christian

  SPERBER: lawyer

  STAHL, GERHART: husband of Sabine, engineer, lives in same house as Meno

  STAHL, SABINE: wife of Gerhart

  STENZEL SISTERS: three former circus bareback riders, live in the same house as Christian

  SVETLANA LEHMANN: classmate of Christian, committed communist

  TEERWAGEN, PROFESSOR: physicist, lives with his wife in ‘Tower’ district

  ULRICH ROHDE: Barbara’s husband, Christian’s uncle, managing director of a state-owned company

  VERENA WINKLER: classmate of Christian

  WENIGER, MANFRED: gynaecologist, friend of Richard Hoffmann from their student days

  WERNSTEIN: junior doctor in trauma clinic, marries Ina Rohde

  ZSCHUNKE, FRAU: greengrocer in ‘Tower’ district


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  First published in German as Der Turm: Geschichte aus einem versunkenem Land. Roman by Suhrkamp Verlag 2008

  This translation first published 2014

  This edition first published 2014 by Allen Lane with Frisch & Co.

  Copyright © Suhrkamp Verlag Frankfurt am Main, 2008

  Translation copyright © Mike Mitchell, 2014

  The translation of this work was supported by a grant from the Goethe-Institut which is funded by the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

  The moral right of the author and translator has been asserted

  Cover illustration © Eri Griffin

  All rights reserved

  ISBN: 978-0-241-00490-6




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