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Page 16

by Schroeder, Melissa

  “Hey,” she says with a smile. It’s infectious and I return it.


  Then she leans down and takes my mouth in the hottest, most insane kiss I’ve ever had. She sucks on my tongue, hard, and I can feel it all the way down to my dick. Then, she kisses a path back down to my cock, but she bypasses it and, instead, leans down to lick my sac.

  Oh, fuck me. She takes my cock in her hand, pumping me as she continues to lick and suck my balls. Precum seeps out and I feel the first tremors signaling my orgasm approaching. I don’t want to come like this. I want to be inside of her, feel her muscles clamping down on me, but right now, I understand this is her show. So, I lay there, fisting my hands in her comforter. Just as I think I will lose it, she pulls back. I force my eyes open and find her smiling at me. She leans over and grabs a condom from the drawer, rips it open, and rolls it down my length. I pulse in her hand and she moans.

  “So, good,” she says, but I’m not sure she realizes that she said it out loud. She slips up to straddle my hips again. Taking me in one hand, she slides down on my cock, inch by inch, slowly. Once I’m finally all of the way inside her, she sighs, the sound a balm to my soul. I need this more than I thought I did, this connection. In this, she will always open herself to me. She begins to ride me, tipping her head back and moaning as she finds a good rhythm. Her muscles squeeze me each time she descends, as she grinds her pussy against me. She uses her legs to ride me, raising her hands over her head. Fuck, she is glorious. Sexy, confident, and all woman. She’s hot and wet and, good lord, I love the way her tiny muscles seem to pulse around me every time I’m inside of her.

  I slip my hands up to her waist, only she bats them away, leaning over me. As she increases her pace, she adds a little swivel and I feel my balls draw tight. I want to come, need it on some level even I don’t understand, but she isn’t going fast enough, and I know she isn’t close. I want her there with me.

  I roll us over the bed, keeping myself deep inside of her. Then, I take her hips into my hands, rise to my knees, and start thrusting, hard, fast, deep. She’s close, I can feel it, but not quite there.

  “Touch yourself, Elliana. Make yourself come. Let me watch.”

  Her mouth opens slightly as her eyes darken. She does as I ask, pressing her fingers against her clit. Oh, fuck.

  “That’s so fucking sexy,” I say, barely able to speak. It is taking every bit of my control not to just blow my load. Her tits are bouncing with each of my thrusts, the headboard slapping against the wall. But soon, she is coming apart as she screams my name.

  I follow her, my orgasm ripping through me as her pussy clamps down tight on my dick. I swell and then finally, I am coming. The power of my orgasm leaves me weak and I feel a bit lightheaded, but I don’t care. Right now, it is the best feeling in the world. Moments later, I lower myself on the bed beside her. The heavy scent of sex fills the air around us, there is also a hint of jasmine, a scent I will always associate with EJ.

  “Damn,” EJ says and I smile.

  “My sentiments exactly. Maybe you should have a ladies’ night out more often.”

  There’s a beat of silence, and I think I might have just crossed over a line that I shouldn’t have. Instead, she starts to chuckle, low, sexy, and so much like her. She’s still laughing when I raise up to my elbow. I brush her hair away from her face, enjoying her beauty. She knows how to wear makeup, how to dress, but this is how I like her. Wet from sex, her face flushed from her last orgasm, and happy. She’s amazing.

  “What?” she asks.

  “Nothing, just thinking that you’re beautiful.”

  She rolls her eyes and starts to move away from me, instead of letting her go like I usually do, I slip my hand over and tug her closer.

  “I know I’m attractive, Harry.”

  “Of course you do, but I’m not sure you understand just what I am trying to tell you.”

  “I get it.”

  “Do you?”

  “We’re in bed and we’re naked.”

  I shake my head and lower my mouth to hers. Instead of kissing her, I nibble on her lower lip. Delectable.

  “It’s more than just sex.”

  “What do you mean?”

  She’s back to being wary, and maybe she should be. The depth of my feelings is amazing, even to me. I can’t seem to make myself not think about her throughout the day, and in times like this, my heart almost explodes. I can’t tell her because she’ll run the other direction, but right now, I need to keep it to myself. I can give her my words though, the simple truth of how I see her.

  “You’re an amazing woman. Beautiful, yes, but that’s only part of what attracts me to you.”


  I nod, swallowing the words I really want to say because I don’t want to freak her out.

  “You’re strong and smart and when you come, you are so amazing. I love hearing your moans, seeing the way your skin flushes…all of it.” I lift my hand and skim it up her stomach to palm one of her breasts. “Your body is amazing, but it’s the entire package, the brain, the body, and your heart. You’re kind and funny, and I can’t think of another person I would want to spend time with. You. Are. Fucking. Amazing.”

  She looks at me, her gaze racking over my expression. Then slowly, her mouth curves, her eyes shimmer with tears.

  “Thank you, Harry. That’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.”

  Has no one ever told this woman just how wonderful she is? Allison is always saying how much she loves her, but maybe intimate relationships don’t go anywhere because the dumbasses don’t realize the treasure they had. Well, too bad losers. I have her now and there is no likelihood I’ll let anyone get a chance with her.

  “It’s all true,” I say leaning down and kissing her nose. “Now, how about a shower?”

  “Not a shower. How about a bath together?”

  An offer. She has never really pushed for these quiet moments and I know why she doesn’t. She’s always trying to keep a barrier between us, but I’ve been working at it for the last couple weeks. One way or another, I plan on tearing down that fucking wall she’s built to keep her relationships from getting too emotionally intimate. This is one step in the right direction.

  “That sounds fantastic.”

  She takes my hand and I let her lead me into her bathroom. It’s a small gesture, but I’m not about to complain. I’ll take her any way I can get her.

  Chapter Twenty

  A flutter of light dances across my face the next morning, pulling me from an amazing night of sleep. I can tell that it was a good night of sleep because I feel as if I have slept for three days. I blink, trying to wake up, and look in the bed beside me. Harry isn’t here. I try not to let my disappointment hurt me, but…dammit, I really like waking up with him. I like to snuggle with him. The man is big all over, and when he wraps his arms around me, I feel so precious.

  I drag myself out of bed and into the bathroom. After relieving myself and brushing my teeth, I grab my kimono and wrap it around me. I might be completely naked under it, but I’m alone and who cares? I look at myself in the mirror and frown. My hair is messier than normal, but I did get my makeup off my face last night. When I drink, I tend to forget things like that, but at least I don’t drink that much anymore.

  I walk out into the kitchen and find Harry, partially dressed. I blink. He doesn’t notice me at first, so I just stand there looking at him because, well, he’s Harry and he’s sexy. His hair is a bit of a mess and he’s wearing the same clothes he wore last night. Or at least…yeah, those are the same clothes. I wasn’t that drunk by the time we got home and I…

  Oh, good Lord. I attacked him like a fucking shebear in heat. He glances over and smiles at me. Just that simple smile and I swear the earth moves, birds come out singing, and my entire world feels brighter. Gawd. He’s wearing his slacks from last night and that’s it. Damn, shirtless Harry is very, very sexy.

  “Hey, get back in bed,
” he says. I can smell the coffee, but I can’t see what he’s working on.

  “I don’t want to go back to bed now that I’m up.” That’s kind of a lie. I want to go pretend that I don’t have to go into work today. I want to not be an adult and sleep off this fuzzy feeling in my head.

  He sighs. “You can never do what I expect of you.”

  I settle my hands on my hips. “And just what did you expect me to do?”

  “Stay in bed and relax, since I know you plan on going in late today.”

  I frown. “How do you know that?”

  “I texted Jeanine to make sure she knew that you might be a little late.”

  I open my mouth to say something, but then I snap it shut. I know Harry isn’t trying to control me. He knows I would never leave Jeanine out in the cold, and he just wanted to make sure to let her know. Normally, it would irritate me, but I know he was just trying to help.

  “Now, I have a surprise for you, and I want you to go back to bed.”

  “I need coffee.”

  I can smell it and it is cruel and unusual punishment to smell it and not be able to drink it.

  “I’ll take care of it,” he says.

  I want to argue, but this seems important to him, so I do as he asks. It’s the least I can do since I used him like a toy last night. Not that he complained. In fact, I remember that he really enjoyed it. Including that little bath afterwards. That had been sweet and fun. Just laying together in the tub, the steam rising off the water, and talking about nothing important. It was one of the best experiences of my life.

  “Get comfy,” he calls out to me as I hear his footsteps drawing closer. I do as he asks, slipping out of my robe and grabbing a nightshirt I had on the back of my chair. I slide beneath the covers and prop a bunch of pillows behind me. He walks in holding a tray filled with all kinds of food. He even included a single rose.

  “What’s this?” I ask as he sets the tray down on the mattress.


  There’s fresh fruit along with some croissants, cheeses, and little shaped butter pieces. There’s a mug filled with coffee, doctored just the way I like, lots of cream. I blink and am amazed that the tray is still there.

  “Wow. Where did you get this?”

  “There’s a place nearby that delivers on one of those apps, so I ordered it up for you.”

  I don’t know what to say about that. He…well, this is just not something I expect from a man. I feel something tickle the back of my throat and realize I’m close to crying. Again. I remember most of last night and all of it is embarrassing, except the sex. That was good, but…still. I don’t like doing things like that in front of guys.

  “EJ, are you okay?”

  I don’t look up, but I nod. The vision in front of me wavers, and I realize that I am crying. This is the worst. I don’t like to expose myself to him…to any man. Showing your soft underbelly is never a good idea. At some point, they always use something like this to their advantage. Harry slips a hand beneath my chin and gently urges me to look up.

  “Why are you crying, love?” His gentle voice is not helping at all. In fact, it makes it worse and a fresh set of tears fill my eyes. I’m barely holding back the sob that seems to vibrate in my throat.

  I shake my head and try to gain some control over my emotions. He inches closer and cups my face, using his thumbs to brush away the tears that are now streaming down my face. Confusion fills his expression and I want to turn away. What the hell is actually wrong with me? He just brought me breakfast and made it special. That’s it. No big deal. But…I can’t seem to stop the tears or the way it makes me feel.

  “Come on, Elliana, tell me. I can’t fix it if you don’t tell me what is going on.”

  “There’s nothing to fix.” Except my heart. It’s breaking open and he’s slipping in filling it with insane notions. Pretty soon, I’ll be doing things like planning vacations with him. That is just too…okay, that sounds pretty wonderful. But, doing that means planning a relationship, and that is not something I do. Ever. It’s too much.

  “Then why are you crying?”

  “I…” I draw in a deep breath, then raise my gaze to his. “I’ve never had a guy do this kind of thing for me.”

  It was true. Partly. Okay, it is only a little bit of the reason I am crying. More of it is my feelings about him, about us. Still, you can’t expect me to expose my feelings to him. Hello. Have you been paying attention?

  “Oh, well, then you’ve been hanging out with the wrong men.”

  I nod, but I don’t think it’s that. In the past, I’ve always kept a strict lock on my heart. Until Harry. Until he told me how he felt, how he wanted me still, and he started using some kind of love voodoo on my lock and clicking it open.

  “Thank you,” I say. Simple but…I know he appreciates it when he smiles, that smile that gives me a flash of white teeth and his eyes crinkle. I lean forward and kiss him…again simple, no tongue, no insanity. Just…sweet. It warms me from my toes to the tip of my head, and leaves my heart filled with happiness. And it almost ruins me. When I pull back, Harry smiles again.

  “You’re welcome. I forgot to grab some napkins. Be right back.” He hurries away and I feel bereft, as if I am in uncharted territory. I’m like freaking Tom Hanks when he’s trying to escape that dumb island. I don’t know where I am going or if I am going to make it. But for the first time in my life, I’m willing to take a chance.

  Just don’t expect me to talk to a damned ball.

  I draw in a deep breath, then let it out slowly. Once I have my emotions under control, I pick up the coffee and sip at it just as Harry walks into the bedroom. He sets the napkins down on the tray and I notice he has a mug of coffee too.

  “Did I get it right?” he asks.

  I smile at him. “Yeah, you did. Thank you.”

  “No problem.”

  “No, really, thank you. It’s really sweet.”

  His cheeks turn ruddy and I know I embarrassed him.

  “Please tell me you are going to shuck off those pants and join me here in bed.”

  “Of course,” he says. It only takes him a few seconds. After he settles beside me, he asks, “What are you waiting for?”

  “I thought maybe I would feed you some of this croissant.”

  His lips curve. “I wouldn’t say no to that.”

  And just like that, we spend the morning being a little lazy and decadent, sipping coffee and enjoying breakfast.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  It’s been a few days since Ed and I crashed EJ’s girl night with Allison and Savannah. I thought it might cause us some issues, but since that night, I feel closer to her than I have in a long time. Actually ever.

  There’s an easiness between us, one that seems to cool my nerves. The jolt of awareness is still there, that craving that I can only quench with her, but I don’t feel as needy. We spend so much time at each other’s apartments it’s insane. Like, maybe we shouldn’t be paying rent on both places’ kind of insane. Now that I’ve accepted that we are exclusive and actually boyfriend and girlfriend, I don’t want to push it. I still feel a little unsteady with EJ, but the balance is better than it was before that night. I know it will work out if I just take it easy and try to keep on task.

  It’s Sunday and I coaxed her into staying over last night. I don’t know why she has an issue with staying over at my apartment, but she does. She says she likes it better than her own apartment, but I always feel like I’m trying to convince her to stay. I get back from a run and find her right where I left her. In my bed, wearing one of my shirts, and a coffee cup in her hand. She looks…perfect. It’s as if she has always been here, a part of my life. Forever.

  Whoa there, Bradley. What the fuck kind of thought was that? Forever, like with rings and kids and…well, shit.

  “Harry, are you okay?”

  I blink trying to get my mind back on the subject at hand. “Yeah, just need a shower.”

  She smi
les. “I’ll be waiting.”

  I say nothing as I step into the bathroom and turn on the water. One of the things I love about this place is the seamless shower. There’s a great garden tub—we’ve used it a couple times, but the shower is so amazing. I step under the heated water and try to get my mind wrapped around the ideas I just had bouncing around in my head. I mean, what the actual fuck? I know that I want to get married someday. I also know I’m in love with EJ. I have been for a while. That doesn’t scare me. I’ve been in love before, although not this head in the clouds kind of reaction. She makes me lose all common sense. It’s not something I’m used to.

  I soap up and start cleaning off the sweat of my workout and think through our relationship. Yep, I’m calling it that, even though I know that EJ doesn’t like to define it. It probably doesn’t matter because I truly want this woman for the rest of my life. That thought stuns me, although it shouldn’t. I thought that maybe after I’d had her under me a few times, I might lose this crazy need for her. Amazingly, that did not happen. If anything, every time we make love, I end up wanting more. I actually feel like I’m jonesing for a taste. I keep it all under wraps because I know I’ll freak her out.

  So, what does that mean? I’m in love with her.

  Yeah, as I said, I knew that, but this is…fuck. When I think of forever now, I think of EJ—not just some faceless woman. I want it to be EJ, need it to be her. I want to have a couple of kids—one just has to be a little redheaded girl—and I want her by my side all the time. Forever.

  Good lord. This is a mess. I shouldn’t be thinking this because the moment she sees my face, she’ll know. But, as I think about marrying EJ, loving her for the rest of our lives, I don’t feel the panic I normally do when I sometimes think about it. No. This is different. Instead, I want her there and only her. I need her.

  And to prove my point, thinking about forever with EJ has my dick harder than a spike. I rinse off and then step out of the shower, drying off as carefully as I can with the hard-on to end all hard-ons having made an appearance. I walk out into my bedroom and EJ is laying with her back to me. Her hair is a tangle of curls against my white sheets and she’s still wearing my T-shirt. Her body is relaxed…and yeah, I want her. Fuck, I think I’ll be thinking of her with my last dying breath.


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